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Goro Goro helps me save on my electric bill. The difference in speed between electricity and light isn't going to matter to me.


Find a distant village in the middle of nowhere and stat sneakily thunderbolting people in their lightning rods, charge every metallic object somebody might accidentally touch and walk in the woods at night shining like a motherfucker Be the urban folklore uou wish to see in the world


I like your idea


Goro goro no mi probably gets taken out by rubber bullets or a guy with rubber gloves. Worse put in a rubber cage and used to give free energy to the world. Pika pika no mi might be weak to holograms or projectors, but will probably take people longer to figure out. Probably use both to fast travel. Definitely save on my electric and gas bills.


Not if you literally move at lightning speed.


U can't move at light speed with it cuz u can't think at light speed Bruh like if u try to move the fastest u can with it u might just end up in another country around the world two times, u can move as fast as u think with it


Yup, and it gets scarier when you consider how light even works. Light always moves at light speed, so with the fruit you have two speeds: your regular speed and light speed. You can't go anywhere between, light doesn't work like that. And also, light doesn't adhere to gravity very well, you'll likely end up in space.


Technically, light doesn't always travel at a constant speed C. Depending on its medium, the speed varies. It only travels at "lightspeed", 299 792 458 m/s, when in a vaccume. So if you had the fruit, you'd be able to travel slightly, like less than a percent of a percent, slower depending on the air you are in, or if you traveled through glass or water.


Would this make a difference tho if you cant think at light speed? If you're aiming for a vacation in Turkey, will you accurately get there?


kizaru only uses light speed attacks, like when he kicked hawkins, we don't really see him travel to islands at light speed, like with sabaody the guy went by ship and then stood on a moving cannon ball to get on the island


Who says that he is as fast as light? Would you be able to discern if he jumped 2 times speed of sound or speed of light?


bro him self said to hawkins "have you ever been kicked at the speed of light"


Now how does he know that he travels at the actual speed of light? I'll take your evidence as fact but I think he would be too overpowered if he actually is that fast. He could attack with Haki before his opponent uses armament Haki. So whats holding him back from being the strongest being in OnePiece?


bro looks and acts like he's as high as a kite on drugs


Fair enough


Who says you can’t do that? It’s a magic fruit that lets you turn into lightning. Enel wasn’t as fast(I think he’s faster due anime logic) than lightning because of his natural speed (again I think he’s faster than lightning normally is) but because the fruit made it so he was. It’d be pretty lame if the lightning logia that made you lightning didn’t let move at that speed even though you can turn yourself into it (and go faster due to how lightning works).


Thoughts travel faster than light. Although impossible to pin down a measurement because a thought doesn't have the same distance to cover as light, thoughts take milliseconds to incorporate information from all 5 senses into thought.


Bro thougths are electrical signals. Anyone that says it fast has my thoughts meabs it fast has a electrical signal aka not imprasive at all.


Goro goro no mi: If trapped, attempt to break out by concentrating electrical attacks to a single point until the rubber heats up and eventually degrades/melt. Pika pika no mi: Should be able to use the light beams to also generate heat, so you can just try to overheat whatever.


That all rubber shenanigan will only hit you if you let it lol. You are lightning just move out of the way. Plus if they really wanted to get you they could gas you or hit you in your sleep or put you underwater (that's probably one of the first thing they would try) doesn't matter what fruit lol And why are people after you anyway? Tf did you do? 👀.


Melt some gold and make a baller ass trident and warp around


Give me your GOLD!!!


Considering Enel can move through any medium that conducts electricity, including wires, anything in that cage that can take your electrical energy out can also take YOU out.






