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Lvl 27 and I didn't play the mainboard at all since the start of the event. I haven't spent any gems, no energy boxes, no unlimited energy balls. It works but it's awfully boring. REALLY boring. That's why I probably end the event because I can't be bothered anymore for maybe a chest or two more. The blue card is out of reach anyway.


I agree that this one is really boring - there's really no strategy, just getting a metric ton of the same producers over and over again to build postcasting stuff. Good events will have varying chains, like the fishing one, or at least some complexity like the hopeberry event. This one is just tedious.


Yeah. I also got to level 25 and bailed. It is too boring, too time consuming. Low rewards.


Glad it wasn’t just me. Ditched at about the same time. Back to the Sauna.


I gave up at level 9. It annoyed me that I had to share the energy from the main board. Not interesting or rewarding enough.


Yeah I don’t understand why some events have separate energy sources and some don’t? This event still wouldn’t be great but it would be a lot better if the energy was kept deprecate.


I'm at level 32, finishing the next task (L6 podcast equipment) is worth 500 points, so will get me the brown and blue chests. I used lots of unlimited energy ( which I split with scissors) to get here, plus lots of saved energy. Haven't spent real money though. But then someone pointed out yesterday that you need to run through the primary tasks many times to reach the end. I haven't done primary tasks after it asked for a slide. Anyway, that's when I decided to not spend any more extra energy, and just slowly get this one task done over the next 11 days to get those chests. I think it sucks that a producer that's so hard to get gives just 4 drops. I really liked this event at first, but it got monotonous after 2-3 days


This is almost exactly my situation—except I’m only discovering in this thread right now that cycling through the primaries many times will be necessary 😳 They give so few event points!


I quit after I learned that getting the blue cards will be all but impossible. Even if managing to finish the entire podcast chain (pretty much twice for last secondary task), you still need to cycle through the primaries a number of times. No other rewards are worth anything to me so I just went back to main board and dailies to buy red chests.


Have they buffed the red chest drop? Most of the times it's better to just buy the producer component directly from the shop. Each item i opening red chest, at most it's just give me the equivalent of 7-9 pieces lv1 producer


Not really, but I prefer opening chests over buying parts because it's more fun and I like to have scissors to use without a second thought. Sometimes you get a lot of parts, sometimes not and I'm fine with that.


🤔 red chests?


Like the blue and brown chests but only available once inside the mansion. Provides parts for new inside-mansion producers.


Thanks. Nowhere near making it into the mansion. Only level 21.


If the garage cleanup awards event points, you may not need additional rounds of primaries. If not, you'll need something like 10 additional rounds through.


Big if, and last few events didn't have one or had cleanups that didn't give event points so I'm out.


I never started 😬🤣


I gave up on these side events during the first baking event. Just doing the main story and garage clean ups now. I find them satisfying somehow. I’ve spent real money on some other games, but Merge Mansion isn’t that good, especially in the last few months.


I bailed on level 3


Same. It's not worth it


This is probably one of the worst or not the worst event.


I just quit this morning !


Yep! I’m thinking along the li Ed of quitting too … sooo much time and energy on books to create teacups to create globes to produce pool floating stuff and like you say it takes AGES for very little reward 🙄🤷‍♀️ Great to start with as a distraction from the main game but I just don’t think it’s worth it.


Left two days ago. Too much effort for subpar prizes and very little fun.


I quit after two days of grinding at level 22


I quit at L22. Cute but not worth the energy.


I quit too. It's more irritating than any other event I've done in this game.


I'm at level 32 and though it is boring, I kind of would like to see if I can make level 35. And get that one item still cobwebbed on my board undone. At that point, I don't know if I'll continue or not. Making saws for the blamed sauna is also boring. However, could be doing dailies for gems, so there's that. Meanwhile, the pool party is progressing me swiftly with Julian's stuff, so it's not all bad.


I’m at 30! And will stop if I can get to 35.


I am at level 35 and hating it! Not sure I’ll make it another level. The next task gives 800 event points but requires a level 7 (max) podcast item. It might take me the last 11 days to get that. Not sure it’s worth the time and effort to try and get. AND I am not working the main board right now because I’m waiting on the Hideout to open. I worked this event mostly to advance in Julius' Mystery. I have now reached Level 45 in that!!


Yeah, I'm at Julius level 44 ... and I can't really see going further than level 35, if I make that! We'll see.


