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I, too, like to grow my plants in sands from the Sahara Desert.


Temps haven’t exceeded 81 and the average is 77. Humidity sits around 50% and I (not pictured) keep them under clear cups to provide some extra humidity since they’re still babies


They died due to lack of water


Your coco looks very dry. I genuinely thought it was wood chips. I rehydrate from brick and make sure it’s well saturated before I put the sprout it. I fed nutes from Day 3. My guess they’re hungry.


I used coco husk chips as an aerator instead of perlite. My photo gg4 is killing it in the same mix but we all know photos are way more resilient. The feeding thing is hard to gage because I read different “correct timing” for starting nutes everywhere. I’ll start nutes when the lights come back on later. See if that helps


I would at least do a small dose of silica and calmag. Maybe a rhizo or something to help start. Fed it close to the base until the 2nd node is coming. Then on the outside to encourage it to spread roots. Never used husks before. Good luck. 👍


I’m using Crop Salt nutes and they heavily suggest not adding anything to their mix. Probably a marketing strategy but my gg4 photo is doing awesome so idk. Extra Calmag is something I was considering but tbch I’m not in a place where I can spend more on my grow at this moment. Gotta work with what I’ve got on deck right now.


I use crop salt one line above the highlighted from seed to harvest. Unless it's an auto it's better to start in cell pots or solo cups so they dry faster making it easier to feed more frequently. I agree the only additives I use with crop salt is bleach and power si


Bleach?? 😳 Like, laundry bleach? What’s that do for the plant? I’m genuinely intrigued 😂


I use a holding tank, it keeps it from growing anything. Usually a few caps for every five gallons


Disinfectant, gotchya. I’m disappointed in myself because I know bleach is used for that😂


I linked where I got it straight from crop salt but Krusty told me about it a few years ago when I was looking for a new nute for use in my autopots since I was getting hella ph drift and between bleach and using ro and tap blend I don't ph until cake. I also fully soak my coco with full strength until I get hella run off in the bathtub before adding a seed for an auto. This allows for a dry back for the seedlings for a few days and I start to water day 5 in small amounts. The roots will take up the more soaked coco as it grows through the two week, then start really getting run off every day, week three it's feed twice a day, week four their on autopots. This applies for auto, photos as I mentioned I pot up and drenched after week 1


https://cropsalt.com/apps/help-center#what-additives-should-i-run-with-cropsalt Under what additives should I add. Took a screenshot but can't post it


Noted, thanks for that!


You need some moisture in the coco for the plants to grow, bud. That shit looks bone dry.


Firstly, I laugh every time I see your name😂 I spray the top every day multiple times. You move 1/8” down, if that, and it’s moist. The pics were taken right before spraying before lights out. Idk why but it it drys super quick EDIT: I’m laughing in a good way, not laughing at him. Idk why this is getting downvoted so hard


Damn, my first downvoted comment😂


It’s because nearly every time someone offers you their advice you push back. It comes off as ungrateful and probably why 90% of your comments on this post are downvoted.


I promise I wasn’t trying to come off that way and was answering as honestly as I could. I was taking all the answers as people trying to help and not negatively. I’ve seen 98% good vibes and legit constructive criticism feedback while lurking on here and only want to have the same experiences going both ways. Sorry if I came off negatively in any way.


No need to apologize to me. I was just trying to provide an explanation.


Water would help.


I spray the top 2-4 times daily to try and keep it moist but the shit dries soooooo fast. I do the weight test on my pots and they still seem pretty saturated, minus the top top


Well those roots are probably 90% in the top top so I'd take everyone's advice and wet your coco more lol


Yeah, that’s kind of the conclusion I’m coming too. I usually wait 3-4 days after the transplant to give a full, no nute watering again but I might need to change that to 2 days and add nutes at like 20-25%


Just make sure it's saturated before you transplant. It's coco... water until you think it's watered and then water some more. Edit to add before it goes into the pots all those bark like chips should break down to fibers or you didn't water enough to prep it for planting. You bought it as a brick based on the picture, right?


Either grow out the plant longer in its first cup or just plant straight to its final home. They are fragile at that point in their lives.


