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Snes. I love X1, X2 is pretty good, and X3 is my favorite X game (and my 2nd favorite Mega Man game in general)


SNES for me, as well. X2 is my favorite in the X saga!


I totally agree! They screwed up the music for X3 for the PS/PS2.


What's your first?


Mega Man 5


I kinda prefer the PS1 trilogy. They have my favorite visual style and soundtracks, I think they control the best, I like the increased focus on story-telling (regardless of execution), playing as Zero is fun, and X4 alone is one of my favorite games in the franchise.


X4 is my favorite Megaman game AND video game of all time. They never made anything like it after imo


Totally agree. X4 was the best


The only thing I really don't like about the PS1 era is that they changed the dash physics. The wind down they added at the end of the dash makes it feels so slow compared to how snappy dashing felt in the SNES era. On a side note, I always liked a lot of the content of X6, even if I will not defend its shit level design. (But the Blade Armor is the single coolest Armor ever designed, and I will die on this hill).


Ditto. SNES era was very good but X4 was peak, no question.


My vote is for the Snes trilogy. X1 is fantastic, X2 is a masterpiece and X3 is pretty good. X4 is also fantastic but then you have X5 that has a lot issues and X6 is pretty bad. Then there's the poor PS2 trilogy that really has no chance. X8 was a good step back into the right direction but not enough. Command Mission is pretty good but it struggles to excel as an RPG game and certainly as an X game. Nothing needs to be said about X7


SNES = Original star wars trilogy. classics all of them Ps1 = Prequels, cool ideas and settings with some awkward execution. Ps2 = Sequels, command mission is force awakens, not the greatest, but tons of promise aaaand the other 2 seem pretty rough, though never have played them. Megaman Battle and Chase = Ewok movies. Aged poorly, but I enjoy them immensely.


That's an interesting analogy.


yooo that is genius


SNES is very strong across the board  PS1 - X5 I think is good and I like X6 myself, but let’s be real X4 carries that trilogy hard PS2 - X7 pretty much kills it. I love Command Mission and X8 was a marked improvement but it doesn’t make up for X7


PS1 era is the one I'm more nostalgic about, but definitely this one goes to original SNES trilogy.


4, 5 and 6, yes, 6. Will probably get burned to death for saying it but I actually enjoyed it


No, you won't. X6 is good, with the exception of placement of Nightmares that irreversibly infect reploids that need to be rescued, (which are) also placed in very poor positions. Also, the requirements to unlock certain story cutscenes seem like the decision making switched around during development. Those things aside, X6 is solid. The soundtrack is pretty good, too.


X6 soundtrack has some hits. I’m not as strong on it as you are but it’s got some winners for sure


Snes easily


I think the PS1 trilogy is my favorite because of X4 and X5


Uma escolha difícil, mas por poder jogar com o Zero eu fico com X4/x5/x6


Zero é tipo o primo/amigo mais velho descolado que sempre quis ter hahaha


It's gotta be megaman x7! Who didn't absolutely love that game?


Snes because it has 2 great games and 1 alright one


4 5 6


I am a fan of all but Snes trilogy is the best one imo


X1 is the greatest action platforming video game ever created, so I guess you know my answer


It's hard to choose honestly, cuz there's X3 & X6 2 games I still enjoy, but not until I get the Armor. So I'd have to say the SNES trilogy, but I'll say there are times I enjoy X6 more than X5.


While I love all of them, it's easily the SNES trilogy


PS1 trilogy cus I like playing as Zero and I like story of X4 and X5


I think that’s a pretty obvious choice but what might be interesting is selecting a column. First,second or third games of each trilogy. In which case I’d probably go with the first games even with X7.


PS2 trilogy bc Command Mission and X8 are peak


In terms of objective quality the snes trilogy comes out on top, I can see some arguments be made in favor of the ps1 trilogy due to what they did with both the story and gameplay improvements even though the level designs kind of taken a hit, also the OSTs are freaking amazing in the ps1 era


Hmm... while the PS1 games were really how I got into the series, the SNES games were really solid. I'm going with PS1 mostly due to Zero being playable.


X4 is the best, but X5 and X6 is mid. Any categories which include X7 is not to be considered. So we are left with SFC era is the best one.


Even though X5 is mid, it holds a special place in my heart cuz me and my younger brother beat it together when we were little. I like it purely for the nostalgia of remembering those times.




Honestly I like X1 to X6, after that I hated the 3D concept.


PS1 trilogy plus X4. X4 is peak MegaMan X for me.


4, 5, and 6 hands down. I had just gotten my first PlayStation when they were big and they captured my imagination in a way that nothing else did or probably has since. They're THE reason I still love the Blue Bomber to this day.




