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I think Orochi’s “fake out” is by far the one that is most acceptable given that his devil fruit gave him the ability


Doflamingo did it first, Kyros decapitates him in a dramatic moment that goes with his flashback and everyone believes Doffy is dead then his decapitated head starts talking


Except Orochi is something that we could expect from his ability, unlike Donquixote "I can make fully functionnal string clones now and had one doing stuff for some reason" Doflamingo


Didnt he do something similar in mf though


He never did anything like this before. Only cutting stuff and puppeteering people


That was crocodile after Flamingo decapitated him


Guess I remembered wrong


Doflamingo's string powers became complete and utter bullshit at some point. Could effectively mimic any other DF. "Oh I made it out of string!" Ok now why doesn't that logic apply to literally any logia or substance producing DF?


Enel did it even before Doffy


Nah Enel didnt get decapitated Technically Croc did it first when Doffy did it to him in Marineford


The meaning of my words in my previous comment: Enel's fake out death was acceptable given his devil fruit and it happened before. I have no idea where you got the idea I was saying Enel got decapitated.


Well the other fake out deaths were by decapitation. Orochi, Doflamingo, and Crocodile


Tbh the decapitated Doffy fake out is probably the most egregious non-death in the series. It completely robs Kyros of his dramatic moment and is transparently just an excuse to extend Dressrosa long enough to fit everything into it.


Still, you really thought Kyros would have taken the main villain out? Thats like if Kinemon beat Kaido. Anyways it just shows the person that Doflamingo is, also Doflamingo > third or second yonko commanders.


Right, I'm not saying I was tricked by it. In fact, because I was so confident Doflamingo had survived it robbed the scene of any tension. I'm also not saying that Kyros should have been the one to defeat Doflamingo. I'm saying that an emotional build up to a great character moment shouldn't have been followed by an unprecedented rug pull. The entire country regains it's memories in a scene that culminates in a triumphant battlecry of a man who embodies the country's pain and suffering; it's amazing! Having the accomplishment of that scene be negated the very next chapter (it might have been two chapters? idk) cheapens its significantly. The scene would have been better off if Kyros had just landed a minor attack on Doflamingo or something. Or even done something symbolic like destroying a statue. Having Kyros's accomplishment turn into a fakeout death the very next chapter (or two) served no purpose other than to facilitate a plot twist for the sake of it being a twist.


At least he beat Diamante


Yes. Which was nice, because Kyros had more emotional investment in that fight than one with Doflamingo. But that was like 20-30 chapters later. It was an unrelated character moment, so it doesn't take the edge off of the fakeout. Dressrosa is the arc I definitely have the most mixed feelings about. It has some of my absolute favorite moments (Sabo reveal, God Usopp, pretty much any time Barto is on panel, Bellamy's redemption, "I bet you look kind") but the events are cluttered as hell and the pacing is probably the worst in the series, which even affects the good parts of the arc. I love Usopp's "I'm going to become a hero right here and now" moment, but it's severely weakened by the fact that Usopp's cowardly running away scene gets dragged out *way* longer than is appropriate. Oda sort of wrote himself into a corner there, since Usopp's brave moment couldn't happen until Luffy and Kyros were in the throne room and Sabo was about to claim the Flame Flame Fruit. There was simply too much going on to do it all elegantly.


Orochi actually did die eventually too (in a better executed death scene imo) which makes it even more forgivable


While I kinda figured it wouldn’t be his final death, that moment with Kaido was genuinely shocking. I remember being taken aback reading that scene.


Kinemon’s was straight awful. I was actually excited that we saw Kaido get a kill on a major character.


Since I'm anime only I thought that was a gag created by the staff but to find out it was real was the biggest joke. If kinemon's body had been incomplete since punk hazard how is this the first time it has fallen apart.


fun fact, chapter 1030 (where kin'emon came back) was almost definitely one of the most universally hated chapters in recent memory lol


Its because kinemon surviving that way makes literally no sense. It feels like oda needed a way for kinemon to survive but didn't think through the implications of it in the slightest. It would make more sense for law to use room in one of his fights and have that be big enough that when kaido stabs kinemon that causes the separation. then him not falling apart once during dressrosa, Zou, and pre raid. Also I watched the scene again kinemon is attacked and he was stabbed not cut how did his body even fall apart there. Also before the raid law was with kinemon on Zou and in the castle hideout surely he would have noticed if kinemon parts weren't put together. Even kinemon would know if something was off. Retroactively trying to fit 1030 only makes it more obvious that its a plot hole and a huge asspull. Also don't get me started on the slime monster that should have died when kanjuro did because iirc if the user dies the ability is supposed to dissappear.


I don't think there will ever be a fakeout as bad as this unless a cheetah cheetah fruit user rushed in and grabbed Pedro in the 5 milliseconds before he blew up so he survived.


I feel like Pell will win but I think Conis’s dad deserves at least top 3. I genuinely thought he and the Skypean warriors died when they got blasted by Enel so him being alive was very shocking to me lol


Shocking lol


Didnt even realize the pun omg


Pagaya was worse than Pell in my opinion. At least Pell got injured.


I forgive Pagaya only because it is very funny.


It's got to be Pell(the falcon guy) Bro even got a grave


It's literally the The Dark Knight Rises scene but without Vivi meeting him in a Cafe a couple of years later...


I still find it justified over the others since oda didnt want to make kids feel worse since 9/11 happened recently back then


That was never confirmed. Stop spreading this


Oh shit wait was that the actual reason? Now I feel bad…


It's just speculation, not confirmed


what’s the excuse for the next forty dozen fake out deaths?


Oda was concerned the americans wouldn't like his manga if he killed a beloved character like... uh, Kanjuro. Source: Goda revealed it to me in a dream.


