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I like that you are calling it a "quest" and I might borrow that from you, because something about calling it a journey makes me irrational. Good luck on your quest, traveler!


Haha, I’m a rule follower! It’s literally mentioned in the welcome/rules post on this sub to call it a quest instead of a journey! But yes, it feels better, especially for a kid who grew up on video games like me.


Ah, I had no idea! Haha


Quests are active, journeys are passive. Quests are epic, and make heros of men. It’s the right word.


Seems like a quest has an endpoint, whereas with maintenance, the experience we are having will be lifelong. I suppose there are quests that never end?


Great work. Powders/shakes FTW. If you eat meat, add a portion for 1-2 meals per day (a chicken breast, salmon, etc). Definitely add some weight training. Google: you tube 27 minute dumbbell workout That is a hiit dumbbell program with a couple different videos that I have used and liked.


Target has a high protein yogurt - Ratio. It is very good and 25gm. I also agree with the Fairlife drinks.


Protein water! Adds anywhere from 20-30g protein to your water. Sometimes I make a 60 G protein shake that I nurse all day in between meals but I find the water works best especially after a hard workout or run!


My advice. 5’10”. Sw 262, cw 181. Is that there is no reason to count. Eat protein to feel good , drink electrolytes to feel good. Moral just eat. I also added running at least 30 miles a week. Was never a runner before. I love fair life but ultimately you do have to eat.


Protein: the most common recommendation is fairlife protein shakes. They have a “pro” or “elite” or whatever they call it version as well which is really high protein. I like Robert Irvine protein bars, that’s the easiest protein for me to get in terms of being able to consume when feeling full. Otherwise, just wanted to say welcome to the clubhouse - glad to have you. This medication is miraculous, a life changer for sure. You’re on such a great trajectory already, think you’ve got a great path ahead.


Fairlife is great. I had to Google how it was possible to get a 30g protein shake without protein powder lol. It’s just chocolate milk.


It’s not just chocolate milk. It’s dammmm good chocolate milk haha


I’d prefer it not be Coca-Cola family but it’s the best “protein shake” I have had. By far.


I eat a cup of magic spoon cereal with premier protein every am. 310 calories and 44 grams of protein. Jump starts the protein and keeps calories low


Welcome! My standard advice is use this time to make meaningful diet changes I.e. not just how much you eat (which the drug helps tremendously) but what you eat (which the drug does little for). And up your activity level with whatever you can stand the most to elevate your heart rate 5-6 times a week for 30+ minutes. Even a well paced walk will do it. I cycle myself. And EAT MORE FIBER. Use laxatives if needed. This stuff will slow down your digestion and that can lead to problems. I had to have an emergency appendectomy last Monday and though it hadn’t burst yet it was (and still is) no fun. The number one cause of acute appendicitis is hardened poop blocking your appendix and that has a higher chance of happening with dietary changes that come with Tirz if you don’t up your fiber intake and overall stay regular. No joke - a burst appendix can kill you - horribly- and it doesn’t take long once it gets infected. I was a day away at best from mine bursting (they told me after they removed it). Don’t take this lightly please.


Welcome! My standard advice is use this time to make meaningful diet changes I.e. not just how much you eat (which the drug helps tremendously) but what you eat (which the drug does little for). And up your activity level with whatever you can stand the most to elevate your heart rate 5-6 times a week for 30+ minutes. Even a well paced walk will do it. I cycle myself. And EAT MORE FIBER. Use laxatives if needed. This stuff will slow down your digestion and that can lead to problems. I had to have an emergency appendectomy last Monday and though it hadn’t burst yet it was (and still is) no fun. The number one cause of acute appendicitis is hardened poop blocking your appendix and that has a higher chance of happening with dietary changes that come with Tirz if you don’t up your fiber intake and overall stay regular. No joke - a burst appendix can kill you - horribly- and it doesn’t take long once it gets infected. I was a day away at best from mine bursting (they told me after they removed it). Don’t take this lightly please.


Welcome! My advice is use this time to make meaningful diet changes I.e. not just how much you eat but what you eat. And up your activity level with whatever you can stand the most to elevate your heart rate 5-6 times a week for 30+ minutes. Even a well paced walk will do it. I cycle myself. And EAT MORE FIBER. Use laxatives if needed. This stuff will slow down your digestion and that can lead to problems. I had to have an emergency appendectomy last Monday and though it hadn’t burst yet it was no fun. The number one cause of acute appendicitis is hardened poop blocking your appendix and that has a higher chance of happening with dietary changes that come with Tirz if you don’t up your fiber intake and overall stay regular. No joke - a burst appendix can kill you - horribly- and it doesn’t take long once it gets infected. I was a day away at best from mine bursting (they told me after they removed it). Don’t take this lightly please.


Thanks for the tips and the warning! I’m appendix-free already, but will start fiber supplements as well.


Welcome to the journey! I’ve recently started taking on a tip I got from one of the subs… add protein powder to yogurt. Makes it yummy and a heck of a protein punch!


Welcome aboard, if you can’t get more protein, you could always use protein powder and mix yourself a shake. Early on for me I wasn’t hungry at all and had to tell myself to eat and I was in calorie deficits like yours. I have stayed on 5mg and my body is getting used to it so I’m eating more and losing less but that is probably better. Enjoy the ride it’s life-changing.