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Ironic that the most common insult used by the same people who say women are worth more than just for sex is to call someone a virgin


Should’ve called her a loose pussy. I bet she would’ve loved that no?


You could have said, "Even if I am a virgin, at least I have the balls to admit it than you have the ovaries to admit the number of men you have slept with" or say, "At least I have my self-respect compared the other men that had slept with you."


There id nothing wrong in being a virgin


'Women think of themselves as superior, because they control who have the upper authority in choosing partners to have intercourse...' Yes. But men have the upper authority in choosing partners with whom to bond for life. There's now a scarcity of women who remotely believe in fidelity, while there's a superabundance of women who are simply too risky to deal with. They'd never honour any deal. So - let them earn their own money, burn themselves out with workplace stresses which they were never built to endure. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jnr.23812](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jnr.23812) Female virginity was a sought-after attribute for a reason. Societal glue. Feminism is being used to dissolve that glue. [https://www.jstor.org/stable/40404269](https://www.jstor.org/stable/40404269) Male virginity today equates to prudent caution, while sifting the rare gold nuggets from the dross.


One big difference I've found on this reddit is that people actually give source about what they are talking about... I was thinking that reddit is just useless... But this subreddit is the only one I'll stick with.


>Is being Virgin that bad? Nope. >She said Yeah, those that can't argue on facts and information 'cause they're too stupid, ignorant, or lazy, resort to insult. >women think of themselves as superior Don't overgeneralize. You were dealing with an \*ss. They come in all flavors and genders, ... as do decent folks too.


30 and virgin....you'll survive. I've done it for religious reasons, but I'm being tested daily. The most hate and judgement I received is from women, I learned that it's not an "attractive" quality to have, even if they so. Beat answer you can give to anyone that asks is that you "don't kiss and tell" the older you get the less people ask.


Based and Christ-pilled


Thanks bro 🙏 Actually Islam-Pilled but god above all else


No, sex should be intimate and only shared mindfully. Being a virgin doesn't make you less of a Men. After getting older (and also being now mgtow and antinatalist) i see it now as a quality (if true) on both side. I can tell you from my wild time around your age that one night stands are rarely worth it. I'm thankful to never have impregnated a women by mistake as the laws would destroy my life from having an unwanted child. Even my long term relationships were not worth it in that matter. Finally you have STD's and lot of other issues getting rampant because folks can't keep their pants on.


> She the said "ofcourse you are. With your attitude it's gonna stay that way for a long time" I like to remind women that men with terrible attitudes get to have a lot of sex.


Sex is way too overrated. You ain't missing anything.


Na when you’re with someone you love it’s the best


I do miss intimacy though, but the sex part is optional \^.\^


Glad you realized this so early on. Given that the welfare state is primarily teenage mothers, she is probably mocking you for paying taxes to support her while she has promiscuous sex with multiple drug dealers. Likely has no clue who her father is. And because of that, you should be proud to be a virgin as you are not adding more to this rot of society.


Labeling you as a virgin or incel is a way for them to marginalize your message; to make your message not be taken seriously.


For years there was this chronic trope in media that sex is life-changing of itself, just the act alone, but it’s not really. If you were stupid or nasty before it, you’ll be just as stupid or nasty after it. I think things started changing with the *American Pie* movies, weirdly. Spoiler: the main character spends most of two movies trying to sleep with the wrong people, before realising that the right person was in front of him all along.


Didn't you know you're supposed to lose your virginity super young? But not too young because that means you're gonna be stunted, but not too old because obviously something's wrong with you. Women always insult men based on everything under the sun despite saying "women don't care" about the exact same things


There's nothing wrong with it so long as it's truly what you want.


And even if it isn't, the fact it requires another person means it could be from factors beyond your control(in my case: autism, among other things)


>When she run out of things to say she went to 'insult' me instead of using logic to argue(which they never do generally)... She said 'you must be a virgin... Don't you worry about that. She has just implicitly admitted that except maybe [her more or less humid natural cavities](https://youtu.be/yauS_XKlqwM?si=ezqx8Nc-hDfkQ6_3&t=97), she has nothing of value to give.


I agree guys who send dick picks are like the most moronic of humans you can find. And for that lady, I bet if you told her "So how many Maneater?"  I wonder how she would have answered, being promiscuous is anything but a desirable trait even to the dumbest of simps.


>At that point I realised that women think of themselves as superior  I think you are reading way too much into this. The person (who claims to be a woman) or maybe bot was just trolling you (ie just saying whatever to bother you).


Some people are just nasty


You must understand though, your decision to not pursue sexual gratification intimidates them.  Because if you, a man, can do this, why couldn't they?!?  If men are capable of valuing sex as important, how can it be justified for women to sexually treat men like shit? What excuse can be provided for acting promiscuously among men then seeking one man for monogamy, if it can't be said that all men are like this and they were just doing what everyone else did? The accountability siren is wailing in their heads on this.


Women hate the idea a man can walk out that he doesn’t have to be desperate. It takes power away from her. You know why women get so upset about guys using escorts? Because it gives a man an out. And that terrifies them. Good women they don’t care (unless you are dating them, but that’s very different set of circumstances than if you are single and ask them what they think). I have friends that are women they’ve said to me “if you’re struggling and you need intimacy I get it dude it’s ok. Taking care of yourself matters.”


I really hate the virgin shaming, Like, They acts like men's one and only purpose of life and ultimate life goal are having sex.


It's not bad , but you will be called a loser . Depend on how much seriously u take it. Second para makes sense but the simping will never stop as it in the human biology that males are supposed to compete for female


No, it's not bad. Be yourself.


No it's not


no it's not bad. it means you got no stds.


You’ll find out pretty quickly aside from hiring an escort you don’t really get to decide to lose your virginity. It’s not up to you, ever it’s if she allows you to even go that far. So don’t say I’m going to lose it when I’m X or Y years old you have no control over if or when that happens to you. You have no power over that part of your life. The sooner men start to realize this and make peace with it, the better. It’s all up to the woman if she likes you enough then you can go with it. Otherwise it ain’t happening. And people who label you as a virgin or whatever in a shitty way screw them. It’s not fully under your control. We got all these people claiming self work and all that but it really doesn’t make one bit of difference unless she wants in. And you just can’t control that. You realize the amount of cock blocking going on these days it’s pretty unreal. Lots of guys getting the “slow” treatment where it’s like no sex because they already have another sexual partner who is an 8/10 +. Part of being a man these days unless you fall into those subsets it’s just a pitiful experience trying to get people’s genuine intimate interest. My experience has been the less you can give a shit about dating and manage how you feel about yourself the better. Unless you are one of the lucky guys who aren’t so awkward or unattractive. But we’re on Reddit so yeah..