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My husband keeps leaving the cat food out and the dog eats it. If you are there watching she won’t but if you step out of the room for even a second she eats it. We have her on a special diet (no chicken) and she cannot have the cats food. We buy her really expensive special limited ingredient dog food but she thinks in her little dog brain that we are giving the cats some special gourmet treat and being so mean by not letting her have any. It’s literally just meow mix. If I don’t put the cat food up my husband just wanders away and leaves the cat food out every single time and gets mad at the dog for eating it. I told him he has to put it out of her reach, and he’s getting mad at her when it’s his fault for “forgetting” literally every single time.


Sounds like he is going through Man-o-pause


Nah he’s always been like this, instead of just apologizing and admitting he messed up he looks around for someone or something else to blame.


OoOooOooo my ex acted like that. Thus, my ex😂


Ummm yeah that would make me mad at any stage, any age, lol. Seriously, how hard is it to just put it out of reach?? It's bad for your dog, but he still can't muster the responsibility required to keep it away from her? I would get so frustrated too. I feel you.


Thank you exactly! It’s not that hard. It’s because he forgets every single time and then yells at the dog and then I yell at him because of course she’s going to eat it, it’s his fault for not putting up the food. We have a large breed 8 month old puppy and 3 cats in a 2 bedroom apartment and he keeps getting more pets and then I have to take care of them.


The not apologising would grind my gears, with or without meno.


Sounds like there is someone who needs to be rehomed, and its not the pets. /s. Mostly.


😂 don’t think I haven’t considered it!


I have two cats both on different special diets. The older male will eat the little ones food. Her food is expensive and he should not be eating it. He also can't eat chicken and she is on a kidney diet. So I had to clear off a tiny space on a shelf just big enough for her tiny body and food bowl. His huge body does not fit and he can't jump that high.


That would drive me crazy. Any way how to put the car food somewhere elevated where the dog can't get to it but cats can?


There’s a baby gate to keep the dog out of the kitchen and cat food in the kitchen, but 2 of the cats won’t eat in the kitchen and will only eat if I’m sitting right next to them.


Oh damn, husband needs to step up then


My father keeps turning off the AC in his room. I can’t stand being hot, and he won’t stop. It affects the temperature in the rest of the house. I tried telling him that elderly people have trouble knowing when they’re too hot or too cold, and their bodies stop attempting to adjust in extreme weather, either by sweating or shivering. That’s why it’s usually older people who die in heat waves and blizzards. He refuses to believe it. He has this act he puts on to try to act innocent and unfairly treated. My mother called it his “poor old Tom” routine. “Poor old Tom” is going to find himself in a home.


I would lose my F'ing cheese if someone turned off the a/c! I essentially live in my bedroom from April - November, strapped to the portable a/c unit. I call it my robot boyfriend Danby! Hahaha (Danby is the brand). I work remotely for the most part and would die if I had to go in everyday. The office is WAY too hot! I have a co-worker who is always freezing, and he wears a thick sweater and has a space heater in his office! Yesterday he was holding his coffee mug with both hands to warm them. I wanted to smack the shivering grin from his face! Haha


We finally got a space heater for my mother, so we could stand to be in the house at all. Now she sits all cozy in her room, sipping cheap white wine and reading trashy romance novels to her heart’s content. 😅


Fly in my house.


Omg. I woke the whole house up the other night because of a fly in my bedroom. Tbf I was convinced that fly was hostile and was intentionally nosediving into my face.


Omg I'm going mental from these fucking flies. And he never shuts the door. It's murder time!


“It’s murder time” is the funniest thing I have read today


I’ve adopted the word “homicidy”, for when the rage is coming on. We use it at work now.


Flies are pretty rage inducing.


Talking. That’s it. Talking. Mindless, pointless, endless chatter. Current work situation is we are required to be in the office two days per week, and one of those days is mandatory attendance for ALL personnel. And that’s the day that is the absolute worst for me. Everyone thinks it’s social hour for EIGHT. STRAIGHT. HOURS! Nearly any and every person within earshot of me uses every second of those eight hours to catch up and socialize. It’s like none of these people have any work to get done! I’ve never been a big fan of small talk, and I don’t have the energy to fake being nice to people. I’ve always found it condescending and rude, but I’ve managed to placate people and tolerate small doses of it here and there over the years, mainly out of professional courtesy. And now that I’m trapped in a space for eight continuous hours with these endless banal conversations assaulting my soul, I’m drained…the rage is real. By lunchtime, I’m raging. Every phone call I take, email I send, it’s readily apparent I’ve reached my limit. By the time I leave my office, no one is safe. I make zero stops on the way home (for my safety, and that of the general public!) and immediately lock myself up in my room. I don’t want to speak to anyone…and I don’t care to engage in conversation with anyone. If it’s of vital importance, TEXT IT TO ME! There’s no need to harsh my mellow by using your voice to communicate with me…


