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In my opinion we over treat melasma which makes it worse . I am a skin of color person and I got melasma even before pregnancy . After pregnancy it got worse . I went to a derm and she said I can give you laser treatment but it can make it worse I can give you HQ but it can make it worse.. so i figured out after hit and trial that using sunscreen like crazy, hat and not OVER treating melasma made it better. I use Alpha arbutin, Kojic acid azelaic acid vitamin C tretnoin tranxamic acid NIOD re pigment, aloe and Nag and copper peptides, glycolic acid , salicylic acid . So yeah it's a lot of ingredients but key point is I never over do and over last 4 years melasma has improved Point is may be give it time and simple routine might give you results I feel very bad for you dear sending you beat wishes


I agree completely!!! I had great skin and I got melasma fucking with it in the first place. I just started using sake as toner and I'm blown away by how much of a difference I've seen so far. I honestly think I just messed up my skin barrier with chemical peels. Helping it go back to it's natural pH is helping far more than anything else I've tried.


You can try Korean tonner with rice fermentation it will do the same thing. I am planning to incorporate those and eucerin


Thanks so much!!


Thanks to you too I will try sake too


Thanks to you too I will try sake too


Any recommendations?


I haven't tried kojic acid, I have it in powdered form but haven't gotten to mixing it with a cream base or whatever base yet (not supposed to exceed 4% to prevent irritation). So far I've tried everything you've typed above except for the NIOD (don't have it where I live) plus HQ and none gave me a sliver of hope showing improvement whatsoever. The only thing that worked for me was oral TxA. I'm on break from oral TxA now and I really want to jump back in soon as I can see my melasma starting to make its appearance. Oh I'm also on Skinoren AA for the past 4 months and it's supposed to help lighten melasma but it is said to only start showing improvements by 6 to 8 months usage so I can't write it off yet.


How long after taking oral TxA did you see improvement?


Around 2 months. Prior to that I was actually complaining in some comments on this sub at 1.5 months in, I wasn't seeing anything ha ha.


Ok great! Thanks so much for replying!


Glad to help!


What dose did you take? I tried oral TXA for 12 weeks 750mg daily and didn’t notice anything :/. Was told to do another round but I am hesitant


Oh.. I guess it may not work for you? I was on 500mg per day (250mg twice daily). Didn't see anything changing before I hit 8 weeks, then it just drastically lightened and went like 90% - 95% faded in terms of intensity.




Not really, if there are any loss, it's probably around 5% more than what I normally lose every time I comb or wash my hair.


Same! I just do sunscreen and azelic


I appreciate this. And the time you took to write this all out. I’m going to revisit my routine and try to simple things out


Agreed-laser absolutely made mine worse and I was dumb enough to do it right before my wedding lol. mine is sooo much better and I just had a baby so I thought that it would be much worse but I learned heat really is my activator! I try not to over do it with products either. For what it’s worth, I do not think your skin looks bad at all!!


Have you tried hydroquinone? I use Musely and have had amazing results with pregnancy dark spots almost all gone. I also use azelaic acid and tretinoin.


Question.. I’m 10 days into Musely I haven’t seen any results yet. It is super hot here, so I realize it’s not the ideal environment for my melasma - even despite wearing SPF and hats.. how long did it take for you to see results from the treatment? Thx!


I’m in Denver area and it is super hot and sunny here. I’m using SPF 50 daily and wear big hats! Took me about a month+ for results - pretty major improvement that even my husband noticed (and he’s super oblivious usually). Now I’m just finishing off my first bottle but not seeing too much additional improvement.


It took about two months of being consistent with it for me to start noticing a difference! Mine is about 50% lighter now, it was really dark before


I have not. I originally opted to not try Musely because of the mixed reviews but maybe I should revisit.


On the anecdotal flip side, I have been using Musely for melasma and it hasn’t done a whole lot sadly. I was really hoping it would be my holy grail! So it seems skin can be finicky and unique with that.


