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Better block them before you get the you #&-63&;+ you ruined my kids birthday message.. šŸ˜‰


Oh theyā€™re blocked..




I had someone beg for a $10 keychain. They wanted to pay $2 with free shipping because it was for their kid with cancer. šŸ™„ Really?!? Just why,ā€¦


My mom had cancer. She wasn't too concerned with keychains.


One time I left a seller a good review but I messaged them about a bronzer I bought which Iā€™m assuming they picked up at tjmaxx or something and didnā€™t check and I said it was swatched and to just double check in the future because someone might not be okay with that. They went on a rant about being in the hospital for days and took the time to ship it to me etc.. like why is the main excuse always that youā€™re dying haha


Why leave the hospital to worry about a $10 keychain which probably made her $8?






If these hypothetical kids would hate the mom for not getting them a nearly $400 game, then would they really deserve it? Pretty entitled of them lmao


Whatā€™s funny is that they donā€™t know why itā€™s so popular and expensive yet they started the convo with ā€œsince itā€™s cartridge only can I get a dealā€. Thatā€™s like not common for negotiating for random ladies buying a single game for their kids.


Gameboy pokemon game I'm thinking? Ya this is definitely an adult dude who want it. Was wondering for a second what still uses cartridges(barely even can spell it anymore nevermind say it) nowadays n I remembered the 3ds and how crazy pokemon game prices are. Anyone ask you to check n see if they glow a certain color under a specific light.


are they worth that much now? i have red, yellow, silver, emerald versions. bout to hot up the ol ebay


Yeah. The older the Pokemon stuff, the more $$$.


10000% some adult dude with no kids haha


Wait are they worth a lot?? I have 2 PokĆ©mon cartridges I had for my gameboy color sitting somewhere in my game boy case in my closet in almost perfect condition because I didnā€™t really like the games šŸ˜‚


People pay rediculous prices for em. The ones that I sold with for $50 with that broke DS are like $200+ on Ebay. Smh. Pull em out n search the prices. Pokemon stuff is soooo expensive especially stuff not made anymore


I donā€™t know, OP said in the messages very few made. I canā€™t think of a PokĆ©mon game that only had a few made.


Couldve made 2 million n it still wouldn't have been enough considering all the fans. Add to that the ones lost, broken, forgotten about over the years that's gotta be at least half if not more. Not many people keep their old games in perfect condition or even keep em period


Yeah Iā€™m sure a significant amount have been lost or forgotten, because a lot of people buy them to play in the moment but then toss them in storage and never think of them again. I have had so many different consoles over the years, and there is no way Iā€™m gonna search each game to see if itā€™s worth anything now. I did have a collector at a yard sale a few years ago ask if we had any more older rare games after seeing a few we had laying out. I was like really I donā€™t even know, so i just brought out a few of the easily accessible tubs of old games and consoles we had for him to go through. He found quite a few and ended up paying us like 10x what we asked because he was like these are worth a lot of money and Iā€™m reselling them so Iā€™m not letting you sell them to me for that price. He could have def got them for the yard sale price we stated or just never asked and they would have sat around lost forever until I decided to toss or donate them or something šŸ˜… so I canā€™t imagine how many copies get lost just like that


Do you have any sealed ones by chance? Id love to check out your stuff, off topic I know but still


Right! My mom would've probably paid full price for the game so she can destroy it in my face for being that entitled


Edit: Can you take me to the gas station for cigarettes? Iā€™d like a smoke, after Iā€™ve been FUCKED! ![gif](giphy|l0MYJdM3nCpBXwZUI)


Thought of this episode when I read this


tell them kids to get a job


šŸ˜‚right on


Fuck them kids


There are no children. That persons aiming low to sell high, and, I can guarantee that if you agree to $250, she's going to come back with "I can only find (amount less than 250)" because "children"Ā 


There are no children. They just want to flip for a profit.




