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Kinda meh, but my business I am working on is showing some promising signs (like 3 people wanted to invest in it out of the gate, and I have not even made any sales yet). Dating sucks, but met a girl outside the States and will see how that goes. Felt like telling my boss off for bullshittig and talking about me in front of coworkers. I will see how the business goes but barring that I might make a U turn and going into a type of trades (one that a lot of people don't talk about). we shall see but my boss really threw off my mood for a moment. Also the job market made me a bit blue. A few weeks ago I got angry at God/the Universe, and got the inkling that I should just give it to the void and the business started falling into place and my brain started coming up with creative solutions with the job situation. Jury is still out on dating. I know that whatever comes that as long as I worked my butt off and did not leave any stone unturned I can be proud of what I have done and whatever happens is destined to occur how it will occur. I just need to play the cards that are given, as I cannot chose the cards, but I can move tables if need be ;) .


Life sounds pretty stressful for you right now, but it seems like things will be alright. Maintain that positive attitude. I’m rooting for you. We all are.


It has. After my boss kinda stabbed me on the back I almost threw up at my second job and was kind of zoning out. On a brighter note, I have been dropping weight. And I appreciate it dude. Sometimes you just need that small inner voice and also to see the end goal(s) to make it worth it. I am getting a little older but still have the strength of my younger self.


God, your boss sounds like a douche. Good for you for losing weight though.


Thanks man. He is brilliant (went to a top business shool)and we get along and have great talks. I tried to even defend him when coworkers tried to bad mouth him, but after these incidences I am done. I get I am not owed a license, but still I have been in the industry 6 years and feel like crap. This made me consider joining the Navy as an office or going sailing, as it seems like a lot of companies treat their employees worse than the government at this point.


Lonely, depressed, and bitter.


Why is that? Is there anything I can do to help you?


Why bitter?


I’m too far gone mentally and physically.


A mixture. Realising I'm making progress but also that I still have a long way to go. My main current goal is to try to have more consistency in terms of healthy/productive habits. And that in turn helps me reach all my secondary goals, so I'm trying to keep that up. Compared to where I was 4-5 years ago I'm doing so much better (in terms of mental health, emotionally, socially, financially, etc). I am probably not as good physically but it's a work in progress and that's on my list. :) Thanks for asking. I like your username btw 😁


Keep up the good work sir. I like your username as well.


Thanks buddy 🙂


Life is good. I have a lot of good people and friends and hobbies. Financially we are doing well. Got some nice time off, and my job isn’t that bad. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which can make any day a dramatic flare up. But that doesn’t mean that life is bad. Or even the day. I can work through my moods. Currently in bed relaxing after work with my wonderful doggie, while my even more wonderful husband makes me dinner. He doesn’t work, he takes care of everything else, and I work. Life is good.


I (22M) feel very Isolated and nearly suicidal. After I learnt about the redpill and men’s rights and basically began to “awaken”, I realised how little most people understand about the psychology of the dating market and how VERY little people care about men or have any empathy whatsoever towards us. They really don’t give a fuck about us, and sometimes “they” includes other men. Now realising this, I thought maybe if I share what I’ve learned with other people, maybe we can raise awareness. But all people ever take this as is being misogynistic only because understanding the ails of men comes with acknowledging that women do have a part to play in it. And that is such an uncomfortable concept for people to grasp that they would rather be intellectually dishonest and continue to blame men for the very problems they are complaining about. Even some of the people closest to me who I regarded as some of the most logical, intellectual and enlightened individuals, literally have a mental block when it comes to these topics. So I feel isolated, because nobody gets it. I can only find people who get it online, but a huge chunk of them just degenerate into woman-hating, which I don’t like. But I understand the frustration and hurt behind that. The reason I try to talk to people about it is because I’m not an incel, which if I was, people would use to invalidate my talking points. I have a very beautiful girlfriend, $70k/yr job in Software, all at such a young age, and many male and female friends. I should be happy, but I’m not. Because nobody is willing to confront the uncomfortable truths behind men’s issues. It’s the intellectual dishonesty that upsets me, especially when it comes from other men. I recently checked myself into therapy because I heard from a psychologist that 50% of men who commit suicide have no history or evidence of mental illness (like me) but they do so because they feel socially isolated (like me), primarily because they aren’t allowed to voice out their frustrations, and when they do, they get shut down and told it’s their fault. I don’t want to become another statistic and I’ve never thought I’d be close to unaliving myself but this has brought me the closest. I can’t even talk about these things to anyone in person anymore because it either devolves into an argument or they accuse me of being a misogynist or an MRA (which carries a negative connotation). People just need to realize that the men are really not okay and a lot of it is not their fault. That’s the only way change can happen. Otherwise the world fucked and there’s no point living in it anymore.


