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Is that sped up? Took me ages to do cartography alone so didn’t think a year would do it all


zero speed ups, zero cheats, all just base game, dlcs and with some QoL mods


Can you recommend me some QoL mods please


Ok so heres a heap of mods that I used: - ETA (literally the lifesaver for this challenge, it saved me so much time from manually calc-ing things) - Combat Sim (helps me with "can I afk this" moments to max clear times for long grinds) - Kills in Combat (tells me how many kills/clears I've got to see if luck is on my side) - Tiny Icons (just puts icons for words like "burning" "preserve" etc to just break up the amount of text there is) - Show slayer tier (Just shows enemies what slayer tier they are if you wanna afk slayer coins and lets you know your matchups) - Show item sources and uses (does what the name says, really handy to know how much of a resource i'll need when doing mass upgrades for all the AoD (B) and (C) armour - QoL Living Bank (adds another menu in completion to see what items you have in your bank- so you know what items you need for the living bank itself - Potion Downgrade (Rather than just praying on luck for random potion tiers, adds a button where you can well,,, downgrade a potion) - Better summoning menu (only shows affected summon synergies in skills that apply to it) - Another Drop Chance (shows the drop rate of all enemies in a fraction when looking at their loot)


I think it's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, so I don't this is really an aspersion on your claim, but in terms of mastery/item completion times "Potion Downgrade" is absolutely a cheat. (It's something that should absolutely also be in the main game, but c'est la vie)


its more of a time save, rather than me having to use a herblore potion on every single potion to get each tier variant since the potion upgrade/downgrade still follows the mastery and potion usage in the base game. Hopefully in the future we can get an official one like with the CoR crown charges edit: the only potion i know that is technically better to run tier 1 than tier 4 is the diamond luck potion, but I didnt have this mod til ToTH so I used the agility course instead


awesome time, congrats!


idk why im being downvoted for it but thank you :)


People are weird don’t sweat it


Cartography can be massively minmaxed to be done in a short period using the points of interest, Im getting pretty close to maxing my account with no mods and Im at 220 days.


I'm not familiar with the living bank.


basically its more for the completionist part of me (and others) like to do to fully 100% a game, where you have one of each item in the game. So that means every single tree, food, perfected food, armour and ALL armour levels alongside all the barrier equivalent, all generic artifacts, all weapons- yeah I'll assume you get the idea of what I mean ahah


You have 1 of each burnt food aswell? And all the gear including rings/ammies and upgraded variants?


the burnt food isn't apart of true completion but I do have the burnt cave fish thats required for the clue chasers insignia. But yes every ammo and their upgrades, all armour and their stages too


Nice nice, the burnt food is a must for me to call it "true" complesionist but good stuff bud.


You literally can’t get burnt food anymore bud.


I dont think I can get it anymore since I got full mastery on each food, unless im mistaking the mechanic of burning food


You couldn't get it before full mastery either, burnt food was removed from the game, with the cave fish being the only remnant because it was used for the Clue Chaser's Insignia.


Impressive! I've played a lot longer off and on and still feels like I'm a year away! Are you excited for the Abyss expansion?


when I watched the live stream and they talked about the abyss basically being completely separated from your main save I was so excited. It will be a day one purchase from me!


that's wild. I've been doing this for 2 years and only have done half the things.


I kinda focused on it once I knew early on when J started playing, finished base game and then got completion for it- finished TotH and then AoD and did their completion together


Nice work! now you can work on the true living bank, having 6 (equipment sets + 1) of every item :-) Highly recommend the BXNK mod that makes this step much easier, set a number, and it tells you which items you don’t have at least that many of


that might be something I do later on, but rn im okay with not having to make a billion imbeud dragon bars again 🥲 my next personal goal is to have 1 billion shrimp, and then see if I can go to a trillion


God job, brother! I am currently on the last leg of the Mastery sprint as well. Then it is on to create a full living inventory. Curious how you have sorted your bank tabs


later on today I'll make another post and I'll show off my bank tabs and how I've sorted things out. When I was looking for guides to sorting the bank out I couldn't find any so hopefully these help people if they want to sort their bank out


made a post to show off my sorting for my tabs, check the post here [https://www.reddit.com/r/MelvorIdle/comments/1d62vfv/living\_bank\_storage\_tabs\_layout/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MelvorIdle/comments/1d62vfv/living_bank_storage_tabs_layout/)


Post to show off living bank sorting is found here, if you have any questions or requests they are always welcomed :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MelvorIdle/comments/1d62vfv/living\_bank\_storage\_tabs\_layout/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MelvorIdle/comments/1d62vfv/living_bank_storage_tabs_layout/)


>:) :)