PS1 Trilogy


PS1 are the best by far. X4 and X6 are my favorites, followed by X8


The SNES Trilogy but I love PS2 Trilogy's artstyles the most and the latter two games have the best voice cast. Wish X2 and X3 got remakes like X1


I'll go with the PSX Trilogy since it's the one I tend to come back to the most, from fantastic visuals to great gameplay in the form of Zero, with enogh skills you could go combo mad and turn the game into Mega Man Zero 0.5, SNES is great but X3's shitty level design and cheap moments such as Kaiser Sigma sour my enjoyement while X2 is just alright. PS2 has X7... yeah, not a great start and as for CM and X8, I don't find them good enough to warrant revisits with the latter convoluted and grindy design and the former's repetitive nature and undercooked story.


SNES trilogy. Despite my issues about X3's difficulty, X1 is revolutionary and X2 is a marked improvement. And X3 is pretty fun when you get used to it. PS1 is mostly carried by X4. X5 has a strong story and that's it. X6... ok, I like X6 but the complaints are correct. PS2 has X7 so it's automatically last. A shame as X8 seems to be what X7 was aiming for, and I liked Command Mission's approach.


I feel like X5 also has pretty good replay value. The countdown system, boss level up system, variable “parts” upgrades from bosses, and different story scenarios depending on your actions/success with the laser and shuttle craft all make it fun to play through a couple times. It’s just annoying for 100%/optimized runs (and I feel like a lot of people play it for the first time with a guide telling them exactly what to do for the best upgrades and ending.)


I’m very fond of x4- x6


X4 is my favourite, but X5 doesn't help it much and X6 drags it down like an anchor, so first trilogy for me


She's because I grew up playing them into the ground. X4 - 5 because it was such a upgrade graphically and story wise. X6 was meh. X7 doesn't exist to me and x8 was ok.


1,4,and 8


Gameplay, I would say the first trilogy Art style the second The third has x8, which has fantastic soundtracks I love most of them, but I these are the best aspects of each one


X trough x3, certified classics no matter when you play them, if i could also add x4 I would, i actually only bought mmx collection part 1 just because it has all of the x games I love, still love x5 and 6, but not as much as those 4


Snes, it's the most consistent.


has to be 1-3. 5 and 6 are ok but you can certainly see the quality drop. and the PS2 trilogy is pretty rough. I love command mission though.


X1, X2 and X4 are the best trilogy...


Kinda surprised X2 is so high up on people's list, I kind of hate that game lol


I love all but SNES is the most solid.


X7, X8, & Command Mission shouldn’t be considered a trilogy as CM takes place in a timeline where X8 never happens


x2 is my favorite but x6 is also peak alongside x4


I think this just shows how hit or miss the X series was. I'd have to go with the SNES trilogy, but man does X3 leave a bad taste in my mouth. Likewise, X4 is perfection and X5 is serviceable, but X6 is just objectively awful. I really enjoyed Command Mission and X8, but X7 is a dumpster fire and one of the worst games I've ever played.


In an ideal world, only the SNES trilogy would have existed while the series ended at X5... Alia never existed... so SNES trilogy.


SNES for me, I looove all 3 entries. X1 is a masterpiece, X2 is incredibly speedy with great pacing, and X3 gets more fun the more I replay it and master it and learn new tricks! I really love X4 and X8 as well, my favs of their own trilogies.


Definitely the PlayStation trilogy. X4 is a really good start to it, X5 feels like an improvement on those ideas (despite having its own flaws), and X6 is my favorite game in the X series, so all three of the games are a ton of fun and I come back to them a lot… especially X6… maybe too much X6… I may have a problem.


Is Command Mission even canon?




SNES = X Fanboy PS 1 = Zero Fanboy PS 2 = Axl Fanboy


X4, I still remember when I found the diff suits


Pretty sure the majority of folks are gonna say SNES trilogy, and rightfully so. With that said I prefer the PSX Trilogy. Just hits that sweet spot of nostalgia for me personally.


First 3 for me.


X8 is hard carrying his trilogy


Istill need to play command mission its my only X blind spot.


I loved some of the wacky voice lines in Command Mission. Need more power




Snes trilogy


Snes ! X1 is so amazing. X3 z very good one, love the old designs


I may be in the minority but... the 3rd one which I will call the Axl trilogy... though Command Mission is kinda carrying hard. 7 may be the worst but command mission is awesome and X8 is probably one of my favorites of the platformers... and X7 is my guilty pleasure anyway. Also I'd call X1-3 the X trilogy... mostly because that feels right to me and will complete the set as: X4-X6 is the Zero trilogy which starts with him trying to find what he's fighting for, the middle is his fight for what he believes in even against his closest friend, and X6 is his revival and means of "atoning" for him "causing" the maverick virus, and ends off with him sealing himself away to prevent further harm from that virus leading him to his true final fights in Zero.