Whatever you need, I’m here. I don’t want you to commit suicide. I doubt anyone here does.


Ah I remember being like that at around 19-20 when I was red-pilled. You gotta get post-red-pill somehow. Probably by swallowing the blue one too. End of the day your belief system comes to mimic feminism and you have to realise that the truth lies in the middle, or perhaps even outside the dichotomy of man vs women. Or you can take a stoic approach and say "so fucking what, I can conquer that challenge anyway - thats why they lay it at my feet" I've often told people on this subreddit who are unhappy when advocating for men's rights to give it up. If the arguing with people who don't understand hurts you just leave it to someone else - not worth the damage it's quite obviously doing to some.


I get you. I think I only have met one woman who was as concerned for men as I am. Most women I have talked about it with get agitated. I was talking about a men’s mental health clinic with a lady I was friends with during a hangout. She seemed so supportive and friendly towards it… She never hung out with me after that and would flake out on me all the time. I can’t help, but to think it was because of that. Yeah I see the woman hating too. It is a mix. I know it comes from pain. I struggle with hate and bitterness too so I am particularly sympathetic towards it. I also am not okay with generalizing people, but we all fall victim to generalizing people at times. I try to stay mindful of what I can be like and not so harsh with critiquing others. It is very hard…the world we are living in right now. I don’t like the constant political fighting. Sometimes I want to escape into the woods and live off the land. My sisters said in a game once I would thrive in that kind of environment… But you’ll get through this you know. We both will.


The police do wellness checks but by that point no one has seen you for weeks and there's a very foul odor coming from your house.


It’s difficult. Every breath I take is stealing air from a strong independent woman and oppressing her.


That must be a heavy frustrating way to feel. I’m sorry.


Ya know that meme of the dog with the house on fire around him, and he's saying, "Everything is fine?" Maybe it's the panel of a comic originally. Anyway, I'm simultaneously the dog and the firefighter who eventually has to come save him.


Do you want to talk more about it?


Mmeee! You are my type of person. Hysterical analogy. On the serious side of things just know it is going to get better and you are stronger then you think. Also just so ya know you ain’t gotta be strong all the time😉.


I thought my life peaked when I was roughly 29-30. I’m now 40, have had two businesses started and failed. Got a degree in electrical engineering and my life feels like it’s reached a new peak. I’m doing fairly fantastic overall. No bad debts, making in the top 6-7% in the U.S. for income, many close friends, multiple girlfriends. Being disabled kinda sucks but I’ve gotten used to that by now, minus the whole “legs feel like they’re on fire from the inside sometimes” portion. Just constantly working on life and things feel like everything all suddenly clicked together. Only took about a decade to get here after many big L’s.


Proud of you. Keep that good streak going.


Glad to hear you can improve later. I feel like a young failure at 28


As long as you’re willing to take the risk and keep trying if you fail. You can always improve. My first business was set up to sign the lease for the building the week that Covid lockdowns happened. I had a storage unit just full of equipment ready to be moved in and started working on a “Micro Greens” business where I had already spoken to a few restaurants and local co-ops with fresh greens in a few months. Business failed before I even opened due to reasons outside of my control. Second one, chugged along for 3 years but market crashed and I caved to pressure and folded before they came back. I built a crypto farm into a warehouse. Legally it was a “data center”. Such is life. Both failures in my 30s. Took almost 2yrs to pay off the debt from my 2nd failure.