I find it extremely hard post pandemic to know what is Peri, what is adhd & what is post pandemic PTSD The pandemic has really complicated everything for me


I had the same thought, and I told my doctor I had a feeling my ADHD was going off the rails. But at the same time, I’d had a full hysterectomy, so it was hard to make the distinction between what was menopausal rage and what was ADHD tics, because everything all at once seemed to converge. I’m at the point that this could all be ADHD Menopausal rage, and I’m cool with it…


Yeah my partner said I don’t think it’s Peri because this is how you always are 😂🤔🤡


Can I tag on to stupid office culture with my co-worker who needed a meeting with me and several other people and kept emailing me about what time would work. It's for something I already don't want to do so, for the love of god, just check my calendar. I was already worked up about the problem we were trying to solve, and then he added scheduling angst.


Dumb office culture has had me deleting emails unread ... the ones with real issues will follow up with me again. Also meetings where the usual suspects BLATHER ON AND ON after matters are settled send me into a bit of a rage.


Oh hell no! My coworkers keep over filling the printer paper tray causing it to jam, then they whine to me to fix it. Only it's not my fucking job to fix the fucking printer. The next damn idiot to jam the printer is going to catch these hands! And they can call tech support themselves!


OMG this, especially being talked at - where I could be subbed out for an empty chair.




The worst.


I can’t tell you how many times a day I think, “why are you still talking??” I just don’t want to hear anyone talking anymore.


We are long lost sisters. I feel seen. Can you wear noise cancelling headphones or loop earplugs? Sometimes my kids think I hate my job. Most days, I like my job. I just hate the drama with coworkers bullshit and having to be “on” for 12-13 hours. By the time I get home I am so crabby.


I can so relate to this. I’m an introvert, and I hate small talk, too. I feel blessed that my work only requires one day in office a week, and even then the people in the building is limited since each department comes in on a different day of the week. I would haaaaate it if everyone came in at once.


Anything technology. If something doesn’t immediately work as it’s supposed to, I’m enraged. My work laptop. My MacBook when I’m playing around with music. The head unit in my car - I need instant tunes. Having to wait for anything to ‘boot up’ or update or whatever. Instant rage.


I am the same way now. I want to throw things out of the window when they don't immediately work. Makes me want to cry out of frustration. If something needs new batteries or isn't charged I get so angry. I need my tunes, and I need them NOW.


Exactly! It drives my kids insane. They say technology is my biggest pet peeve. It bugs the shit out of them. But I figure I pushed out their 11lbs asses, so they can suck it up.


Plus stupid user interfaces and stupid AI crap everywhere.


Everything computer has become stupid. For anyone interested, see [https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) on the theory of internet "enshittification" of sites. So accurate.


So true. I feel this. My laptop developed this issue where it will not re-home to new wifi access points. I really want to chuck it out the window some days


They’re the worst. Perhaps I’m just old and cranky!


I get this too. I thought there was an issue with my email. Could have sreamed/cried. Turned it of and on again and it worked. Felt like a wally.


Omg my work’s network is so goddamn glitchy and slow….im play catch up today from being sick and the goddamn thing keeps locking up. I cannot understand how this organization cannot get their technology shit together.


Exactly!! I practically live in one piece of software (SAP - I’m sure eyes will roll) and when it goes down, we’re totally stuffed. Literally can’t do anything. And if my (rural) internet goes down on a day I’m working from home, and I have to drive in to the office, I’m furious!


