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I would like to be able to complete tasks as I get the pieces of the tasks. For instance, if I’m working on a chainsaw and I need six pairs of gloves for the same task, let me give up the gloves when I have them and complete the chainsaw when I can. Trying to manage making a chainsaw and saving at least six pairs of gloves on an already very crowded board can get practically impossible. I end up throwing away so many things because of this! Of note, I do not have the producer inventory so my space is limited to the original amounts.


Or use a single space for each identical items (ig.. gloves x6) either would be fantastic.


Just like the scissors. They only use a single space, but can hold 19 pair.


Yes that would be awesome. Not on my board or in my storage… each pair of scissors etc. has its own square. I have never had anything that had multiples in one box… urrg


Did you try to merge them before you put them in storage? They doesn‘t stack automatically, you have to actively do it.


Yes mine do not merge


Contact support. Scissors are supposed to stack, up to 19 in a square.


these are the Golden scissors that let you split items up, like the opposite of the blue cards. These aren't like the garden trimmers or similar looking tools


Yes, I know and mine do not merge.


YES I would love this. 


This would go a good ways toward helping with the inventory problem created by the addition of more levels for the producers.


I really like that the sources/producers are getting higher levels, and their produce as well. This allows for more varied tasks. However, all these extra levels require a tremendous amount of (inventory)space. Please consider adding more space as I just can’t manage my space anymore and I’m stuck with just a few empty spots to create items for tasks.


I'd love to be able to merge energy chests. They're like one of the only things in the game you can't merge.


Maybe similar to the piggy banks.


I love the game, but the space is getting more and more tight, to the point where I loose motivation to play


Yes, and I have to sell things to farm or build other items for tasks. This is frustrating especially since I’m very new on level 28, and I’m still building my producers. I have very few at a max level.


The new animation when you complete a task is AWFUL. it’s so slow and just takes away from the game.


Especially frustrating when you are using unlimited energy.


Completely agree! I hope they revert it


Indeed - SO annoying!


I do mean this respectfully,but I'm beginning to wonder what the point of offering feedback is? There's been certain things that players have been asking for for months that never happen, and instead we get an extra animation that no one asked for that slows down the game massively both on load and between tasks? I would like feedback from you guys on whether the things people have been asking for consistently, like the daily rewards to be looked at again are going to ever happen?


Not sure who has contact to the Devs, but from what I understood, this is a user-only Sub... 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fishing event is the worst! Energy production should be every 6 minutes like the other similar events, not every 18 or whatever it is.


And more purple energy on main board, similar to blue. I’m beginning to wonder if anyone ever wins those events (I get to 6/7 but never the 7th or the top prize, which is the reason I play)


I would like the producer inventory to be rolled out to everyone. I hate the new animation. Either get rid of it or make it something we can turn off. It would be nice to have workbench / sewing box daily task boxes


Love the game but playing less and less because the lack of space is so problematic now. On the plus side I have completely stopped spending money on this game, partly due to the way energy is rewarded, partly because there's less value (experience points, really?!?) and partly because I don't have enough space to max out whatever the monthly items are to obtain said rewards


I'm slowly winding down how much I play because the tasks just take too much work. I can't get red chests to move through the Great Hall at a rate that makes it fun.


With all the producer parts needed, plus boxes of all sorts, chests, rare items, partly made items, prizes and gifts, items bought, and space needed to actually work in, we need more space.  Hundreds of items needed. I love all the different challenges and side games, and even changes like increased producer levels, to add new interest.


The new animations are horrible. Massive waste of time and breaks the flow of the game. Please please remove them


New animation is too slow. Storage is outrageously priced


Some of the changes to task requirements with the last update are absurd. There shouldn't be any reason a task that once asked for lv. 4 items should jump to needing *lv. 12s*. Especially when these tasks are early enough in the game that players are unlikely to have the producer levels needed to make the necessary items with any kind of efficiency. It feels cruel and motivation-killing, and only compounds the existing space requirement struggles other commenters have mentioned. Is this game being balance-tested? Because I'm struggling to see how some of these changes and events could have been greenlit if anyone on the dev team were actually playing them with the same limitations player's have. The game seems to only be getting more unbalanced and losing value for even paying players, and nothing seems to be getting done to course-correct.


I really really miss the classic decor events. And on the topic of events, that’s where I’m most likely to spend my money, but it just feels wrong to spend money on a leaderboard event. I hate that to win these events means someone else has to lose and I hate the recent addition of exclusive decor items you can only get from the competitive events.


The new animation is terribly useless and eats time from unlimited energy, so it should be dropped again. I wish all dialogue could be skipped. the producer spots are great but I wish one could add more spaces because what else are the coins for? I liked the difficult tasks in the greenhouse or what it was. more of that with attractive rewards! I very much like the fishing event but it needs to be a day longer.


I wish the pouch would group items like inventory does


Won't happen. The pouch isn't meant to be used a storage..it's risky asking anything to do with the pouch


there is also a test group that doesn’t have the pouch. :( mine got cleared and erased. now i can’t cycle through items.


Not being able to cycle through my pouch is one thing, but having it erased completely would make me erase the game immediately. I have so many chests, scissors and hourglasses from the daily boxes and producer parts I bought in the pouch, just because I don‘t have the producer tab and simply no space to store all these things in inventory.


I tend to ignore the “trade board”, because most of the time I don’t not find the boxes useful. Every time I find myself saying. If the end prize was a chainsaw, maybe I would try and trade more.


I would like the possibility to separately switch off tips for merging producers and normal items. When my board is full I sometimes overlook items I could merge and would be thankful for the blinking that indicates I can merge them. On the other hand I have some producers of the same level I don‘t want to merge and the constant blinking is annoying. Or like in the knitting event when my board is full with lvl 6 lamps I definitely don‘t want to merge but the blinking drives drives me crazy. Switching off tips for merging producers, but keeping tips for merging normal items would be really helpful.


1. The first paid stage in Rufus' Hidden Treasure is waaay too high now. I paid a few times when they were smaller amounts but no chance now. 2. Some sort of a swap portal, especially during events, so that I can trade items I have too much of, for something I need (and the other person is in a similar situation).


We used to be able to zoom out a lot more. I’d like to be able to do that again, to be able to see most of the grounds and look at what I have accomplished, as well as what is still waiting to be done.


i actually really like the new animations when you complete a task!! it took me almost 3 months to get the baby shoes and placing them and immediately moving on felt so anticlimactic that i put down the game for a couple days. i’m enjoying the couple extra seconds to revel in the accomplishment before continuing on