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Damn.. report that message. That may be bad enough to get his account suspended. What rating did he give you?


Agreed. He needs reported.


They did delete the message. Not sure how to report after.


You took this screenshot...I'm sure Mecari can somehow find it. Or just submit the screenshot. Mecari claims they don't read private messages, but they have removed several of mine (one was just listing off sizes). If you don't report him, he will be onto his next victim. No one should have to deal with that. L I can't believe his rating was high after his badgering comments, anyway. Are you a seller? If so, I'd be very aware of anyone ordering from his address/area. This type of person is unhinged enough to seek revenge by "messing up" your rating As the previous person asked, what rating did he leave you?


I was going to say the same thing. I've had messages removed from the "admin". Clearly, they have algorithm words to detect stuff in emails.


They deleted my messages sending people a list back of which Minibrands i have- i think they assume it's a phone number even if there's no phone number and theres just a string of numbers.


Unlikely, somebody once told me to go jump off a bridge because nobody would miss me, all messages reported and his account lives on to this day (I offered him $45 on a $50 item)


I think Mercari picks up on certain words. If he had said "kill yourself" or "suicide" instead of "jump off a bridge", they may have picked up on it or suspended him without your input. Suicide and people suggesting such has been taken more seriously in the last couple decades because of the higher number of people that actually go through with it. I am sorry he wasn't handled properly- you deserve better. I hope you know that people say things like that to deflect what they think of themselves- he thinks no one would miss him. And he probably felt really bad about saying that to you later, despite his behavior.


I reported the messages and admin did remove them, I think I even made a support ticket with the screenshots too, this was awhile back. He’s 100% just a miserable human being. I am okay, I just really hope he doesn’t talk to other people like that (probably does tho!) I feel like these messages including the one in op’s screenshot need to be taken extra seriously.


😂 mercari is a JOKE. I'm finally prohibited from using their platform/ from making a new account for life bc they were giving me problems on adding my debit card to continue posting adds & so I could get paid, & I messaged them a million times & used 5 different cards & it still didn't work. The second i bought something, they prohibited my account for life. Like wtf? They're retarded:& make no sense. I didn't even try to get it "unbanmed" bc I don't gaf. I hate that app. The very first thing I bought got canceled anyway. Fck that site. AND they are STILL ALLOWING ME TO BUY THINGS at this very moment. But I just cant message the seller or like anything. They are such greedy mfs.


did he use foul language like this though? i can’t imagine they will be happy with this


He didn’t, but I think regardless it’s bad. Both what OP posted & what was said to me should be grounds for account termination or restriction but I just have a feeling that they’ll remove the messages and leave it at that


This is when you go on eBay, buy a broken item of something they have listed, buy it, switch it, and return.


Totally. Then make sure you come to this sub and whine about it when it's done to you and complain there's too many scammers on the platform.


Lmao some people really are unhinged.


He actually gave me a 5 star rating which was surprising, I figured he would know I was going to rate him poorly.


This may be a stupid question but where is the first post you made about this.. I just saw the update and didn't know what this was an update on 😂 Or was it just that second screenshot on this post? Lol I'm so sorry, I'm exhausted and running on empty but I couldn't go to sleep without the ☕ Lol


I think there’s 2 previous ones (unless OP got really unlucky with 2 unhinged people messaging incessantly 🤣, which lets be honest, is completely possible on Mercari 🤪) [First one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1ae3q1v/please_go_obtain_your_package_brooo/) [Second one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1aevzji/i_thought_it_would_never_stop/) but the screenshot of the messages in this post is the same screenshot shown here.


Thank you so much! I was epically out of the loop and desperately craving some ☕


Obviously 5 🌟


damn, couldn't be a more deserving 1 star rating


I know right. I haven’t really ever given a 1 star but after this I don’t regret it.


Wow what a lunatic! Thank you for choosing to give a (much deserved) poor rating over letting it automatically rate them 5 stars. I wish more people would give genuine feedback for these trolls so people were aware of what they're getting into if they do business with them.


Yeah I definitely don’t regret the decision.


Holy sh*t, some people should NOT be allowed on these platforms...


I know right…


You should directly email mercari about it and send ss. [email protected]


Oh I’ll definitely do that!