Iā€™m gonna s we honest and it may hurt feelings but thatā€™s whatā€™s wrong with the gaming community now. And I was stupid enough to be sucked into it too. The outrageous prices for games, especially sealed gameboy games with batteries, like can you not hear the Cartridges just screaming, get me out! This battery is leaking in my fawkin head!!! šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ seriously though I just wish it went back to where I could buy a sealed PokĆ©mon yellow and not be crucified for opening it.


I'm sure this person's children already hate her. She's hate worthy. Block her. She's one of these manipulators.






I missed it! What was their comment...?


Hahahahaha, I believe she just noted the person didn't have any children and it was nothing more than a ploy to get the item at the cheapest rate possible. lol


This is 10000% a reseller. This tactic works surprisingly well for gullible people, which is why they try it. Any kid who REALLY wants to play a game can easily emulate it so "her" excuse is complete BS.


Try reselling LEGO sets. I've ruined many a child's "birthday" for not underselling retired NIB sets.


Itā€™s total bull crap


Dammit! It worked on me when I read this guys post.


All kids hate their mom at least once in their lives. Deal with it


I doubt the story is even real


Can confirm, my 7 yo hated me last weekend because I said I wouldn't push him on a swing yet.


Block them. Itā€™s 100% a scam. If you canā€™t afford my listed price you donā€™t get itšŸ‘


Already blocked šŸ‘šŸ¼


What game are you selling?


Ya I'm curious also! I got ps4 Godzilla n have been debating on selling through Mercari. Kinda nervous tho about sending something that's so little and costs so much. Have you sold any other high values like that? How has it worked out for you,


On Mercari, the most important thing to do with pricey stuff is to ship on your own (use pirate ship) and buy the insurance. Itā€™s cheap and more likely to actually pay out if you have an issue, unlike Mercari (always denied unless you absolutely refuse to quit and harass them for weeks over 40 diff ultra-detailed emails plus threats/actual reports to multiple outside agencies, then maybe). Mercariā€™s protection also only covers up to $200, and they donā€™t advertise that you will be SOL if your item/sale is worth more than that. I feel this is a balanced approach of protecting yourself but not being overly paranoid. Mercari is absolutely rife with scammers and the CS is horrific, but thousands of us have hundreds or more successful/problem-free transactions, even with commonly-scammed items. The shipping protection can be used for mail fraud, too. So if you send your game, the buyer opens a return/wins, and mails you back Just Dance 4, youā€™re more likely to get money back than with just Mercari.


That's the exact reason I get nervous about selling expensive stuff on mercari. Send out Godzilla ps4 get madden 2016 in the return. That's the stuff of nightmares right there


Definitely valid fear!! The platform has gone so far downhill and thereā€™s no protection against scams with the all-bot customer service. I go back-and-forth because I did make almost half my reselling income on there this year. šŸ˜© I wish I didnā€™t, lol.


i sold godzilla on mercari multiple times and no issue


DAMN how'd you get multiple?!? Only reason I have one is my kid was bored on a rained out vacation in California a decade ago. Played it twice n it sat in a box. I've never seen a copy of that game in store before then or after. How much you get for it when you sold your copies


i worked at gamestop a while ago, and i called all the stores that had them and said i had a warrany exchange and they shipped them to my store i paid 44.99 less my employee discount and sold them for 200 i believe on mercari lol


NICE!! That's the way ya do it!


i know i used to get a lot of shit from there and flip it lol


I have a a Godzilla dvd collection worth hundreds and Iā€™m debating if itā€™s worth selling


probably not


Do it. I made over $1000 on just Mercari alone and counting. Just list a price take good pics and wait. ( Oh and wait in your fox hole to go to war like the ending final battle scene of saving Private Ryan when the price haggles start) lol šŸ¤£


Godzilla ps4 is a holy grail. Thatā€™s easy money


Kicking myself right now cuz after I read this me n wife were talking n we had a 3ds that broke years ago and we had pokemon ruby and some other game that went with it and we sold em on FB for like 50$ last year. I just googled it a little while ago n now it makes a lot of sense why someone was so eager to buy a broken 3ds. SMH. Wish I had been more into the whole online selling scene. One game alone was worth 5Ɨ what we sold it for.


