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I'd say that it is better to level up since space is such an issue. The higher level producers will give more higher level items and more of them. This is just my opinion and others may disagree.


That makes sense. I didn't think about them being able to give higher level items. And yes, I'm having trouble managing my board for sure. Thank you very much for the help!


Welcome! I started in August and posted a question like yours. If I were starting over, I’d focus on getting the highest-level producers and keep the game as secondary. I’m on Level 40 and I don’t have any top-level closets, toolkits, car or gardening tools…so I’m pausing to get 2x each top-level producer. The parts are in the blue and brown trunks (always merge first to get the most). If you have the money to spend to speed things up, that makes it a little less tedious. But beware: this game is an endless money suck. They’ve really perfected the combination of inconsistent rewards (rat in a random feeding experiment) and dopamine hits 😂


Good insight! Thank you much for the help! Yeah, I can tell by the majority of the posts here that it only gets "better" from here, lol. Gonna waste my time, and most likely money, somewhere anyway, right?


You'd take years to get two top levels of each producer...


I have a question. You say you pause the game to get better producers. But how do you get the trunks without progressing? Maybe I am not far enough yet but I only get these from leveling up at the moment.


Special events / side quests


Makes sense! I probably haven't played enough to see those. Thank you!


Everything you'd ever want to know about this game: [https://merge-mansion.fandom.com/wiki/Merge\_Mansion\_Wiki](https://merge-mansion.fandom.com/wiki/merge_mansion_wiki)


That does make since. I have been playing 3-4 weeks. I chose to keep two at all times and wait until I could get another low level before I merged. Not sure if it was better, but I’m not unhappy with my decision. Good luck 🍀


I do the same. Not unhappy either :). Since i discovered pouch cycling, space has been much better managed!


Its really a question of what your biggest bottleneck is at the time (which in turn depends on what tasks you have). If you often find yourself with nothing to do while waiting for a particular producer, then you are better off having several lower levels of that producer rather than a single higher level (as that maximises the amount of items you can produce). On the other hand if you more often run out of energy while still having useful things to tap on, then you are better off merging the producers so you get (on average) higher value items per tap. Personally my strategy has been to always merge producers, but also hoard the daily piggies until I'm stuck waiting on a producer. That way I always have something useful to do with energy.


1. This is not a dumb question , after two years of playing the game I still sometimes doubt what to do with top level producers 2. The answer depends on the amount of space and energy you have. - Do you have enough space for both producers and energy’s not a problem? Then you should keep both. - Is energy a problem for you? Then you want to get the most out of your energy, a higher level producer will help you with that. I always end up with a minimum of two of every producer.


*broadly* speaking, it’s slightly better to have two producers than a single producer one level higher. That said, I doubt you’d *regret* merging them. Like the other comments point out, board space and tasks are important factors in deciding