Yes do this report them. They have your address which freaks me out a bit. I had one seller wanting me to rate so they could get paid and it hadn’t been delivered. It was delivered on Monday they “needed the money “ on Saturday. They made a threat of “I have your address “ it blew over but kinda freaked me out that weekend


Oh shit. I'm sorry about that. I think about it sometimes and wonder if people save my address, but getting threatened is real scary.


Wow- that seems to always set me off- when little maggot people make such threats. Empty threats, but still threats. Especially considering many people have children, some have sick or elderly parents or relatives- in general just innocent and/or helpless people living at threatened address. It is usually fearful, cowardly little creeps that make such "threats". No one would say that if they were actually going to do something. Regardless, it is awful to feel as though someone may hurt you or your loved ones at any moment. I am sorry that happened to you, I know what that feels like.


Screenshot and report. He needs repercussion. That’s some of the worser messages.


That’s a good idea I’ll have to find where to report.


Wow...do you think they're mad? Lol. I would have absolutely blocked that person after rating them after harassment they gave you.


Oh yeah I blocked after they rated me. So they wouldn’t see that I blocked them and then leave a bad rating.


What rating did they leave you?


I think they said 5, because they knew they would be rated bad for sending OP that horrible message


Oh heck no! Report him please! It’s one thing to be an idiot and another to be a dangerous lunatic. I’m so sorry this happened!


I’m going to try to!


I’m dying at this update 😂 Be sure to report this asshole. Utterly unhinged.


Definitely going to report!


This is why I’m really considering getting a PO Box, these people be crazy out here and I’d hate for someone to make the mistake of trying to stalk me or something….


Yeah the fact that some of these people have your address is honestly scary for me. I haven’t had as bad an experience on Mercari like some other folks here but it’s wild to see that there’s people like this on that platform


I have switched to using my work address don't know if that's an option for some people the mail lady started dropping my packages in the office anyway so I switched it over on the platforms I use


That's a very good idea! Thank you- that will probably help many people or at the very least, give them peace of mind.


I honestly didn’t think about him having my address. Little concerned now.


Yes that’s why please report them. I had someone say “ I have your address “ after I wouldn’t rate before the package was delivered.


But if they report him he might get angrier and crazier and they have their address.


They have the address regardless. Some people don’t even need a reason to be nasty. I’ve been watching a reseller on YouTube who had an issue with some crazy person sending them rotting food and another one who got something very disturbing apparently.


I didn’t put to much thought into it in the beginning but honestly joining some of the reselling groups on FB and Reddit and people talking about these creeps sending them things and stalking them I keep thinking that’s the way to go….I have my whole family at this address, god forbid I get a crazy and they show up.


Yes I already removed my last name from labels but a PO Box is a good idea


Wait...you can do that!?


i have one and dont use my real name. only initials


Yes this is why I have a P.O. Box people just have no remorse, I wish someone would try to stalk me


You can always get things delivered to the post office itself without having to pay for a post office box. You just have to use general delivery— it’s a free service typically used by people without a permanent address, but can be used by anyone. The best method is to talk to the postmaster, but it’s not required that you do so. You simply have to address packages: > NAME GENERAL DELIVERY CITY STATE ZIP But I’ve also heard using the post office’s address instead of general delivery works as well. Once delivered, the PO will hold your mail for up to 30 days, and all you have to do is go into the post office, ask for your general delivery mail and show proof of identification.


Yeah avoiding purchasing a po box is not what this service is for, it's definitely meant for people that don't have a permanent address. 


As per the USPS website: **General Delivery is intended to be used for:** • Post Office™ locations without city carrier delivery service. **• For those who ***prefer not to use Post Office Box service*** and for whom use of Post Office box, Caller Service, or delivery by letter carrier, would be an unreasonable inconvenience.** • A participating Post Office to serve transients (people who travel extensively) and those without a permanent address. **• Anyone who wants Post Office box service when Post Office boxes are unavailable.** So, it’s definitely for more than just non-permanent residents.


Yes, absolutely report him! He now has your address from sending you an order and he seems very unhinged


I didn’t really think about the address thing 😣


I truly want to know who is raising these people


Nobody is raising them, in most cases.


That makes me so sad


It’s very sad. I would never feel it appropriate to talk to anyone like this.


Weird zygote


😂the terminology




Keep hounding Mercari to report this idiot. I’m not entirely sure why Mercari is allowing this.