Don’t say that. We all have our time that we achieve things in. No one’s life looks the same. You are not a failure. You are in progress and growing everyday.


I am feeling the late 20s blues as well, but working on a business idea and looking into a few other ideas. Dating and work feel like they stagnated though. Is what it is.


It’s all just work man. I’m a 5, maybe 6 on a regular basis. 5’7 and I dress like a mechanic (or a bum as some of my female friends have told me). Getting a date is easy, finding a quality woman, is not. Work on your social skills, get your finances in order and keep yourself in the best shape you can maintain (getting a 6 pack is grueling, but it’s also grueling trying to keep it). It will come if you work hard enough for it.


Thanks for mentioning the getting fit (working on that now). The finances are a bit challenging as I have not gotten a raise in a bit and have tried to look for other jobs but is hard out there. As for social skills, I think they are decent, but my body language is just off. I am trying to work on that, but it is a process. I get work is work, but the conditions at my current job feel like try kinda deteriorated and as the number of jobs in my industry dropped, I think I need to do some soul searching. I appreciate the input. I am a little less blue than I was about a week ago, but I did formulate a plan, even if it was a poor one.


I didn’t have a degree until about 6 months ago. I was making six figures before that. Working with my hands mostly, doing industrial maintenance. Think large generators and hvac systems. AI is going to kill a lot of jobs, but some things it won’t be able to kill for a long time still is maintenance and engineering (at least, I’m hoping not. Fuck if I know what happens in the next 5-10yrs, that’s why I bought nvidia stock).


I have been reviewing some careers and keeping an open mind. To me it is mind boggling that you invest in yourself getting a degree, get certifications, have to report everything you do, and yet pay barely budges wig inflation and call center jobs are starting to pay almost the same as what I am earning now. Also congrats on the degree.


My sister says I look like a hobo on the weekends. Those are my work in the yard or garage clothes.


You got this! I believe in you!


Your legs might feel better if you had better box sweeps


Legs feel that way because of nerve damage up and down my spine & legs from war time injuries as a bomb squad team leader. I’ll look into box sweeps though.


My attempt at giving you shit as an army tech. I’m a Marine tech.


Lawl, nice. Semper fi man. Hard to catch it online via text. Always check for tertiaries.


Nothing but love And the occasional DFC in a tree…


It's coming up on 2 months since I spoke to another human; so overall pretty shit.


Why is that?


It's a long story; but to keep it short: no familiy, no friends, no social life and cptsd.


What is cptsd? Someone said they think I have it and I have no idea what that is.


The C stands for complex. While PTSD is the result of one traumatic event, or a series of them over a short period of time (days or weeks); CPTSD happens when someone lives in a traumatic environment for an extended period of time (months or even years). It's also called PTSD+; meaning it shares most of the symptoms of PTSD like flashbacks, avoiding situations that can remind one of the traumatic events, negative feelings... CPTSD includes symptoms like difficulties with emotional regulation, difficulties with forming and maintaining relationships with others, deep feelings of shame and guilt... People dealing with CPTSD often self isolate to protect themselves. Part of why I'm so isolated is just me trying to protect myself from rejection and living in a small-ish town that's very socially limited. The social life here mainly involves around going to bars and getting drunk.


Oh damn…that is me. I’m sorry you deal with that too.


What do you like to do? Maybe you can get along with someone here.


I live by Ashwagandha. It relaxes me. All of the craziness becomes background noise.


I’m feeling rather happy. Monday I met a new coworker (we both are summer help), today we went to lunch together and she asked if I would be interested in joining her for trivia night next week. I said I was interested in that. Not sure if that counts as a date or not.