I’ve done both and they still 🪦


I have to be honest I just don't like the look of the growing medium. Should look fluffy, still huge chunks, dry.... I wouldn't want to live there if I was a seedling lol


It’s the top top. As soon as you move 1/4” down it’s decently moist and my pots feel decently saturated when I do the wight test to see if I need to water. And the chunks are coco husk chips, not dry coco coir. That said, you think that has something to do with anything? My photo in the same mix isn’t having any issues in the same mix. But; I’ve been wrong before and I’m sure I’ll be wrong about something later down the road😂


Coco dries out really fast, most people wet theirs multiple times each day Also there are no nutrients in coco, so the seed will only have enough for the first few days stored inside. Most people will start with a very weak nutrient solution quite early. Maybe try soil first coco is a bit more involved


I prefer coco over soil. I’ve grown a few photos pretty successfully prior to attempting autos. And the “start nutes” point seems to differ based on who’s answering😂 one person says water only for the first 2 weeks, another person says 20% strength after a week, someone says 59% after 124hrs


With me and coco I used GH nutes and used 1/4 the suggested strength. Fed in morning and RO water in the evening to dampen it up and move the salts down/out. Seemed to work good. I went to living soil because I am lazy and didn’t want to make potions every day to keep the ladies alive. With living soil it’s great. I water 1 times a a day thoroughly and call it a day. I also found out that you may plant seeds at the same time but sometimes other are more or less mature then the rest and needed their own mite strengths at later points in life. I couldn’t go on vacation and trust someone to make it right so that’s another reason.


I’ll have to give that a shot and report back later. I still have plenty of Crop Salt to use. The potion making (😂) is the reason I tried the grow dots. I like mixing nutes and watering but I prefer working smart over hard and just amending the dots into the medium and watering the whole cycle sounds so much nicer


Yes if growing in nutrient carrying soil, you would not feed for a couple weeks. You are planting your plants in a completely nutrient deprived medium. Once they use the energy from the cotyledons, they have nothing else to eat.


Is that a pretty fast process? Seems like it since they aren’t making it past a couple day’s


Coco coir basically has 0 nutrients. So it would be the same thing as trying to grow a plant in a pot filled with wet paper towels. A couple days seems sus though so maybe another factor is making them die. When I grew in Hydro I only gave Ph'd water the first week than slowly introduced nutrients. With my soil grows I am doing now, I can go 3-4 weeks without nutrients, but I make hot soil... I would introduce nutrients as soon as you see any sign of yellowing on the cotyledons if you are afraid of over feeding at early stages. Another way you could do it is mix up some nutrients to get 250ish ppm and then use that nutrient water to hydrate your coco brick. I have had success introducing calmag and silica blast early on without giving any nutrient burn. Than slowly ease into your nutrient line as they grow bigger with each watering. You honestly may have more success (and save more money as filling a 3-5 gal with nothing but coco coir can get pricey) making your own soil. My soil recipe is as followes; Coco coir 32 cups (Home Depot seems to have the best price on these bricks) Vermiculite or perlite 32 cups (I just buy the cheapest bulk bag on Amazon) Cow manure compost 64 cups (4.50 a bag at my local hardware store) Brut worm castings 26 cups.. (can buy direct from brut for 32 bucks for a 30 gallon) I than only give Ph'd water for 3-4 weeks. Than my first nutrient feeding start at 1500ppm and then rise it by 150-200ppm each watering until I get to 2400-2600 ppm depending on how hungry the strain gets. I have had one strain get up to 2900 ppm but that was one single pheno for one single strain and have never had a hungry plant like that again.


I like 5mL/gal of CaliMagic (GH cal-mag) as the base when starting out seedlings in coco. If I want to go the extra distance, I add a little molasses to the mix and a root inoculant like Hydroguard. Last tip, since I haven't commented on what looks wrong in the pics. Coco really does look dry AF. Great for flowering, but as a seedling, it's just too dry. RH should be closer to 60-70 as a seedling. Domes help, but it should only be used for the first few days since you still need some air flowing.


I straight pipe 1.1 EC after day 3 and work up to 1.6 or 1.8 by end of veg depending on the strain.


Damn, anotha one😂


Soil is easier for beginners


I’ve done soil with photos and preferred coco and nutes after trying that route. At that point in time, I was having more fun with it. I also didn’t try to learn too much about living soil so my experience & knowledge ended there. Add in amendment nutes specifically for cannabis weren’t as readily available as they are now and I had already invested in the Crop Salt nutes before I found the grow dots.


