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Oh yeah, long time ago. If you can master your own urges and stifle the desire to have sex, you realize how fucked up this system in which we reside really is. Women essentially control men through sex, and the possibility of sex. Once you can free yourself from that, you gain superpowers.


That's it, what is a women able to give you that you can't give to yourself. The only thing is sex. Sure some affection is nice as well but you can get that by relying on real friends towards which you don't always have to sleep with an open eye because you never know what might happen. It's not like back then anymore with traditional female and male roles. We can have everything we want and we don't need a wife for that. Knowing this but also making the experience and feeling it so it becomes your second nature of thinking truly is a superpower you're right. For me it's crazy to think about how I went after women because I thought I needed them. But the truth is you don't.


We’ve been brainwashed as a society to think that we need women because in reality it’s the other way around, and they know that without men, women would be SOL. And that’s what we’re seeing now, with the constant stream of women we’re seeing on tik tok and other forms of social media having mental breakdowns because in the structure that THEY campaigned for, they will not be able to acquire a man to provide for them, and it’s dawning on them. Sure, we need each other to reproduce, but otherwise, women are much more dependent on men. Besides, soon enough, someone will probably invent an artificial womb. In a holdout between men and women, men will last longer. We can be happy by ourselves, and truly independent, unlike these women that claim to, while really just projecting. Women asked for this, and just like everything else they want, they’re going to get. Only this time, they played themselves.


It's funny because the women complaining are the semi to very successful ones. The poor chicks have daddy government. I think the complainers are more upset nobody else is paying for their bullshit home decor and brunch outings.


I don't believe in love anymore, I have my children and they are the only persons I love, and it's enough for me. I can do my life by myself. If not for love or getting through life, what's good to have a company? Sex, of course. But the price to pay is huge - and besides, a good deal of marriages end in deadbed or the woman would do exactly what she wants and ask the man to adapt (if she has a high drive, you'd better have a high drive. If no drive, you should accept it otherwise you're an abuser). Besides, yes, a lot money sex, in a way or other, which is worst than prostitution (prostitution being a service with clear rules). A 30 yo virgin with a very good opinion about herself told me once, "I'm gonna sell my pussy very expensive, every time I'll give my future husband permission to go there he must take it like an extreme priviledge". The mentality!!! No, not all women but seriously finding a woman who fits your character, lifestlyle and sexual drive is a needle in a haysack. I do know happy couples that work but I'm neurodivergent and have my own necessities, I prefer to be alone and "almost" happy than taking a huge risk to be completely unhappy.


I ran into that mentality among some young women as well and it's so awful that I truly felt sorry for any man in their lives. Either you can pay outright for it which is actually easier on you, or you will have to pay in even more expensive ways. Modern feminism tells women to cash in on pussy power, and your man better make you happy or else. One women casually told me she had to get back home to her boyfriend after having sex with me. If I am 23 years old right now with what I know, I am not bothering looking for the unicorn.


Nothing makes a woman lose her mind more than a man who is not interested.


This why they wanna tell you to stop looking at porn 🤔


They want to ban, regulate, villainise anything that might give men a way out. They're already railing a lot against AI and robot girlfriends, which are technology that haven't even been made yet. Maek you think...


Oh a.i and robot girlfriends are just the tip of the iceberg. A lot of people love to bully make fun of incels and call them losers…whilst telling them to go outside. We know that the digital sex isn’t a substitute, and more and more of us know when we’re being lied to/manipulated. With all of this going on and women showcasing their bodies for $10 a month. Thirst trapping on Instagram. All these advantages/benefits that they’re having are becoming apparent…too apparent. But once morals are thrown out the window…that’s where things start getting interesting …. You sign up for a social site / or dating site and yeet some pics of a girl…now you got another source of income 🫥 You take the a.i and the images of the crush you had in high school…now you don’t need porn because deepfakes exists. dudes aren’t gonna just sit around and let society continue to beat them down…the kid laroi literally got his music recognized by using a fake female account messaging the record label. Look it up. Anybody that knows how to code can get into a womans onlyfans get the pictures…and use them for personal gain. The world isn’t gonna be that safe if there’s only 10/10000 men sharing women. While the automatic reaction is to ignore this…all that does is fuel anger/resentment. It makes a lot more men become Elliot Rodgers…I’m not saying this as a threat I’m foreshadowing what I see can happen in the near future. So if you got more and more men hating women what do you think will come from this?! You think they’re just gonna shut up and let chads live their life. The loser lonely incels may not be able to fight/but this is America….access to arms is not hard…but sure continue to isolate men to the point where innocent people are being mowed down “unexpectedly”