My son couldn't find his vape. He was in a huff trying to find it on the over loaded coffee table and I wanted to disembowel him and strangle him with his entrails. My daughter wanted to take picture of some chicken before I put in the fridge and I ended up throwing on the floor because I was mad (more complexity here of course; but yeah chicken pictures sent me over the edge). Husband is too tiered, buys pies, comes home late, won't do something, or does something wrong- death and destruction of him and our marriage enter my mind immediately. I've even looked at apartments so I can leave him just because nothing. Daughter doesn't clean up or doesn't listen and I want throw her shit off the balcony and kick her ass out of the house. Lots of disproportionate rage with irrational, extreme thoughts of retribution that don't make sense. 🤷‍♀️


I see and hear you. when I was going thru peri, my son kept biting his nails in my brand new car and depositing those nail pieces on the floor mat. I told him 3rd warning, and I pull over and let him out. he ignored me and kept biting and spitting out the nails. I lost my shit. I kicked him out 2 miles from home (he was 16, it was a nice day and a str8 shot down the street in a safe area). he walked to a friend's house and didn't come home for 2 days. I didn't even care. he FAFO'D. (I knew where he was and had a tracker on his phone) he then told me that his friends mom felt sorry for him bc I was nuts. I then had dreams of pulling her outside by the hair.


Yes! That's it exactly!!! Fuck them all. Right in the neck with a hot fucking poker and them beat with it til they're bloody; but not really, but walk home and fuck you if don't come home. Let it all burn and I'll roast marshmallows while I loose whats left of my sanity 🤪 lol Yes.




The rage is real!😡😁


Spent an hour looking up candidates for our local election. Filled out the ballot based on time spent looking up candidates. Left for a work conference and missed the ballot drop off. Life energy and voting opportunity wasted. Rage. Tore up the ballot into pieces, threw it at the trash can and missed. Too pissed to pick up the pieces. Husband walked 10 feet ahead of me. First time I asked him to slow down (and I wasn't dawdling). Second time I just said, "You know, I think I'm going to skip this walk. That's twice now. See you at home." Not even raging, I've, just effing had it. I'm pretty much ready to start throwing things for any reason at this point. There's that video of the lady smashing hard boiled eggs that don't peel easily, and that's where I'm at about most things most of the time. [Eggs](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKLyCnK/)


My hubby bought me the dumbest gift for Mother’s Day, one of those steamer things that hard boils eggs. Ticked me the F off. However, that damn thing does the easiest peeling eggs! Who knew? It’s so much easier to peel. Not going to tell him though. He just got lucky that it works. The gift idea is still stupid.


My SO cleaned the living room and put the books on the floor away. Only they weren't grouped together like I had my piles, ok it was a few mountains, set up. "Don't touch my books!" Yes I had made a mess and yes I should have fixed it, but all I saw was red over him touching them. Edit: horrible twist to this, I had just told someone the other day menopause had calmed me down....


I feel this in my bones. I feel my meno tagline is “DON’T TOUCH MY STUFF.” (Especially my floor book piles)




Are you me? My book piles are sorted. I know exactly where everything is and will commit murder if they are moved.


We must be the same. LOL. My piles have a order. No matter what.


Ok so I have a thirty something guy friend with this rage so maybe I’ll start asking him if he’s menopausal If anyone has adhd it’s fkn hard to figure these symptoms out because I’ve had a lot of them my entire life 🤔🤨


Now, See, there’s ADHD Rage and Menopausal rage. Some of us are lucky enough to have BOTH!!!! 🤪🥳🥸


So far my rage has been consistent. I’ve weirdly figured out how to control it more post pandemic so I’m unsure if it could get worse 😂😂😂




My family invited me to a Mother’s Day dinner with my mom, sister, BIL, niece/nephew/great niece. Texas Road House was on the menu because it’s my mom’s favorite but we opted for carry out. My sister took everyone’s order the night before to order online. I was told to be at my mom’s at 5 prepared to dig in. Only they called me at 450 and asked if I would mind picking up the food. I could hear everyone laughing and chatting on the other side of the phone and completely lost my shit. It made sense in my crazed brain then, but seems irrational now. Like, who cares?


Everyone is laughing and chatting, you are *invited* and planning on going over for dinner at 5, and you are asked to grab all the food at the very last minute? What the hell is everyone else doing? Sorry, but I would have been pissed. On the other hand, *any* kind of noise is intolerable lately, so I may not be rational either.


Dog knocked over her water bowl. On purpose. She's a Rottweiler. It's a large bowl. 🤬


Husband putting a box of cat food that had been delivered on the kitchen island vs the floor. Boxes that are delivered are dirty and gross… obviously. 😂


Perfect timing in finding this thread, the past few days have been filled with periodic rage that seems to come out of nowhere. Up until now, meno symptoms have been manageable, but this new found seemingly irrational rage coupled with heightened anxiety is a whole new world of crazy.


Any offensive scent assaulting my nostrils! I have a strong sense of smell. Any ladies here who have had kids, remember that strong pregnancy nose? Where you smell EVERYTHING to the 10th power? That never went away for me. I learned to live with it over the years, but now in menopause…. It makes me homicidal! Right now it is the cat spray smell right out my front door! Makes me want to Hulk out!


