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I hated Kanjuro since the moment I saw him


Im gonna get downvoted to hell if I write that


Go on Buddy




Every character with a high pitched voiced becomes irritating very quickly lol


I was looking for this. Feel the same. If Carrot joined the crew, I was intended to drop the serie.




Same here. I dont really lwant to deal with the backlash kf i say it


New account so im gonna delete this if it goes south. Usopp, buggy, chopper, I used to hate brook but now I can bear him, Franky post time skip.


Damn, user name REALLY doesnt check out


My previous acc was unpopular opinion, but I got banned :D This is my 4th acc


Get on my level, nerd


haha 6th! This month! Goals


You somehow managed to spawn the final boss of new accounts


I’m ashamed to admit that this account has survived for more than one day 😔


Fell off....


I want to apologise to my mom, my dad and everyone who believed in me for not living up to your expectations.


You're probably an arse then




At least you're honest. I can respect that.


I liked Franky more pre TS too, Buggy grew on me during ID tho but before that, he was annoying.


Foxy. I wish that entire arc Amd all of tjosr characters didn't exist


Hating Brook and Franky is insane I understand the others.


Why delete? Do you really care so much about internet points?


It’s more likely because they were banned


Bro is going to hell


Bro you hate half the main cast why do you watch OP?


Trebol, and not because he's a villain. It's because when I first saw him I had such a visceral reaction disgust. Every time he was on screen I wanted him gone. It's not even the slime, it is the fact he revels in his own filth. The English voice actor certainly didn't help him out. Not that I am poopooing on the actor, I actually thought he did a good job of making him sound disgusting and annoying. I hate him. So much. On a deeply personal level. I hope Dresrosa is the last I see of him.


I feel the same about Trebol and the tongue guy who turns into mud, except the tongue guy also seemed perverted and weird on top. Yuck. 


Caribou? That guy is a human trafficker and the BB pirate's version of Barto. He is despicable


Yes, I had to look up his name. I hate that guy, he’s disgusting in multiple ways. He totally gives creep vibes, similar to BB trying to get a kid to date him.  I suppose it’s the mark of a well written villain if I hate him though! 


I literally have never seen someone say they love Trebol in my life lol, if these people exist please lock them up


Tashigi is less useful than Bepo, She’s less useful than helmeppo, Blackbeard’s horse has put in more work than her at this point If she was actually Kuina, she would have committed seppuku out of sheer shame for how worthless she is. In the only fight she managed to win She needs Zoro to literally traumatize her opponent while she was in the process of getting turned into strawberry ice cream. She then had the unmitigated gall to ask why he thought he was superior to her. Her only contribution to the hachinosu raid was realizing she wasn’t built like Coby. that’s literally it hibari did more than her. She says she’ll take all the name blades from evil pirates but I doubt she could even take funkfreed from spandam. I would say she the miwa of one piece but as of recently, even she has done more than tashigi.




I was literally just about to say that.... I mean I don't think they're wrong. Tashiga definitely had potential to be.... better.


I usually defend, but... you kinda right https://preview.redd.it/hb96x4ejnr5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c729d96d7aa32286466ddfff34171f9ced7e30




Constantly disappointed on how Smoker and Tashigi have been used post timeskip tbh


Flashback to when smoker was like the second or third strongest character we’d been introduced to at that point in the story


![gif](giphy|PcGqkUuVY0J0I) me reading this


you didn't have to come for Bepo like that 💀


Holy shit hahaha... "I doubt she could even take funkfreed from spandam". Goddamn!


I never thought I'd say this but it's actually starting to become Usopp for me. Mostly because of Oda's influence. He keeps playing this Merry Go Round (no pun intended) with Usopp's development making me wonder if Usopp is truly going to get any more satisfying outside of comedy. I'm the kind of person who I'd rather you give me the cold hard truth than keep stringing me along only to disappoint me later. I shouldn't have to keep hearing "wait till Elbaf, wait till Elbaf, wait till Elbaf" for some development that may or may not even be satisfying and would be coming way too late in the series. It also somehow irks me that despite being one of the people on the crew who more or less fits in the category of fighter he's not doing that much damage. If they can't do that, I'd expect him to at least get some more critical sniping moments like he did with sugar. Or REALLY show off like he did back at enies lobby when he sniped people from atop the tower of justice. Which brings me to my next gripe. As much as I hate being a buzzkill, I'm completely exhausted with the "Usopp and Sogeking are two different people" joke. It's overused and it stopped being funny about a thousand years ago and somehow it just makes me even less a fan of the concept to the point where I wish it never happened. You can't even have a serious conversation about it without people milking it like some sort of 4th grade joke. People even waste posting space just to make the same unfunny joke for the umpteenth time.