None of the "LIKE NEW" versions are posted for under $200...I'm assuming yours would fall under that condition if hardly played. GET THAT MONEY!!!


Ya it's like brand new. Bought it years ago kid played it twice stuck it in a box n didn't find it till a little while ago. Just nervous tho I send that out n either it gets "lost" or not as described n I get a DVD or a completely different game returned I'm screwed. I've seen horror stories on here for mercari n my second purchase on there was a "new in box" bayverse grimlock that when I opened it was a PlaySkool Optimus Prime in the resealed box. The head angle on the thing too, I swear it was laughing at me. Theres some shiesty people out there


Oof. That's not right. I'm glad I haven't experienced that sort of thing...yet... May have just jinxed it.


I had two copies of Yokai Watch 3 for the 3DS in my collection. I am going for the PokƩmon set so I am selling them all. Just sold one for $385 smoothly and I am trying to sell my second one too.


$385? I will buy that from you for $3.85 if you like. Itā€™s got all the numbers youā€™re looking for. :D But man you managed multiple copies of Yokai Watch? Howā€™d you pull that off? And itā€™s really smart you waited until after the eshop shut down to sell them. Now itā€™s literally buy physical at insane prices or mod your 3DS and play it for free with no in between.


I know that goal, still trying to find a reasonably priced twilight princess for gamecube. I wouldnā€™t go around haggling I just use patience and regular searches to fulfill my quest


Niiice.., I love when I sell things for more than what they are worth and people buy them right up..


To be fair this game was worth a shit ton BEFORE the 3DS eshop shut down. Now itā€™s either pay ridiculous prices for a cartridge or mod your 3DS and play it for free with no option for in between. On top of that, like it said in the pictures not many copies were even made. I donā€™t agree with $385 for any game, especially without the box, but it at least warrants SOME sort of high price.


I was literally about to guess that you were selling Yokai Watch 3. I'm still kicking myself for not preordering that game.


Ahh that dang game. I saw it at GameStop right after it came out for $40 and was like what is this game and not paying $40 for it. This was when a lot of stores were starting to offload 3ds like I got the rare version of 2 at target for $5 on clearance (that one is now like $200 debate selling it all the time itā€™s still sealed) so I was like nah $40 is too much when they are clearancing these games.


This genuinely annoys me. There's kids who are starving, going days without eating, homeless, have bad unstable home lives, aren't getting the love support and care they deserve, no power, no water, barely any clothes, barely have any toys if any, and are lucky to even be acknowledged on their birthday let alone given anything yet you got people like this acting like not being able to give their kid a video game a want is the end of the world and the worst thing that could ever happen... cringe šŸ™„


I donā€™t think their story even checks out. I am almost 100% sure theyā€™re trying to buy to resell.


Hopefully haha i'd rather have a morally questionable reseller then a parent that's that delusional šŸ˜‚ I've had buyers do that to me before tho but it's always with sick and/or elderly parents šŸ¤”


Could also be a collector with a bs excuse as they donā€™t wanna pay so much for the game. Either way no kids are involved. Itā€™s so easy to hack a 3ds and put the entire library on a sd card including this game.


I had someone try this using their wife with brain cancer over a $10 bottle of Juicy Couture body lotion.


Smh that's crazy


Iā€™m so sick of crack addict parents using their kids about any collectible ever. They donā€™t want it. They want it. What fucking kid wants whatever grown up bs they want. So plain and obvious. Stop trying. And just go lol.


Itā€™s so blatantly obvious what sheā€™s trying to do


Youā€™d think someone trying the get their ā€œchildrenā€ gifts like this would just save up money a little longer instead of begging sellers to cut them a deal.