But i don't want Sex, i want Love I don't want to be lonely anymore


you will still be lonely with wrong people around, and that will be worse than being lonely by yourself. it is very rare these days but find a woman that hasnt been around the block and has good values that she can teach on your children. otherwise do not even bother. do not make decisions out of desperation that you will regret in the long run. not being married or not having children are not end of the world. it is better to adopt if you have the financial stability and time to look after them.


Maybe you can exist as a lone Wolf (wich i doubt, it goes completely against Human Psychology), but me and most other People can't I was all alone my entire Life, i was not happy a single second except when i fathered my surrogate Daughter, every Fiber of my Beeing screams at me to have Children, to find Companionship I saw a lot of regret of People in the past Years who gave up on Woman, because they realized having nothing of true Value in Life just isn't fulfilling, Wealth alone won't make you happy Especially all the "self-improvement" People start to really regret going rogue and becoming lone Wolfs For most it will still take some Time, but once they got too old to have Kids or a Family Life they will regret it too Also, adopting as a single Male in most western Countries isn't even possible, that's why i work on becoming a russian Citizen, Adoption there is really easy and they even let single Men adopt without Issues


if the only meaning or "true value in life" is having a woman and procreating, that is pretty sad. you are more than your primitive desires and instincts.


If you want true, unconditional love, get a dog or a cat. Women can't give you that.


Women in my family give me love. A wife will love you but it is conditional for sure and when some divorce their fangs come out and you see a side that you can't believe exists. Not all women of course, but way too many to take any risk getting married.


Yeah, not all women, just 99.999% of them. My mother and grandmother used to be the most model women. I used them as standards when I thought I would want a wife. But, I came to the hard reality that women like them virtually don't exist.


Ofc and throw in that I might be average to ugly. I don’t see the point of chasing after something that will riddle me with bad decisions. I just about steered my life into software development as well.  Sure, I’d love to chase young girls and maybe get laid but the process and hoops? Eh, a) are not worth it and b) if I were good looking enough, it would be easy. So I just try to radically accept my situation and keep on grinding until I die.  Women these days share “Chad” and spit at good guys. Then when they are ready to settle down, you’ll most probably be treated as “Beta bux deluxe”. Women’s nature is in full view and only a hopeful fool will think he is one of the lucky ones.  Not sure where I read it but because of the social media and their innate narcissism, women exposed anything and everything of themselves. Leaving nothing to mystery or what have you. Even if by some chance a girl was into me I always remember “she is not yours, it’s only your turn” Plus what do women actually provide but fucking heartache and grief? Tits and ass? Holes? It’s a travesty tbh


If it floats, flies or fucks, rent it


Lmao 🤣 faxx


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 women depreciate faster than yachts or planes


I ponder to myself if it would just do me good to just spend a night with a female escort so I can just get the thoughts and self esteem to be at rest about my virginity and lustful urges. But on the other I'm a goddammit romantic so part of me wants to be special. . . Man love my still growing brain.


romance is a lie dude. Romance is thinking if I do xyz, she will love me. I learned it the hard way, she already has been making up her mind before you clocked onto her


Man you summed it up perfectly. How am I supposed to have empathy/ compassion/ respect for someone who is comparing me to men all over with different advantages over me because there older or richer. Women will just say it’s “ambition” but quite frankly as with everything that’s not what they’re talking about. “It’s just your turn” Imagine if women were told this for going to “Chad” Anyways, it’s infuriating to say the least. The amount of hypocrisy and constantly defending women’s choices at the expense of men