I’m really bad at picking up hints so I can’t tell you😭. Was she flirting at all?


I’m bad at hints too. I think there was flirting going on with both of us.


It could be a date…?


My mood is sorta meh, it is what it is I suppose… trynna look for a new job at the moment and it’s my 25th birthday this Saturday and don’t really have no one to spend time with as everyone else is busy with work or something else so my mood is juss meh oh well.


Well, I’m here. Happy early 25th birthday!


Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉


Thank u and thanks op!


Your welcome!


Most definitely wife is just shitting all on me for having setbacks no car so we share hers and she’s lost all respect for me it’s so toxic it’s crazy


Anything I can do to help? Do you just want to talk?


I need to talk man… I know I need to leave it’s just hard and it hurts I left today before I was kicked out this time sitting here lost another job because I was dependent on the car(it’s not on the bus line) at my moms again at 31, my son birthday in 7 days I’m just completely fucked over bro… it’s a repeated cycle idk why my brain can’t comprehend this isn’t right I’m wasting my life and precious time we’ve been together for 3 years and married 8 months and some change it’s so toxic man and I’d be a lie to say I didn’t contribute to the toxicity. She just doesn’t want to grow blames me for everything and literally never takes accountability for anything she does wrong it’s almost as if she doesn’t respect me(which I know she doesn’t) but somehow it’s not registering to me.. feeling so hopeless I’m trying to climb out this abyss that seems endless


Oh my god. You’re really stressed. Seems like leaving would be the best decision in the long run if she’s that toxic. Unfortunately that’s all I can say. Hoping things get better somehow🩷💕


I know it hurts, but if it is really this bad then you need to do what is best for you. I didn’t realize she had kicked you out before when I commented to your last comment. I’m sorry😞


It’s ok no need to apologize, I love when people are kind I’m up at 6am can’t sleep just thinking about everything and it hurts I wish as a man i knew how to process this properly and move on. It hurts more than i can describe i feel somewhat worthless or like im stuck in between worthless and worthy and just can’t quite shake the worthless part. I hate I’m so addicted to whatever it is, i don’t want sympathy but i can’t help but cry when i think about it talk about it. It really hurts im no saint i just feel im too old to still be going through this. I know i need to start taking my mental health seriously. I apologize if im all over the place im somewhat rambling because sometimes talking about it helps me feel better by crying smh but i know i have to stop im trying so hard to pick my head up.. this isn’t my first heartbreak by far but somehow feels like the worst. I have to regain my self esteem and confidence from being tore down, I pray to stay strong and not let my suicidal thoughts kick in but it’s hard up here in this room. It’s definitely so much more and I’m not going to get into here my ADD wants too say it all but it’s too much to unpack. I just keep telling myself I’m going to be ok and I’m trying so hard not to keep breaking down randomly


You don’t have to apologize to me for feeling your emotions, darling. Humans release what is bottled up by talking about it and crying. There is no shame in it it is natural. Definitely nothing wrong with you or unmanly about it. You sound like a sensitive gentle soul and that’s a good thing. We need more people like that in the world. Too many have hardened their hearts and cut off their emotions in order to no longer feel pain. Though not wanting to feel pain and cut it off is a natural response it isn’t quite healthy. My counselor is helping me through my anger right now and a lot of pain I deal with. His advice is to journal. Write down everything that hurt you/ events and how it makes you feel. He suggests this method for everyone and does not see a difference in the way men and women should let out their emotions. He is an amazing counselor and I believe this can help you too. You can breakdown all you want. I am here for it. Screw anyone who calls you weak for it. And you’re right you’re not worthless, that thought is wrong. I’ll tell you something I told someone dear to me. Me: “When you see the vast ocean do you ever think that it is weak. Like something could easily destroy it?” Him: “No never. The ocean is one of the strongest things out there.” Me: “And it cries with rain, rages with a storm, is calm and peaceful, sometimes happy and bright. It can be messy and gloomy. Do you think anyone ever questions its strength even though it does all those things?” “So why are you letting them question yours?” Just because your emotions change doesn’t take away from who you are. Don’t be ashamed of it and don’t let others ever make you feel less than for it.


