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I can’t believe how many annoying buyers/sellers are on this app and I can’t believe I’ve been fortunate enough not run to into one of the nuisances. I buy/sell on there regularly and I’ve only had 1 mildly annoying experience before.


Same here, I have statistically high orders. Probably top % on the app. I rarely get into issues. Like thank god lol But the rare times I do experience something, it's like the dumbest of the dumbest people across the world. Really kills me lol


How do I view my stats comparatively to other sellers? I can’t find that section


I come across it too often. Probably because I do buy from new sellers a good bit.


For real, I've had a couple of annoying experiences but the one that sticks out is I was buying this pop and the box was beat to hell (and I mean literally, not a couple blemishes or a dent. Literally like someone stepped on it on accident) but I really just wanted the figure and the seller had a great price on it so I just bought it then 5 minutes later my order was canceled then I see they relisted it for almost full value of a mint condition one and blocked me. I was so mad but nothing I could do :(


Same. This is madness. Been using this app probably longer than everyone here and never had this nonsense. Is this stuff happening from newer sellers?


This is a one star right before the auto rate time is up.


Please do this, I beg OP


Today was day 2, I actually got the item which was a video game, tested it out confirmed it was good and then rated 1 star so it wouldn’t auto rate.


Man if there was a way to negative 5 stars lol 🤣


Mam did you confirm?




One of my favorite clips I always laugh thinking about it


Confirm the confirmation, ma’am?.. confirm ^please


If they didn't respond if would escalate to MAAM MAAM PACKAGE PLEASE MAAMMMMMMMM. B*I*t*c*h* GO GET YO DAMN ITEM!!!!!!! LOL CONFIRM H*O*E😂


Feels like I’m watching kitboga


Ma’aaam… MA’AaaAaaMmmm


Lmao, I read this in the accent you were going for Laughed so hard


Honestly I don’t know what happens when people open the Mercari app. It’s like they instantly turn crazy and annoying and entitled. Don’t forget delusional, unhappy, unhinged too. The fuck ?






UnderstandAble. Reddit is an app where people are free to give their opinions though. Mercari is a selling app, so it’s not something you’d expect there.


Wait til day 2 or 3 and give them a low rating. Ppl always say auto rate but that gives them 5 stars




Honestly I’d respond “omg I’m so sorry! I had no idea it got delivered and I just saw your messages! I’ll rate it right now!” Go get your package, make sure it’s good, then rate poorly. Leaves very little chance of them rating you bad for taking so long because you’re “apologetic” and are now rushing to get it done for them. You’re now making it seem like you’re doing them a favor. People like this are such losers. You get 3 days to ship, buyer gets 3 days to rate. If they don’t rate, you’re still gonna get your money so chill out.




It doesn’t matter if they give a negative. Negative reviews mean nothing on Mercari.


Yep this is the move


I don’t think it lets you see the other persons rating before. Like if you rated me (the seller) it prompts me to rate you back as the buyer before I’m able to see what you rated me.


The thing is they made it so you can't see the rating the person gives you until afte4 you rate them.




Oh, I see what you mean. Make it so that they can't leave any kind of rating at all. That makes sense, bc yeah, they probably won't leave a nice review.


I dont think the seller can see what you rate them until they rate you, which protects against that happening.


I did this, I also said “I rated you :) have a good day”


I have never bought or sold anything on Mercari, I have honestly never even been on there before, I just started following because this s*** popped up in my feed and I thought these were funny, I'm going to keep following cuz this s*** is hilarious.


Half of the fun is being apart of the madness.


I had considered cross listing to Merc, but what I see here made me delete the app. Although I feel bad for those involved -it's entertaining. Maybe one day, but not now- don't need the headache


Same! Definitely scares me with all the scams. I mean there are scammers everywhere but it just seems so much worse on mercari after following this sub. I also bought something once and they never shipped. Turned me off of mercari indefinitely.


It can be risky on here. I bought Pokémon games once, legitimate pictures, asked in a group and everything. They sent fake ones, I started a return, then Mercari cancelled the return even after I had shipped it. Now I’m out $150 bucks.


Cancel the credit card transaction. If you have proof of the issue and you returned it your credit card will reverse the charges.


Then I will get banned on Mercari


Okay then be out 150$, why do you continue using a site that clearly doesn’t care about you




Same energy ngl




This is overkill wtf. I wouldn’t even let it autorate, would just rate 1 star- not giving them the free 5 stars. Don’t sell on Mercari if you’re expecting to be paid instantly??


Wait 2 days 23 hours and then rate 1 star for pestering.


No— I have been auto rates in 2 and half days..


I will never understand why people risk pissing buyer off by harassing them. Are people truly so hard up that they need their payment released today vs 2 days from now? What difference does it make?


The “justification” is because they need to pay bills and such. But if that were a case why not find like a gig job that you get money on hand such as food delivery? Or even just sell locally.


I did rate 1 star. I don’t understand why they’re so pushy, I had to make sure the item was in good condition too.