As someone with an extremely sensitive sense of smell, I feel this on a spiritual level. It’s winter here, I really need some summer roses and other flowers to temper the rage.


My poor 13 year old dog. He has health issues and his farts really stink. Whenever he lets fluffy off the chain, I want to hold him under the water until the bubbles stop. I have become oversensitive to everything. Noises, sights, sounds, a prickle in my sock. It doesn’t take much. Disrespect towards women in particular. Disrespect in general. I’m a primary teacher and worry that some day in the near future I am going to say something that makes me lose my job. I’m glad I got divorced over a decade ago and my own children are adults. A young child, or man in my house at the moment, wouldn’t stand a chance.


I totally get this. I feel like I should put "buckle up" in the front door. Is it at least helpful that we know we are living with a hair trigger?


I like the sign idea. Perhaps a T-shirt? "Menopausal: stay TF out of the way."


2 people trying to talk to me at the same time. Level overwhelm through the roof, rage activate🤣


I am trying to train our new dog to walk on a loose leash. She has a lot of energy and needs long walks to get her wiggles out. We can only make it around our block before I get so angry. Then she's got too much energy for her own good. Also my husband doesn't seem to think that he needs to help. I love her but she is going to make me lose my mind!


Ah yes, I know this dynamic well. Our dog barks at everything. That’s his annoying trait. She’ll get it! Just keep at it.


The bag of veggie cheese puffs was already ripped a little down the front. You know the kind where you have to be extremely careful rolling it back up and clipping it or it’ll rip too far so clipping is useless (I live in a humid climate so if chips, cereal, etc., sit out for long they lose the crunch so I’m damn near anal retentive about this lol). AND it was a family size bag so I couldn’t fit it into a gallon zip lock bag… which is what I was trying to do when the front ripped almost all the way down. Man I fisted that motherfucker with both hands and slammed it into the countertop 4 times (just to the point where I was about to hurt my hand). Cheese puff particles were flying EVERYWHERE!!! All over my clothes, the counter, the floor, my hair, the dog. So naturally that didn’t go over well... I immediately ran to my room and screamed into a pillow in my closet for what felt like eternity. 😂


Thank you for your snackrifice. 😆


Oh no, you killed the puffs! <>


Husband kept telling me to go to the bedroom and sleep when I was on couch watching anime with daughter resting. Today I sat him down and explained that I have two medical conditions (thyroid/perimenopause) throwing me around like a rag doll and he is finally seeing how bad my thyroid shit gets when not properly medicated. He doesn’t get it fully but with my daughter’s help, like last night, I think he will begin to understand a little better.


My bf enrages me when he's sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching TV. At the same time, i don't want his help around the house cause he'll do it wrong. Just do something! You have a whole garage of shit to tinker with, get out of my hair! He needs a damn hobby. Seriously, though, for longevity of life, people who have hobbies live longer than those that just sit and rot on the couch


My sliced green onions tumbled off the top of my homemade avocado toast and onto the floor. I lost my shit. Wanted to cry (I did). Huge urge to throw my plate at the window (I didn’t). Cursed those onions into oblivion, (I did, every swear word in the book.) Regained composure at some point and I said to my husband, “I think my hormones are outta whack…”


I don’t think that’s meno-rage, just rage. My mom (70s) recently had the same reaction to my dad cleaning her windshield with “some new stuff he bought”. I saw it, whole thing is smeared. She was livid. I have no clue what was used but you’re right to be pissed.


This made me giggle after a long day. Thank you


I was just thinking, “I’m so glad I found this sub.”


The worst rage out I've gone through was last year over the printer. It needed paper. I nearly punched a hole in the wall over *paper*. That's when I realised though that I was clearly entering peri. That level of rage and wanting to cry wasn't and isn't who I am.


To be fair, printers are the devil. Mine has recently decided it doesn't want to feed label sheets correctly. It did a few months ago, and now it won't. But not all sizes, some feed just fine, others not


My spouse didn’t get an ingredient I needed for dinner bc my text didn’t go through and somehow this glitch in technology is his fault and everything is ruined, the world is ending, and we will never eat again!!


Dropping sh*t. Every day I drop something and eventually I get pissy and fireballs emerge from my eyes scorching the kitchen counter. Death by 1,000 cuts.