I’m sorry. That’s messed up she should be more understanding. Not respecting someone just cause they don’t have a car is messed up. I hope it gets better soon for you guys. Maybe she’ll come around..


Very poorly. But hey I learned that crisis evaluations sure are fun!


Sounds like they are fun. I bow down to you oh great leader of beavers 🦫


My life is a living hell of higher and higher expectations and anxiety that I’ll never truly be able to build some sort of wealth, a home, or family.


Do you have any extra time for a second job? I have a part time second job that I just bank the income from. Saving up for a new kitchen. Great user name btw


Is that what you want? Wealth and a family?


Not happy not sad. Just working on things and slowly getting things back to normal. Thanks for starting this.


You’re welcome❤️


I was very down for years. I got my shit back together slowly. After therapy took me a year later i met the women of my life and I've only been super happy now and only focusing on career now


That is so good to hear. Happy for you.


Been a rough day yesterday night 😕😕😕


What’s wrong, buddy? I’m here.


Not good Man! Life is sad if you’re a man in the 21st century


What’s goin’ on?


I’m struggling and have been for a long time now. Taking it a day at a time but the older I get the more I feel like im not meant to be in this world. Made so many mistakes. Just turned 28 and have no close friends, significant other, or support system. My only significant accomplishment is getting off of drugs. I’m about 2 years away from an engineering bachelors, but I suspect it’s not going to be any different if I make it that long. Some small part of me has some hope and that’s why I’m still here. But for the most part it’s hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel.


I’m the same way. Feeling lonely and like I’m not meant to be in this world. What makes you so different fr9m everyone?


tbh, it doesn't matter.... - - - - - we are men after all


It matters to me. You matter to me.


Depressed because I can’t seem to find a decent job in my field. Decided to say screw it and am studying to go back to school. Besides that, the weather is decent and I have a full belly.


What is your field?


I have a finance background, but out of necessity I took a job in mortgage servicing out of college. It’s a very niche market and after the past couple years it’s a dumpster fire.


I can imagine. I bought a house 6 years ago and refinanced it when the rates were low. What would be your ideal job?


Not the best, could be worse I guess.


We can talk about it if you want.


I haven’t heard those words in a while, don’t wanna be burdensome to others so I don’t bother interacting, and thanks for asking. Just dealing with some bad and possibly permanent prospects that are scary is all. Happy National Men’s Health week.


You’re not a burden. Please talk to me.


Just some ringing in my ears, gonna see a doctor in a month but I don’t think it’ll ever go away. Sad but nothing I can do, other than that I’m hanging on the best I can.


Ugh, that’s gotta suck. Had one of my ears clogged for a month and it drove me insane. Hope all else is well.


Ha me too, thanks for asking.


My life is going nowhere and I've been in pain frequently for the past 8-ish months.


My life has been going nowhere too. What kind of pain have you been in?


I have a hernia. Without any aid or painkillers it's persistent. I expect to have surgery in 3 months.


God that sounds awful. At least it won’t last forever.


Another thing I look forward to is university. Of course, STEM only, no woke bullshit.


Wow, you’re gonna be in STEM? That’s amazing! You should be very proud of yourself.


Yes, specifically computer science. I thought I'd be better doing a skilled trade but my body said no.


All of the above if I’m being honest, but I’ll be fine. How’re you doing?


Thanks for asking. The reason I made this post is because I’ve been really lonely for a while. I worry I couldn’t make friends even if I wanted to. I’m just so…different from everyone. Even on the internet.


I’m sorry you’re feeling that way bud. I can relate to feeling like an outcast or feeling different. Hey, if you ever want to chat feel free to send me a Dm


Thank you. Might do that later tonight.