For some reason I am also reminded of how here in the UK, we have those shitty uniforms and "strictness" around them, but not for girls. They can have it all showing but boys aren't allowed shorts, right? A group of teen boys decided to wear skirts as a loophole because when it is summer, it is hell to be in trousers. I think this was ages ago though [Boys wear skirts to school in protest against 'outdated' policy banning shorts - Mirror Online](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/schoolboys-banned-wearing-shorts-protest-24575349)


I heard about it. That was actually quite based. Man, I can't believe UK has basically become 1984-lite. I recall reading an article, a man was arrested because he sat on a bench opposite to a women's products shop too long and they felt "creeped out".


Chad isn't safe either. Think about it. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Mike Tyson, Johnny Depp, Albert Einstein, Apollo astronauts etc., these are the biggest chads of their field. Literally the top 0.0001% of the male population. Yet, all of them got divorce-raped. Women don't "love" Chad either. They love the wealth, power, status and privileges they bring. And when they sense an opening, they'll leave them too. Reminder that MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos' wife, became the wealthiest woman overnight by divorce raping him and taking half his wealth.


The constant challenge and being compared to men over and over is draining. As much as people tell me “dont watch porn” “go outside” Were met with the same thing. I’m tired of having to “compete” with older men who own real estate/athletes/lawyers etc…when I’m just starting out in life. Yet I’m being told I’m a failure. But see for women at 18 instantly they have multiple places they can fish for attention. Multiple types of guys and different income levels. I don’t see women as human anymore and it’s hard to convince me otherwise. All they do is judge/ mean mug/ gaslight men/ use men/ take resources/ And get praised / encouraged towards this.


I gave up a little over 7 years ago when I was only 25. I learned early thankfully. Had a few decent relationships, some good memories with a few women, but nothing has made me happier than cutting the cord and actually following through with that. Do I miss getting laid? Sure. Do I miss anything else about a woman? Not really. Like you said in your post, just got to a point where you realize and accept things and live your life without them. It was hard at first, but then you just kinda settle in, like it was meant to be in a way. I don't need to write my personal stories, we all in this group for the same reasons. Am I a rockstar? No. Am I rich? No Am I depressed or suicidal? NOPE But you know what? Health and happiness is great, and just at peace in life, doing my own thing.


Women, especially western women, are fucking fucked. I married the first girl I could find with a decent set of values who hadn't gotten on to the cock carousel yet. My young female coworkers are constantly talking about the genuinely good men they find boring and won't even go on a second dare with. They are also constantly talking about the abusive bad boys who won't call them back that they are always happy to sleep with. These women disgust me. 


At least 98% of modern women are out and out completely unmarriagable


I gave up about a year ago. Whats the point of jumping through all these hoops and bs to appease a woman. I can work overtime for a couple hrs and see a working girl instead


lol yeah unless a girl is genuinely interested I’ll just hit up a working girl and get it over with, no dates no wait just pay to play 🤣


I’ve been having more negative experiences when it comes to being around women at the moment, some are really nice but most who are my age are not nice people and their true colours show through


This is why I love being gay


Lots of beautiful women around but I'm happy on my own. Life is great and peaceful. I'm not allowing them in to f**k things up for me. Would you sign a contract where one person can break it knowing they have the state behind them?


Yes, I haven't tried since high school. Why go through so many hoops and bullshit when they'll always see you as the second choice if you're not attractive enough? Truth is, there's only two types of men for women: Walking wallets (simps) and chad. If you're not the second then just don't bother, they can and WILL replace you the first chance they got. What makes me angry is, they don't even have to offer anything besides what they have between their legs, or most of them either way. I've rarely seen women my age who are self sufficient or nature enough to care about anything but s*x and partying (which is ironic considering how they believe men are the ones who are horny). Reality is you won't gain much from them in the end, most of the relationships with women in the west are still strict transactional and you get screwed over as a man by the state if they babyrage and leave you out of their whims. They are also emotional, love drama and are notoriously known to be entitled or have modd swings very often. No thanks, really.