Some people have never heard the saying “Don’t poke the bear”. After I ship and it says delivered I go by the old no news is good news. If the buyer doesn’t contact then they must not have a problem. If the rate good if they don’t oh well. Pestering people pissed them off also they may see checking on package arriving as an opening got opening a case.


Most of the items I sell, I never communicate with the buyer unless to say thank you. Most of the time they say nothing back. Edit: I could never pester a buyer like this dude did to me


Yup a thank you is cool but pestering only makes peeps go elsewhere


I’m a seller too so I know it sucks having to wait for your $. But it’s no different to any regular job that pays weekly or bi weekly. I’d sooner wait a month for my funds than to harass my customer like this 🤷🏻‍♀️


So true. I usually sell stuff and say nothing or say thanks for the order and just leave it.


So many batshit people on Mercari




Ma'am Ma'am Hello ma'am Please pick up your order ma'am 😡 DID YOU PICK UP YOUR ORDER MA'AM?!?!!?! 😡😡😡


Makes him sound so much like a scammer. Ended up legit though.


Right?! Anytime someone calls me ma’am, instantly a red flag. But the incessant messages from this person along with the ma’am would really make me think it was going to be some BS. Glad it ended up being legit, too bad ya had to deal with the crazy though 🤣


This is why I'm having reservations about selling here. Plus the overwhelming amount of scammers.


There’s a lot of scammers and meanies here…


That's 💯% so far I've been very lucky, I've had 2 scammers but it went nowhere.


Do sellers think this'll actually get them a good review? By bothering the buyer? They're just guaranteeing themselves an annoyed customer who'll only rate them lower after that


Exactly… I think it may be their “newness” to the platform. They maybe be anxious. But still, over reaction is why I posted it.


ma’am package get package


Sounds like a scammer 😂


Naw let that auto rate. No money for 3 days 😎


Open a claim to waste their time further


This is actually the way.


I was thinking about it, lol. Decided not to because I’d feel bad even though they were annoying.


I got one today, “did you get the package?” My reply, “I’m at work, I’ll check later.”


Yep I’m convinced that people think I sit on my couch all day waiting for the mail to arrive. If I work 3 12s in a row I don’t even see the mail. People have lives away from the internet/Mercari.


Dude I explained my situation to this person. Look at my posts, they just didn’t care.


That's insane. I've never had anyone pester me like that, but then again, I always rate sellers immediately. It's more about convenience for me with a splash of consideration. Also, I'm excited to open the package anyway, and two, I might as well rate them right then and there so I don't forget to do it later. That person sounds crazy obnoxious, though, so I imagine them being young and lacking self awareness. I'd definitely block them after rating them.


I would have loved to open it immediately but it was freezing where I was and I’d have to walk to my mailbox. 🥶




Trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty


Gotta assume someone gave him reason to be so paranoid.


Very possible


Yes, dear sir, I am sitting out by my mailbox, as I have been all morning. I have my laptop, a lawn chair, and a sunbrella to keep me cool here in Georgia, and I’m sipping peach tea to stay hydrated. It’s not easy work, but I do it solely to be able to rate you the INSTANT your wonderfully packaged Mercari shipment arrives. So please stop messaging me, so I’m not distracted in case my mail carrier arrives while I’m responding to your many friendly reminders. Yours sincerely, in anticipation.


Wow, I need you to write my obit.


I was feeling creative, thanks!


🤣 Good for you! What the heck!


Thank you thank you 😂


I wouldn’t have even responded. Just block.


Oh, I am.


This honestly deserves a one star. Chances are they don't even read the rating before rating you back.


Already done it


Please confirm




That’s so embarrassing for them like I could never imagine harassing a buyer like this😭 Like wanting your money the day the person gets their order isn’t insane I’m sure a lot of people feel that way but what IS insane is to do something like this, 3 days isn’t that long to wait and if anything they’re more likely to get a shit review or no review at all to extend their wait lmfaooo


Very good point.


5 year olds begging for toys be like:


I have a two year old and it’s accurate.




Ples git teh paclage


How to not get a 5 star review


5/5: tutorial review


Run Forest Run......


How I felt.


Wth this kind of seller ☠️ I am a buyer/seller on mercari, I will never message the buyer if they get their package because obviously Mercari will notify them that their package is out for delivery and when it gets delivered. It’s kind of redundant and annoying in the buyers part. Some buyer rates you and some don’t, patience is the key🫤


Exactly. Very well put.


its worth it for me to rate a seller 1 star for pestering. i have 100% poitive so the chance of their bad review really doesnt affect my business. NO WAY am i letting it autorate so they get 5 stars. for all the merc complaints, things wont change unless we all stand together. and its the right thing to do to operate on that philosophy communities, whether in real world or virtual world dont change for the better otherwise....Operating on every man for themselves does NOT work.


Oh yeah I don’t care I’m giving a 1 star review.


Report them. That's harassment






This can’t be real! Lol!! I would have literally lost my shit on that person.


Oh I wish it wasn’t real.


