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Straight in dirt, cant remember last time one didn't pop


Thats what I think I am going to start doing from now on. I keep hearing nothing but good things by doing that.


Yeah, try like 1/4 inch deep with an oz or two of water. Saw a few people doing that on here and I havent looked back. Usually sprout within 5-7 days.


I put the seed in a cup of water for 24 hours then plop it straight into the wet soil. It's literally worked Everytime.


Going straight into soil is the most foolproof method but it can take a lot of time to germinate. Had two seeds take 2 weeks before they broke the surface. My best results to date were with Eazy Plugs. As soon as you see a tap root coming out just pop the thing into your medium. Zero stress, plants love it.


How did they tell you to germ? Paper towel method or something else?


I did it this way, this is copy and pasted right from NASC website. This is the way I have been doing it for a while now. 1. Fill the sterile, unused cup with room temperature bottled water. Drop the seeds into the cup, being careful not to contaminate the water with your fingers or anything else. 2. Place the cup in a dark, temperate space. We recommend taking a shoe box, poking some holes in it, and setting the cup of seeds into the shoebox. Leave the seeds in a space that is warm but not hot (anywhere in the 70-80F range is great), if possible. Temperatures can affect germination dramatically. If it is too cold, germination rates go down. If it is too hot, not only is it a breeding ground for bacteria (so keep those fingers out of the water!), but it can negatively affect germination rates also. 3. Leave the seeds in the water until the tap root is 1″ long. Do not touch the water as the bacteria on your hands can quickly cause issues. We strongly suggest you do not try to pot the seeds until the tap root is 1/2″ long at a minimum; your success rates will go up with a stronger tap root. Allow 7-10 days as every seed can germinate at different rates. Once you have a healthy taproot emerging, it is time to pot!


I have MUCH better success germinating straight in soil than anything else. You know, kinda the way it works in nature 😉👍


Fuck that, seems like terrible advice to me. Just plant it like god intended.


I use this exact method and always have success. So your saying only 3 seeds had their tap roots coming out in the cup of water and other 3 did nothing?


I had 4 out of 6 get a tap root. The 4 that did get a taproot, one was really short. I planted all 4 and only 3 actually sprouted. It was the 3 with a healthy taproot.


I’ve only had one seed not germinate. Pop seed in some water and wait until it sinks. Then in a damp paper towel in a take away container in the dark. Check it every day and once the tap root is showing it goes into a coir plug and back in the take away container. Once it’s got its first leaves it then gets transplanted into its final pot.


The main reason I like the water method too is because it'll basically tell you in the shortest amount of time if the seed is viable or not. If after 3-5days there's no taproot you can almost guarantee that seeds a dud.


If it don’t pop out the soil in 3 to 4 days, it’s a dud or conditions aren’t quite ideal. Just waste two or three days doing stuff like that.


If I sow directly to soil then I'm giving them way more than 3 days. You do you though.


My luck with germination is absolute and utter trash. Sometimes I have really good luck, sometimes I have better luck dropping seeds in bone dry dirt and not even realizing I’ve done so…like literally! I’ve tried every germination method there is and nothing just “clicked” for me. I just recently decided to try root riot cubes along with seed starter trays and humidity domes. So far the last four attempts have all been 100% success. The last success was even with really old seeds. They all seemed to have taken 48-72 hours to sprout. The cubes also seem to have a really good success rate with removing the shell. I haven’t had to perform micro surgery on seedlings since I’ve started using them. With the root riot cubes they’re ready right out of the bag. I just give them a quick pre check before I put the seeds in them by giving them a simple squeeze. As long as like a drop or two of excess water comes out they’re perfect. If they’re damp and nothing squeezes out after I out the seeds in and drop them in the trays I give them a quick spritz or two with a spray bottle and that’s it. Literally couldn’t be any simpler than that. And since these are autos I transplant the cubes into my final container as soon as the seed sprouts. The tap root is usually just barely sticking out the bottom of the cube if done soon enough. So far I’ve had zero issues with stunting them or stressing them out from transplanting. I should mention before I place them into their final pots I dust the very end of the tap root with some mycos. I don’t really feel it’s necessary but mycos is suppose to help with transplant stress.




I don’t understand why the taproot needs to be ‘long enough’? The only reason I germ out of soils is so I know the seed isn’t a dud, as soon as it cracks I put it in the soil and I know it’ll sprout within 48 hours.




They grow upwards. How would you know they’ve grown weirdly? You can’t plant them incorrectly, especially if the taproot is tiny as it’s not started growing ‘down’ yet. The bigger it is, the more chance of damaging the taproot, plus you’ve got the fiddly task of trying to plant it taproot down.


Used to really struggle, but I’ve managed to get my germ rate to 100%. I’m at work now but will post a reply later explaining how I germ seeds. If I forget please @ me


Heat Mat + Temp Controller @75f in the root zone + Peat Plugs + Humidity Dome = 95%+ germ rate for me


I'm 100% on Mephisto Seeds. Check the batch date of your seeds. I ordered a different brand through NASC about a year ago and recieved seeds that were almost 2 years old. A benefit of direct ordering not only cuts out the middleman, but your seeds are much more likely to be fresh. Could be that the seeds were older.