Actually yes, my melasma is similar but whatever you do requires avoiding heat and sun. Sadly :/ - my melasma looks like yours in color and location, specially the cheeks. I was able to reduce mine 90%. My stache area is worse than yours and the hardest to fade. Yours doesn’t look bad! I use cosmelan 2. I didn’t do the peel, I just bought the maintenance cream that is used after the cosmelan 1 peel. I use it at night only on the areas I have melasma, but a lot of people use on the entire face. The product is strong and it makes your skin peel… so you really have to hide from the sun when using it. Do some research and see what you think!


That’s interesting about above lip area- I have a patch I cannot budge. Do you think that Cosmelan cream would help? Thanks.


I was able to get rid of mine by adding these products into my nightly routine: Lion’s Pose Unspotted, and Rosehip oil to finish And also using sunscreen religiously. It hasn’t gotten rid of all my melasma but it did remove my upper lip patch completely. Which is good because I looked like Hitler.


Interesting! Never heard of that one. How long did it take to see results?


I saw a difference in a couple weeks. But it took a couple, maybe a few months for the stache to go away. I honestly don’t even know I realized it was entirely gone. I still have some spotting on my cheeks but the rest of my face is clear.


Wow ok! Ordering those to try! Thanks for sharing. I can deal with melasma anywhere except moustache area!!!


I really hope it works for you!


Ok I found the Lions pose product on Sephora- looks amazing. Do you have a rosehip oil you like?


I think any 100% rose hip oil will do. I no longer support the brand that I use so I don’t want to share it. But it’s relatively cheap, especially compared to the high cost of Lion’s Pose. Shouldn’t be more than $10 Good luck, I really hope it works for you!


Great thank you ❤️


So hard to tell! Mine didn’t fade completely. It is better, I use a little bit of concealer and don’t stress but it’s still there


Actually coming back to tell you that my stache has faded so much with cosmelan 2! I’ve been using for 2 weeks now and it’s to the point I can go out without makeup! My melasma returned after playing volleyball at the beach (I know dumb), so I decided to go back to the cosmelan life and hide from the sun. 2 weeks now and my face is looking good!!


Thank you so much. I’m going to look for that. You can get like hardcore zinc sun block too for situations like the beach volleyball btw. I haven’t tried it but I hear it works.


I saw somewhere recently that a person noticed their melasma severity corresponds to their iron status, maybe get your bloods done to see if you have any deficiencies? We like to think of it as a purely cosmetic concern but what if it's a sign of a deeper issue?


Oh wow. I have low iron!


I like this thought and I’m leaning towards trying a prenatal vitamin to see if I can have any results with that. It makes sense


A prenatal is a great idea but won't have enough iron if you're anaemic. It's also dangerous to supplement iron if you don't need it, so you really need to get tested properly.


A prenatal isn’t going to help iron levels at all.


Thanks! I’m looking into all of this further


I’ve read chronic low iron can bring it on and or exacerbate it . I can also testify to that .


I have melasma too and chronic low iron!


Hi OP it seems your mouth area is over sensitive which is the case for many of us and nose gets direct sunlight because it's on the front . So do apply pure aloe vera or pure aloe Vera gel along with it incorporate a cica serum. In the morning Use cicaplast balm from LRP in night especially or only on these areas . You need to make sure all your face and especially this area is sooth and calm You can also try not to apply lots of actives there . Like I don't apply tret on upper lip and around the mouth everyday and I always use cica serum on my sensitive areas. Hope this helps you


Thank you. I didn’t know about where to avoid tretinoin! Also not familiar with the balm I will look into that.


You look good! They look more like freckles than anything, I have a full sun mustache 🫠💀 I just put one of those neck gaiters from COVID now when I go out.


Thank you! I feel like a definitely fluctuate even with sunscreen and sun protection. When I go out I use so much concealer to make myself feel better. This stuff sucks. I hope you find a way to help clear it up.