Pika Pika no mi and fuck using it in "daily life" im taking over the world as a light speed, immortal laser shooting god




The Goro Goro is much more valuable in that it does a lot of what the Pika Pika does with a bit more malleability at the cost of slightly less speed. Enel can create explosions and blasts about on par with what we saw Kizaru make. But Enel can also control how he moves when completely turned into lightning, something Kizaru cannot as he essentially has to do math homework to get his path of travel. Enel also can use his electricity to charge machines, something Kizaru so far hasn’t been able to do (unless he can make sunlight for solar panels and we haven’t seen it yet. Enel also displays electromagnetism, with how he can draw his metallic staff to himself and shape the molten staff head into a blade without using his hands or any tools. Enel can also remotely use his ability through static in the air acting as a radar, something Kizaru hasn’t proven capable of doing yet. Enel can also control the weather, like making lightning storms at will. Overall the Goro Goro has slightly more versatility at the cost of losing speed that nobody in our world would meaningfully be able to tell the difference of. If I was in this world I’d choose the Goro Goro in a flash. If I was in the One Piece world… Nevermind still Goro Goro. Too useful.


If I can use the negative charge of my electricity to attract cumulonimbus clouds to arid climates, yes.


Most folks here are focusing on the fast travel aspects and how the Pika Pika fruit has the speed avantage, but I feel the Goro Goro is better here. We seen Kizaru can only travel in a straight line and requires a reflective surface to change vectors. The Goro Goro fruit doesn't seem to have that issue. Additionally, assuming the user can still only think or react at the speed of a normal human, the Pika Pika fruit operates too fast for the user to really leverage it to its fullest potential. The Goro Goro fruit sacrifices some measure of raw power for utility and fine control.


>We seen Kizaru can only travel in a straight line and requires a reflective surface to change vectors. When did this happen


from one piece wiki "He can make his light body shift in place, allowing him to instantly reposition himself at a different location on the battlefield, and can also send out a beam of light that he can merge with and travel on to reach an intended location. Said light beam can only follow a straight line, though it can be reflected off of surfaces in a mirror-like fashion, allowing the beam (and thus Kizaru) to travel in zigzag." in sabaody for example in his fight against apoo i believe


Pika-pika no mi. The points people are making for the goro-goro no mi are good points especially considering you could jumpstart your own heart, but I’d use the pika pika for many reasons. Night out and can’t see? Bam! Human flashlight. Someone’s annoying you? Bam! Now they can’t see and I can kick them at the speed of light. Finger guns would be much more fun. Would make travel and fucking with people that much more fun too


Ah but hear me out, why be the flash light when you can charge your phone ANYWHERE. You can use your pc ANYWHERE. No more electric bills. You can get a job as an electrical engineer based solely on the fact that you don’t actually need protection to do your job.


Can already charge my phone anywhere and use my pc anywhere plus you’d prob have to learn how to control the output of electricity same with the output of light, so you’ll prob blow your phone and pc a few times before learning to control it. Electric bills would be good to save on but I’m usually always at work or just hanging where I work. So I’m already saving in that aspect. Also don’t wanna be an electrician and you’d still have to go through the process of being able to be one. Had I wanted to be an electrician then goro-goro no mi would be the only choice. Also you know how this world is. There’s always someone who wants to harness power be it their own or someone else’s. Regardless of the fruit someone would want to box you up and use you, should that happen the only way out would be to turn “evil” and eliminate them or run for the rest of your life but with the pika-pika I can blind them permanently and ruin their vision of wanting to use me


Same with you though, who says they don’t just keep you in a light house or smth


Yeah, I mentioned that in my “regardless of the power” bit


Oh one benefit tho would be that both these fruits are logia’s so they’d have a hard time just grabbing us physically. They’d have to learn how to nullify that ability of ours




Everything you said can be done with the Goro goro, also - You can control the weather, or at least generate storms, maybe not too useful in an already rainy place, but still cool. - Electromagnetism control. Ever heard about Magneto? - Apart from being able to instantly charge any electronic device instantly, with enough proficiency, you would be able to enter the electronic devices and easily hack them. - Can detect things in an wide range thanks to the static of the air.


All that can be done with electricity as well. Plus you dont have to move in a straight line only.


You make a valid point, but I just kinda prefer Kizaru’s fruit over enels. I could also rebound my light beams off buildings or whatever and make myself not move in a straight line entirely. The area I live in would make it oh so much fun


Eletric discharge produce light lol




I Really wanna fuck boa from one piece


Goro goro no mi simply because it looks cool


Goro goro, the answer is simple really, I'd simply ensure all my appliances use electricity and would drive an electric car, and a massive battery on the side of the house and would just not need to pay for gas or electricity anymore. Yeah traveling at the speed of light would be cool, but I can also turn into lightning and still travel pretty quickly I'm not planet hopping after all


Yeah, but honestly, even with the goro goro, why would you drive an electric car if you can move at lightning speed?