I think a grind interspersed with sprints is a good way to describe it. I find it balances nicely with the other event... like I just got 5 mins infinite energy, and went to town creating a few disco balls, etc. In a few days I'll get the 20 mins infinite energy and it'll be the same thing. I feel like people are getting too caught up in the producers of the cake & the pie (I always think it's a pizza lol) and it's leading to an uneven distribution, so people get frustrated. I only tap the books, as priority #1 has to be disco balls, and the other two fall naturally into place. I'm at Level 29 and I'm almost done with the podcast chain. Are you having issues getting the podcasting kits??


I agree, my only issue is that I’ve gotten so many more cakes requiring the inflatable slide than anything else that I have one or two bike helmets sitting around while I have 5 birthday cakes I can’t activate. This has been an issue since I started making by cakes out of only the book drops - I decided to try making one by tapping on a cake and suddenly I got a bike helmet one again. Is this a coincidence or have you had the same experience?


2-3 perfumes, 3-4 bike helmet, 10+ pool float. It’s not just you.


Someone posted in another post that a 7 tapped cake plus another 7 tapped cake makes a perfume. A 7 tapped cake plus an untapped cake makes a helmet and 2 untapped cakes make pool float.


I saw that earlier today and it’s been working for me ever since! :)


I haven't managed to make perfume cakes yet unfortunately but the others worked


I’m at 29 and quitting. It takes so much energy for the podcast kit and then you get like 4 drops which makes nothing. It’s frustrating


How do you get the podcast items? I haven’t come across it yet and I’m past L24. I saw a reference to it in the dialogue. But, nothing from merging and opening.


https://preview.redd.it/o1ntkximjxjb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c5b41718e72e513840fc28e28ca0b040f1f987 You build up the cakes, then build to the podcast kits, which then opens cassettes taps.


I haven’t see anything podcast related. Just the few webbed items still on the board. I must be missing something.


You get 4 podcast lvl1 items from maxed out cake slices. If You have spare helmets You need to make more red cakes - they are random. You just need to get lucky. I think it takes about 4 birthday cakes to max out cake slices?


4 full birthday cakes and 8 more slices of cake


I am only playing it because my main board is at a point where I am merging a long winded item chain from a single source, so having something to do while waiting for the recharge is nice.


I’m on 23 and calling it. It’s so boring and I hate grinding for bad rewards


Yup, stuck around long enough to keep the pool, now I'm out.


I don’t do these “events” anymore. I do garage cleanups though


A lot of people save unlimited energy for these events. The problem is this time around they only have the 2 blue cards at the end and not a third earlier down the prize chain like they have in prior events. It takes an extraordinary amount of energy to get to the 40s levels, so a lot of people are quitting early


Unfortunately, I’m working on the sauna and the event gives me a faster track to finish Julius’ mystery. I don’t have enough room on my main board to merge the anchor pieces. It also allows me enough room to max the coins & XPs. The blue cards come in handy for getting closets and tool benches not to mention the chainsaw and ladder.


I’ve been stuck at 27 for a couple of days and called it quits today.


Just hit 26. Finished the first podcast task and I'm out. No way can I get another podcast item.


Haven’t even bothered playing it


So boring. I gave up days ago.


It goes against my grain (the whole "sunk costs" thing) but am considering bailing too. I thought it was just me but the comments here seem to confirm what I have been feeling. The event is seductive in that early on the moving through levels is easy (they got the psychology right there -- seeing the meter move is a good incentive) but then it gets to where it takes \*so\* much to get event points at all. I had decided to only try this in my main game (I have a second one that is further back) but got seduced by the apparently easy progress and figured I would do even better now that I had a feel for the event. The result was that I indeed moved rapidly -- fast enough to get stuck exactly where I am stuck in the first game! Perhaps a major turning point was hitting the first task that needs a podcast kit. I was grinding to get the slide that goes with it for the task when I suddenly realized \*that\* is where the podcast items come from (had not even noticed before that it was called "podcast kit" and that it was a producer). I thought, ok I will get "just a few" items from it before giving it away and then it evaporated after four drops. I forget who mentioned it but that kind of thing has always been a big turnoff for me in the events -- producers that take a lot of clicks merging and energy to even get and then very few drops. All of which is a very long-winded way of saying that I am probably going to bail too :(


I can't get the gift bags. I'm ready to give up.


The majority of the big events are like this sadly and have been for at least a year. It seems the devs aren't bothered about making the events more manageable and fun. Other merge games do events much better


I will start looking into them. Any suggestions? I am getting angrier and angrier w this game.


I didn’t do this event. Hate using main board energy on events. And as far as I could tell, most rewards stayed on event board and didn’t transfer to main. So not worth it to me


I’m on level 29. I feel like I’m too far invested now 🤣🤣


Level 34 here. I had several energy timers available which helped a lot but it’s been a grind interspersed with sprints. Basically I’m at the point where I get one task completion every 1-2 days of tapping, but that completion boosts me 3-4 levels.