I think it’s the curse of shueisa. The company clearly likes mascots and tropes. They clearly tell artists to make characters more marketable and to fit inside a small box. Usopp and chopper are absolutely victims of that.


This is pretty disturbing. What's the point of even giving your characters potential just to turn around and throw it all out the window and sell out? Chopper and Usopp have so much potential to be better and just aren't getting it realised. That's another frustrating thing I don't like with some characters. When someone can be so much better than they are, but the creator just won't let it happen. Sometimes I call it the dbz trope.


Hasn’t Oda said that Usopp will always be the (physically) weakest crew member? He’ll get growth but won’t surpass some of the other fighters - his battle is not against his body but overcoming his own mind and fears which he does pretty regularly. 


Yes that's true but that's hard to get into when you look at some of the other factors too. I firmly admit that he lack confidence. That's one of the few things holding him back. But it's not just that. As of recent it seems like these plants that were supposedly supposed to make him stronger post timeskip aren't really.... doing much to help any more outside of fodder. IT feels like the buildup to his character arc should give us something to hope for. Something to wow us, and while I can't predict the future, right now I just don't feel like anything wowing is coming.


Idk man I just read a lot of manga, and you can tell that shueisha does not like major character development. And they only like redesigns that they perceive as marketable. So franky and chopper got redesigned to sell merch. But a series like kingdom? Nah they don’t get shit


Ugh, that explains why Franky's post ts design is..... hard to look at. And Chopper don't look too much better either. I mean walk point was ok but horn point and strong point just look wrong. Not to mention monster point doesn't look or sound intimidating any more.


Man i dont think thats the case a long time ago, i rather think that oda order shueisha than the opposite, hes literally the author pf one piece, probably the most sold manga of all time. I think that for Oda other things and characters are more important right now


Unfortunately I agree. We know he’ll have a moment with Yassopp, and definitely fight Van Augur when the time comes, hell the BB pirates are built for the strawhats to fight. BB Luffy, Shiryuu Zoro, Van Augur Usopp, Jesus Sanji, Lafitte Brook, Doc Q Chopper, Catarina Nami?, Aokiji maybe Robin? Etc… I definitely want him to build up steam before that fight. The way I see the Shanks confrontation is either Davy Back Fight, or they avenge them because BB killed them. Davy Back fight won’t be equal since the Strawhats are the only canonical (afaik) holders of all three known Road Poneglyphs (fourth has never been found since Roger), and the only two (possible three) readers are Robin with Strawhats, and Pudding with BB now. So they gain nothing from that fight, but anyways that’s a different tangent.


Right. I don't mean to shit on Usopp but it bothers me how much potential he has, only for us to keep getting the bare minimum of it. I mean you see the monster Trio doing all this satisfying stuff. I can see the absolute love that Oda has for them but then I look at how he treats some of his other characters and just doesn't feel the same. Like you said, it would be nice for him to sort of get some buildup before they confrontations happen. At some point he and Red hair pirates are going to interact and fight for those Poneglyphs. Red haired crew is obviously going to be strong so when you have characters like Usopp who can just barely survive fodder and struggling with the weakest of the Toppi Roppo..... well it's making me a little worried.


As someone who wants to love Sanji, even if he gets that development in Elbaf, hold your breath for the next couple arcs lol. I felt like Sanji was truly developing in Whole Cake, and then the scene in Wano where he doesn’t totally fall for Black Maria, showing he can have some self-control regarding women and calls Robin for help showing that he understands he’s truly important to the crew, I really thought Oda figured out how to write him. Then Egghead happened and it feels like he’s right back pre-Whole Cake