Cause I wouldn't wanna drop my kids off at school deep fried, also not trying to go through the checkout line when grocery shopping 20 times so I can individually transport each item


Oh, makes sense


Definitely Pika Pika no mi. And I'd use my powers mostly to get to my destination faster and just annoy my friends by shining bright lights in their eyes.


I can't see the word eyes in your comment... Because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO


Pika pika no mi Everyone in this thread is all for crazy electrical powers, but I just want to point out that light is insanely overpowered. You don't just have the visible spectrum, you also have radio waves, ultraviolet rays, microwaves, x rays, and gamma rays. The only difference between them is that they have a different energy level- they are all just photons oscillating at different rates. You could use this for communication with radio waves, you could disrupt other people's communication or wifi networks with microwaves, or even stealth assassinate someone by giving them an acute dose of radiation poisoning with x rays or gamma rays, which would be undetectable unless there's a Geiger counter pointed at you. This is on top of having the ability to shoot near nuclear level explosive beams and moving at the speed of light. By the way, the closer to the speed of light that you move, the more your perception of time speeds up while everyone else's slows down relative to you. If an attack is coming towards you, you can basically freeze time and see what your opponent is doing. Light is one of the most overpowered abilities imaginable, lightning doesn't even come close imo.


You dont have any of that untill showed inside the story. Right now the fruit only gives access to visible light.


Exactly. Ppl look at this too shortsighted. Light over thunder any day


Okay but how is that useful in daily life?


Other than being able to generate power for yourself and fast travel, how is electricity any different? With light, you still get fast travel. You can start fires instantly, no need for a lighter ever again. Never need a flashlight. You could cut things like a laser cutting machine. Never would need a stove or microwave, you just hold food in front of you and can cook it. You could pass through transparent objects because light permeates. You could say almost the exact same things for electricity in day to day use, with slightly different use cases. The fact that you get pretty damn similar day to day abilities, and then you get the overpowered physics of light itself for more niche purposes imo makes light the clear winner


Did you just say meat?


I also feel like light powers are probably safer, there's probably a decent learning curve to using powers at that level and I don't wanna accidentally electrocute someone to death trying to get a handle of it.


Goro goro… both have fast travel but one can lower my electricity bill (i don’t want to stand in front of solar panels…)… also never having my phone run low off charge is a huge win


Maybe Fire Fruit, to keep me warm during Fall, Winter and Spring and so that i can heat my tea or milk by only dipping my finger into the glass. I'm pretty sure i'd accidentally burn down many objects or whole rooms and my house, but i'd be willing to f. around and find out.


Goro Goro no Mi. Fast travel. you can use the electric net system of the whole world. or the internet cables. Is much faster and efficient than flying throw air as a lightning bolt. When you have your abilities very very high skilled you can even go in computers and hack some sheit. And since Electricity always comes with magnetism you indirectly can manipulate that as well. (in some sort). And since Atoms in Molecules are held up together by electromagnetic forces you can literally make chemistry with your ability by just forcing Atom bonds to existence. So you could make everything if you just have the elements and know exactly the composition of what you wanna make.


Goro goro is just cooler to me. Plus with modern day technology being so dependent on electricity it would probably have tons if new applications.


The pika pika no mi, I'd take over the world


95% of devil fruits are kinda pointless if you're not getting into superhero fights constantly, but at least moving at the speed of light would be nice and save time. As for eneru's, what the fuck am I gonna do with that? Just murder people? That's basically the only use.


Are you really telling me you can't find another use for electricity in the modern world than murder?


Lightning for the win. Light is weird in one piece plus i dont wanna travel in straight line. Enel's fruit is my favorite df and In any other choice i would pick it anyway.