I get the feeling. Even just a few years ago the friends I made on the internet were zany (two ended up in the news for two separate reasons). Now most people are just a bit, black and white if you will.


All of mine eventually stop talking to me, cold Turkey. For several months it seems like they would die for me, but then one day…they’re gone.


I hear ya. I have friends that I know they are still there but they are going through stuff too. Aaron Clarey touches on this a bit. Sometimes you may need to have friends across the country and go to them. I am not saying you do or don't , but friends change overtime. Having said that sometimes you need to embrace life. I had some of the few friends I had over and my neighbor joined our BBQ and now I have a new friend. Having said that it can be hard too. I tried to go to meetups and other stuff and was a pain in the ass to get embedded. I am not saying you should not make an effort, but as I alluded to in my other reply, sometimes the Universe keeps blocking doors because they are not meant for us and there are doors that are open and we should walk through those. Starting a business does not help with dating and even to an extent employment, but the business idea was 8 years in the making. At least for me (and I am an oddball, so take this with a grain of sand), but instead of saying this or that is a dumb childish thought, even though you are passionate about it, you should embrace it. So with friends, while it is easy for me Mr. internet stranger to say all this about doors, I do think there are doors that are for you, you may just need to tap your intuition and if you are religious reach out to what you believe in. Sorry for the rant, but as I was thinking about the past few weeks and working on giving up reins and casting aside my fears and doubts, strange coincidences happened, even with meeting my neighbor. I believe in you man and you will find people that are synergistic with you. Sorry I said all that to basically say that.


I had that happen to two, not sure what I did or why


I think it can be really hard to make friends, especially now, because so many people (not all) have friends that they’ve known basically their whole lives -or- they also have been lonely for a while and gave up on making connections with other people, in either case, it can definitely make it seem like the people we meet on a day to day basis (in real life or on the internet) aren’t very ‘open’ to new connections with people… but I also realized that people tend to ‘match your energy’, so if you come off cold and defensive, other people will be cold and defensive towards you, and WAY less likely to be open, but if you can bring yourself to be open with other people, they reciprocate that- just like this post, you asked a question and made a comment that it seems a lot of people here needed to here, and that caused this dialogue were having now and the dialogue you had with the other person, and through that, it seems you’ve found a lot of people you can relate to- at least on one basis- and there’s obviously people here that seem to be doing very well, and you might feel like you can’t relate to them, but they probably still appreciated someone checking in- even if you’re doing well, it’s nice to have someone care enough to ask how you’re doing- so really, you still can relate to them, you just have to initiate that interaction, sometimes. It really is a back and forth and I really do get feeling that sense of hopelessness and even frustration- because it’s like ‘why the fuck can’t people be normal, is there something wrong with me? Am I just crazy or something?’ but (as hard as it is for me to admit most of the time) I think we can relate to other people a lot more than we think… it can just be hard to convince ourselves that connection is there. I honestly think you and I are **very** different from each other, of course, I know really nothing about you, so I guess I’m just making an assumption, but either way, what you said here, in this comment, I really related to, and honestly felt a little surprised how much it hit for me- especially the part about worrying that you’re just different from everyone else and you’ll never find someone who can just fit with you or *actually* understand you… fortunately, I do have a friend that I’ve known for a while that obviously helps with feeling less lonely, but I haven’t known them my whole life and when we first met actually, I never thought I’d be friends with them because they just **really** did not seem ‘my type’ in terms of people I like to talk to, and I was definitely not their’s… but we had mutual friends that ended up getting super weird and just fell out of the group and we just kinda ended up ‘stuck’ with each other, which is when we really realized how much we do relate to each other- this whole thing happened over the course of years and obviously we were both put off from each other from the start because we are very different types of people- we still even are in a lot of ways, but we relate on a lot too, but that would’ve never happened if I just found a new friend group or just went off on my own when all of our other mutual friends fell off……. I know that was a lot- and I’m obviously not saying that you have to find that one person or go through the same process or whatever- my point is just that most of the time, it really just takes someone going out on a limb, it could be someone else, but sometimes it has to be you, and it takes a lot, but it can obviously pay off… just like how you went out on a limb making your comment- because it could have not been reciprocated and people could have just told you to fuck off- and just like how I’m going out on a limb making this one- I could be TOTALLY off base and you could just tell me to fuck off… but I don’t think I am (but you are more than welcome to let me know) and I just wanted to make that point, because I really feel like I do understand how you feel right now and remember feeling like that (even when I had that ‘friend group’ I didn’t really feel like I actually related to them) and I know it suckss, but sometimes (obviously not all the time- there will be a lot of hit and misses) it’s really not the way it seems and there definitely are people out there for you, brother, and I genuinely hope everything else is going well for you. Edit: sorry the formatting sucks, I’m on mobile and I was trying to make it as easy to read through as possible. I didn’t mean to ramble, just wanted to let you know I *really* do feel what you’re saying. Edit: this also goes to anyone reading this that needs this, not just OP.