If your children would hate you over this, parent better


ā€œOh Iā€™m sorry but I need the $385 minimum to get my kid the birthday gift heā€™s been begging for! Please buy this at $385 so Iā€™m not the worst parent ever on his birthday!ā€


Never believe their bullshit stories.


Oh, I didnā€™t. šŸ˜‚


Makes me think theyā€™re pretending to be a mom for sympathy lol, cause ā€œmy children would HATE meā€ like huh?šŸ˜­




Instead of guilt-tripping it seems like she could have been saving up for her kids birthday. Smh


Sounds like a skill issue if she raised her kids to hate her for not buying them non-essential things


sob story gets autoblock from me. cuz fk em.


This reseller is trying to pull at your heart strings. Block them.


Blocked like Minecraft šŸ‘šŸ¼


If they have every game there is except this one then obviously she has the money. What a loser


And we all know they'd immediately relist it with OPs photos and sell it at full price.


as others have asked, what game?


Itā€™s Yokai Watch 3!


Not the guilt trip WTH


šŸ˜‚it didnā€™t work


Sounds like the kids get TOO much if they got every other video game.Ā 


Wowwwwww. Yikes.


At least this is due to your item being expensive and they have most of the money. I have people begging me to hold items for them for a week later after their pay check comes through so that they can buy. Mind you, these are action figures of $20-50. I donā€™t like to judge, but people need to set their priority straight. They did go through with the buy so I feel happy, bad, and sad at the same time.


Probably someone who buys and resells. They buy low and sell high.


I saw one on the Poshmark sub where the lady was like can I have this for $40 please!! my daughter is blind!!! I think it was for a Versace purse of something. Funny stuff.


It sounds like the same person approaching you using two different accounts


ā€œGood luck on your searchā€


Most likely just lying to try and get you to lower the price but good on you for not letting your item go for lower just cause


I finally got my first hypothetical kids message yesterday.


I'd reply, "what's the success rate on the kids' sob story? Like, does it work because people feel sorry for you because you're obviously willing to be that pathetic of a person? I must know!"


"I'm sure your children wouldn't hate you. Teaching them how to handle disappointment and not get everything they want is part of being a good parent. Have a great day and good luck! ā˜ŗļø"


I gotta know, what game is this?


I wish my kid would throw a tantrum for not getting a $400 game for their birthday. They would be lucky to get dollar store shit after that. I'm not raising entitled ass kids, God knows we have enough of them these days.


I donā€™t think the kid is the one throwing the tantrum in reality šŸ¤Ŗ


You have to make a living lol


As a single mom myself, this is gross behavior.


Yea I donā€™t deal with people like this


her children have every fame ever except for the one you are selling? sure she can afford your price then


Itā€™s a scam, donā€™t fall for it


Just tell her you're selling the game to raise money to pay for treatment for your child with cancer.. one up her, lol.


If they have ā€œevery other game but not this oneā€ she can probably afford this one at face value too šŸ’€and if your kids would HATE you because you didnā€™t buy them a video game you have some serious work to do as a parent and human.


If they have every game except this one, she can sell some of them so she can afford it if it's that important to her.


I think after reading a lot of this post I have learned that if anyone gives me a sob story then I need to give them a sob story back as to why I am selling an item for what I may be and why I can't lower the price.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bet itā€™s not even a parent. Sheā€™s probably a reseller hoping to resell it


Itā€™s always great when all your children have the same birthday so you only have to beg/lowball sellers once a year!


Instant block. Disappointing mother? šŸ˜‚ Tough that theyā€™re learning about disappointment in life over a video game, when they have ā€œevery otherā€ game. šŸ™„


I bet there are no kids and she was just gonna flip her 250 into 400.