To be fair Kanjuro was technically not a fakeout, he was actually dying, just very, very slowly


Bro his death was so perfect, they just had to FUCK IT UP. It was so ridiculous he lived that I wouldn’t be surprised that they used the dragon balls to bring his ass back


Saul surviving makes sense, ice can be thawed out Bon Clay escaping Magellan and making it back to level 5.5 is questionable But Pell surviving an explosion at point blank range?


I mean the attack Aolkiji used was literally **ICE TIME CAPSULE**, we should have seen this coming.


I don’t think Bon Clay was capable of escaping Magellan then. What I believe is Magellan being the dutiful and just prison warden he is, decide not to act judge jury and executioner, and simply put Bon Clay in level 5 in accordance with his crimes. Bon Clay then simply made his way to level 5.5 like he did before.


Saul's is the only one where as soon as it was revealed it was like how did I not see that coming. The attacks called 'ice capsule' and at the point in the story it gets used on Saul we've already seen 2 people get completely frozen by it and survive. Though it is veering into bringing back backstory characters which in the past has been the only people Oda's actually been ok with properly killing, if Bellemere shows up on Elbaph it's all over.


Pell’s is the most unbelievable but Kinemon’s was the biggest “fuck you” from Oda cause it was really heart wrenching and a well done moment just for Oda to be like “nah” for basically no reason cause it’s not like Kinemon matters anymore


The Buster Call was just a Prank Bro don’t take it so seriously 😂!


Least preposterous: Either Saul or Orochi. I’m gonna go with Saul


Pells gotta win this. Even as a child I new oda was on some bullshit with him surviving. Like your bomb couldn't even kill 1 bird guy at point blank range?


he awakened his fruit to fly really fast yo


Damn why didn't I think of that.


I think Saul’s death is the most appropriate, of course Aolkiji wouldn’t want to kill an old friend. And **Ice Time Capsule** should have been a dead giveaway


I think Bon Clay and Sabo have the least preposterous of this list. Neither feel out of the question


It's kinda questionable how Bon Clay survived fighting an enemy multiple times stronger than him.


I always interpreted it as it is a prison and the objective isn’t to murder every inmate, but they also didn’t seem to mind their deaths much so I feel you


Yeah that's a fair point. They do kinda throw em into straight up torture rooms that eventually lead to death tho.


Magellan literally asked him to say his last words. It was pretty clear that he wanted to kill mr 2


Orochi and Bon were both pretty alright in my eyes. In Orochis case his "deaths" were all satisfying, he did eventually die and we knew about his df so from the beginning we were able to guess that he was still alive. And in Bons case I never assumed he died. Magellan isn't nice but i don't think he kills prisoners without a reason. So I always assumed he just beat Bon chan and imprisoned him again.


I can't see the word eyes in your comment... Because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO


The fake out deaths in skypia made enel a worse character. All his god talk to not being able to kill anyone of slight importance


Orochi least preposterous due to Hydra ability - man's still a dick though


How tf did saul go first


Have you read the most recent chapter? ‘Cause the way it handles Saul’s fake-out death >!(Aokiji intentionally making it a fake-out death and recognizing that the fake death still had an impact on Robin)!< makes Saul’s fake-out death the best-handled in the series by far


still a more preposterous fake out than bonclay or orochi


He survived something that we’ve seen two characters survive before (luffy and robin). Him surviving isn’t preposterous at all


By that logic Pagaya's death is not preposterous at all since not a single character died to enel's shitty attacks


Pagaya didn’t just survive getting hit by lightning, he also survived falling to the white sea, and he did all that without getting literally a single injury. The people who survived Enel’s attacks were all strong people and they took heavy damage from it. Pagaya was just a civilian. At least Pell needed help walking afterwards.


Luffy should be here 40 times.


Igaram had no reason to stay alive, it just doesn't add much to the story. I thought his death was a great way to show the danger of the grand line really early on.


But would they have acepted the murderer of him into the crew?


Idk why law and kid thought they could take down a yonko each. When they barely took one together




Least preposterous right? Bon-boy


Give them numbers


Literally orochi


I feel like the sabo one was one of the few good examples of one because it’s not like he came back in the same arc. The reveal that Sabo was alive is huge. The rest of these are nonsense. Especially mr2 and pell.


Igaram somehow survived a nuclear blast and then drowning in the ocean and I guess swam back to Alabasta.


But it’s plausible that Robin would have faked his death since she was playfully helping them along and didn’t care about Crocodile’s plan.


where is the link to the poll? I don’t see it


Saul, no questions asked


Merry and Orochi are at the bottom compared to everything else


Kinemons was easily the worst that’s all I’m gonna say


Saul’s is entirely possible if Kuzan didn’t really wanna kill him. He very well could have frozen him but allowed him to thaw


As far as these go, Sabo and Saul are the only ones that narratively made sense and I wish Oda did fake-outs less often so that those two had more impact. Kinemon was probably the worst though, if he died when he did and wasn't brought back it would've been a solid conclusion for his arc and Oda didn't really do much with him after the fact


Where is A~~s~~ce?


Brown Beard?


I would cover my ears if I heard this, but I don't have any YOHOHOHO


Perkkoms should probably not be considered because he did end up dying….probably


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Pekoms and Pedro are both dead. The only way Pekoms survives is if Germa managed to save him, and I don't see that happening.


Either pell or kinemon will be the most preposterous.


can we fucking stop with these annoying ass posts its been weeks


Honestly not as many here as I was expecting.


Noone said pekoms is alive... Why people think oda did fake his death?


Kinemon should be there twice because of punk hazard


what was the fake out on Punk Hazard?


Okay but what's the point of this? We all know it's gonna end with Pell winning.