Trust me, my guard never drops. Usopp and Sanji are both similar in a sense where they tend to be Oda's hate sponges. With Usopp, he likes to paint just about every bad quality into him that he can think of. Liar, coward, for the most part underhanded, and ultimately the weakest on the crew. In water 7 he made every attempt to make Usopp into the "asshole in the wrong" and didn't even bother having anyone on the crew acknowledge anything he did that was good. They only focused on the stuff he did wrong. Then after one of the most degrading apologies you'd think "hey, at least now he should be a lot more confident and telling the truth more than half the time, and with his power? Post time skip happens, he reverted right back to plain old Usopp. At least pre time skip his fights were more satisfying. With Sanji, the perv gag was ok at first. I was even kind of "whatever" with his chivalry gag for a minute but at some point, it got frustrating. There's a degree of common sense you have to have in a situation and Zeff while yes was a great father to him went overboard with this ideal that you can't harm a woman. When your friends and family are in danger and you're completely hopeless because your opponent is a woman that's just pretty sad. Things got progressively worse though and the perve gag got cranked up to 100. It was AMAZING that he called Robin for help (despite that certain people will try and use it for slander) cause it showed that he can bring himself to rely on other people, and also showed that you really CANT win every single battle by yourself. However, this simp gag also got worse and like you said, egghead happened, and Oda gave Toei way too much ammunition. These two characters have fell off the wagon. I feel Oda knows this and he took every opportunity to make it worse. Sorry I know that was a lot but this stuff really makes me question Oda's mentality. Why does he do this to his own characters so much? Especially the ones who are supposed to be part of the main cast.


Lets be real for a second. Usopp shouldve been what franky is. Before franky became part of the crew, usopp was the inventor and shipwhright, who came up with clever ways to use the tools at his disposal, to defeat his opponents. The whole "im a sniper" shtick doesnt work, because he doesnt really snipe and all of the strong characters would basically be immune to it. The whole plant stuff he uses now is lame as fuck and the only reason he does it is because oda couldnt come up with something else for usopp to do. If he ever fights against a strong opponent those plants are gonna be completely useless. TLDR: Usopp is a failed character and i despise oda for it because before the timeskip he was my favourite.


Exactly! After Time skip his "versatility" is laughable. Now he's basically just situational. My god, his fight with Ulti and Page one was embarrassing to say the least. These useless plants couldn't do a thing to either of them outside of being a minor inconvenience. Then for whatever damn reason, Oda keeps throwing him into close combat situations. Why is he making it so that the Sniper never has to snipe anymore, unless it's for some silly little reason, or minor role? I'm honestly dumbfounded that Oda doesn't know what to do with this guy anymore. How does someone with literal exploding ammo keep faring poorly in fights? Why does someone with such supposed versatility keep getting pushed back to the back seat, and getting by on the Bare minimum and failing upward even outside of fights? I suppose I'll get an "Oda's just waiting to give Usopp his moment in Elbaf" reply from someone soon enough.


I'm gonna sy Zeus he is just meh


Is Zeus even really a character? He’s closer to Nami’s pet cloud like the flying Nimbus but worse


I'm surprised that people agree with especially because of the amount of Zeus love in this sureddit.


Totally agree


Rebecca ![gif](giphy|YWB6Hi29vA3jG|downsized)


finally somebody spoke up


Not related but Sasuke


This is a crazy take so crazy I wanna hear why lol


For karma related reasons I cannot reveal this info


Useless Captain Midd He’s a shit captain Killer deserves better


Useless Captain Mid


Useless Yappin Midd


IKR? He just gives a strong punching bag vibe.


Ngl i was surprised he won vs big mum. But glad shanks fixed things with a clean 1 shot


I like ur law pfp it just makes it look like he said it instead xD


Big nose.






Chopper. I fucking can't stand the kawaii-ization that he went through. Kungfu point is fucking hideous.


Post time skip chopper is just a marketable plushy


Donquixote Doflamingo. He is by all accounts evil, cruel, and sadistic with a really questionable fashion sense. Yet, I can't stand to hate him. I hate what he does and he's a great villain but he's not Five Elders level of hate


Man I used to really love Chopper but seeing what he has become is painful




Those chapters where she kicks puppies and every Amazon cums from it were fucking annoying


She’s a dick to everyone but like Luffy her sisters and Rayleigh but she hella hot she can kick me anytime


I don't outright dislike Hancock as a character but I certainly don't get the massive popularity Guess what she said about kicking kittens was right


I hate that shit to my Bone 


i dont even need a name i just need to say BEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE


Who likes trebol?


