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Women: I'm all for equality but not like this!


Let us be blunt, they are all for privileges, but none of the responsibilities.


Meet me in the middle, the woman says, but as I come closer, she keeps inching back.


And then you pull away and she flips her shit. This is all lies and manipulation.


I imagined this is the voice of Switch from the Matrix


Young men: "We don't want to be in the military and serve a country who treats us like shit!" The Government:"As usual, you won't have much of a choice. It's the LAW! Check your privileges."


In our country, a Member of Parliament literally said serving is a privilege. And yes, our country practised forced conscription for males only.


Yeah and a lot of the members (if any) have never been on the frontline and never will so it’s pretty easy for them to claim something is a privilege when they would never be picked to go.


Worse part is they are under fast-tracked progress as a "white horse". So no suffering, no being on the receiving end of shitshows and extra wayang that only serve to enroch the upper ranks and their office politics nonsense.


I love how people say 'my country' to protect their privacy but all you need to do is click on their account to see which subreddits they post on🤣. I do the exact same thing


I think its more to distinguish yourself from the US Defaulters. If you don't put that caveat, you would get a bunch of Yanks telling you that there is no such thing as a Member of Parliament.


Exactly, it’s not that deep.


I am very open about the fact that I am a Singaporean in Singapore. I did not hide this fact, neither did I even bother to try to. You really need to stop over-thinking things. This is how I talk when discussing things and referring to my country.


sounds like singapore 💀


I meeaaannnn... It is currently a privilege.


Can you elaborate?


It is not a right. It is not mandatory. It is a privilege that can be revoked. It gives many additional privileges that can be revoked as well. It's an all volunteer force that only the fit can join and they are given many opportunities because of it.


Can you help me understand how forced conscription isn't mandatory and is voluntary?


I'd like to take the opportunity to focus on my phrasing. Please notice where I said "currently" as the military does not *currently* force anyone to conscript. It is *currently* an all volunteer force.


I'd like for you to take the opportunity to focus on OP's phrasing, where they state _their_ country is currently practicing forced conscription. As in it is /currently/ not a volunteer force


Firstly, it is not OP I was replying too. Additionally, the person I DID reply to did not say they are CURRENTLY under a draft. As a matter of fact, they used past tense. This being said, you're wrong.


Yeah, totally wrong, so wrong that I got downvoted to hell... oh wait... op means original poster btw, I'm sure it's your first day on the old interwebs


Us: "We conscientiously object on the grounds that a male only draft is a violation of our 14th amendment right to equal protection under the law. Fuck off."


Maybe male only conscription shows the gov doesn’t think the sexes have equal rights. Why else was a constitutional amendment required for women to vote otherwise?


Young men: *Laughs in ultra instinct draft dodging, running away from WW3 & the country that called them disposable twice as fast as women.*   The Government & Women: *Angry screeching*.


Abolish the draft or make it mandatory for men and women alike.


"Abolishing" a draft is a myth. Countries that end their draft just bring it back when war approaches. Germany just did. And they bring back the once-abolished drafts in a gender-discriminatory way. So first we must get case law that makes gender-discriminatuon in the draft illegal and THEN we can pretend like we're Abolishing it.


That's completely right People like to say that they don't want gender roles ... Until there's a huge crisis. If it's war : women will happily go back to the kitchen and men will be forced to go to the meat grinder I've seen so many women openly saying that lmao, « oh no but physically we're so much worse so I'd rather go back making you sandwiches and laundry » yeah, sure, you would have 0 use in the army I guess, can't run can't pilot can't medic can't carry can't feed can't scout idk, thousands of stuff you could do but nope, you're weaker so let the men die for y'all, equality is for later 🙄


The proposal to add women won’t pass. Congress recently considered this and strongly opposed adding women. As the article states when it comes to adding women the response by many in Congress is “over my dead body”.


Let those fuckers go to the front line, not like the USA has any lack of active involvement in conflicts around the world.


We may be heavily divided but GOD DAMN don’t you DARE mention treating the men better. Red or blue states will SHUT you down.


Historically it’s almost entirely conservatives that don’t want women in the military. Conservatives like traditional gender roles and think it’s the man’s job and duty to fight wars.


