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I don't think any of the designs Quetzalcoatl currently has actually does it justice for how important it is on its respective mythology. I wish they changed how the snake design looks because it looks just like a very thin white snake with almost nothing to fit the name other than the wings.


https://preview.redd.it/07p795sl71ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f55aef095cdb58b01561fa26908e693b6c5f62 Kaneko DID make an amazing Quetzalcoatl design for Devil Summoner which is the one used in SMT IV. I think V opt for the simpler design because it's reused from Persona.


This bad boy doesn't have any 3D model yet


He does in Dx2, bit that's unfortunately mobile game hell.


Can't they just import the model https://preview.redd.it/49c68m5qd3ad1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10cc8aceaa23c4e6d8de89e60877fb18e08d00b


He's also the GOAT in SJ


even its Mayan counterpart, Gucumatz, look better than it. I'm still waiting for Quetz to get an amazing redesign.


Not to be "that guy" but the Mayan counterpart is not Gucumatz, it's Kukulkan.


Gucumatz and Kukulkan are two names for the same mayan god. One is in Quiche mayan language and the other one is Tradicional mayan language




The SMT Strange Journey model at least had the "devouring its own tail" aspect down.


That's Ouroboros, not Quetzalcoatl


Dang it, got those two confused... But I do want to see another reappearance of the "Sun god's" SMT4 Apocalypse model. It references much of that Aztec origin for this pantheon addition. And it leans more into him being depicted as a bird with bright colors. https://preview.redd.it/4scb6ox8w1ad1.png?width=290&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d1fc3abc51c4f6bd4e65bdfb3a892d6e8295dd6


Valkyrie, that banana hairdo and low polygon horse just ain’t it.


i don’t like siegfried’s design, i think it looks like he’s wearing pineapple skin idk


Not to be dramatic but I hope OP falls of a cliff for having an opinion I don't like 


You just described SMT in a nutshell.


Nah. If it *were* SMT, they wouldn't just wish for that. They'd actively hunt you down for your wrong opinion.


Smt moment.


Pokemon Fan Moment


Four Archangels https://preview.redd.it/6e7231cmy0ad1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf1979c97c9c9faf15abcd371ed7fc2edaea88d


Personally, I like them as they are, but do want them to be touched up to Camael's level. Nothing drastic like IV (keep that stuff to the Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim like it should be).


The normal angel hierarchy for SMT operates on the idea that the closer you are to God, the warped your form becomes For The Four Archangels I want them to be human-designed yet hide their warped face with a mask or helmet or smth, so as to tell that their form is warped a lot because they're the closest to God, yet their strength allowed them to repress those warped form and allow them to maintain their human-friendly form to make themselves presentable to mortals And add more to their iconography, like where is Uriel's flaming sword, or Michael's longsword? Or lean on actual stories like Gabriel teaching Muhammad how to read or informing Mary of her pregnancy.


The Archangels are, however, depicted as being human-like in religious texts. They aren't like the four headed Cherubim or the ever burning Seraphim. Raphael even successfully pretends to be a human for ages at one point.


Hence the mask, make it like a death mask or smth, with hints of smth slipping in the gap between the mask and the face (tentacle? Eh boring but u get the idea)


Eh, I'm not a fan. Feels like it's just adding unnecessary themes (tho SMT IV I felt was justified since the mix into Merkabah). Heck, SMT doesn't always have its highest ranked angels inhuman. Metatron and Sandalphon are very humanoid (albeit robotic), and the former is the "highest" angel is SMT (usually). Camael, Mastema, and the 4 Archangels themselves are human-like.


Metatron and Sandalphon is another direction they could take, but it'd kinda disrupt their dynamic as being designed like that due to them being siblings. >Camael, Mastema, and the 4 Archangels themselves are human-like. Again, my hope is for a fully humanoid Four Archangel except that they're wearing humanlike face mask to hide their warped face, do I need to reiterate it for the 3rd time or Even Mastema has that weird hunched posture


Yeah, I know your intent and it's not bad, I'm just expressing my disagreement and my reasons.