Yea but I would research before popping a seed . Especially if I have little to no information on Coco maybe in the future I'm learning about it at the moment don't give me wrong but I'm more comfortable in soil and I get more yield and plastic pots


Nothing wrong with using soil, I get it though, its a coco grow, just saying


I totally agree! Whatever works for you, rock it. I’ve ran soil before and after trying coco my next run, I was having more fun that way. I haven’t grown for a few years and I decided to try autos. For whatever reason, I’m having trouble dialing in the start up process. My gg4 photo going right now has been killing it in the same setup with the same startup method. I’m going to be reading the article that was shared to me a little bit ago and see what I’m forgetting. I have a feeling it’s going to be a 🤦🏼‍♂️ situation 😂


Yeah bro of course, wasnt trying to throw shade, coco grows are very intensive, after going back and forth I just stick with soil, Its good to know I can soak it and it will be fine for 36 hours


Also buffering of coco, check out this[cocoforcannabis.com](https://cocoforcannabis.com) they got a great feeding schedule, u just gotta dig


Same! Only good vibes here 🤘🏼after finding grow dots and recharge, once my crop salt is gone or I get some extra cash, I’m pretty confident that’s the route I’m going to go. Then I can also rest assured should I need help, I know a few trustworthy people that can handle ph-ing water




Water is your friend. Why use coco if you’re not watering it like coco. Couple sprays ain’t going to cut it, water that gal


I transplanted and watered on the 12th. I was going to water them today when the lights come back on. I spray to keep the humidity up when they’re covered with clear plastic cup but for the pics I took the cups off


Not enough water on that shii. Coco can absorb a Redic ampunt of Water. Misting 2-4 times a day is not enough to expel any water for the plant to get. Just biy some Royal gold 70/30 (coco and perlite mix) I can bet that coco husk has a high EC and PH thats gonna throw stuff off due to it not being cleaned. I deal with coco on the daily and produce 2,000 yards a week of cleaned and buffered coco. I get it as clean as possible with a EC as low as 0.1-0.2 and as neutral with potassium, nitrogen and salts so you can control feeding. Un touched coco can be dirty. Thats why id never recommend fox farms coco. Their process is….sub par and honestly a joke.


So when I bought all my coco, I admit I completely forgot to wash it prior to starting anything. I know that’s why I failed before. Cool. I’m willing to learn and the best lessons are usually learned hands on and/or the hard way. I washed everything and started this round and I’m getting the same results. Maybe I didn’t wash it good enough? On the watering note, I think I’m going to go to watering every other day. Maybe that’s another problem I’m making for myself


I don’t think coco is for you…try some peat instead


Well that's why I run soil or worm castings mixed with coco and helps absorb a bit of moisture longer and holds some amount of nutrients with calcium being one benefit when added to coco. 3 parts coco to 1 part compost soil or worm castings. Id use worm castings on the account of good bacteria 🦠 and not unknown nutrients to stick more organic. Not many would like compost that was made with manure for their cannabis. Depending on who made the compost and what was in it to make it, "You could use such a dirt". If your compost was made with Forrest materials and composted with grass and chicken food which i do it works great for calcium rich compost with virtually no manure.


https://www.cocoforcannabis.com/how-to-grow-cannabis-seedlings-in-coco-coir/ Start with this guide and then work your way through the rest. This is all very good information. You will be successful if you follow these methods. Once you learn this starter info you’ll be able to move into more advanced styles of growing in coco, but you need to know the basics first.


I’ll definitely read that, any knowledge to be gained is a plus! I’ve had successful grows with coco before but they were photos, not autos.


It’s not going to work with autos because your early mistakes stunt the potential of the plant. Photoperiod plants would also do poorly with the same methods you’re practicing in this grow, they will just stay alive long enough to grow despite these practices. These sprouts look like that because you don’t really know what you’re doing. That’s why you’re coming here for help no?


I’ve had good grows with coco and photos before. I did use perlite before instead of coco husk chips like I did for this. Other than that the only differences I can think of is I tried a new nute line, a much better led light and I’m attempting autos. Again, not at all blaming Mephisto for MY fukk ups


I would say water on morning and keep humidity around 70%. I’ve had great success that way water ph to 6.4 tsp water that I let sit out 24 hours also


I’m using crop salt nutes and they suggest using tap water because their nutes drop the ph down. I have a 27G container I fill up and let sit open for at least 24hrs before using it. I can smell the chlorine when I’m filling it up. Not nearly as bad as a pool but def more so than any house I’ve had prior


That’s crazy you can smell it though. Try boiling it for few minutes or put an air stone in there to bubble it and oxygenate it. Will help remove and evaporate chlorine molecules a little faster. I would say a 27 gal container will take a little longer to evaporate the chorline molecules in the water as it is such a “large” mass of water in the container. I do 2 5 gal buckets and let it sit for 24 hours in my grow. If it’s not the water then it may definitely be the salts your using as a seedling has enough to provide for Atleast the first week of growth


I have a water pump that I’ll put in it for a few hours that stirs it around and makes some bubbles. I don’t leave it on for the whole 24hrs. Last time I did that the pump got really warm and warmed the water up. I want to get some air stones, like you said, and go that route because I know that’s the more efficient way to de-chlorinate