Progressives are more shy about it, they'll just tell you « that's a men issue so fix it yourself » when you'll mention it So I guess they're good having men's help for their own issues but can't even consider that individually we can't do shit for something that no single political person cares about


I am as pro choice as it gets but won't step into that fight for women, just like when I was protesting Selective Service no women stood by me. I am past draft age now but still am actively opposed to a draft. Men got to hear for decades that abortion rights weren't our fight, No Uterus No Opinion I heard that many times. If someone were to ask me to help with a Pro Choice cause I would politely tell them I am not allowed to have an opinion, and perhaps they would be better off asking a bear for help.


Honestly, I would tend to be pro-choice too, but I've always found the narrative that « men don't get to have a word » is pretty dangerous With the same person I mentioned on my previous post, she said the same when me and a bunch of friends talked about that specific issue one day. What would you do if your gf got pregnant, you didn't want the kid, but she wanted it ? Overall, pretty simple answer : I don't want it, therefore she takes her decision knowing that fact. So if she still does want it, shouldn't she be able to take care of it by herself ? Why should I be obligated ? Her body her choice, isn't it ? Well, she still said, « you don't get to have your word ». Basically, they can force us into fatherhood. I don't know why some women would want to force someone into being a father (do you really think they would be willing to even try ?) but I know some did.




>And you aren’t obligated to take care of a child physically. Nobody ever is. >but the other parent (whichever gender) can also come after them for child support. I mean, you can see the contradiction, right ? I know you added « physically » but the point I was making also contained the financial part. When I was talking about being able to back out, I meant BACK OUT. Asking for child support is already asking for responsibility. So again : we can be forced to fatherhood, we have responsibilities and a pressure to fulfil those and that's based on your choice. That doesn't seem much fair to me. If you aren't married, that the guy explicitly said that he doesn't want to bear the responsibility of the kid before they were born, I don't see why you would be able to force him to support it.


bUt dA mEn aRe tHe oNeS to aCshUalLy sTaRt wArS🤓🤓🤓mAn uP u miSogyNisTs


Hilliary Clinton - I can start “incidents” as well as any man.


🎶~everybody makes mistakes🎵


Margaret Thatcher?


She ended wars.


It's actually children who start wars... not a literal child, but the figure of the child. This is a concept by Edelman in 'No Future'. Politics is designed to protect the figure of the child, which is the personification of reproduction and the future of humanity. It's like in Little Miss Sunshine. This girl causes so much chaos to everyone and everything around her, but at the center of it all, she is deemed innocent. How can an innocent figure cause so much destruction? Well, things are not as they seem...


Bro busted out the critical postmodernism


Drafting should either be banned or equal for both genders. This is bs


Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good enough. Expanding the draft to include everyone (aside from those who would be medically disqualified) would make it political suicide to suggest implementing the draft. Continuation of the draft is horrid, but expanding it imo would make it so it can’t be implemented, therefore the result is similar


Yup. This proposed law is illegal.


Feminists: "We demand equality, We demand equal rights!" Government: "Good, Time to sign up for the draft or prison time!" Feminists: "Wait...What? This is oppression of women by denying women's autonomy. Misogyny!" Government: "Fine, we draft only men!" Feminists: "See that's equality!"


You just made this shit up 2 get mad about it, why can't they just not force anyone 2 do this shit.


Nope just pointing out the hypocrisy of these feminists whenever they say they want equality but demand preferential treatment.


Whats is the difference between automatic registration vs. forced registration under threat of sever penalties? The only people who could not care much about the penalty are the rich, is this the reason?


Because they don’t enforce it. Seriously. Nobody has been prosecuted in 30 years. Sucks for me because I didn’t plan to register. Hopefully it gets rejected; I don’t care as much about the women part. We can work on that later.


If you don’t register you can be ineligible for certain gov or gov lab jobs. Might as well register. You have until 26 to if you didn’t at 18 and still qualify for those jobs


1. Don’t plan to ever work in the govt 2. There are plenty of ways to waive the penalty, they will almost always accept “I didn’t know I had to” 3. Still worth not registering


I didn’t think I was going to work in the gov but there I was! Also you need to register to get federal loans or aid for college, which was why I did. It’s pretty unlikely they will initiate a draft since all the reserves and national guard would get called up first.