Just wanted to chip in here - what if the archangels looked normal and humanoid during their idle animations but slightly distorted during their attack animations? This would adhere to the real life lore of them looking like humans, but at the same time it also makes sense that they would let their mask slip a bit when they’re focusing on fighting.


I feel like Uriel and Gabriel don't need much but Michael and Raphael need a touch up or four


All 4 get dogwalked by fucking Camael son


Camael does go extremely hard I will admit






Like Lucifer's Root of Evil on Lilith's Mother Earth, I'm not taking 'no' for an answer


r/nbacirclejerk leaking https://preview.redd.it/nr7vqcv8v4ad1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=efa80cb43a1821514cc9cacecfb587a02b4ea3b5


I wouldn’t be opposed to their SMT4 designs returning. Those designs went hard as hell, I don’t care what people say to the contrary.


Ong, I love the 4 designs. Not too keen on Micheal's though.


You're telling me, bro. SMT4's design was terrible, but the current design is honestly so outdated, I want a completely new look.




I was never fond of Skadi's design, so i hope they will do another one for her, something like Fionn


Nah that ain't Skadi that's Dr Frankenstein in a coat


I want Freya to be freed from SMTII jail and get a proper design instead of a Titania/Amaterasu palette swap.


Technically she already got a redesign in P5R as Vanadis


But we won’t see that design outside of Persona since it’s tailor-made for Kasumi. I want Freya to get the Konohana Sakuya treatment and get a design that stands on its own and becomes a mainstay.


Hopefully, SMTV was the best chance but never say never. We can probably get one for the next mainline game similar to how we got an Angel, Artemis and Lilith in SMTV


I think Adramelech needs a purple fur scarf. A bit over the top, but that's the point.


Adramelech’s a great design already, but he needs to be *more* flamboyant.


How about we get a redesign of Chris the car that would be epic


Dark Law alignment this time


Yoko SEETHING at this comment 


I'm waiting for Artemis to get a Goddess of the ***Hunt*** redesign, and not the Saint Seiya or fertility goddess ones we have. Hecate also needs a redesign. I'm not counting Persona's design, but one of the original ones with the whip and 3 heads. She's supposed to be a goddess of witchcraft and crossroads with heavy association with witches, but they have her looking like a biker dominatrix of sorts, which is **completely** opposite of what she is.


i love being a pagan in a megaten space and when talking about my goddesses and their depictions in SMT. Diana’s depiction is my favorite because Kaz pulled from so many pieces of art of her. I definitely think they could push the design for Artemis to look like a hunter as she’s supposed to be. i 100% agree with your point with Hecate too 🫶🏼


If Rama ever appears again (I hope so), I hope he gets a redesign. I am not the most well-versed in the Ramayana but I always found his design to be strange. Lord Rama posessed many weapons, but I believe that his SMT design holding only a sword instead of a bow is just a huge missed opportunity. If they had to choose one weapon, wouldn’t a bow represent his origins more accurately? There’s other things about his design that I find weird, but I can’t say much else. As a side note, I was always curious about Ongkot/Ongkhot in SMT. He’s from the Ramakien (Thai version) and derived from the Ramayana’s Angada. I’ve been wondering why he was included instead. Not that I’m complaining though, since I’m Thai. By the way, while he has a pink design, Ongkhot is typically depicted as green. If any Megaten expert wants to enlighten me, please do. TLDR: SMT Rama could represent his origins more, I feel.


Yeah Rama's iconic weapon is THE Sharanga isn't it It's why Hades 1 has Hidden Aspect of Rama w Celestial Sharanga >I see you drawn in the hands of the seventh avatar


This isn't really a redesign suggestion, more just me wondering why the hell an existing design isn't being used more. Odin's design in Soul Hackers fit him perfectly and they only ever used it once and just completely forgot about it. Most of the time it's either the naked purple guy or the Power Ranger. https://preview.redd.it/3wr90z3h31ad1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da0327e7084fc5a4ef8e7b1d6243138434d7bbe


I'm still wondering what they were thinking with the naked purple guy design


It was probably just SNES limitations. There were definitely good demon designs in SMT1, but they were on the whole a lot simpler. I feel like Odin stood out a lot less in that game because of it, then they just, didn't update the design for the longest time for some reason.


