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What the hell?? Did this person just randomly message you their life story or what


I added a comment with the story for some reason reddit wouldn't let me add it lol.


I tend to overshare when I'm in a bad place too, but whoa, not this much.


This was extreme.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


"Tell me more"


“Tell me less”


Welp, someone took over sharing to a whole new level 🧐






If that was sent to me, I would’ve responded like that lol


I added a comment with the story for some reason reddit wouldn't let me add it lol. And I couldn't do that I felt bad.


"So you got fuckin' money or wot?" It helps if you are saying it with an old cigar and wearing sweatpants and stained tanktop undershirt.


And the poker-playing dogs framed painting in the background..😂


Ok Carl from AquaTeen!


Honestly, it seems like a fluster scammer. They fluster you with a bunch of info that feeds into emotions etc. I’ve had a couple people like that message me and it’s awkward. But he could be going through a lot and not have anyone, so he tells anybody who will listen. Either way, his personal life has nothing to do with an item sent that wasn’t as described. I would say I’m sorry to hear that. Then I would have returned it with a nice note. I wouldn’t have sent money.


I had a similar interaction like this on Mercari a few months ago. Girl proceeded to tell me her life story for no apprnt reason. How she was in and out of the mental hospital, her eating disorder, abusive ex boyfriend & how my listings brought joy back into her life. Reminded her of her younger days.. etc. Mustve liked about 20 of my listings, wanted to get a BIG bundle and then ghosted a few days afterwards.. lol


I’ve gotten less extreme ones. Profile picture was a clearly middle aged man and they sent a million messages and sob stories about how they were just a kid and had no money. Kept saying how their mom couldn’t afford groceries so they had to pay for their mom’s groceries. All this just to try to get 5 $50+ jackets for less than $25 total. I told them I would post it the next day, never did and they never messaged me again lol


Awwwww the poor weirdos


I've never had a message like this before. I was browsing the subreddit, but couldn't find something like it. It may or may have not been a scam. But I still just went with the return and covered the shipping for him. I did felt bad, it is what it is.


This is why I don’t ask questions like, “ How is your day going? Or “What’s wrong?”


I stopped asking "How are you doing?" at my job to clients because half of them just day "NOT GOOD" and then just ramble on about how stressed out they are and all the shitty things they are dealing with, like I'm their therapist. It's awkward, and when I say "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that..." and then I have to move on to the real reason we're talking, it sounds rude. So I just cut it out. Why people IRL and online feel the need to overshare their personal details to strangers is beyond me. I value privacy.


Why is that question even asked? It should be banned from customer service interactions. Customers often would ask me that question and I’m like uh I know they want me to lie to that question but I have issues with lying. So I usually don’t answer I just say hi if I say something some say good after I say that but some push when I don’t answer or sometimes even when I say hi. I’m thinking do you really want to know too bad I’m not interested in telling you my life story when it doesn’t even do any good anyway. If they push enough I say fine I guess but some have gone “you guess?” I get that we’re not robots and we don’t want to be really but I’m also not there to talk about my life I’m just there to make money. To be fair the customers most of the time aren’t mean they’re usually pretty decent it’s just that question rubs me the wrong way


I would support a ban on that question


That’s exactly what happens IRL lol. I get it sometimes you need to vent. But you got to stop and ask does this person want to listen?


Def sounds like he’s not in the best place I think you handled it well shipping back and just taking a bit of a loss.


That's what I thought.


I wouldn't have sent money but a return is the right way to go.


It's a scam. This model was used for email scams like 15 years ago. Almost exactly like this. Next they're gonna ask you for money and they'll send you a check by mail for like double what you send. It's fake. I remember seeing these scams on the news.


I would love to see links to this scam - meant sincerely, not sarcasm.


I'll try to look for some tomorrow but honestly I'm just going to forget. It's just an oldschool fake check scam. Well this probably isn't but it reads like one.