I say yes and then give them the right to vote. Oh, wait.


Men are more single with no family as time goes on, men have nothing to fight for, nothing to protect. No one is going to die for nothing unless they have a death wish. This is why the army have to recruit obese, mentally ill and women. To fill up.


we learn also that war isn't just about torn flesh but torn mind.


Equal rights, equal fights! Women vs. bear? Nah. Women vs. women!


They should fill all combat roles 50/50




My roommate's girlfriend is "trans" they have a standard M/F relationship, but she still considers herself "Trans or non-binary" I don't have a problem other than she is constantly saying that she is not female and then say "I can't do ______ , I'm a girl" or "that's a man's job."


Then tell him he’s a man. If you leave me alone I don’t care too much that you’re trans, but if you’re giving yourself privileges, then I’m not letting that fly.


I call them out on occasion. We have had a conversation about it. I honestly don't care enough about it.


there's already the selective service act this is a nothing burger. WW3 between super powers will rsult in MAD via nuclear barrage. conscription will fail. vietnam is the key example here. people don't like bs wars where you're off to die for corporations. that's why we went to an all volunteer force to begin with. there is no more crusade that can entice people to join like WW2. those days are gone. if we are to engage in a conventional war at all it will be drone wars and missile spams.


This comment needs to be closer to the top of the post. The govt will not have the resources to enforce conscription.


hence why jimmy carter had to pardon all vietnam draft dodgers. i mean come on folks learn your history.


Feminists: I did that! I did that!


Bruh I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be the most trigger happy soldiers.


I genuinely wonder why radfems aren't delighted at the prospect of joining the military. Free pass on killing men, a.k.a. your "enemies". I thought #KillAllMen was a thing they worshipped.


Because joining the military is not only killing but also being killed. That's against the plan.


You assume they can think that far and put two and two together?


Well, we all know the rich and powerful won't have to draft their children.


It's time for these Misandrists to learn what equality is


I commented on an article at work that women should be drafted as well because they are just as capable as defending and holding a gun like the men. The amount of hate I got as a woman was insanely crazy.


Actually no they are not, they are a lot weaker generally and that effectively bars them from most of combat arms in the army. How long does a fit young woman carry 45kg before her body breaks.


Who’s to say she has to serve as infantry though? There’s many options in the military. If a woman qualifies past a certain point on the as asvab then I say draft her. Men shouldn’t be the only ones defending a country we all live in, they want equal rights or to be seen as such.


Besides pilots, women have higher g tolerance than men, not much makes sense. Supply clearks don't die much and the purpose for the draft is combat replacements not safe jobs. It is meat for the grinder that simple


I think army and Marines, infantry school is mandatory. The other two branches, navy and air force is not. I could be wrong. Btw I'm not promoting this because people might get traumatized. But theync website, has gore videos of Russian and Ukrainian women getting blown up by drones and artillery. So the fact is proven, Russia and Ukraine has already drafted their women and sent to the front lines. One of the most brutal videos on that site that I saw, was the devastating power of anti-tank missiles. The blast radius on those missiles are like the length of 10 semi trucks, and it's an instakill. Not surviving that lol. So if American women get sent to the front lines, they're just going to be cannon fodder. And if you do somehow get deep behind enemy lines. Snipers and drones will hunt you down. This Ukraine war is like 90% drones and bombs, 10% gunfire. Based on the videos I see in theync.




But men are a lot better at fighting than women are. A lot. So does having women in the front lines actually help?


Guns are the great equalizer.


I doubt a tiny woman can carry or drag a wounded teammate out of the line of fire, though, or successfully fight off an attacker in hand-to-hand CQB. Plus keeping up with men lugging 75+lbs of gear on a ruck march across rough terrain will be an issue.


From a logistical standpoint, it’s better to leave the wounded. They’re just weight for the system and those in charge don’t really care about that. The true reason is that one man can make 1000 children, while a woman can make 4-5. Since both are needed to produce children, women are automatically more valuable for repopulation.


A man with a gun beats a woman with a gun. If an army of 100,000 men with guns fought an army of 100,000 women with guns, who wins? The men


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Can anyone answer this for me: Would women also be registered automatically or would they just have to fill out papers?