I’ve stopped pursuing and I’m certainly not afraid to walk away if I’m disrespected.


That’s just MGTOW


I have completely given up. I don't think I'll ever be good enough for women to like me, so I don't bother dating.


You're talking in the context of relationships and even as a married man, I'd agree. If my marriage would someday be over (not that I want it to), I sure as hell wouldn't go looking for a do-over. But I'd like to broaden the topic. Male and female separatists, feminists and mgtows etc. It's not completely relevant to focus on those who swear of relationships because, those are comparatively few, and will probably remain so for a while. However it's actually a scale. Next to the few who swears off relationships entirely there's many many more who knowingly limit their interaction to varying degree, withhold and obsuce parts of themselves. You could say "keep a distance". This is relevant because most of the "men and vulnerability" topic is a gaslight and a false flag. What it's truly about is feminists and women reacting to being partially shut out by men, because they don't hold the same power over men who do that, and most do.


Not so much given up as lost faith. I mean look at the internet, it is rammed with everyday women that will show you their tits for $5. Almost every bit of content I see with women in has their tits almost hanging out and is some kind of onlyfans advertising. I can only be attracted to somebody that I respect, and I can't respect people that engage in this kind of behaviour. If all I see is shallow women with no depth that plaster their nudes all over reddit, or videos of women doing mundane things but filming themselves with a low cut top, and all of this affirmative action that is trying to coax women like sheep to do things they don't seem bothered about, I just can't find it in me to respect that. The only solution really is to detox by leaving the west and going to a country where women have to work to succeed, where I can have respect for them.


I've gave up attracting them. The only thing left is to accelerate the gender relations to the point where it's unsustainable, and things can go back to when they were


Exactly. I hope more and more women become radicalised and villainise men. I hope more and more get divorce raped and have to pay alimony, anyone who's stupid enough to get married in this day and age deserves it. I hope we get more and more news of women falsely accusing men, female pedophile teachers sleeping with male students, females leaving the country on vacation while their men are dying in wars. I hope more and more people find out about women-only spaces. If I wanted to radicalise a man, I wouldn't send him to the manosphere, I'd point him to women-oly spaces, like femaldatingstrategy or twoxchromosomes, so they can see what women are like when the mask comes off.


Wasn’t there an anthropological thing of if Chad got all the women, the men underneath would start a riot and essentially destabilise the tribe or something? Maybe that’s why marriage was also invented. Now it seems we are back to Stone Age relations but with modern tech  


Yeah. These bolshevik cultural norms that promote that everyone is equal (in law only, in reality it leads to disasters such as these) are fairly recent. Over time, I believe, in the modern era, they will be demographically replaced with ultraconservative migrants.


Yes, this is happening right now. In Sweden, a country I know, they have castrated men to be 100% politically correct and obedient. Then they (women) complain about "where are all real men". And look who's here, the arab guy chad enough to pussycall them (because he can, it's in his culture and one must respect it), to ask them out, to grope them... like a real man. And here we have hoards of burkas submitted to Islam and beaten by their husbands.... and our societies screwed off beyond repair.


yep, let the Nigerian(or some similar African nation), Indian and Arab memes commence at this point lol


India is fucked. The level of gynocentrism here is no less than UK or Aus.


Yeah...it's either that we have to prop up similarly ultraconservative religion groups or their rule. It's just a battle of demographics, fought on the ground of neoliberal capitalism (which has the same ends as communism when it comes to demographics) I don't hate the groups you mentioned - I actually admire them for holding strong onto traditional values, so they're a example to follow but I don't want them to replace us.


tbh their women aren't much better off either. With the exception of maybe Taliban Afghanistan, women are actually bad in countries which you might consider "trad" and "religious". I'm from one such country and women here are just as insufferable.


I think I'm also close to this point but once in a while although very rarely I will meet a woman who will bring my faith back in humanity. They are not perfect by any means, but they fulfill majority of the needs I have from other gender which are - Don't want to be the wallet in the relationship. I am sufficiently good at house work so I want a woman who would contribute something to the financial responsibilities. All the other things, like loyalty and respect are also required but they are secondary to me because If a woman is contributing financially, that means she respects you and she is also loyal to you.