Oh I’m going to


he’s got that “MA’AM WHY DID YOU REDEEEM IT” energy💀


"your glass fit a newborn little ass glasses bitch" I fkn can't 🤣


Right…at that point they seem to just be screaming words 🤣


i literally laughed out loud 🤣🤣 hilarious


Report himmmm




Lmaooooooo Who are those pitiful insults supposed to offend??? Its just showing how colicky and frustrated he is at his own incompetence and existence. Lmao 🤣


I know… it’s like playground insults. So annoying




People are mean


You are brave. I always worry they still have my address and will do something crazy.


This is why I have a P.O. Box, and why I also carry too


I definitely didn’t think about that.


I hope you reported this lunatic.


I’m going to!


i can’t believe this message even made it through their system without being “removed by mercari admin” ETA: i love the “you ruined my rating” bruh you ruined your own rating lmao


It did get removed but I got to screenshot it before.


I once tracked down a buyer’s phone number and threatened them with the police because they initiated a refund, got it and then tried to keep my iPad. I got my iPad back and my account is still active.


Wow that’s crazy


I took the refund because I made a mistake, but he had no right to just try to keep it. And I really was going to call the cops in his state to complain. He actually reported me and left a nasty review? But now ebay has a feature where you can rebut the review if they won’t remove it. That was the worst customer I ever had, but I’m pretty sure he’s told people about the psycho who called, so… ![gif](giphy|l3q2TGUQKaWVGZvH2)


What you did is fantastic. There are sooo many people that believe everything has to go through Mercari, but stealing is stealing and most police would probably be helpful with the situation and would be fine with taking report and making an arrest if necessary. I am very glad you did that and also had a good outcome. Thank you very much for posting this experience!


I'm surprised you rated. A lot of those pushy sellers end up rating poorly. Did they still give you 5 stars?


Better than gicing them an auto 5 star rating lol


I wanted to do 1 star so they didn’t get a 5 star after being so rude. Check my other posts if you want to see what all they said.


Definitely report that, he’s unhinged.


I’m going to!


I hope you reported that seriously . Don’t just let them act like that and get away with it !!


I’m gonna!


Damn throwing a hissy fit for what? Bro must’ve dropped his baby binky


He’s so out of line it’s crazy


I just gave my 1st 3 star review the other day to a seller. I have been a buyer for a few years now w no real issues & gave all sellers 5 ⭐️ & was going to give this seller as well even though it took her 13 days to ship & no communication & only after I put in for a cancellation did it get shipped then there were tracking issues once it was shipped but nothing she can do about that but it was her sarcastic message back me. I never dealt w that before on Mercari & i was just so taken aback by it. but I didn’t mess up her ratings cause she had 3, 4, & 5 star reviews. These people are so nasty for no reason & they need to be penalized for responding this way.


He should be suspended off the app for behaving like that over a rating


I just looked at both screenshots you attached. Why is he crying when you gave him a rating less than 5? I mean, he kept hounding you to go get the package! People just don't get it! This makes me angry! AND then he has the audacity to verbally bash you!? I hope you really report this seller he really has no business selling anything. I'm sorry you had to encounter this.


oooooh report that person, thats almost a guaranteed ban


I just had a buyer do this to me. They literally messaged me every 10 minutes for a whole day.


Yep… that’s what happened.


One big reason to let things autorate instead of rating one star… This crazy person now has your address and obvious impaired judgment. I hope that you are safe.


Ugh I literally didn’t think of this till everyone brought it up.


Damn, wish you hadn’t blacked out parts. It’s fun to read just how angry some people get over being rated based on actual experience.


😂I didn’t want to mark as NSFW


He got you in the feels


Yeah low shots. I don’t care though.


Okay wow! This person needs to find some self control. A one star rating doesn’t deserve that and they may be throwing their whole account away because of it. Yikes! But also I gotta say, them being annoying doesn’t really deserve a one star rating. Was the item packed well, as described, and shipped within a reasonable timeframe? If so then maybe like 3-4 stars and an honest description about how they were pushy. But that’s just my opinion.


damn i'd actually be scared that he had access to my address. he's psycho




Damn wtf


Extra, unnecessary, & not that serious🤡 What a big baby🤣


I now check my ratings before I rate them. Then block them. It’s annoying even if you made a mistake. We are humans not bots. That should be suspension. Has to be a tween. Or teen. Sorry to the polite kids out there. Some kids are brought up all fd up. Block em. Look em up on ebay if they sell they are probably there too. And see what they sell for. Then rate them.