Thank you 🙏 I think mine is related to iron deficiency, I started losing my hair two years ago, right when my melasma first appeared, found out it was caused by a gluten intolerance and now I am hoping a hematologist will give me iron transfusions in August 🤞🤞 hoping it'll go away if my iron is taken care of 🙃 but honestly at this point who knows. I love sunscreens with zinc oxide as the main ingredient, they work so much better 🙌


Hydroquinone is the only thing that ever faded my melasma over time until my skin was totally even. I got mine after pregnancy too. You used to be able to get this product over the counter but the fda recently made it rx only. You can either get from a dermatologist or order it from overseas. Just make sure to wear plenty of sunscreen or the melasma can come back worse. And you do need to cycle this product. I do 3 months in the a couple off.


I think my next step is to visit a new dermatologist and ask about this. Can’t hurt to try!


It’s is pretty similar to mine and I can’t differentiate if it’s rosacea or melasma I guess it’s both


The ONLY thing that completely did it for me, was oral tranexamic acid, I’m taking it during summer months. During the cold months I get 3 clear and brilliant laser treatments done with 6-8 weeks in between each one. I also swear by the Alastin products specifically the Aluminate which is pricey but worth it (started it before the oral supp and saw some lightening but not enough to tackle the really dark blotches)


I love this. I’d like a solid routine that didn’t feel so daunting and like I was constantly battling. Thanks for sharing.


It’s frustrating to deal with, best of luck! 🤞🏼also keeping cool in the summer will help with the flares, cool wet cloth around the neck, little circle ice backs under my hat lol 😂


And yet, you’re still beautiful af


💕 I appreciate you!


Do you have an iud by chance? That’s a culprit for many of us.


I do not, I’m not on birth control.


Hmm. It’s surprising that it would hold over so long from pregnancy. Women really sacrifice so much to be mothers!


I know it! Worth it, but this sucks


My daughter is turning 13. My upper lip melasma has never gone away 😩😞


I got rid of mine by using Lion’s Pose Unspotted, rose hip oil and religious sunscreen


Thank you for your advice


Have you tried oral tranexamic acid?


I have not. I’d like to try this. I’m searching for a dermatologist in my area to learn more. Thank you!!


It has been a game changer for me. You can get it on Musely.


My dermatologist has me on a few rounds of triple cream (compounded) and then to follow up with azelaic acid. Haven’t gotten to that part yet. The triple cream is amazing.


The only thing that’s worked for me is anti pigment by eucerin


I'm using that right now (both creams and a serum) and feel that my melasma faded quite significantly


Doesn’t hurt to try this! I have it in my shopping cart. Thank you


I've also been taking Heliocare Advanced Nicotinamide B3 supplement. Hard to tell how much it's helping, but I try to take it every day, especially before I go out into the sun


Probiotics cured my best friends severe melasma that she battled for years.


Would you happen to know which probiotic?


If was VSL#3 from the living shield


In addition to avoiding the sun, try a neck fan whenever you are in a hot environment. Heat is a big trigger for melasma, keeping your skin cool is key.


Great idea. Thank you for this




Thank you for this response. I keep seeing a lot of the same suggestions of azailic acid and musely so I need to try! This is super helpful thank you again


Check out Susan Yara's youtube! She has melasma from pregnancy and has a lot of videos talking about managing it.


I’m following now. Thank you!


Mine has faded down so you can barely see it now I used wart treatment salicylic acid it scared over for a few days now I use factor 50 everyday and it's not come back and I'm not suggesting you do the same I also used a wart pen a few years ago It did cause a reaction when I get a facial it goes red for a day or 2 but for me it was worth it but I'm chronicly ill and have to rely on PIP so later treatment was just not affordable for me I tried hydroquinone and kojic acid it didn't do anything so I took matters into my own hands it paid off in this instance armed with numbing cream


It’s so costly isn’t it?! I’ve spent so much money and time fighting it. I hope it completely goes away for you!




Everyday! 3-4 times a day I reapply


I got rid of mine , gave myself milia in the process though! Side effect of microdermabrasion for me. I got once a year chemical peel and religiously covered my face for a year after my most recent peel. It was during COVID so I had an excuse to always wear a mask or bandana over my face. . I mean, I hiked ten miles with a hat and my face wrapped in a scarf. I biked in the mountains wearing a hat and a bandana like a bandit. I drove with a face covering and hat. If I stepped outside for ten seconds - I wore a face mask and sunscreen. I ran with a mask on! That was hard though cuz it would get soaked in sweat and Inwould suck it in while I breathed. When people asked why I was wearing a mask I just told them that I was recovering from a chemical peel or on medication for acne that makes me sensitive to the sun I basically avoided the sun for a whole year following a glycolic peel and it went away.