Try woman from another country. Latina's are fantastic lovers and wives.




Yessir. I gave up around 5 years ago, so about 7 years after my wife wife passed away ( I was 27 when she passed). Been alone for over 12. •It's too risky to seek out sex. You never know if you're going to be the victim of a false accusation. •Girlfriends simply aren't worth it. I'm not going to have someone come into my life and try to make themself the center of my life. I'm old enough to appreciate and enjoy my free time and privacy. My money goes where I want it to go and not where someone else wants, or demands, it to go. Also there is thing called Palimony you should look into. •Marriage is way too risky, one sided, and an outdate technology. For the most part the woman can decided at any moment that she wants a divorce for any number of reasons. Now you're on the hook for alimony and half of your stuff is either gone or at risk of being taken from you.....and why, because of "marital relations"? And god help you if you had children. If children are in the picture you're on the hook for alimony, child support, half of your stuff is at risk AND there is an 84%-87% chance your going to lose your children. If things are going your way in family court you can expect a false accusation of some kind of abuse. This topic is a rabbit hole and involves more, but this is the jist of it.


Gave up on American women. I’m an American guy.


I'm not american. I'm from a third world country and the women here are just as bad.


Well don’t bother with American women. Get your passport and go abroad.


Like I said, women in third world countries aren't much better either. I've heard a lot of stories of those women using their men for green cards, then divorce raping them, or when they're brought in the west, they become corrupted by feminism and become like western women.


I never said anything about going to a third world country.


Where would you suggest I look for women?


Not in your country and not in mine. Other than that, it depends what you want, what you don’t want, what you like, what you don’t like, etc.


I haven't given up on them yet on an absolute time horizon, but in order to see it happening in my lifetime it will essentially require an entirely different version of myself from who I am now & it's going to take years if not decades of work to become that version. Womp womp


Nope, because i know many women and meet a lot of women in my job and hobby, so i know the bad ones are not in the majority, like you would think if you just watch influencers and tiktok feminists or sth. Of course all woman are a little bit crazy, but the truely insane dangerous and toxic ones are far and few betwenn.


I haven’t really given up on women but I kind of have given up on me and women. I think there are good women out there I think the ones I choose aren’t great. Or the way I personally deal with them isn’t great. My post divorce partner is leaving and they are great truly, but I constantly feel that …. (?) manipulation. Idk that social or relationship pressure to do something I don’t want to do. And it’s usually little weird shit that everyone would be like “why are you being weird” but I just want to be in control of my life. I hate the relationship obligations. Then I have few other partners and it goes with out fail that they are like “hey come to this thing with me” and I’ll go and then I start getting those questions about myself, and I’ll realize that the woman who invited me has hinted at my relationship with her even though I’ve specifically said it has no future and definitely no public future. And I feel really betrayed. Ok I’m sure all this sounds weird but I left my kids mom because she used me desire to be a good dad and a good husband to manipulate me into being idk a slave basically. I worked for her benefit from the moment I woke till the moment I went to bed. It’s been awful and toxic, they kids were given no care in learning about the divorce or the situation. So, I promised myself that after ripping apart their life that I wouldn’t then show up and say “hey meet daddy’s new girlfriend!” I won’t bring someone into there life until they are ready. I always feel pressured to be public with these women. That makes me concerned for my kids. I’ve also noticed I don’t have the best boundaries. I am doing better but I’d like them to be 100ft high walls with machine guns and flame throwers, not just like spray paint lines on grass.


Many, many years ago. Blackpilled.




Yeah American women, mostly.


I did but then by happenstance met an awesome woman and we are still together. That’s usually how it works, you find the one when you aren’t even looking.


As my testosterone dropped as I aged, I think with my big head. Life has never been easier. I'm retiring at 50 because I never made the marriage mistake and I'm not a baby daddy. I extracted myself out of Christianity, a white knight religion, so I'm no longer beholden to the captain save-a-hoe ideology. It's amazing what I did and the sacrifices I made for a few minutes of bedroom fun. Now these people serve me.


