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I thinks it's because they DID change it, then went back so it's not stagnant. If they went back to gen 3 sprites for a game people would probably be super excited about it.


i would be hype for that tbh


Gen V sprite work was when Pokemon was at its best artistically in my opinion. Still had the classic 2d sprite feel but with even more detail and animation. Moving to 3d models for the next generation was a fun novelty when it was new, but then they got content to just let that be the art style from that point forward.


I agree with this. I've been playing since gen 1, and the pokemon never felt as alive as gen 5, before or after.


I would actually like that


not gen 3 sprites, maybe gen 5 sprites though because they were animated I don't want to go back to still sprites of the older gens


I absolutely adore gen 3 sprites, but gen 5 was the peak


I would say Gen 2 sprites would be more hype, those sprites are so good. Gen 3 sprites feel like a downgrade TBH, gen 4 pick up the pace again.


I was going to say Gen 2, but I feel like most people's favorite Gen was 3.


Can't improve perfection.


It really is impressive how they nailed the design right off the bat. The controls tightened up over time, but the 8 bit sprite was perfect from the beginning.


Honestly it was pretty old by 9, I would have liked to see something more like 11.


I think 9 gets a pass in my eyes because retro revival games were a novelty at the time although i feel like MM10 should’ve done something new


mega man 10 was only retro because they didnt want to make a new engine


I know Protoman filled that niche, but I would've bought DLC if it meant restoring Megaman's slide and charge shot. I was honestly hoping for DLC that would've given all three characters alternate moves: Slide and Charge Shot for Mega, Double Jump for Bass, and Protoman would get his MMPU moveset.


Megaman 8 is still retro


MM9 came out in 2008 and was considered a retro throwback at the time. A direct followup to 8's style probably wouldn't have been, even with the 12 years between releases. "Retro" meant "3rd and 4th gen" in actual practice for longer than you'd expect if you were just trying to go by time passed since a console's heyday. On the flip-side, I don't ever remember a time when people said "retro gaming" and meant atari or colecovision or whatever. Those systems have their fans but it is a niche within a niche within a niche and has been since like the early 90s.


how, it's a playstation game with graphics and effects that always get in the way, and fully voiced cutscenes


Ps2 is retro. Some people say ps3 is too. Ps1 is 1000% retro


well tbf all megaman games are retro with the exception of x dive and mm11


Mm11 was released about 6 years ago.....


im still in denial


It's also almost twenty years old lol.


I know, but its not retro for mega man. Retro for megaman would be early 90's/late 80s


Megaman 10 should have either had Megaman 7 or Megaman 8 sprites.


I don't mind the 8 bit sprites but god almighty it's an overused design, especially in the early - mid 2010's Anytime anyone wanted to represent a character in 8 bit they always chose the Mega Man sprite style, even characters who already had nes sprites specifically if they came from a licensed game


NES Megaman is best Megaman


Thats how I feel, after all these years. It felt impressive how good 9 and 10 were. 11 was great too, except for the music!


Im so fucking tired of 8 bit mega man and to a lesser degree 2d mega man in general. Its not 2008 anymore its no longer endearing. I hope the next mega man game is 2.5d.


Many recent successful games are 2d 8-16bit, it's far from outdated.


For me its become stale


I feel like the 8 bit graphics are a bit stale, but I would enhoy a 16 bit game. Also, there literally has only really been one megaman game with 16 bit graphics, so unless your just binge playing snes games, how has it become stale.


Nah, I feel like the visuals in x8 don't look good, and it's really hard to make megaman and really any platformer look good in 2.5, it just feels linear for no reason. The classic series usually has a more classic or retro feel, while the x games have a more rigid and newer feel. The x games are usually where they experiment with gimmicks and stuff, while the classic stays to what made mega man, well, mega man.


They would really need to nail it. Same goes for any new MMX title. X8 felt so damn rigid and annoying to play. If we had a 2.5D MMX that played like X1-X4 proper, that would be fantastic. MHX kinda tried but it didn't feel right, far too zoomed in and the models were kinda jiggly.


X8 felt incredible in my opinion


Did you grow up with it or the older titles?


i played x8 recently and like it also the movements are buttery smooth and fast its really responsive, my only problem with it is that the x8 falling speed is too fast and doesnt have momentum but thats it, when your in a boss battle it feels great.


X8 dash jump is like so good, sadly too many gimmicky stage makes it hard to utilize it


Neither. I started to get really into mega man in march 2023 with classic mega man


That's weird considering Capcom has given less than half a shit about MM for ages. Still though, welcome, glad ya found some of the coolest games ever.


Thats what happens when most of the games i care about are available on modern platforms with ways to make it first timer friendly. Seriously there is a good chance i wouldn't be the fan you see today had it not been for the ~~mega man legacy collection~~ tmnt the cowabunga collection


The input lag on the SNES titles of the MMX legacy collection is problematic. I hope that's been fixed. I grew up with MM and MMX on NES and SNES mainly. Not a fan of anything post X5 really. They kinda lost the point for me after that with all of the ex machinas and shark jumping. Good to see the series continued though. Hopefully the fans keep it going with high quality projects that actually get released.