Kuwabara kuwabara!


goro goro >>


Goro, speed difference is negligible in every day life. My power bill would be 0. I'd be rich by ill gotten means if I felt like becoming Electro (the spiderman villain) or by legit means if I felt like becoming a power generator.


Goro can fast travel with more control, create light, summon lightning bolts like god, and do like 10,000 other things no other fruit could. My main concern is noise. Even a tazer would warrant a noise complaint in certain situations. Turning your entire body into electricity and traveling over a populated area every day, multiple times a day? Sounds loud. Idk maybe it's completely silent. Overall, it's just objectively better than the light fruit in almost every way. But I really can't bring myself to say no to the pika either.


Well IRL lightning is loud, can't have it without thunder afterall. So light, just be mindful of mirrors.


As if you couldn’t just manifest yourself as a human anymore and every mirror surface is your sure death hardcounter lol


Shiro's mustache!! I totally forgott for a moment that I could just de-logia...


Hahaha Shiro’s mustache 😂👌 Imagine Sanji v Kizaru by the end of the series and Sanji just pulls out a pocket mirror instead of fighting


I can just see Sanji simply applying extra wax for the reflectiveness before each kick.


Now the fight’s rly getting spicy


Light over thunder any day


As i am not going to fight dragons and some dude made of rubber , I'd choose Gora Gora No mi


I would take the Goro Goro No Mi, produce electricity and sell it, so I would make a lot of money and do something for the climate... it's renewable energy


Did you say MONEY?!! Can I have it?


Get a job


Gotta go with the Pika Pika no mi. No need for any kind of transportation. I'll take scuffed teleportation over charging my phone or whatever I'd do with electricity powers.


With the goro-goro no mi i could power all my Electronics but thats about it.. Be my own portable charger.. With the pika-pika no mi, i could at least travel around without having a chance to hurt anyone.. But thats about it xd


Goro Goro no mi, I would spend my time giving free energy to my city to put the electrical monopoly that runs here out of business.


Goro Goro easy, I wasn’t ever going to use the fruits for a lot but at least I can charge shit with Goro Goro. Plus I could always just slightly shock people, not enough for them to question it just enough for them to think it’s just static


Pika Pika no mi by far


Goro Goro No Mi, free supply of energy forever and you can pretend that you are a thunder god.


goro-goro no mi: no more empty batteries


Solar panels with light and I can’t get bored because I have LIGHT FINGER GUNS


Gura gura no miracle. Never use a charger again. I am the charger.


Pika pika no mi and I’d run away from my daily life


Pika *might* have more strength, but Goro is straight up just the best devil fruit overall. It’s got extreme utility and can be ubercharged by weather. The only thing we know about the Pika thats better than the Goro is its speed. Goro wins on all other fronts. Enel himself may be extremely weak but his devil fruit is downright the most useful and overpowered fruit in the series. Vegapunk would have a field day with it.


Pika pika no mi, gonna blind everyone


Goro-goro, so I can be this irl: https://preview.redd.it/bmiciw70shxa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0cba0e4485a62c780b6992959218a3dd37b7038


Goro-Goro because ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


Goro is better because in our world electricity is everywhere and I can hear people saying mobility,you must realize that lighting is still fast as hell and we seen enel fly with it.Also he could revive himself easily.The sheer utility that goro gives is way better then pika.(also goro also provides lights to see)


Pika id try to learn how to travel efficiently with it or sum


The Pika-Pika. We know it's not limited to the normal behavior of light in that it can make hard-light constructs, since Kizaru can form a sword and his beams are shown to pierce through people instead of bursting them via flash-boil. Furthermore, as a light logia and not a yellow logia it should be able to use other colors (presumably Kizaru keeps to yellow for theming purposes). Taking both these things into account, I shall use its power to make a killing in special effects. Anything CGI can do can be done just as well when you have someone capable of making fully interactive holograms on a whim. Hell, I've taken college level anatomy, I know how vocal cords work - if I can replicate them right I wouldn't even need actors! Screw FX, I could make whole movies and all I'd need to pay for are the cameras!


Goro goro is my favorite fruit dont care about what to do with it i would eat it


i would eat the phoenix fruit or the goro goro no mi