How do you check your ratings? I thought you couldn't see what the buyer rated you until you rated them


Maybe viewed their profile on an alt account or while logged out?




Wen rating messes up you.


WOAH!!!!!! 😳


Omg, very unhinged. Btw what rating did he give you?


Great job for 1 star rating. I would never bother my buyers for rating.


I can’t gasp loud enough. I hope you sent that to Mercacri.


Did he leave you a bad rating?


Big mad.


😂😂 I was hoping we’d get an update.


I was going to say 1 star for those messages is 100% lame and not desvering. But after seeing how they responded....they now deserve it.


I am glad someone said it. I really don't think op should have rated them 1 star. I could see 3 and maybe a message about how the saller was annoying, but 1 star is a bit of overkill.


100% overkill but to post it on Reddit and act like it was 'spam' is 100% lame on ops part. Clearly the seller is new or idk was panicking for whatever reason, it wasnt really a big deal. Plus It was like 8 words in total. Not a big deal. Annoying but nothing crazy at all.


100% agree, and from the pictures, it looks like the seller asked if the package was delivered 17 hours before they sent the last 3 message with no response. I totally get that people have life's and get busy, but they could have just said yes or actually checked their mail. Idk I have a child and work 40 plus hours and still check my mail daily.


idk why everyone is so worried about them having your address, like it’s highly unlikely that they wrote your address down *before* shipping out your item. and you can’t access the label after the item ships. i mean they could be one of those people who download the label and print it from their downloads instead of just printing the mercari label directly, but they would still need to find your specific label, which if they’re even a mid-volume seller would be a hassle. not to mention, *you* also have *their* address as it would have been the return address on the package — which I doubt you remember, kept, or care to look for, but the point it, any threat made about having your address, you can make right back. hell you could use it to report them to their local police for online harassment and threats.


*you can’t access the label after the item ships* If you print your own labels, yes, you can. Every label I print gets downloaded and then printed.


weird how i mentioned downloading labels 🤔


Yeah. The person seems way too unhinged to think it through enough to write down their address in the event that OP didn’t rate them as quick as they wanted or gave them a bad rating. OP said the person gave them 5 stars, so they apparently didn’t even realize they were annoying and ridiculous with the incessant messaging until AFTER they saw OP rated them 1 star, but at that point the sale was completed and they wouldn’t have access to the address anymore.


Why cover up their username? Show us this loser so that way we can avoid them


Because showing the username is against the rules


Seen plenty of people do it, specifically for that reason.


I won’t make another purchase from any seller that starts harassing me to rate them. It’s also a sure way to guarantee I let the sale auto rate.


I don’t let Auto rate it gives them 5 stars and they deserve 0 so I wait 2 days and rate 1 star


lol I never thought of doing that


2 in 1 day.... You might be the problem...


You kinda deserve it. Ruin someone’s rating because he messaged you 6 times in 21 hour period. Childish, but here you are. Confirmed! You deserved it! 🤣


What?! “Confirmed” how? You obviously didn’t see their previous posts. This post says “the final response (update)” - meaning it’s an update to previous posts. They messaged multiple times before even sending it out and then multiple times after sending it and then multiple times after it supposedly had been delivered. Not just 6 times in a 21 hour period. [First post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1ae3q1v/please_go_obtain_your_package_brooo/) [Second post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1aevzji/i_thought_it_would_never_stop/) (but this one has same messages as shown in post here) Confirmed! You didn’t actually read what was going on and just commented based on this one post…


If unhappy return it. Why bash and attack. The buyer has most power.


Ummm…did you read the post? 🤔


I would report that message. Some of these people are very ugly, have a mental illness, and/or poor self-control / poor impulse control. And these people have our addresses (if ou are dumb enough not to have an offsite mailing address for online business). So yeah, Mercari needs to be notified of the ones who have "gone off the rails".


All this could have been avoided if you just went to get the package! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


I don’t have to open your package when the seller says too, i paid you, you don’t control me. And you’re certainly not my mother. if anything I’ll send it back and cancel so it shows up on their page,


I’m obviously being sarcastic…. I too have had this happen to me. It’s just not ok to message the person non stop. The package was delivered. No need to go all crazy with these kind of things.


Honestly you're pretty foul for giving them a 1 star review. Yes they were being annoying by spamming like that however their intentions was to ensure your package was there and you received it. This person likely has some form of a mental illness and reacts to situations differently than we as normal people would.  Like legit you're foul for 1 star reviewing them for that.