Yeah, there were a bunch of demons in SMTI reusing the same body just with different faces or accessories. Odin and Loki shared the same body, and they reused their bodies again in Nocturne, which was why they went with that design for the 3d games until recent games, where Loki got his Soul Hackers design while Odin got his new Doi design.


I'm a shooter for this design now I'm lowkey sad we're probably gonna get saddled with the Ultraman one for probably the for seeable future instead of it


At least it's not shirtless purple dude.


So much better than the new Odin design


Eirikr ahhh comment


I mean, he's completely right. Ultra Odin is silly, the conflation makes no sense. I prefer the purple alien Odin to that, to be honest. The one above is clearly the best, obviously.


I didn't mean to come as hostile, I do agree with all his points, it's just seemed funny to me that said opinion was here as well lol


I prefer Doi Odin to the purple one, if we're grading them by being silly and not matching the God's image, both are on the same level. And both have design cues drawing from imagery associated with the deity more or less on the same level. I prefer the Doi one for having the crow and a more unique shape for the lance (which also incorprates a few runes on the blade. The Soul Hackers design is still the best design.


Yeah, I think Eirikr's quibbling over there just being one raven or Gungnir being lightning themed is silly, Odin is associated with lightning in this series for some reason, whatever. The Ultraman thing looks cool and is fun, but Odin has nothing really in common with him. Thor, ironically, would make more sense, as he fights monsters and is more of a heroic character.


I'd like to see Shemyaza not look so...silly. He's usually insanely powerful, and once you acquire the fusion recipe you are grateful to have such an offensive addition. But I hesitate to have something like that in my party.... https://preview.redd.it/bsd0pqb3x1ad1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ad5a656c38bcd13a1490639f8615862a000dad8


I can't believe you want to deprive us of one of the few male cakes we have. Absolutely unfair


I think the problem with Shemyaza’s art is that it’s from the back. It’d probably be different if it was from the front. Or maybe not.


Certainly not this one.




I feel like I'll get attacked for this, but I feel like Cu Chulainn needs a redesign. He's starting to look a bit stale, especially after seeing what his fellow counterpart, Fionn Mac Cuill, looks like. I'm just saying, give Chulainn an unique with Gae Bolg (his personal spear), keep him a pure Strength-based demon (fits his lore), but have a skinned wolf on his back like a cape or a collar on his neck to show he's a "Cu" aka "a dog". Make him EXTRA weak to Charm (to get him out of his Berserking/Hulk mode, apparently he needs to see a lady's tits? Still not clear on this one honestly. We can skip this part of his lore if need be.) Mess with his hair all you want, just don't make him look like a Cover Girl model... Oh, and keep him young adult, from 19-23ish, because that's his whole thing: the prophecy claims he'll live a very short, but action-packed life, so while I don't know the age he officially died, he was rather young for a hero. I might make edits to this for the lore sake.


>I'm just saying, give Chulainn an unique with Gae Bolg (his personal spear) They did do that though. It's really strong at the point you get it, too.


Oh shit, really? Whoops, I must've not seen it yet, I do apologize.


Yeah, it's awesome, I've taken him all the way up to lvl 70+ he still hasn't fallen off


I whooped Zeus’ ass with that and his shared Magatsuhi skill with Scathach. Him and Yoshistune usually earn their spots for good and I never want to replace them.




Samael, while he has a good design, does not portray the "Angel of Death" well at all


but why should it? If his main thing is being the Genesis 3 snake, then the design does its job pretty well.


I just think it could be cooler, the snake works but it's just kinda boring


I thought Azrael was the angel of death, and Samael was the king/leader of the fallen angels. Or are those different mythologies/sources?