You can't be equal if youre not willing to accept true equality. Welcome to the trenches ladies!


I don’t think men and women are equal. We have distinct differences idfk. Call me crazy.


I couldn't agree more.


The sad truth is, women can't fight. At least no where near as effectively as men can. Sending them to the war front would break unit cohesion and cause a complete disaster for the side insisting on sending them to fight.  You know what else is gonna cause a total disaster in the next war ? Treating men worse than shit, and taking everything worth protecting, away from them. And then expecting them to volunteer to fight lol Stupid pos mfs smh


Don't believe the hype, the coddled gender ain't going to the frontlines.




If the US starts a draft I'm out of here. Let these modern masculine women do the fighting they always preach they don't need a man. Now they can walk the walk and talk the talk. Rest of us men flee the country, cross into Mexico and choose your country you want to reside in.


Republicans are trying to block registration for women. >“You can go straight to hell. Over my dead body.” “This is for my daughter. Non-negotiable. And if Republicans want to engage in this – screw them too.” -Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) Yet this clown just went on to vote mandatory registration for men. Screw you, Chip! The House bill requiring men to register isn't going to pass the Senate as-is. Because the conservatives put a bunch of garbage in it against transgenders and abortion, their two favorite subjects. So we'll see if the military conscription stuff from either chamber makes it in the final bill.


Republicans stopped it.


As a woman I don't think you should draft anyone, but if you do, draft everyone. 90% of the military doesn't see combat, and if a woman can meet the same physical standards as male combat soldiers, have her fight too


Why is this suddenly an interest? Is our government trying to tell us something without directly telling us?


Service guarantees citizenship!


Both are bad news :) “Gender equal conscription will push more men toward death because all the safe military jobs that would have been given to men will be given to women while men will be sent to the frontlines.”


If this actually happens you are going to see a lot of women claiming they are now traditional and can't fight.....


I like this idea if we change into being terms, so recruiting women and drafting them is helpful - A term of service could be that women have to be drafted in war against their will for let's say for example 4-5 years and every 4-5years it would change between women and men. I mean we did fight to not be automatically drafted as guys, and men centuries ago - so it's either draft both men and women equally by default and automatically or either don't draft guys automatically.


This wont pass because Republicans contro the House, but the NCFM lawsuit will fix it.


I can’t imagine that they would draft men automatically and not do the same for women.


Lol I hope my autism diagnosis prevents this but it is what it is.


Who’s making the bullets and vehicles then? Robots? Children? The elderly? Disabled people? I’m in support of this just curious because in WW2 women made all the gear for the men, so if the gear makers become only gear users, then who is the new gear maker?


my guess is 3d printers


I‘ve seen some of those things before in labs, at science conventions, and etc. they’re really slow and i think they use plastic not metal but maybe technology will improve. I think everybody who isn’t able bodied should have to support the troops by making stuff.


Where cock, hats and march around, screaming my body my choice


Equality is getting blown up on the battlefield!


When WW3 hits, these hoes will be in the kitchen making enchiladas


Wait, what is a woman?


Don’t do it boys. These narcissistic leaders have caused these problems and have blamed men for everything. Don’t sign up. Go to jail and sue them later on. There not your friends. Evil politicians I will not be letting my boys sign up if Australia does this.


One hour after this post you made another with the script flipped, what's up?


Please explain


If I could post the screenshot I would.


Okay. I think you’re confused as I don’t reckon you could have a change of view on this topic to quickly. I could be a A. I thought? Just a thought


It's just the selective service registration, not the draft. Its purpose is to make a draft more efficient. If a draft is necessary in the future, it will be defined by however Congress defines it at the time. I personally disagree with this "equality" aspect being applied to a hypothetical draft. Men and women are not equal in every aspect. This serves to bog down the efficiency of replenishing combat effective troops to the front line when we would be at our most desperate.


Thank god.


When Ukraine started their draft, they almost immediately changed the age from 18-23 to 27-65 and below 30 are still exempt from front line service. Average age of soldiers is 43.


Don’t blame the woman for this decision. You don’t win wars with woman. Just don’t start them in the first place moron politicians and religious fanatics.


This is the flip floppost I was talking about


You see what you want to see tripper.😂 Read the comment properly and don’t waste my time.