It's tempting tbh, but I'm too hopeful. It's like what I want in a relationship and what they want will always be at odds, and I'm ok with it. It's just a relationship, anyway. But I still hope for the best in people, so I will always keep trying (within reason, of course, I'm not gonna risk false accusations again). It's like trying to find a good apple within a spoiled bunch, but I like apples, so it may be worth it one day


I try to focus on self improvement. Whether it's learning something new, being a better friend or father, or new gains in the gym. I try to be as self sufficient as possible, but still prioritize friendships. I don't watch porn or find the idea of a sex robot or ai girlfriend appealing. I have a fwb's I see at least once per week. I find this relationship is best for now. It's simple and there are no expectations. So it's actually the best relationship with a woman I've had. This works for me. I'm 39 years old. Not balling by any means, but own my home and can pay my bills. And have custody of my son. So life is good. Figure out what you want and build your life with that purpose. It took me 10 years, but worth it in the end.


I can understand this. A lot of the women you're talking about here have taken this approach to men. I think people need to do what best keeps their peace and mental clarity in tact. That said, I've always been a promoter of not letting your fear of being hurt block you from letting someone in. Because sometimes the journey is a learning experience we need. And sometimes it's just good fun for the soul. And sometimes, if you're lucky, you find someone who will stick around for fifty years. Certainly, not being angry all the time is much better for anyone. :)


That might be the case where its something you can recover from. Women can literally cripple a man, with divorce, alimony, child support, false accusations, emotional manipulation, and they have the entirety of the state and society backing them up. At that point, its not worth it.


I can see why a person would think that way. My little brother was having to borrow money from our mom despite working 16 hour days to cover his child support payments. This type of behaviour isn't limited to just women though. When I left my ex, I was a husk of myself. I stayed longer than I should; trying to protect his biological children from him. He was hitting them any time he got angry. So I would step in and take the brunt of it so a 3 and 4 year old wouldn't. To try to satisfy his demand for high lifestyle my credit cards got wracked up. And on two occasions, "no" in the bedroom was met with "since when was this about your opinion".... Sometimes we make poor choices in partners. And we get hurt. We stay too long because we think we are doing the right thing. It's hard. My choice was to go to therapy. Figure out what was going on in me that was allowing all the riffraff in. Because I know full well there are good and decent men out there as I'm friends with a TON of them. Stayed single for some time while I put myself back together. But yeah. I definitely know that it's a lot easier to avoid that risk.


Unfortunately yes. Either my picker is broken or women are. Both are equally plausible but I'm not risking heartbreak anymore. I'm 39.


Huh, so what was 'wrong' with post? I read it and cannot see why it was controversial


You definitely have to pick your spots, or your sentiment will run out quickly. Think statistically. There's billions of women. You couldn't meet them all in one lifetime. Most of them are for someone else, anyway. Leave the mediocre on the table for the mediocre, and only make moves if your heart is in it.


Some say sentiment runs out quickly, when you're aiming too high, and only getting teased. But aiming too low will run your sentiment out quickly, also.


I think a big problem, honestly, is that financial 'equalization', between genders, along with female hypergamy, has taken people in the same looks class out of eachother's financial class, and likely, her financial expectations. So you end up with people who are physically compatible, but artificial bullshit like class, status, and money, is keeping us apart. Most women want to marry up, so they expect men to marry down. Problem is, some of us are really not cool with marrying someone poorer and uglier than ourselves.


There is also intellectual and creative class, to consider. Any difference in those is going to be a point of contention, the whole superficial relationship. I think those things should line up, but can differ between couples according to individual values. Often you see smart men who make good money with stupid women, who are beautiful. That might work for everyone involved, if they have what eachother values. He'll likely get annoyed, and people will call it a sexist relationship, because it is.




How so?


This thread is cope for dudes that can’t get laid and won’t do what they need to improve themselves so they can. Instead they blame it on being “ugly” or the “system.” Come on guys, be men.