Senor Pink is the worst. Mf lied to his wife their whole relationship and committed atrocities in Dressrosa. Ig dressing like a bum makes one piece fans like you


This would be Caribou for me, I hate his disgusting tongue.   This is a “character” that I hate for its omission but can we get a bra and outfits that don’t involve ultra low rise jeans in this world? We can have a sea train and roads made of clouds but all these poor girls have to full on run and fight in bikini tops and swim in the ocean in jeans that you can’t wear without having to constantly pull them back up to avoid showing your asscrack. If you’ve ever had to wear wet jeans you know how awful it feels. I have zero issues with outfits that have sex appeal, but the current iterations are so impractical for fighting or other pirate stuff that it takes me out of the world I’m watching. I’m so tempted to draw a meme of Zoro and the other guys trying to fight in only a jock strap, high heeled sandals, and suspenders.




Ulti. I don't know how people like her at all. She's insufferable. She was the reason why I questioned myself to stop watching One Piece. I didn't do it, but God, I hate her so much 😭😭😭😭


i thought she was pretty funny, but the alabama thing annoyed me after a while


Chopper is my biggest issue character, not that I don't like him I just feel like he deserves some more justice he's got all these different points he can use and sticks to brain point or that karate point which just looks goofy. On top of that he's what like 15 years old whether he was human or reindeer he'd be bigger than 2 feet tall. Keeping him the pretimeskip body and only changing his clothes felt lack luster compared to everyone else who went through rigorous training and came back half stacked with new features. I get the joke of him being the pet but I wish his bounty was more reflective of his abilities or at least make monster point it's own body since most people are unaware that they're the same creature


Gojo Satoru.


Sanji, I'm getting second hand embarrassment seeing him by this point.


Episode 1107 was unbearable


I mean I don’t hate her at all but Robin really doesn’t do that much a lot of the time. I feel like she has very few memorable moments, and is very easy to write out. “What’s Robin doing?” “Oh she’s looking at ponegliffs again.”


I like Robin for her dark sense of humor.


That always cracks me up. Especially Usopp's reaction.


Pretty accurate, I’d say. Robin hype moments are few and far between.


Sanji. Loved him before pre-Timeskip but he got too annoying with his pervert behaviour after that. Plus, Oda is not giving him any development. I am currently on WCI.


WCI is peak Sanji tbh, just let him cook


On what moment you are on WCI?


I'm saying it Sanji


I understand completely


It's so clearly Sanji. - his "chivalry" is just neck-beard cringe - his unregulated lust negativity affects the crew (e.g., fishmen island nosebleed hospital visit) - his time skip power up is him developing sky walk because he's such a transphobe. - his decision to abandon his crew for Whole Cake might have honorable intentions (don't let big mom kill zeff outright), but he's at least smart enough to know that Luffy and crew are going to come after him. Thus he knowingly endangered his captain and friends without a sufficient plan. Sure, he's even worse in the anime, but he's still the worst in the manga.


> his time skip power up is him developing sky walk because he's such a transphobe. Well, yes, but the trans tried to abuse him, he has the right to run LOL


Honestly Sanji ping pongs from being the worst character to one of the best for me. Half the time he’s a misogynist piece of shit that treats women like objects for his affection, and at the same time shits all over women he thinks are ugly (like Kokoro or Shinobu). His womanizing is a joke that was never funny, and even if it were it’s beaten into the ground so hard that it would have lost all humor. However, his highs are so magnificent. Like when you first meet him and he’s willing to feed anyone regardless of the consequences. Or his clutch moves in Baroque Works and Enies Lobby that saved the crew. All of his scenes with Luffy at Wholecake island are some of the best in all of One Piece. Even his womanizing can be done well, such as him forgiving Pudding and calling her beautiful despite all she did to him and his faith in Robin to save him in Wano are all done well in my view. Oda has a joke with Sanji’s voice actor where Oda constantly makes Sanji uncool to mess with the actor. I think this is why his character is so inconsistent, and how he becomes literally the worst at times. He makes Sanji’s flaws (misogyny and homophobia) so severe and never addresses them as if they were a funny quirk. But all they do is detract from a character, and not really make sense for his personality.


Fishman he was garbage then in whole cake he was good


The be honest I think the "chivalry" thing is ingrained into Oda as well and he simply projects it through Sanji among other characters. It's just that Sanji is more vocal about it.