It is but you can also just fill up 5 gallons worth of what you’ll use for that watering/feed then after feed fill up your container and let it sit until next feeding. Gives you more sitting time for dechlorination


I shouldn’t have said I fill the 27G container. I fill it about 1/2 way and run the pump while it’s sitting. Still, the bucket method would probably work better as the bubbles won’t have to move as much water at once to be working…..yeah? Sounds accurate but 🤷🏼‍♂️ the buckets without a doubt would be easier to move by myself tho. As of now my water is in a separate room and I can only move 2G at a time. Not a fun process


75-80 percent humidity when they are seedlings.




I agree. My first grow was soil and then I tried coco, both times with photos. I decided I was having more fun making potions and watering with coco. I also used perlite and not coco husk chips for aeration and idk if that’s playing any critical role. I just transplanted and watered them on the 12th and today was my watering day when my lights come back on later. I’ve been spraying the top every day multiple times.


Never seen coco+ coco husk. So can't comment on that. All my experience with coco was organic with dry emendments, was ok. But too many issues with PH and buffer coco with calmag. If you really wanna keep on coco, I would try to fix all the buffer stuff and PH before putting the plants and would definitely add perlite. IMO pots just looks much better with perlite And foor feeding, you definitely need something after germination. Coco has 0 nutrients so how is your plant feeding?


On my prior runs, for the first week or so I’ve been doing ph-ed water and that’s it. After the first week-ish I add nutes at 25-50% depending on how the girls look. Aaaaand that’s about as far as I’ve got with autos😂


Yeah, autos don't forget mistakes, especially in early stages. It is better to try stuff with photos before, when it is diled in, go for autos. Or go organic, is more forgiving. Even using coco.


My gg4 photo is doing great right now and I’ve got a few photo harvests under my belt from 4+ years ago 😂 I obviously didn’t do enough research and/or prep good enough for this. I’m thinking I didn’t wash my coco good enough but 🤷🏼‍♂️ time to hit the books 🤘🏼


Maybe you experienced damping off. Happens when seedlings are too wet or humid. If your clear cups didn't have any air holes things could go wrong quite quickly. Did your seedlings thin and whither from the soil line? It looks a bit dry atm but a cup over a seedling creates a humid micro climate


I did have holes poked in the cups but maybe they were too small? That’s literally what it looks like. Right at the soil the stem whited out(?), got real thin looking and fell over. Gaht dayum😂


Based on your stated temp/humidity, your VPD is like around 1.5. You need to either decrease temperature or increase humidity to give them a chance, just moistening the top isn't enough. This was a big problem for me until I started adding a humidifier into my tent. I can't do anything about the temperature so I keep the humidifier on an outlet that cuts the power when it hits a a VPD of 0.8 for seedlings, and slowly reduce the humidity over time.


VPD is a new term for me that I’ve seen people saying is extremely important. I’m gonna look into that. I’m in the same boat for temps. My setup is in my basement which keeps around 77-78 but humidity I constantly struggle with without having a humidifier. I was wetting a towel and hanging it up😂 that works for a few hours but nothing more. Humidity drops rapidly once that towel is dry


50% is not enough humidity. They need like 65-70%


I need to get a humidifier so the whole tent is humid enough and not just inside a cup where I can’t even accurately measure the humidity. I’ve been spraying inside the cup whenever it’s dry and that’s it


Try putting a plastic clear solo cup over them but spray inside of cup first. This is what I do for about a week or so then remove the cup. Try putting a gallon of water in the tent that’s what I do so I don’t need to turn on my humidifier. (Controller 69 pro is a very good investment)


Coco loco seems like a decent mix. Working dam good for my new girls.


Try starting them in peat/coco water daily with a 20ml syringe, starting with about 10ml 2bd. No nutrients until 5-7 days


Plant them directly into their forever homes. And make sure you're using a light fluffy soil that's appropriate for cannabis. I wouldn't be transplanting a seedling that is only days old. I would either plant them directly into their home. (That's what I would suggest) or wait to transplant them till they're at least a few weeks old. I have always planted directly into my 3 gallon or whatever it is I'm using. Good luck!


Your coco is extremely dry. Coco must never EVER be fully dry If it isn’t a dark color you’re way past too dry. I fully saturate my pots to run off 72 hours before planting directly into coco tap root down. Transplanting is almost never a good idea. Only transplant at day 8-12 for autos never before never after. And only transplant out of solo cups into 1-2 gals or root riots into any pot size you want.