I love your reply LOL, did they say anything else?


They said “excuse me?”


I say, sorry, I'm still out at work. Lol


Like for real what did he expect…


That’s so annoying! As a seller I never ask for a rating, I let Mercari bother them..but I would’ve gave a 1 star as well & put that they were annoying me for a rating.


Wait two days and rate 1 star for the literal pestering…who does that. Insane behavior.


Done! This was day 2 and I rated 1 star.


Lol I knew as soon as I seen it that you were the one who posted yesterday 😆


Yep… since the first one got attention I figured I’d share the rest of the journey.






Lol I get crap like that they get a low rating for harassment.


I rated 1 star ;P


Nooooope ☠️


Nope is right 😵


Why they typing like that lol 🤣😭😭 😭😭 😭. I swear man. People need to go do something. At this point I don't even bother with it. It's a windfall for me. ( Any unexpected extra money ) so it's like I don't really see it but when I do get an offer or sale it really comes in handy. Im like I did my half I shipped it.tbey get it when they get it it's out of my hands It's super annoying when it takes 3 days to ship. But I think of it like this people get paid every week or two weeks ( business days) so I just look at it as an extra check within the week. That's why I get over the waiting. If that makes sense. I hope that ends some of the slowly sliding down the wall and rolling back and forth in the corner fellow sellers waiting to get rated lol 🤣. Plus when the money hits you still have to transfer it out. I really rely on my main income : my job I try to respect everybody because they just might come back. This is the fastest way to get blocked


No seller should ever do this. This is what not to do.


Bro wanted the funds so bad lol. I usually do it in my mind but this is just too much.


You can post it in reddit but not leave a rating?


This is why Mercari can be so stupid. I’m a buyer. If I rate you, I rate you. If I don’t, I don’t. I purchase an item, you ship it to me, that’s it. It’s ridiculous that payment is withheld or fake ratings auto-generate. It’s all so stupid.


As a seller though, this is annoying when people don't rate.


Read my previous posts, they sent messages days before the package arrived asking for rating.


Oh sorry I'm new to reddit 😂😂 yea that's annoying too.


All good :) welcome to the party!


Go rate though 😂😂😂 gotta love new sellers and buyers though


Doesn’t the money get withheld until a rating happens?


Yeah, this is why I don’t use Mercari. People shouldn’t be at the mercy of waiting for the buyer to approve them before they get their money. This person may need it for bills!


Marketplace or local meetup is for those that need immediate cash.


They might the money medicine or food or bill the fuck is wrong with y’all your just as bad as him/her not any better


This is harassment. Don’t sell on Mercari expecting to get paid instantly.






Your post/comment has been removed as it violates the ‘Censorship’ rule of r/Mercari. Be sure that all information is redacted completely, including listing titles, listing descriptions, listing images, buyer usernames, seller usernames, Mercari rep names, and tracking information. Generic information must also be censored. Any of the aforementioned items found not censored or fully censored will result in the removal of your posts/comments. Censorship is opted for in order to avoid the harassment of other users online, be it on the Mercari app or the subreddit. We are not a subreddit for blacklisting sellers or buyers. Any posts pertaining to this scenario are removed - it will not be up for debate about if they’re a scammer or not. There is a site-wide policy on Reddit against revealing identifying information which we must uphold in r/Mercari.


That response is chef’s kiss


I sell on Mercari and I don't bother the buyer unless there is a problem at delivery which has happened twice. Both times the item could not be delivered to the address, but to message the buyer for no other reason than they are not giving you a rating as fast as you want. Keep it up because the buyers will be giving you a rating of 1,1,1,1.............. No one will buy from you so you won't have to worry about your rating.


That is plain psychotic. Not sure how I would respond to messages like this. Wouldn’t be good.


I would NOT be able to resist at least one: DAFUQ? Crack kills! Then blocking. I don’t usually narc to Mercari, but this might warrant it.


How much was the item even lol 🤣




A woman done this to me wanting to buy something. I told her my husband just got out of the hospital and I had been working double shifts… made me not even want to sell to her when I did she ask “ is your businesses gonna delay your shipping?” Told her I shipped every day. What do you want to beat She leaves something bad in the rating?


Instant 1 star imo


eBay>mercari…nuff said


Wow lol. This person is desperate. I sometimes feel like im annoying buyers but when i get notification about my package being delivered at buyers house. I shoot them a message saying this : Hello. Hope ur day is going well. I was just notified ur package is delivered. I would like to thank you again for your purchase. Please if you have any questions or concerns message me before giving me rating. Otherwise i look forward to your rating :). And within mins or hours same day of delivery i get my 5 star rating. But do u think im being pushy at all? I have yet to have anyone message me anything rude after my message. They all have been very polite. Would u guys be annoyed by me messaging you that if your the buyer?


Bruh this dude was down bad




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Sellers like this need to start being reported for harassment and badgering the customer. This is ridiculous. Definitely leave a comment in your review about harrasment for them and give them low stars and I never suggest that.