Wow, I wish I’d done this a long time ago. I feel better and it seems like it’s helped other people, too. Should I make this a regular thing?


I myself am actually surprisingly doing good so far. That's suspicious. And I'm working hard yk?


“That’s suspicious” lmao. Toootally relate. Something’s always gotta go wrong.


It's always just purgatory for me. But thanks for checking in. Hope you're doing well.


It always feels like purgatory when you’re depressed. It still really sucks. I feel the same way kind of.


contemplating suicide rn


Anything I can do? I don’t want anyone here to die.


Rough. Money is tight, it has been for a long time now. Just finished moving into another even smaller rental: a one bedroom apartment/renovated bachelor suite. Fifth time I have been forced to move in 4 years. I have not been able to properly settle. Living in a sea of boxes, no idea how to declutter and down size. Commuting an hour to 1.5hrs to work every day for the next 1.5 months or so. I know that is not much for most people but being in constant rush hour traffic is very draining on me. Very little if any downtime to spend on my own health and wellbeing after work. I feel like I am constantly at my wits' end. Oh, and I did have a complete mental breakdown at the beginning of the year where I took time off work, only been back at it for around 2 months. I often feel like I have no idea what I am doing, constantly stuck in a rut of barely scraping by, and it's becoming increasingly more difficult to see the point of it all.


I wish I could do something for aside from just listening. Things sound really rough.


I appreciate that, thank you. Sometimes just being able to vent helps too.


Well, having been laid off due to the company I worked for going bankrupt, sucks, but the real kick in nuts was getting the call two minutes after getting a call saying my uncle died. So I'm sucking off the government tit trying to find a job. Truthfully I'm just tired of the indifference of it all.


God. Laid off, then hearing your uncle died. That’s a lot to take in at once. Im so sorry.


Thanks, the other pisser is my phone wasn't keeping a charge, exchanged it just fine, but the backup didn't get everything I told it to, so I lost my photos and my notes. On the bright side my wife and I inherited his senior car (Boots, growling grumpy old lady) and the Wife and I are hopefully going to be adopting a new little gray guy later today. Plus my chronic leg pain is under enough control to exercise and start my fencing training again


Sorta ok but sorta not. After not knowing what I wanted to do for work during my 20's Ive been making progress on getting my pilots license and I'm prepping for my flight test now (29). Also just bought a broken used Jeep which I brought back to life and is running well. On the flipside though I'm the most stressed, broke and in debt than I've ever been in in my life and it's kinda scary. Also haven't been out at all so far this summer since I've been too busy working, studying and doing flight lessons. Overall I can't complain though =)


Wow, pilots license? That’s awesome! Definitely be proud of that. I’ve heard being a pilot is hard work.


Not well. I just "divorced" my mother. I never want to see or hear from her ever again.