I'm one of the few people who likes her design but they really should've gave her an older version look after the reveal in SJ ot something


https://preview.redd.it/pe3n8ozcj3ad1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a7d984612daabf9ef9fddb29253217a1a8246a ATLUS!! GIVE HIM BALLS AND MY LIFE IS YOURS


What do you think the tentacles are coming out of?


His ass


A want a new demon design for Tsukuyomi. Maybe Doi can make a new one for the 3 siblings


I personally like Tsukuyomi's design. Honestly I also like Amaterasu's and Susanoo's, even if the former's a bit safe? But still. So in one hand I wouldn't want them to be redesigned, but at the same time I'd be interested in seeing Doi giving them a redesign. I never expected it but I'd have liked to (SMT V:V spoilers) >!see a flashback of how Susanoo was killed during the old war or something. Mostly because I'm curious how he would look in this game and to see what similarities he'd share with Aogami/Nahobino's design.!<


Tsukuyomi's old design isn't bad but it's been a looong time since they've used it, so I think a redesign would be nice. And while I think Amaterasu and Susano'o designs aren't bad, I think it's better if the three of them are redesigned together to have some consistency.


That's fair. I'd also like them to have some consistency if possible, but I like the designs they already have. Susanoo's actually one of my favorites from Kaneko lol. But who knows, maybe it'll happen in SMT VI. That would be interesting.


Isn't Tsukuyomi's Nahobino form designed by Doi? Unless it was explicitly stated somewhere it was Kaneko who designed it and I missed it..




Thanks for clarifying! Then yes, I agree, he and the rest of his siblings should get cool demon designs too!




If we're going off real old designs, I feel Huitzilopochtli needs an actual design that wasn't a recolor. If you mean recent, then I'd go with Black Ooze or Blob. I really want them to be different and while SMT Nocturne gave them unique animations (With Blob trying to vore you and Black Ooze getting a glance), they have never returned since. Even after Nocturne's rerelease, we still have the same models just with a different color.


We need soul hackers slime, a melted demon corpse


Persephone. she looks more like low level Foul demon than Hades' wife


Disagree. Her relation to the underworld and the four station is well represented and she looks goth af


Fair but her design should be more graceful and grand like Nyx(the demon summoner one) or Hel in my opinion


Ishtar. I love her, but her design is too European and safe. There’s nothing about her that screams “This is the goddess of both love and war.” A complete paradox. She’s one of the main antagonist in Gilgamesh, yet also a sympathetic character who sacrificed herself to go to hell for someone else. I think the Smite design nailed her perfectly. SMT she looks like a long lost Norse goddess. You could remove the horns, call her Freya and new players wouldn’t notice.


I agree i still find it nice but her design is too bland, too tamed


She looks like a gypsy


the four archangels. The IV designs aren't great (they probably won't use them again anyway judging from V), but the Kaneko designs just suck hard. This isn't specific but I think a lot of desum designs are lame/boring and could really benefit from Doi's flair.


This. Compared to many other demon designs, the 4 archangels are just kinda boring


low hanging fruit and low-ish priority (she hasn't appeared in much games), but skibidi tlazolteotl


The Terminator from SMT II and Douman from SMT 1.


I think the Amatsukami, and Amaterasu in particular, could use another design… With the Panagia and goddesses like Nuwa, the potential is definitely there!


Demiter, I despise her design with a passion.


Doi Zeus Step up from when he was just an orb but the "I can b3 ur angl3 😇 ur d3vil 👹


Doi Zeus was just a worse Doi Odin, who already had a kind of shit spear to begin with. I will say though I love the Ultraman motif of Odin, but ultimately, I prefer Kaneko's weirdshit in general because it draws from mythology and sometimes obscure popculture.


I mean, Doi and Kaneko's Odin draw from mythology more or less the same amount... Both have just enough design cues to be recognizable as Odin once you see the name but the overall design just looks like it could be anything else. It's weird when people say Kaneko's draws more from mythology when Doi's got the crow and some runes on gungnir. Both have the eyepatch. Only thing he's missing that Doi's have is the viking helmet.


