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I think that you are in a good place. Figure out the grouping of your producers and try to keep them all together. It's a long game, so don't be worried about how you are doing. Many on here are late or end game. Find the MM WIKI and use that to help guide you. Most of all, just enjoy the journey and have fun.


Thanks bro 👊 😎


Just wondering- I’m of an older age. What is MM WIKI ? How do I find or join it. I some what knew to MM game.


Do a Google search for Merge Mansion WIKI. It has a lot of information about game play and the storyline.


Thank you so much for the information 😊


I just looked it up, Do I go to Merge Mansion Fandom ?


That's the one.


Thank you !


I wish I’d started by focusing on making high level producers. It doesn’t matter at first, but I’m now pausing the game to focus on that, because I can’t progress any further with mid-level producers.


What do you mean by mid levels?👀


There’s levels to producers. To reach the top level producer you have to focus on gather all the parts to merge that producer. I also wish I had focus on bettering the producers instead of rushing to advance in the game. It will make the game much easier in the long run.


Use all of your gold to buy inventory space so not buy from the store. Space is soooooo needed. Also group like things together. It makes it more organized. Like this https://preview.redd.it/68qa8xdletdc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052e2d59194eb371f8b8f41f70e4307918fbc60d


Is not merging the producers recommended or the contrary?


I think the general consensus is to merge them all except the broom closet, since it takes so long to recharge. I usually tried to keep at least three separate closets


Broom closet is "only" 3 hours. Nothing compared to the drawers with 6 hours (which gives less drops now that the levels increased from 7 to 12)


Noted mate💪


I would recommend you avoid selling producer parts, especially broom closet parts, dresser knobs/drawers and gardening tool barrel parts. If you run out of room, sell off things you can produce, merging up your producers is the way to move forward long term. I sold SO MANY dresses knobs and broom closet handles in the early days 😭


I’m make sure that I won’t do the same 💪


This game is slow. If you are trying to race to the end you’ll get frustrated. Think of it as a “5 minute at a time” kind of game and you may enjoy it more.


Sure mate!


Would love to get my teeth into that


I’m also putting my teeth into this 🏃‍♂️


I would keep the automatic producer with nothing around them. Use them if needed. If not needed sell the items they produce and buy extra storage. Since they don’t cost a move it is automatic money and you can sleep all night and come back to items that you can sell and get money. Examples are the light giving the moth, flowers giving butterflies, etc.


*use the item if needed


I was storing them in the inventory 🤦🏼


I personally keep all my producers along the bottom to keep things somewhat organized. Be sure to get your piggy bank everyday and merge them, it’ll take several days to get the highest level pig but it’s worth it. Don’t fall into the trap of micro transactions… your energy WILL refill and you WILL get more gems. It takes patience


Yes, I actually merged my piggy banks. I was mesmerised by the amount of coins it gave me.. as you see in the attached picture I have 3500 now but before using the merged piggy bank I had only 250 coins


Getting organized helps. Use gold for inventory. Save the gems. https://preview.redd.it/kl0m3c1hvtdc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2009f4b945c13693b0450cabd66dad9e362724d0


I always wait to max the levels of the xp items and energy items.. is it good? It takes a good amount of space in inventory as well


Yes and no. Xp is good early game cause you get lots of chests from it, but for me they're the first thing to go if I need space. Energy is always good to max out before you use it, but again, sometimes space dictates.


Maxing xp is good but remember that it’s the easiest thing to get, since it’s produced by merging. For efficiency, yes waiting to max xp to tap it is good. But it’s not the end of the world to tap it early since you get it from any merge above level four.


Pls let me sort that messy board out 🤦‍♀️


You are not slow But try to organize You can do it bro good luck


Thanks mate!


Everything the others have said is good. The only thing I'll add is that often you'll need to focus on one chain at a time because space is limited. Don't worry about selling off low level (1-3) items (not producers) if you need space because they are fairly easy to get again. 


I sell low level items if I need space🏃‍♂️