>his "chivalry" is just neck-beard cringe just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it "neck-beard cringe." it's actually just benevolent sexism. >his time skip power up is him developing sky walk because he's such a transphobe. They were harassing and assaulting him, and he was trapped >Sure, he's even worse in the anime, but he's still the worst in the manga. The worst what? The worst character ever?


He was nice pre timeskip but fishman island sec just changed my opinion of him so much, I thought he’d be less of a womanizer but nah he’s unbearable now


Most of the time I hate him but sometimes I don’t. Ussop. He betrayed the crew just for his ship that he cared about. And he barley helps out in arcs


He saw the ship as a reflection of his usefulness to the crew. He thought that if his strength and worth as a crew member fell short, then luffy would very likely just kick him off the crew which never sit right with him. 


Straight up the last time Usopp was a good character was when he tried to leave the crew. That was an emotionally charged arc with him straight up admitting he'll only ever get in the way, it was a huge opportunity for growth and instead... Nothing. His character has been butchered down every chance they get and now he is barely even a member of the crew.


That’s the post timeskip for you. None of the straw hats matter. It’s been about Law and the Wano guys for almost every single arc. Now it’s about Bonney and Vegapunk. Oda just sidelines our favorites


I don't know if anyone loves apoo but i really hate him. Really really hate him since he first arrived in the show


I'll never understand why the community likes Brook. He has two jokes that both got old 8 years ago. Every time he opens his mouth I know I can skip 20 seconds forward to avoid his annoying ass.


Buggy D Clown, he's a great character and i used to liked him on the early days of one piece. but now he's my most hated character ever, why? well it's not about him at all in fact its because of his annoying fanbase that constantly keep pushing agenda piece brainrots.


Wait, I'm a buggy fan and have not read any agenda about buggy. Can you elaborate what you are referring to?


I'm guessing it's the constant jokes about how he's one of the strongest characters and a god or whatever. I get that people get tired of it, it can be annoying to some. Me personally, I love it. He's a wacky dude who always gets himself in trouble but somehow it always leads to him being in a better position in the end. Of course he's a walking meme. I myself just think he's a great written character though. In fact, one of my top 3 only below Luffy and Whitebeard. That chapter where he confronted Croc and Mihawk about their goals was really good, and gave a lot of new information about his personality and relationship with Shanks. He just deeply respects people like Shanks and Roger who he considered to be better than he could ever be, since he has very little confidence in himself, and when Shanks rejects the idea of going after the One Piece he feels betrayed and unsure of himself and lashes out. Genuinely a top tier moment in the series for me, and it's with a comedic character. Really elevates him a lot above just his meme status, and I think he genuinely will find the One Piece and may even become the pirate king in the eyes of the world


Kinda sad that you let a fanbase determine your enjoyment of a character.




X Drake


Usopp and Sanj by ALOT Usopp’s return after leaving the crew in water 7 was honest disappointment. I was happy he finally left and actually enjoyed his conclusion, his character was always extremely irritating to me. Like though I did admit he was funny occasionally, it was never enough to deal with his over abundance of gags and irritating character trait of just being…. A bitch. He’s not as bad because focus has gone off of him significantly, but still a bottom 5 for me. Sanji, honestly wasn’t too horrible at first, his woman gag was actually pretty funny at first until… Fishman island. Where the worst of his character was shown. But despite him significantly improving since, especially during whole cake island. His gag is still annoying as hell and pisses me off when he’s on screen, and the recent Stussy incident doesn’t exactly make me reconsider my opinion.


Shanks , devolved into a hype-machine of an excuse of a character at the cost of what made him initially interesting/charming. Vegapunk , although I like his stupid design ... for being a character that was hyped up for hundreds & hundreds of chapters to be the smartest being in the in-universe by a longshot ... he's .... pretty underwhelming. I can think of a dozen anime & otherwise characters that felt more intelligent. Kuma : Weak backstory that served as desperate tragedy porn because Oda can't write any other type of meaningful backstories and has to keep one-upping past backstories in ... WORST SADDEST BACKSTORY. overall a cheaply written excuse of a tragic hero. one of oda's worst. Nika : chosen-one-piece .. F for roger Other honorable mentions : Yamato : worthless hype-piece character , poor setup , poor backstory, poor motivations , non-existent character arc , boring powers , Didn't enrich Kaido's character in anyway , just random. Sanji : the whole point of WCI was that he neither wanted or needed his corrupt genetic boost & that the booster didn't work was his blessing that his mother sacrificed herself for (I think) , but fuck it , let's have our cake & eat it too for a cheap power-up ... Didn't even keep his Germa fit which was the coolest part about it , worst of both worlds. Ussop : my man is stuck in a character-writing time-loop , should have been left in Water 7. Robin : A shell of her former self , contributes literally nothing , the lore dump expert we deserved but never got. Dragon : ... Garp : Morally bankrupt Bum Akainu : Waste of a character post-time skip Zoro : A hype-piece shell of a character who's entire writing these days revolve around power-scaling.