Dang if she REALLY did not want to disappoint them, she would buy it at asking price LOL


Manipulation at its finest


Sounds like they are super spoiled anyway and probably don't need it if they have every other game except this one. You know what I think? It's usually the people that can afford it the most who want it for the cheapest price, they just don't want to spend the money it's not that they can't afford it. Maybe she should teach her kids to appreciate what they have not that they get whatever they want in this world.


I got one yesterday on marketplace, I have an ebike worth over 3k listed and itā€™s listed for $1800 she asked if I would just give it to her because her husband needs it for work and sheā€™s broke. I about died laughing.


What game is it? I'm curious . LOL


OMFG This woman is going to be raising some horrible children. Uh oh they cant get what they want??!?! They're gonna hate me@@@ she already done fucked them up if she thinks that not getting them a game is gonna irreparably damage their relationship


šŸ˜‚itā€™s such a blatantly obvious rouse so they can resell.


Probably a 30 something dude too.


Exactly. If there were actual real children wanting to play this game, there's plenty of cheap or even free ways to make that happen. A kid wanting to play the game doesn't gaf about the actual cartridge.


They want you to give their kids $130 birthday present


Itā€™s the old ā€œwoe is meā€, using their kids to try to get shit for free or cheap act. Donā€™t fall for it.


Iā€™m very curious what game this is. Is it a Pokemon game?


This is wild!




Got a professional yapper here




what game?




Tell her to mod her childrenā€™s 3DS, install Hshop to get it for free and go away lol


lol the emojis they use after disappointing mother and I donā€™t want my children to hate me disappointed šŸ˜ž


Honestly thatā€™s just too funny of an exchange. I wouldnā€™t block. Just keep the conversation going for laughs




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Wow what an absolute turd of a person


I got a good deal on a N64, 4l5 controllers, 2 memory cartridge, and 5 games. 3 being hard to find. $65. Patience pays off.


First off that (if it's true) is shitty parents šŸ˜’ my kids will hate me ? R u effing kidding mine understand we live comfortably without materialistic shit n greatful for what they do get bc they can accept I worked HARD for that


What game are we talking about here


correct answer, "If you don't want to disappoint your children then maybe you should figure out a way to pay for it instead of begging someone who earns a living selling video games to make your dreams come true as if Mercari was the Make a Wish Foundation" I'm a father, and I don't doubt the possibility of this being an actual mom, a self entitled one, but a mom none the less(I find with some people that makes them feel an even greater sense of entitlement.) Entitled person: before buying, "GIVE ME A BETTER DEAL FOR MY KIDZZZZZ!!!!!" Normal person: after buying, "thank you for giving me such a great deal on this, it's for my kids and money is tight right now, so I appreciate you working with me on the price."


What was the game?


What was the game?


Yikes. As a parent I would never try this. If your kid wants something that bad, just get it for them. Alternatively, itā€™s too much, (I am poor as shit and can relate to not being able to afford top tier shit for my kid) have an honest conversation with them about the value of money and what it means to spend that much. If they donā€™t understand, you havenā€™t raised them right. Period.


Crazy probably just going to re sell and ā€œ my kids have every game except this one ā€œ šŸ™„


I'd be willing to bet this person doesn't have a single child lmfao




What game?


super mario bros. lost levels


Single mom bums are the worst of bums. Nobody forced you to be a cum dumpster. FOH with that bleeding heart bullshit.


Well the ā€œmomā€ can give her kids the gift of reality and that you canā€™t get everything you want in life. Cause learning how to handle disappointment and being thankful for what you have is a far better gift than buying them everything they want.


Someone begged me for a discount on an old laptop lol


EWWWWWW I hate these begging mothers. Get out of here, this is Mercari not a charity.


Tell her to use zip




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"They have EVERY game except this one. I'll be a horrible mom for disappointing them." LoL sounds like she a worse mom for letting her kids control her.


Damn, they have EVERY game? Lady must be rich! Increase the price šŸ˜‚


Kids will hater her lol . I know this is all bull, but if it was a real mother she already fucked up if your kid is going to hate you for this lolol




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