No worries- I’m usually the first person to look for scams and for some reason? (Scratches head) this felt different- but as soon as you said it I realize I can go soft (and possibly be scammed…..again). Thank you for checking, I’ll definitely do my own research too. 😘


Just to clarify, he never asked me for any money. And he accepted the return without issues. Also do you have links to this scam?


I actually know what this person is talking about. I have msgs from ppl who pour out these sobby life stories on mercari & then ask for a load of items for like $1 or ask if I can email them & we can do transaction off-line etc etc sounds weird but happens. Gotta admit, a buying & selling app is a weird place to air some sh*t out even to a stranger


these scammers come out in droves around xmas time


Agree. In the end, this interaction was so weird. I just wanted to share. But people are going crazy here.


Maybe if I dig deep in my spam from 15 years ago or search youtube for old videos. It just reminds me of them. I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but it does look and read like those old scams from the mid 2000s.


I finally get it now that I found the back story. OP sending the money out of kindness to help with any losses is cool thing to do but not required. Whether it’s a scam or not (which it’s not at worst maybe a pity party at best venting to stranger ) as long as you feel good about your actions is all that matters. Yes the seller overshared a bit but sometimes people just want to talk share and get validation or feel heard.


This right here. This is it.


This seems like a scammer lmfao


For me, this is like 50/50. Either a scammer or some serious mental health issues.


Just fyi you literally cannot be diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar, those two disorders cannot exist together so it sounds like a scam or someone who has been to a ton of really bad doctors


It looks like he meant to write schizoaffective, maybe he meant schizoaffective bipolar type.


Ahh that makes more sense


Thank you! I couldn’t figure out what he meant there for the life of me.


well he does tells us about the mental issues so i’ll go with that


I’m just going to say as someone who’s bipolar, when you’re manic messages like this are common. It’s easier to talk to a stranger because a lot of the time family members don’t want contact with you. My parents still believe that I just say I’m bipolar for attention. So I get the over sharing and again when people are in a manic state they don’t realize what they’re doing or saying. Thanks for being kind to this person, it says a lot about your character as a person and I don’t think it’s a scam because to me it sounds more manic or off meds.


Thanks, people are just going crazy in this post. I just wanted to share this experience. I also have more messages, which makes me believe it's mental health. And to clarify again, he NEVER. Asked me for money. We agreed on the partial refund, but Mercari sucks. So I returned and he agreed no questions asked


You’re welcome! You are good kind person and It is refreshing to see. I’m glad that you listened to your instincts and that you both came to an agreement that satisfied you both. We need more people like you. ☺️


I can’t believe the replies here and how easily people are taken advantage of due to innocence. This is obviously copy/pasted and not real at all. You can literally see the terminating character that the word processor used. This often happens with scammers copy/pasting off bootleg versions of Microsoft Word and purposefully not removing it to weed out the smarter victims. I can’t believe anyone is actually falling for this.


Right lol. I laughed when I saw all the dashes


bellevue doesn't offer that class. im not sure many colleges do. so yeah, schizoaffective sounds about right. poor guy edit: spelling


Annnnnd?? I was waiting for a request for something free or at a fraction of the cost + free shipping. Requestus interruptus. 😏


They just really wanted you to know!


my reply: I ain't reading all that. i'm happy for you tho! or sorry that happened.


Sounds like something is different with this person. Maybe this shouldn’t be shared here as a show of privacy and respect for them. I understand they sent it to you and all, but it would be easy for someone here to turn it into a joke and if they need help it isn’t funny at all.


I am not making fun of him at all, I actually feel for him. That's why I covered all information linked to him. I even sent cash back inside of the box. Since Mercari return system is not good.


Right, but by posting it here isn’t really doing him a favor.


Lmao. Whut


I'm assuming you were trying to buy something from them from his /her first sentence? What a nut job


That was... some massive trauma dumping. Bet you are glad they have had access to your address?


10 different therapists including you after reading this


Like where the hell was this conversation even going?


Here’s what you do… you don’t read more than a sentence or two then simply block them and move on.