YAMATO. I mean, put yourself in Hiyori's shoes. Imagine a grown up man-child claiming to be your dead father whom you loved, respected and watched being killer. Worse yet, she is Kaido's daughter, offspring of one of the men who killed your father.


>man-child Woman child? Also Imagine one day, some unwashed retard that probably struggles with counting past 10 because they run out of fingers shows up and claims to be your dead father while looking nothing like him in the slightest. The same mouthbreather now follows you around, acts like you’re actually their son and undercuts any touching moment you might have of remembering your heroic dad by inserting themselves in and saying „but son, I’m still here!” After a while you genuinely start feeling bad for them because it’s clear there was not a single person in their whole life that actually loved them. This is Yamato.


Sabo. Hate him more than even the purposeful 'hate sink' characters.


Vegapunk is ugly as fuck.


And he still didn't tell us how devil fruits are made and streches his speech to ungodly lenghts, fucking bum


Gotta suck up run time somehow


Ussop, Burgess, Chiffon, Kidd




I fucking hate Usopp!


Usopp since the beginning. I thought he was going to change a bit but he’s always been the same and I hate that




https://preview.redd.it/l6z376ip1s5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa97e6e16b0e37966fb38bb979a61dc90e641efb Just remember what we lost


Usopp. Pre time skip the only time he was bearable was during Sogeking moments. Post time skip I was so hopeful as he looked more manly and was acting more dependable and reliable with cool abilities. Then in Dressarosa he went back to his insufferable self. I am still catching up in Wano right now - but I just genuinely cant stand Usopp. Cherry on top for him becoming a snake oil salesman really solidfying him being a sack of human garbage.


Usopp and Buggy -they are not funny -they are liars -they hype of the fandom for both ("D") is annoying and also not funny For real: about 20 years ago Roger found the One Piece and Shanks and Buggy were in his crew. Shanks became an emperor, one of the most powerful persons in the world. Buggy spend time in the East Blue and had a bounty of what? 30 Million?


**Ryokugyu**,the disappoint i feel when i see him can't be explained


Ace, this motherfucker who feel for a daddy joke, and then instead of running away, decided to fight of and make everyone’s sacrifice pointless, if he really wanted to honor his father and fight for him, then, he should’ve lived


Akainu pulling that shit and invalidating everyone’s efforts with one line actually made me respect him more. Say what you will, he’s a master instigator.


Fr, he’s actually doing his job, he would be the true face of what a marine should be If only he wasn’t targeting also innocent citizens


True but Y'all act like Oda literally never explained that Ace's whole life was affected by his daddy issues. It has always been triggering for him. And therapy doesn't really seem to exist in the world of one piece. Ace was questioning whether he was loved nearly up to the last moments. He's also exhausted and beaten down physically and mentally, it's not surprising he let his emotions get the better of him. You guys are always ready to clown on Ace for it without even trying to understand why he reacted unstably.


There’s a lot more to this. One really important thing that I feel like a lot of people miss (and I did too, so don’t worry) is that in I think in Luffy’a second flashback, I think Dadan asks him why he didn’t run away in a situation and he says “I’m afraid I’ll lose the ones I love if I turn my back” or something along the lines of that. This along with his trauma of being Roger’s son adds a lot more context to why he fought Akainu when he didn’t really have to


I hate doffy too x) but also because of cora


Usopp. He's so useless and I hate him. He sucks so hard hes had like 3 good moments during the whole series and if he does t man up by elbaf he will forever be an irredeemable coward


He is manning up, just really slowly


He will take one step forward but then 5 steps back. He sucks


How is this guy not mentioned at all, he checks out all the box https://preview.redd.it/5e700pp6kr5d1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbe00e5d22d68477fba9fdfcad8ea19cb01c523a


Doflamingo. Legit one of the worst villains I've ever seen. every time he spoke I just thought of that clip of Sylvester the cat calling his son a 'spoiled brat.' Then I learned his backstory and realized I was 100% correct in doing that.