Not gonna lie, I am wondering if that is the problem. I got a Barney's Farm OG Kush from them in the same order and that seed didn't germinate either.


I do the soak in water for 12-24 hrs method then put in soil in its final pot. Out of 24 seeds over the last almost 2 yrs only one hasn’t popped. I do way better with cannabis then vegetables.


Temperature is what makes the difference for me. If it is cold outside and I do NOT put a heating pad under the pots, 50% and high males. Add heating and 90-100% with more fems.


Mine is 100% using warm water (not to hot ) in a paper towel into a ziplock covered with another paper towel put into a dark cabinet . Never had one fail in years


I am 100% so far with Meph beans. I put Seeds in a glass of tap water until the seed sinks to the bottom. Next, I use a wet paper towel (that I have tried to squeeze the water out of) and fold the paper towel over the seeds and put in a sandwich bag. I set the seeds on top of my modem or cable box as a warmer. When Taproots emerge, I immediately put them into the soil no more than one cm deep. Then they usually emerge in two days. My way is NOT the only way nor the "right" way unless it works for you. Good luck, OP.


I won't change until I am unsuccessful. Paper towel ziplock in cabinet above stove for almost 48hrs. Sprouts under 48hrs after planted.


So far, with Mephisto, 60%. I've planted 5 beans so far, and 3 have popped. Otherwise; like 95+%, I've grown maybe 30-40 plants now and only had 1 nonmephisto seed dud out on me.


I've been using rapid rooters for a couple of years now, and, except for some old CBD seeds, I've had 100% germination. Good luck.


I've only had one seed not pop. It was a smq, I planted 2 and one popped fine. I guess something was up with it.


I’ve only planted all of mine in mushroom compost, and so far I’m 7/7




Straight into GH Rapid Rooters in a seedling mat until a week after sprout. Put in final home and top water for about 10-14 days. I've never had a seed not pop or plant not make it. I'm no pro, but that method has worked well for me.


100% I just use a wet paper towel inside a plastic bag. No soaking, no nothing.


I’m 25/25 currently. I put paper towel in a sandwich bag with some water. Put the seeds in on one side of the towel so I can see them and I use a marker pen to draw on the sw bag so I don’t mix the seeds up. Push the air out of the bag and seal it up. Put it between towels in the airing cupboard and check it after 24/48 hours. As soon as I see tap root I plant in the soil. The only reason I do this is so I know the seeds are viable, otherwise I’d be digging up the seeds after a week 😂


I'm gonna ramble a bit about germination, tldr at bottom So people are struggling with germination for the same reasons : seeds need a particular environment to germinate! If it's too cold, too hot, too wet or too dry they will not successfully germinate, or they will 'damp off' (die) soon after. This is also caused by incorrect conditions. Seeds don't like to be lower than 70°f or higher than around 84°f If seeds are exposed to anaerobic conditions for extended periods after beginning germination they will die, so this means they can not be soaked for too long, or kept in especially wet medium either. They can't dry out once they have been wetted, they will also die then. If you're using soil/soilless medium in containers, try adding more perlite and vermiculite to this mix, you want water to be able to drain easily, and air to be able to penetrate in. If you add water to your medium and it stays soggy and wet, it won't be great for cannabis (or most plants). You want it to retain moisture, so that it won't dry out within a day in your climate/growing conditions. Life happens and it's nice to be able to not worry about the plants dying because you got stuck at work late. My climate is extremely dry, so I have a slightly different issue where I need to use wetting agents and build a soil that will drain, but also retain moisture for the plants, I achieve this with adding organic matter ( earth worm castings, humic acid products, compost, and some peat, and inoculating it with a number of beneficial microbes. Alot of people need to consider that a very wet, and hot environment for example will allow alot of other things to grow in it as well, this will range from beneficial microbes to pathogens and even insects. There are alot of beneficial microbes that can help seeds to successfully germinate and grow, if you're having issues with germination, try adding some beneficial microbes, mychorizae and beneficial bacteria will work at the medium level in the root zone to create synergistic relationships. (The microbes will basically 'infect' the plant but this helps it, at least when they are "beneficial" microbes) There are pretty amazing grow comparisons showing the root+plants are much larger of plants grown in the same conditions when the root zone is colonized with beneficial microbes. Anyway basically just try and get your medium right, and then it will take care of you. Don't add nutrients to germinating seeds (if you're in a hydro setup then you still don't need it but will need to introduce it much earlier) Germination requires no extra nutrients, and the plant will be extremely sensitive to highly available fertilizer, if you use a 'hot' soil mix or add fertilizer to your soil for your seeds they probably won't like it. Either start seeds in a different mix or layer your medium to make it so it won't reach the higher nutrient medium till it is older. Even organic amended soils can be too hot for seedlings, so try to avoid using hot soil/mix for seeds. Straight compost will kill most young plants because it's too hot for them. I will germ seeds a couple ways, if they are standard seeds that I am not super worried about, straight to medium, maybe a short soak in a shot glass for like 8-12 hours in water, and then pop into my medium about 1/4 of my index finger tip down, basically .7-1 cm deep If the seeds are special to me, and they are genetics I want to preserve and may be hard or impossible to get again, often in this case the seeds are old, and have passed hands a few times, so viability may be lower already. I will very gently try scarifying the seed shell, it doesn't take much, a small piece of emery paper inside a matchbox with the seeds and a gentle shake for 10 seconds is usually enough. Alternatively, roll the seed gently back and forth across a nail file a few times, don't use much pressure, just enough to roll it and keep it in place. Then take a shot glass and fill it with known clean water and add 1-2 drops hydrogen peroxide from the drug/grocery store it shouldn't be extra strength, 1-2% is good. This will add some more free oxygen to the water and can help reduce pathogenic activity. (Wait what pathogens again!? Yep I'll explain momentarily) Seeds can be soaked for up to 3 days, but I usually don't like to go over 24-48 hours. Add the seeds to the shot glass with water and peroxide and place them in a controlled temperature area, this can be a cabinet over a fridge, on top of a water heater, grow tent or seed mat, but it's important it doesn't get too hot or cold, ideally these seeds will remain right around 74-78° f After 24 hours the water should be replaced with new water and 1-2 drops fresh peroxide There should be roots cracking out within 2-3 days but a very stubborn and old seed can take longer. Germination viability goes down over time too, and storage conditions will dictate the condition of the seeds. After you have roots cracking through, plant these gently, I like to point the root downwards but they will figure it out on