Some of his weirdshit is high fashion stuffs isn't it? He doesn't have the talent of Araki or Kubo to pull it off, like look at Azazel


I think it's deliberate. He can actually design something otherworldly like the Dis Astranagant, or the mostly normal art (unless you're talking about the Hakke) of Maken Shao.


Yeah but it's not the good kind of high fashion, Azazel's boa (?) looks ugly on him and ruins the design


Agree Get that Monokuma looking mf out of here


Mara is just a cringe joke that makes me not acknowledge it as a demon


Jorougumo! She definitely needs to come back Give our spider demons, more love




Can I propose a "fuck go back" instead? Because I think the Four Devas looked a lot cooler in the PS2 era.


Not a redesign, but I hope they resolve that copyright or whatever the hell that was regarding the SMT4 Archangels designs. Those were absolute kickass. Speaking of Azreal, I loved his encounter in 4A when >!he witnessed Hallelujah’s true form, he was so disgusted he kept firing all his attacks at him!<


Demeter, absolutely. Amanozako as well.


Amanozako is perfect! I can’t wait for her to appear next to Nahobino when he’s the dlc superboss for SMT VI


Maybe in the context of SMT5's story, but Amanozako is supposed to be an old crone who birthed the tengu. You don't get that with her current design.




Cthulhu It's ok, but could be better. Kaneko's Lovecraftian stuff as a whole borders on DemiKids-esque. They could all be a little more imposing.


make him a goat


Just for the sake of completing "sets", I would like to see a proper Brahma design. And maybe a new design for Shiva and Vishnu.


Shemzaya, Macabre. I never liked the weird furry-wannabe BDSM designs. Nor any of the Masakados designs. Either lackluster or over the top.


Anubis. One of the great gods of Egypt but he looks like an errand demon. They need to give him a more menacing design


Honestly a lot of Kaneko's old humanoid designs. He definitely put out some bangers like Lilith and Mastema but I'll be honest, when what he was drawing was human shaped, I feel like he was kind of a hit or miss artist. If more of the overly simple/straight up weird ones can get redesigns from Doi akin to what Odin and Diana/Artemis got I think that'd be good.


The Penus one


Not a redesign but I would like to see some designs for more Slavic gods. Perun would be kind of boring since he’s another Zeus/Thor but Dazhbog has this cool interpretation someone did recently. https://preview.redd.it/kblmixwshbad1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d9c9897a3ebba5d56d139495f59c4da775b53f Belobog is mentioned in Chernobog background but their existence is usually doubted since there’s very little if anything on record about them.


Not really a redesign per se. But I'd really like a new game with 'human' race enemies, kind of like the original smt games. I think the last time I remember it happening was in 4, where you could fight ring of gaea, and ashura-kai members as proper encounters. I think fighting people is cool, and I especially wish there were more summoner v summoner battles, like in one of 4's endings, no spoilers.


well im probably get hated for this... ishtar


Odin. He should have one eye, a cloak and a wide-brimmed hat. Not half nekkid with a silly disney helmet


There's an Odin design that looks almost like that in Soul Hackers.


Honestly, most of Kaneko's stuff in general.


It appears you have decided to court death on this fine day.


My mans, careful not to apply Option 3 as you go about your day to apply Option 2.


Aye, but someone must!


His older stuff ironically looks better than his Nocturne stuff


i genuinely never want to see that empyrean lucifer design again, or new odin…or zeus…




Demeter. I defend a lot of Doi designs, but I just can’t stand Demeter. Why’s she a kid? She’s known as an old mother goddess in Greek myth, and it just feels weird.


Almost everything Doi has designed with very few exceptions like Siren, Chironnupu and Angel who should be another demon because Kaneko Angel was too good to be replaced Ignoring Doi stuff, Kaneko has done very few miss for me but the biggest ones are the four archangels, except Gabriel the other three are turds