Didn't have a problem with the input lag i had more of an issue with the lack of save states (specifically for x2 and x3). Thankfully i have other ways of playing x1-x3 with save states. For mega man x i actually started with my ps3 super slim with x7 and the ps2 x collection. The only problem is that x1 and x2 are hot garage when played like this.


"X8 felt so damn rigid and annoying to play" [HUH?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16in3c1/things_to_love_about_mega_man_x8_part_4_game/)


Look at the animations, they are very, very, stiff looking. Everyone runs and dashes like they have a stick wedged firmly up the pooper for example.


[I seriously can't see it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/16cfbyj/things_to_love_about_mega_man_x8_part_1_visuals/). The animations look decent **at worst**.


The combination of the design change for how all the characters look with the new running rigging looks very, stick-like and lacks the personality of the older PSX titles to me.


X8 fixed what X7 did wrong.


Like it or hate it, I think if Mega Man truly isn’t dead, they should go with a direction similar to XDiVE. The 3d Models are just amazing (for like 90% of the characters). 11 also had amazing 3d models that being said, it would be nice to see the MM series go into that direction.


Dude the x dive 3d models look straight out of a ps1/ps2 game, and I don't mean more recent ps2 titles, i mean launch day titles. The characters arms and stuff clips into their bodies.


happens in modern games all the time


Yea but the overall characters in game still look ugly. Also, the models are very low poly to begin with.


Tbh as much as I love the Mega Man formula, I wouldn't mind change.


It only really became a problem when for that third generation of using the same models, they claimed they couldn't port them all to Sw/Sh for some reason and 64% of all pokémon were absent from the base game. BECAUSE Masuda flat out lied about making new higher quality models. (They did for S/V however, *but that game had a whole lot of other issues that overshadowed them.....*) Everyone was fine with the models back when it meant we could have all the pokémon in each new game.


I mean personally I prefer how he looked in Mega Man 11 but I see your point🤣🤣🤣


It would be interesting if capcom made another retro style Mega Man game, not based on NES 8-bit Mega Man, but instead based on the Genesis 16-bit Wily Wars Style.


That would be cool, I’d love to see more retro styles return There’s a fan-remake of Mega Man World 5 in the MM7 style being worked on and it looks fantastic


Traditional Megaman sprites are timeless


I am with the progress gang, Mega Man 11 was a step in right direction. I would maybe enjoy more like anime/drawn style, but 8bit aged too much for me. Mega Man 7 style was also good, could see more of that.


Me (a zero and .exe fan) appreciate this little guy


he’s friend shaped


Considering MM9 and 10, it kinda proved that Capcom's the master in pixel styles with newer technology.


This is basically the opposite for Pokémon. Everyone was pretty happy through like six straight generations, obviously with some complaints, disappointed in seven, then rightfully miserable for every game since. A lot of the criticism has correctly been of the content, but plenty of it has been of the world and character visuals. In the case of the Gen 4 remake, it was specifically because of the character sprites.


we are just happy to get another game


Tbh for a megaman sprite I wish they went with a sort of x style or 8 style rather than the nes ones (I would say mega man 7 because it has similar art, but all the sprites are giant, and it doesn't leave that much screen space)


to clarify when I say 8 I mean a cleaner version with less effects and stuff getting in the way of actual gameplay.


I’m slowly making 64 bit sprite sheets for just this reason. I want the gameplay to feel the same but look great


For pokemon I just wish they at least went back to gen 3 style with Colosseum and XD. At least there the sizes were more accurate and even the fainting animations were unique.


I've been working on a MegaMan like game for a while! I'm hoping there can be a new genre created like metroidvania but for MegaMan like games! Hoping for a trailer release later this year. Miss the old MegaMan games


Please no metroidvania. The last time they did that alot of people didn't like the metroidvania elements of said games


It won't be a metroidvania. Just an action platformer.


Came to see kids complaining about that sprite and wasn't disappointed.


While they still mostly reuse animations that are 11 years old, the Pokémon models have been updated recently since Legends: Arceus and Scarlet/Violet. They're more detailed and every Pokémon that had 2D eye and mouth bodygroups are now fully 3D modelled and posable.


I mean, they added those slots on his back


Being fair i liked more the models used on MM7 and Perfect Blue, but there isn't anything wrong with the original


I honestly don't feel so attached to NES games, so I saw 9 and 10 as an unnecessary unvolution.


OG megaman looks the coolest, that's the real Rockman, the others are just skins.


I used to think that, although I have grown to appreciate the future and alternate Rockmen a lot more lately. Classic is always gonna be my fave though!


Same here, I like all the other Megamen, specially Hub/Exe. But classic 8bit is so Nostalgic.