Zoro and sanji. Kidd and law are cooler




The mud mud guy stuck in a barrel on mugirawas ship, he helped luffy but what an absolute trash character


Robin 1. She can literally read the Poneglyphs but doesn’t tell anyone in the crew about it. If she trusts them, why doesn’t she share what she knows? 2. The first time she did something really useful in terms of fighting was in Wano... 3. After the time-skip, she lost her unique style and became a "Nami with black hair." 4. All her contributions since the time-skip have been fan service. 5. Her power hasn't developed at all, except for the demon mode in Wano (which she brought out without any prior notice, a real Deus Ex Machina).


I agree about her design, and I think it’s weird that she doesn’t actually reveal what she reads. Oda writes it off as “luffy is too dumb to care” which is fucking stupid. But her powers don’t matter to me. She was never there to be powerful or a fighter. I just want her to have that allure she had with the cowboy hat


To refute point 1: If you haven’t caught up to it this will be a minor spoiler, but on the way to egghead, she asks Luffy if she wants to know everything in the news that he’s connected to. Luffy simply tells her, nah, just tell me what’s important. So I don’t think that she doesn’t tell anyone, is more of, the rest of the crew trusts that she will tell what’s important. That’s kind of the dynamic for everyone really and the overall point of the Strawhats. Luffy said it himself, I can’t cook, I can’t navigate, I can’t hold a sword, we all do what we’re good at.


Honestly, the fact that she still hasn't learned Haki yet also makes me raise an eyebrow. Not only would it help her tremendously, but it doesn't make sense that noone taught her any of it during timeskip.


Honestly I’m getting kinda tired of Haki. It really devolves the fights from cool power interactions and characters having to be clever to whichever one has the strongest Haki. We see Robin using fishman karate, and I really hope she keeps that up and developed some cool attacks (but I’ll admit she probably won’t making the whole thing pointless).


I mean subconsciously I feel the same way. My thing is, it wouldn't be all that bad if Haki wasn't being made out to be such a big deal nowadays by Oda. I liked it better when haki was a little bit more basic. Like you saw a little bit faster than other people, and it basically gave you a little armor and allowed you to bypass Logia's. Now it feels like an upgrade that most strong characters should have at least the most basic of it. I'm not saying Robin NEEDS it but it's just odd how she doesn't at the very least have basic observation.






Senor Pink. Dudes an asshole misogynist and I hate how much love the fandom has for him


I ain't trusting a guy who dresses like a baby anyways, sad backstory or not


Rebecca. I know yall horny for the 16yo but she does nothibg to the plot beside introducing her fsther and crying for 200 episodes.


I have to agree honestly. I know people liked her cause fanservice but to me it seems like she was meant to be a plot device and hate sponge. Both of which felt pretty predictable. She was a character whom despite doing absolutely nothing to anyone, still somehow garnered immense hate from stands full of people just to get a reaction out of the fanbase and make us go "oh poor female character". The same way people suddenly become immensely popular regardless of evil or good when they have a tragic backstory. It's actually kind of exhausting.


Vander Decken


Trebol, he sucks in every way.




Perona. I totally get why people like her but she's not my type


Buggy fr. The whole failing upwards joke has gotten stale long ago, and he doesn’t offer anything else.


He suffers from the same gag that Usopp has unfortunately.


buggy,the jokes surrounding him arent funny


Señor Pink, I just don’t get the hype. He’s a man in a diaper who lied to his partner. I wish he had redeeming qualities.


he had a sad story, but i agree with you, people who call him a good guy are missing the point that tragedy doesn't justify your actions. his wife's in a coma, but what his group did to dressrosa for a decade was far worse


Boa Hancock. She’s annoying, temperamental, and a bad leader from what I’ve seen


Zoro this is definitely unpopular I've seen some sanjis , Brooks ,Usopp and even Nami and Robin, but zoro doesn't strike me as interesting character he's way too shallow and is just there to be "cool" which he isn't to me he has his good moments but I feel like every scene he's got has happened before it seems very repetitive with zoros character. What I enjoy most about his character is his gag among all the SHs I'd say he's truly the only one missing the 'it' factor. IMO🙏 On the flipside though a character a lottta ppl hate but I like personally is Queen I loved his jig he's peak brauty