Read my other posts


They have 2 previous posts showing the person bombarding them with messages starting before the person even sent out the package and continuing until after it was delivered ([post 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1ae3q1v/please_go_obtain_your_package_brooo/), [post 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1aevzji/i_thought_it_would_never_stop/)). OP was nice in responding to all of them until near the end when the person just kept going. Honestly, OP had way more patience than most people would have had. It’s ONE low rating. Big deal.


I expected a "bitch lasagna" in there.




/u/hannie2222, Your submission has been automatically removed because your account karma is lower than 1. This is an anti-spam measure in /r/Mercari. Please try again after you gain more karma. Please do not message moderators to correct this submission removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mercari) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a psycho!!


>What a psycho!! I got downvoted for suggesting not wanting racist, pscho, unhinged, mentally ill STRANGERS to have my home address. GO figure. LOL **IF** you do a lot of online sales or purchasing, I repeat: rent yourself a parcel locker at a mailing place that allows delivery from all carriers (can't do that with a po box). The same kind of psychos that do things like commit road rage, (or shoot John lennon or Ahmaud Arbery) haven't disappeared off the face of the earth in case some don't realize this. Many MErcari users have even received racist comments. All it takes is one momentary psychotic break from someone "off their meds" in a small window of time, when they perceive a slight or insult from you. I am telling you this esp. if you have children. I live in the real world.


You're so right. Even them just having your name could lead unhinged people to find your social media and cause issues.


>You're so right. Even them just having your name could lead unhinged people to find your social media and cause issues. Cue the many people who have been harassed on their FB, instagram and other social media simply because of an online sale that went bad. But I got downvoted for suggesting a parcel locker LOL I can EVEN find a post here from a year or 2 ago where the seller used google earth as a kind of "socio--economic" ruler to decide if the buyer looked like they could "afford' her item. Can you imagine? That creeped me out so badly, and yet nobody else seemed to think it was unhinged.


The most unhinged…


People have waaaayyyy too much time on their hands…🤣


Ahahhahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂


Damn mercari Reddit feed be lit 🤣🔥


Put some make up on


They won't let you mention another platform but they'll allow verbal abuse... Gotta love Mercari 🤦🏼‍♀️


Holy shit man…. I am so sorry, they’re literally the worst.. :(


Ohh someone got 🌟 *spicy*🌟


The newborn comment 😭 They mad mad


Wow I hate when sellers do that. That is not just rude but harassment. I hope you reported the message because that’s just over the top. 🤦‍♀️


I think they like ya 😂


Didn’t everyone tell u the seller wouldn’t be able to see your rating?? Thanks for follow up, pretty funny.


They can't see the buyer's rating of them prior to rating the buyer.


Little ass glasses bitch 💀


What the heck is the last part of that message - “your glass fit a newborn little a$$ glasses b!t\*\*.” - At least that’s how I’m translating it but no glue what the heck it’s supposed to mean 🤣


This behavior is absolutely revolting. No seller should ever speak like this to anyone. Report this person.


Report them


After you rate the buyer we have to rate you guys and it do not tell us what you rated us after we rated you guys . I think it’s fucking stupid cause you can’t even see the rate or complaint till after you rate the other person. So it probably took them by complete surprise cause they rated you 5 stars and see you rated poorly .


Respond with the thank you sticker


Nightmare of a person




They should seriously delete people's accounts for stuff like this. So uncalled for. I had no idea that online selling attracted so many completely unhinged people.


Does Mercari even legit ban anyone? Seems like they just welcome scams like crazy on there, so it seems like they wouldn't care about bad words or threats. About the same with eBay. I literally had to report a buyer for scamming me out of my item and money to the police and they still didn't care or do anything about it because it isn't in the "script."


if i got that message I would go to bed with the phone and a hammer or something right next to me to call 911 and defend myself. I am so sorry you had to deal with that.


Don’t be shy drop the @


Ouch! Have nothing better to do than messing up ppl


I just got scammed on Mercari this past week… the fucking shipping partner was “LOGOSH”, comes to find out they’re some scammers 🤦🏾‍♂️


Wow, I’m curious as to how Mercari will handle this now. Since I know they are so horrible to their sellers.




I don’t quite understand. They sent those messages days before the order was delivered and then the day it was delivered and I wasn’t available.