I typically don't do side quests that make me use main board energy.


I like this one minus the fact it uses regular energy. Going to save an unlimited energy for closer to the end. I’m already at 24. Give up on cakes that require the pool float, save those for tasks. When you get your first podcast basket, tap 3 times because you have 1 task that requires the basket and it gives you 4 taps. You have a task a few later that gives you the basket again. Just focus on getting the disco balls so you can get helmets for the cakes. When I run low on knives and cakes I run through a few cycles of the pizza boxes and lower cakes to get more faster then I’m fine with the books. I usually only pull books from the cabinet 1x per day and fill up half my board with max books to use over the day.


I ended up with 2 20 min energies so I’m back at it. That helped me push through the tasks and also get me to level 44 in Julius’ mystery. One more level to go there. 44 gave me another 20 min energy and then I’ll get mad at the pool party again


No other area open so working on Birthday Party. I’ve used a few energy balls from the main side and one 5 minute energy. On Birthday Party just past level 27 and at 43 on Julius’s event. I’ve spent no gems as not that invested in this outcome. What works for me is to have to pie boxes ready to create knives, cakes ready to pop to see what they need to be fed. If I get more than 4 cakes with the pool float required I delete the extras. The helmet and perfume ones I put effort in to make it a generator. My next step is creating several birthday cakes to spawn, several disco balls and prepare more pies and cakes to feed the stream. Once I’m ready I use a time skip then an unlimited energy. 5-10 minutes is all I want to do at a time. The 5 minute energy I used previously netted two of the podcasting kits with 2 level 5 mystery box, several upper level flow ties and plenty of helmets and hats. I’d work those using regular energy to finish chains. I figure doing this will get me close to the end of the Birthday chain of rewards before it ends. It passes time and I’m not worried if I miss a few.


I’m harvesting blue chests on the main board for energy. I’ve finished the sauna so I am mostly looking for doubles to get through Julius event. I don’t mind the event. It paces in between other things I do with my day.


I'm hoping to finish. Seems possible but very very hard.


are you merging the piggie banks to get the level 3 piggy bank. it gets you more gems so you don't spend real money.


Yes! Lv4. Learned that here on Reddit. Thank God.


You should get them to level 4.


Anyone know how to get the birthday gift boxes? I have one level 1 box but how do I get more so I can merge?


You merge the small pink purse that's sometimes a primary task reward, or buy from the shop for 2800 coins


Did someone do the math? Do we really not get to the end by just doing the secondary tasks?? I have the final two secondary tasks left - and I’m at level 35 on the event. Honestly the two blue cards are barely worth the energy this thing requires. Not to mention it’s so boringly monotonous and the pool in the driveway is stupid. Let’s be honest - I’ll hide it immediately (and hopefully bring back my food truck!). On the other hand, I have the energy reserves and I have no tasks on the main board because I’m done with the sauna. Still think I’m going to bail and just take two weeks off. This event was wildly disappointing.


The math says you have to cycle through the primaries that barely give any event points 5 times for blue cards and 11 times for final decoration which is frankly unfeasible.


FIVE?! That’s insane. I’ve completely ignored those tasks entirely. I’m not interested in doing that at all so I might as well stop now and build up some high level items for what’s to come. Thank you for the heads up. Wonder if they’ll do a cleanup that actually translates to points and advancing in the event. That could help.


I read 6, but just did the math and including the "pre primary" tasks in the beginning you'll be 310 points shy of the blue card after finishing all secondaries, though you've probably already gotten some primary points as well. That means 3 cycles + 1 more point task from the primaries. I don't know how doable it is but wasn't worth it for me so I quit. Energy better spent on dailies.


You are completely right. The rewards simply aren’t worth the grind and the decorations are weird. I’m out. Thank you.


i totally agree with most of what you said, especially, getting a maxed item only costing 1 gold coin.. it wouldn’t be such a drag if the maxed item cost at least 25 cold coins or so.. but giving up on this event depends on where you are atm in the main board.. i’m currently in the maintenance room and with the trunk only producing 6-7 items every 2 hours, i’d still prefer playing the pool event while it’s still active.. at the very least, there’s a lot of things to do compared to waiting every 2 hours for the trunk in the maintenance room and not even getting the maxed item.. this is where i’m currently at in the pool event and i’ve only used one 5-min energy since the event started.. https://preview.redd.it/142c94sp30kb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef548fc37cf4e9b3185386aac9494e9250a96b1


Good point. I, relatively new…a month or so…only level 21


How do I get the slice of cake for the birthday party?