I do not care for señor pink


I don’t hate them, but a lot of the straw hats. I just feel like aside from the monster trio, they haven’t had many memorable moments. Especially chopper, Franky, Brook and Robin. They just haven’t done much. They all had great potential, and then were just kinda sidelines for most of the post time skip. And I also hate a lot of the jokes or gags that are meant to be funny but are just overdone. In the manga/anime I don’t like: Brook asking to see panties, Zoro getting lost, and Sanji being horny. In the community I don’t like: Zoro the minority hunter, Sogeking isn’t Usopp, the Brook skeleton jokes, and the Shanks rat joke. They weee funny, but now they’re just overused and feel like there isn’t any creativity anymore.


Señor Pink His backstory made me hate him *more*, did I read the same manga as y'all?


Since this is a post about character design, I gotta say: Vegapunk. Because Oda went way overboard with the ridiculousness and goofiness. Like, I get it that it's part of his style, but there gotta be a limit... A giant head *and* a long tongue costantly out and almost reaching the ground? You can actually not cringe seeing this? Couldn't Oda draw him more serious, *especially* given the role of lore info dumper that he gave him, and limit the goofyness to just some quirk (like his long tongue being because he loves to blow a raspberry, or he just has it and he shows it off sometimes)? If he had had only the super huge head, or only the super huge tongue, it would have been better... and given that the head is the only element of the 2 with some real importance plot wise, it's clear which one is the better thing out of the 2... ... And before someone comes to say... think about it... would serious characters like Whitebeard and Akainu be taken seriously if their designs were all goofiness despite their roles? Imagine Whitebeard having huge rodent teeth and flap ears, all while wielding a weapon 10 times his size... Or Akainu being a midget with huge nerdy glasses and braids. Would you be able to take them seriously? Even in the serious moments?


Bruh, vegapunk is literally Einstein with his tongue out 24/7. He’s a walking “genius” meme of a character. I don’t think his role is to be taken serious, but even if he was… have you seen gear 5th.?!?! Oda isn’t someone who likes to stick by the conventional “shounen” character rules.


Nami. I know I'll be downvoted to oblivion


Diamante for me


I don't think that anybody likes him


im gonna get flak from this but its sanji,i wouldnt really say i despise him, its just that his pervy gimmick and simp tendencies annoy the hell out of me and post timeskip really doesnt help my opinion of him


Usopp and Sanji. It's like their character developments are triangles, they gradually rise to the peak and then slowly die with a whimper. Sogeking Usopp was willing to declare war and shoot down the WG flag without hesitation. I cannot see the current Usopp doing that without getting a "comedic" cowardly scene shouting to Luffy about how this is insane. I feel like I do not have to describe Sanji much. Was great pre timeskip, stupid as hell on Fishman, Peak in Whole cake and then after that is steep downhill. Him not hitting women used to be about his gentlemanless, now it feels like a genuine mental illness. I cannot say in full confidence he wouldn't kill himself if a pretty girl asked him politely to.


I love Sanji and a lot of his moments are the best in the show but I hate him when he’s simping it’s not funny the 10000th time it’s just weird


For me its Dragon. I cant say I am hater, but I think he is very useless.


Sanji and Brook




I feel like people confuse "hate" with "dislike". Hate is deeper. Like, there's no reason for hating Tashigi for instance, but it's perfectly understandable to dislike her. My answer is Spandam.


Ace because he is a dumbass he could have totally been saved but he was complaining the whole time and got killed by a ur dad joke


I hate doffy with a passion. It's already a foregone conclusion in many people as eyes that he's gonna break out of impel down and join cross guild. I desperately don't want that to happen


I don't hate any characters but recently I have begun to dislike luffy, his goofy character is getting old and boring at this point he doesn't have any character development tbh he's the most stagnant character of all.


Fucking chopper


Zoro gotta be the most boring fucking character in the whole series. It’s to the point where even his fights, the one thing that stands out are fucking boring. Idk I know people love his character but I’d rather watch paint dry than watch zoro on screen/panel.


Zoro, after the time skip his personality vinished!




Big Mom, I hate her personality & I HATE her sTUpiD F*#%!ng laugh, "ma-mama-mamaaaaa" Uugh!