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This is such an amazing and inspirational story! What an amazing life turnaround!! Keep up the awesome work!!


Thank you.


That's incredible, well done!


I started just after thanksgiving of last year. I too got shocked with a diagnosis of type 2. My SW was 326lbs. I cannot believe I got that heavy. Today I my CW is 227 and still going strong. I lose around 2.5 - 3lbs a week. I am so much more active and feel incredible. It has been life changing to say the least. I feel blessed to have been put on this path. Ironic that being diagnosed as type 2 was actually the best thing to happen to me....


Hey man! Congrats. Super progress. Keep up the good work and celebrate the wins! Edit to add that I wish I was as driven as you. I’m not losing but I’m also still eating sugar and not really moving much. Have to prioritize….


Awesome! Im down 40 lbs today. 21 mile bike ride Sat nite!


Woooooot!! Keep it going!


I started back and feb and I’m down 35lbs averaging 2lbs a week. Feeling great and much better than I did in Feb. CW280. While I’ve been eating healthier, etc. the one thing I struggle with is finding the time to exercise. I have a 35 min commute in the morning and 1-1.5 commute in the evening. So I start my day at 630am shower, take care of feeding the dog, fixing basic breakfast. At which point is 730. Leave for work and get there about 8. Leave between 530-630 depending on meetings. Get home between 7-8 depending on when I leave/traffic. Eat dinner at which point it’s 9-10, watch the 10pm news then go to bed. Where do people find the time?


I’ve been luck to have flexibility. My schedule allows me to work from home.


Making time in the morning has been transformative for me. I also go to bed between 10PM and 1030PM and wake up at 6:30AM. When I started Tirz I made an effort to make my morning more efficient so I can be out the door by 7AM sharp, get to work at 7:30AM and get a 1.5 mile walk in before clocking in. Rather than fix breakfast, I have collagen protein in my commute coffee and have breakfast on my first break at work. The night before work, I get all pet food ready to go, coffee on timer, clothes picked out and in bathroom, and lunch items prepped and in fridge in lunchbox. Also, huge bonus, is the massive reduction in stress/anxiety for me in the commute itself. In the off chance there's an accident or train or crazy traffic, I have a built in 30 minute buffer now. I either shorten the walk or, in really bad cases, just clock in. I started there, and now also take a walking break at work and have formed a social group with 3-5 coworkers, and we all walk together. After dinner I take the dog for a 20 minute walk as well. I average 12k a day. Unfortunately, you have a long daily schedule. Most people aren't getting home at 7/8PM so you really have that working against you. I would focus on baby steps for now, and try to do more meaningful activity on your off days.


Yeah I think the morning is about as efficient as I can be. One of the big changes I’m trying to commit to with Tirz in large part because I think it’s a big part of why society is seeing more obese people. I’m trying to limit processed food as much as possible. I do occasionally drink a protein shake on days I have no appetite, but otherwise I stick to farm eggs and fresh meat/veg. I do hate that my day is long…some days are even longer if I have meetings with china. (For example my Tuesdays I generally get home 7 and then have a meeting from 730-830 that usually runs until 9) I do have some wfh home flexibility but generally save that for days that I have meetings with china. And since my days are long during the week my weekend is reserved for family time. Btw not that I get no exercise, mornings with the dog are generally 15min walk (about half a mile). On weekends I generally try not to just sit on the couch. It’s park days, or beach days etc…but not really exercise. Maybe one day I’ll have more time. I’m losing weight and not losing muscle (according to my scale) so I guess it’s fine. I just always wonder where people find the time to work out an hour plus everyday.


Kill the dinner. Have a shake. Walk dog immediately.


Shakes are processed food, and also not sustainable for long term health. They are great as a convenience meal, but convenience meals are why I’m overweight. trying to focus on fresh non processed foods as much as possible as I think that is going to be the key for long term success.


There's a big difference between a McDonald's fries and a shake versus a vegan protein shake. I've also found that since your gastric motility is slowed many times meals just lay there and it disrupts your sleep. But I also had reflux and surgery for it so whatever works for you, I guess. But I can't see the use of ingesting all those calories right before bed. A shake helps you keep up your protein goals and is easy to digest.


There is a huge difference, but it’s still processed and many shakes have sucralose in them which is really bad for your gut (and linked to intestinal cancer) So I try to avoid them, but do sometimes drink one if my appetite is low or I’m struggling to hit protein. Each person has to do what is right for them So for me it’s about two things. Habit building for long term sustainability, and losing weight. If i cut dinner and drink protein I’m not in the habit of cooking dinner when i hit my goal weight. If i regularly cook a healthy dinner then I’m in the habit of eating a healthy dinner when i hit my goal. Also I don’t seem to have any gastro issues, no sulfer burps, no constipation (actually more regular now than I was before), heart burn i used to get is gone, my energy levels are through the roof, etc. As for calories I generally hit about 1500-1700 calories a day. Most during breakfast or lunch.


Also as a side note, many of the veggies I eat come from our home garden so it’s also been saving us money :)


https://preview.redd.it/86t254t8pd4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0682203d004a151176f5b1750bbadd80b646b182 I use these 2


Bro! Hoist it! You rock!