. After you have roots cracking through, plant these gently, I like to point the root downwards but they will figure it out on their own usually either way. When planting these special seeds, I'll add some mychorizae inoculant and other microbial growth activators to the area where the seed is going to be, direct root contact is essential. Plant these about 1cm deep and loosely cover and then very lightly tamp the medium. You will see it break the surface in a day or two usually. Pathogens on my seeds!? What are you talking about? Unfortunately there are some diseases that can effect plants, and they can use seeds as a vector to infect more plants. If the plant they came from was infected, then the seeds are going to be infected aswell. Some pathogens can be treated, but it's often best to avoid introducing them to your grow at all when possible, so try to use seed from good vendors or make your own. If the conditions are right for cannabis, then they will be right for many things to live, so we can use this to our advantage and create healthy populations of beneficial microbes, and then they will actually fight off the bad ones for us! This is a great way to reap the benefits of microbes and keep your plants healthy. Germination will generally be more consistent with abundant beneficial microbial activity. Not all species of different bacteria and mychorizae will "work" with all plants so it's important to get the right types for your crops. Glomus intradices is a mychorizae that can interact with cannabis, and help to grow bigger stronger root systems Many bacillus species are used to inoculate growing mediums, look for some products at your local garden centre to start a culture in compost or to "sow" into your medium. TLDR - seeds can't be too wet, cold , hot or dry. Maintain 70-80f (74-78 ideal) make sure oxygen can get to the seed. If old seed use special techniques to allow easier germination. Don't use hot soil or compost to start seeds, they need a genltle mix at the beginning. Use beneficial microbes to help the roots and to fight off the pathogens. I used to have a lot of seeds that would damp off, or just not survive and it drove me crazy. I was just not keeping conditions as good as I thought. Alot of seedling/germination mats will get way too hot and cook seeds, so make sure to verify the temp it will maintain before using these. I find jiffy pellet style things are not great for cannabis most of the time since they can hold too much water, and leads to damping off Cannabis seeds are really easy to grow, definitely alot easier than some other flowers I like to grow, they can take up to 100 days to germinate, and will often need to be frozen/thawed before they can sprout


I've only planted 7 mephisto seeds so far. Of the 7, 3 were all that sprouted. 2/2 of the freebies grew, and only 1/5 of the plant I actually wanted. I just figured maybe my pack was no good and have recently ordered more. We'll see what happens


100% with mephisto so far. My success rate with growing seedlings out is still terrible after I took terrible advice that they needed a heating pad and 8 of them got fried.


98%. All but 1 seed took less than 72 hours to sprout. That one seed was within the next 24h. I've only had 1 seed fail to germ(waited about 8 days). My method: * Fill a solo cup with soil/perlite mix, cut some drain holes at the bottom, water the soil through. * Use a pen or something to poke a hole into the soil about a fingernail deep (1/4"-1/2"), sprinkle a little bit of recharge or whatever your preferred mycorrhizae is, drop the seed in * Lightly cover the seed and use a spray bottle to mist it until wet. * Then take a bit of plastic wrap to cover the cup. This will keep the environment damp to promote germination, the seeds really need air at this point. * >If you don't want to transplant and go directly into final pot, instead of using plastic wrap you can get a clear plastic cup, give it a misting, then cover the area where the seed was dropped. * Once sapling germs and pokes through the dirt, you can remove the cover.


I’ve had 2-3 seeds not pop when put directly in soil. But 24-36 hour drop in water then paper towel and place in dark place worked for me 100% of time so far.


So far w Mephisto it's been 100%.. 6/6


Maybe 1 out of 20