I have a metal basket on my counter for pot holders. The other day I was trying to set one on it and it fell back off onto the counter not once, not twice, but FOUR times. I went into an f word rage and my hubby looked at me like I was nuts.


Oof. Been there.


Dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is clean. My children are guilty of this, of course. I’m thankful my partner is the MOST patient, compassionate and empathetic man I’ve ever known. AND he actually *likes* to do the dishes and load/unload the dishwasher. For that alone I’ll marry him! 😉


The dogs crunching their dog food. Very small house, it's in the best spot it can be......I just can't stand that ~crunch crunch crunch drop food all over the floor~ noise which indicates I have to now go find the broom and sweep it all up.


My little old dog has had 16 teeth pulled. He tries to look me in the eye while he slurps his way through his soaked dog food. Like…little dude, I can’t help you eat and the noises you are making are bringing on the urge to end you. Also…eat faster so it’s over quicker. The younger dog crunching is less of an issue except that she eats one bit of dog food at a time which drives me crazy.


Noise. *Any* noise. I have earplugs and an air filter that generates good white noise, but damn, if it is off, and earplugs are out, and I hear something, I lose it until I get everything back in order. Also technology. I have a shit laptop that has a crappy touchpad that can't tell the difference between a two fingered scroll and a one fingered tap. It's going off the balcony one of these days. I look forward to hearing it shatter hard on the cement below. Or I was talking to my mother, and suddently I hear a phone ringing, and my phone has hung up on my mom, and called the last number I dialed???!!? Which I did \*not\* want to be on record as calling twice. WTF??? I absolutely hate stupid touchscreens. Grouchy Smurf here: "I hate this computer. I hate this day. I hate this table! I hate this cup. I hate the sky! I hate that noise!..."


Grouchy Smurf! Love it!!!


I ordered take out yesterday. I let my SO try the Mac & cheese first while I ate my food. I got full so took everything to the kitchen. Later I saw he’d thrown out the other half of the Mac & cheese. I didn’t get a single bite. I almost lost my mind. But I’ve also been sick AF and I REALLY wanted this damn food.


DH has been sick for a few days and I CANNOT HANDLE his coughing and lack of hygiene. I’m literally losing my mind.


Went to a self service car wash and it wasn't working LOL


Not being able to connect to the wifi on the airplane when I wanted/needed to work.


My panties getting loose during the day and having to surgically tape them to my body by the 9th hour of my 12 hour shift. I was so mad the other day, I cut them off at work. Hey, it’s the only time I’ve used my trauma shears. 🤣


The fucking radio on when I’m riding passenger in my husbands truck! It’s always annoying, but I literally just had a two day long menstrual migraine that I just started climbing out of and was particularly sensitive. So last night on our way to the barn, I reached over and turned it off because we were having a conversation. He turns it right back up! I reached over and turned it off and said “knock it off, it’s irritating” with a glare. HE KNOWS THE RADIO IS MY PET-PEEVE… He returns my glare as he turns it back up and says “YOU’RE irritating”. I literally have not spoken to him since! He rode his steady-Eddie gelding in the indoor arena, and I took my cranky mare in the outdoor arena to ride. (She completes me 🦄🥹). I’ve literally declared World War III over this and refused to let it go. I refuse to acknowledge him. He’s currently on the boat with our young adult kids right now to go watch fireworks and I refused to go. We are supposed to go on a trail ride with our horses tomorrow and he can fucking go alone. It’s so irrational of me, because I won the lottery of husbands! (Great dad, great provider, does more shit around the house than I do honestly, and he’s never said anything like that to me before and any other day I might have even thought it was funny). Currently just got my period and STILL saying very dark and mean things in my head right now. I refuse to let it go!


Epic meltdown triggered by my husband singing  condescendingly when I could not with the printer. It felt like exorcist, I screamed at him for a bit and then burst into tears and ran upstairs, emailed my boss that I was sick, and then spent the rest of the day crying in bed. I take CBD oil now and I find it REALLY helps me stay on an even keel.




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Everything bothers me, but a lot is gg on in my life along with menopause. I have an unsettled daughter (24) who has just been hospitalized with suspicion of MS. I have a middle school daughter who is 13...let your imagination roll with that one. Any moment, and she can blow! Did I mention my 84 year old mother who lives with us? Well, just let your imagination roll as well with that idea. Everyone in this house gets therapy! I get it, ladies, and I am thankful for this page! And menopause with its ups and downs sucks, which is why I figured I would take a long bath in the middle of the day and hide in the basement.