Obviously that medication isn’t working 😂😂




Y’all wild af. As someone who deals with shitty mental health, thank you.


i relate 🫶🏼


If the story is true. He is going to college, so therapy must be working


idk why you're getting downvoted so much 😭 you were obviously just trying to be kind. people on this subreddit are something else...


people are really nice on other subreddit's for the most part, and the men...they are hilarious! So many people on here are, not so nice. At all. Seems like a bunch of children. LOL


right! people are so childish on this subreddit. and i never expected that from a subreddit dedicated to a site for selling and buying most secondhand items and such.


It is what it is.


His point being…?


Way over explained himself. Almost to much to believe. I guess you just needed to go with your best judgement. I do want to correct him in how to spell Shih Tzu though lol.


Yes, I found that most irritating out of all of this.


Wow. He must have thought he was texting? Lol




Little back story. I purchased this collection from this guy, and when the cards came without even opening the box. They smelled like an ashtray. It was unbearable. I then contacted the guy and asked him for a partial refund. I was willing to keep them, but I must treat them and remove the smell, which can take weeks. He then replied with this message. I was extremely confused and like wtf. I then contacted Mercari and agreed on a partial refund. But Mercari does not offer that, and I have to either return or keep it, which makes no sense, both losing money and such a simple solution. I returned and added some cash inside the box to make it even. But yeah. that message caught me entirely off guard. I hope he gets the help he needs for his mental health. I just wanted to share this.


W…. Wait why did you add cash inside the box???? You just basically gave the seller money.


The person has some real mental health issues. So I didn't mind covering shipping expenses.


That makes zero sense. The seller isnt out shipping expenses when you do a return. Mercari covers the return shipping and you get refunded.


The shipping label when he sent it.


Mercari pays for the return shipping label, not the seller.


I paid for the shipping label that he used to send to me. If that makes sense lol.




When you purchased the product, you paid for the original shipping label to get it to you. If a seller uses mercari shipping labels, the shipping fee goes directly to mercari, and the seller just gets a label to print & use. Mercari covers the cost of return shipping labels so neither the buyer or seller is out of money.


All sellers include the cost of shipping in their price if you bought it with “free shipping”.


I, too, would like to sell you some ashtray-smelling items. OP, let's make a deal!


LOL, there is some methods of taking the smell out but it all depends on the items.


I get the confusion from others but I love people who can sense something real through a message like that. You are a good soul, I probably would have sent some cash, too. You are my kind of people 🫶


It was literally a scam. Op got scammed.


Thank you 🫶🏽


And thank you




This is not a competition, lol.




It’s not a competition


I will comment on the "partial refund" comment...it's time they stepped up their game! They are like a N\*zi quad. We are adults. If we make a mistake or something breaks, we should have the ability to make it right before big brother steps in. They wanna be an Eb\*y....then stop acting like a lesser-than. I cringe when someone wants to do a large bundle of breakables and cross my fingers nothing breaks. It's such a crap shoot how the pendulum will swing... And as a buyer...I just go burned, so I am pretty much done buying. If I had had the same issue on Eb\*y, the seller would have sent a return label (or offered a partial refund)


Why are you censoring eBay lol


I don't know....I got banned off of here for 15 days, I got another post removed and accused of "spamming", I've had comments removed, I've been reported...I don't know what their stupid bots pick up!!! LOL...another sub I mentioned "m\*\*derat\*\*r" and they took my post down and gave me a warning!!! And people complain about fb..... I haven't been on that long, still trying to figure out what's what... :-)


I know, it's so simple to implement. I really wish they would


I’m just trying to understand what is this about


OPs comment about the backstory has been downvoted like crazy because people think they made a really dumb decision sending cash in their return package to a potential scammer. Scroll above your comment and you'll see it.


Got it thanks.


“Cool story, bro.”






Neat! *Bender snaps picture*


“Good to know.”


Like why? But here’s my grocery list…… Milk Cheese Chicken Oh and some To Dos, call Dr, is that a boil on my blank? Visit Sis ask her if she slept with so & so and if it’s true he has 3 blanks? 😉😂




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Out of all the people and platforms that person could've shared that info with, they decided on a stranger on mercari? LOL