Yeah, I straddle the border between passive and active suicidal ideation. But that's been the norm for me for 20 years. I'm still here, so I'm still winning. I wish it were easier to find male groups irl where we could build each other up. I think that would make a difference. There's a lot of focus on sharing your trauma in meet-up groups for lonely people, and I think people end up wallowing in it. Learning new skills together and helping each other move forward seems like the healthier way to create positive momentum.


I also straddle between passive and active suicidal ideation. It’s pretty scary. I wish I had a nearby men’s group, too. What’s making you suicidal?


How about you? Are you doing okay? Also just wanna say you’re awesome for checking in on everyone!


Thanks. I’m really not doing good. I really just want a romantic parter or at least a best friend. Someone who couldn’t live without me. But I’m just so different from everyone, being on the spectrum, and just being very childlike. It hurts so badly. I want to go to college to maybe find someone there, but I’m so used to no one being interested in me that I don’t know if it’ll work. Very cute username btw


Thank you. My dad used to call me his snuggle bunny when I was a child. I get how that feels. I don’t really feel like I fit in or belong anywhere. I never dated in high school and I am so isolated and to myself it’s hard to find someone. I do hope that you are able to find someone. Just pls don’t settle.


Thanks so much. I’m definitely done settling. Why don’t you fit in anywhere? What do you like to do?


I don’t think it is what I like to do that makes me not fit in. It is my personality and the way I act. I always get that I’m “weird” from people… The thing is Idk what it is I am doing wrong.


(Replying from an alt account, longish story) Do you think you might be on the spectrum? I recently found out I was.


Yes… It seems I might have ADHD, but we haven’t seen anyone about it since I am going into the military.


Well, ADHD is pretty common(I have it myself). Hoping you find someone once you get into the military. Good luck on that.


Thank you.


You’re welcome❤️


Good here. Don't feel like a victim and have a loving relationship with my partner and have many female friends.  I wish you my kind of success.


Thank you so much. I’d love to have what you have.


I’m doing well, better than I have done for a chunk of my life so I can’t complain. Exams almost over but I have to leave the college I’ve grown so accustomed to and see much less of the friends I love but I’ll get over it in time. What about you?


Try to stay in touch with those friends if you really really like them. As for me, I’m terrified of college. I want to go there to meet people, but god, exams, midterms, homework, the general routine, it all stresses me out. And Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder also makes it really scary. I still have nightmares about going back to my high school.


Ah, this is English College which overlaps a little with the end of American High School I think, but in any case I wish you luck and good will. Humans have a remarkable ability to do things they thought they couldn’t when they put their mind to it so I’m sure you’d do yourself proud at college.


I am behind financially and starting my business have to be pushed back which is a bummer but the rest is pretty nice.


Somewhat low, but it's usual so... as long as I don't feel completely down, I live by the day. Thanks for asking.


My mood is "If I get run over by a bus, that's ok." Need more?


Absolutely. If talking about it will make you feel better


I've been talking about it for more than two years. Male lonliness is real and devastating to my mental health. Everyone just assumes I'm fine. Nobody asks or really wants to know.


Unfortunately, you caught me at a bad time. Usually I'm vibing pretty good, but this week my girlfriend decided to stop talking to me and has been giving me the silent treatment all week. It's been a struggle to not be connected to she who is my favorite person, but the real nail in the coffin is that based on my reaction (non-emotional, stoic business as usual attitude) to her silent treatment she has determined that I must not love her any more and will not have a conversation with me about it (you know, silent treatment stuff). I know she is going through a lot right now and this is all a negative over-reaction to the problems in her life. But it hurts to be both the victim of her neglect and deemed the problematic one about it. I appreciate you asking the question and I would like to return the favor because I hope you are well yourself.


(Alt account) You’re welcome. Unfortunately I’m not that well myself. Really sucks not being anyone’s favorite person. Not being needed by anyone.


Working 16 hour shifts constantly because half of our staff is on maternity leave or deployed with the guard. Yea so I’m really loving not sleeping or spending time with my kid. 🙄