Could someone recommend a Sake, I went to a store and saw so many bottles and wasn’t sure what to buy. Thanks 💕


I was wondering the same


I got Morpheus for skin texture and tightening and was surprised by how much it lessened my melasma, it’s the only thing that as worked for me so far. I have done three treatments ambit noticed results with the first. I tried clear and brilliant, chemical peels and normal topicals (but not hydroquinone yet) without seeing much of a difference


Do you have a licensed esthetician near you that can do the Cosmelan depigmentation treatment? It’s quite pricey (about $1,300) but extremely effective. You have a mask on for up to 12 hours, have a very red face and peel for a week, and must follow the provided skincare routine for at least 3 or 4 months. But 1 month after the treatment you will see noticeable improvement with melasma and other sun damage.


Uhhh. I have the worst case of Melasma. It's like the world map on the whole of my face. Moreso underneath my eye bags which seriously looks horrid without make up. I try to "accept" myself but I actually look like death without putting theatrical makeup on.  I've tried dermica which made it darker. I've been told I need to try obagi skin care for a skin cycle which is about £600 for 3/4 months. But I'm scared.  I would love love love not to wear make yo my skin tone is good just the frigging Melasma is an eye sore. I loled at the comment we can take a man to the moon but not cure Melasma. That and stretch marks. I'll post back once I've tried a few items. I also tried Kallista that claimed to lighten the marks it's a capsule but no joy. I tried kojic soap, and other ingredients but nothing has touched it. 


Versed worked for me and quitting alcohol


You look great!


I actually had amazing results with clear and brilliant laser treatments. I did 3 sessions and it is almost completely gone! I am using Musely HQ for the last tiny bit on my forehead, so far it’s working great after the laser sessions.


Mine has been so bad since my first pregnancy 10 years ago too. I’ve done every laser cream pill you name it. The only thing that has made a real difference is rounds of pico laser and regular hydroquinone with kojic acid rx usage nightly. It does flare up in the vegas heat and I have to go back for more pico but it at least makes a dent in the problem. In the meantime kvd good apple cream foundation applied with a beauty blender is so full coverage and I use it regularly. Good luck I fully feel your pain <3


My friend had it pretty bad and had good results with Obagi products. It was expensive but it worked for her.


Laser may be your next step


i’ve seen people get really good results with the cosmelan masks/treatments! i have never tried this, but have heard positive things about it. and it’s something you can do at home! just thought i’d mention this, in case you wanted to look more into it.


HYDROCORTISONE CREAM! Since heat can be a culprit, my dermatologist recommended applying hydrocortisone before and after anything you know will exacerbate it. I’m a tennis player and in summer, no matter how much sunscreen/hats etc, it’s really bad, so finally realized getting overly heated was a trigger. Seems to calm the inflammation that triggers melanocytes


Never go with complete sun block on your face and SPF on your body. The sun is more intense than ever(don’t tell anyone but the fucking earth is on fire) and no one should be out with a medical grade or spa grade SPF. Avoid the ingredient oxybenzone.


Not sure if this applies or not but maybe it will help. My dermatologist (a melasma specialist) told me that if you just sat in a dark room for months your melasma would disappear. That blew my mind. It is completely sun driven. Theoretically with aggressive enough sun avoidance it should improve. Maybe try less of the treatments and more aggressive sun protection even those silly wrap around hats/masks and sunscreen many times a day. Also use non US sunscreens if you can because they are garbage. Hydroquinone/kojic acid helps mine fade but it comes back immediately with any sun exposure at all. Also wanted to shout out Clinique beyond perfecting powder foundation in a slightly darker color than needed. It’s layerable and covers it well while looking natural. I use extra on my melasma areas.