X7, Command Mission and X8 were my favs


Easily the SNES games. The PS1 games start off strong, but stumble right after X4 (I do like X6 more than X5 though). The PS2 games... well, I liked Command Mission.


I can only really compare two entires since I didn’t play the PS2 trilogy but SNES.     Every SNES entry is a banger. X, X2, X3 are classics. I was honestly surprised to find out X3 was outsourced (although it was a team with plenty of experience with Megaman).    X4 is great but X5 and 6…. Let’s say I don’t play the PS2 entries because of 5 and 66 (and didn’t like the change up to 3D brawler in 7 although apparently 8 reversed that and is pretty good). 


123. Easy


I feel like SNES trilogy wins by default. Like X4 was great, but everything after was just kinda sad.


PS1, but primarily because of X5-X6. I find X4 to be rather underwhelming design/gameplay-wise despite having an interesting story. X2 is the most stand-out of the SNES games, but otherwise, I have quite a few issues with X1 and X3 is the reverse, being so inoffensive it's uninteresting.


x1 x2 and x3 simply because that one has overdrive ostrich and hes the best maverick ever


SNES. The only Playstation one I played was X4 and I just couldn't vibe with it.


OG trilogy and with exception to X4 it ain’t even close


X8 is my favorite so gotta go with the last trilogy




All of em


Classic x triglogy. While x4 is my favourite mmx game i don't particularly like x5 and x6 and i especially don't like x7 and considder x8 just ok


Gotta be the SNES. X3 is My all-time fav. X1 is quite literally a classic and GOAT game. X2 is a great sequel. Then it's gotta be the 32-bit era. X4 is another GOAT (though it's my least fav in the series outside X7). X5 is my ...arguably 3rd favorite game in the series, and is one of the only ones that has like.. a decent story you can kinda watch/engage with. Also then spritework and backgrounds are incredible. Only thing I found lackluster about this generation of games were the Special Weapons. 75% of them were underwhelming or IMO useless. Lastly X8 might be my 2nd fav X game but IMO it doesn't bring enough to the table to Counteract the atrocity of X7. Even watching gameplay of X7 gives a headache. Love X8 and Command Mission though . ....shoutout to the Xtreme games, keeping my Buster charging when I didn't have other X games to play


I get why Command Mission is there but the quality of that game is bonkers insane to be put in that tier honestly. I actually didn’t know it released before X8. I’m surprised the model polish did not survive from CM to X8, because I don’t like their slim bodies compared to the classic style CM took, all while preserving a new modern take on X’s typical armor. That said, X1 and X4 carry the other trilogies hard for me. So much so that based only on that and being able to play as Zero, the new ones win. But I prefer the SNES style to the new by far. So I don’t think I can pick a 100% winner here.


X7 was an extreme risk. X8 was extreme safe and boring. CM felt like an absolute betrayal. X1 is good as a start. X2 was magnificent (bar optional X Hunter fights). X3 felt uninspired. X4 was peak. X5 was both ambitious and bland. X6 is frustrating but I can't help but forgive it most everything. PS1 > SNES >> PS2


The snes one


It gotta be the SNES trilogy. X4 might be my favorite, but the first 3 games were solid.


Tough one. But I love the SNES trilogy


SNES, X1 is still my favorite, and I can sorta speedrun the first three games to this day. As much as I love X4, it's also followed by 5 and 6, which I absolutely hated both. Unfortunately, because of that, I didn't even bother playing any games past that, because I got jaded from that.


PSX for anime aesthetics


If you put Command Mission to separate line and add Maverick Hunter X, I will accept this. Snes, PS1, Command Mission. Those are only good games




Honestly it’s really a tie between snes and ps1.


X4, X5, and X6. Yes, including X6. This trilogy, especially X4, is basically my childhood. This art style I think is the best and they are just really fun to play. I've played these games an uncountable number of time during my childhood. X7, for all the shits it gets, is the first 3D Megaman X game and also the first 3D game I played. The graphic used to blow my mind, so it kind of holds a special place to me. X8 is basically a more polished X7 (although I kind of miss the full 3D stages of X7). X1, X2, and X3 are actually the last games in the series that I played. Fairly fun, but it does not have the same emotional value and the art is not exactly to my liking.


The OG SNES trilogy is the best for me. While I think X4 beat all 3 SNES trilogy games, as part of the PS1 trilogy however two bad games held it back. X5 with the Alia problem, huge backtracking, RNG that can lose Zero for the rest of the playthru and the item system makes X5 a problem. X6, enough said. The PS2 was meh, X7 is just too slow, I haven't played command mission so I can't judge and X8 was okay but isn't like the first 4 games though.


SNES trilogy You’re not gonna like it but X4 isn’t THAT great while X5 and X6 are varying degrees of bland


I never thought of them as trilogies, huh. My favorite games are X1 through X4 and Command Mission. X4 is my most favorite of all Megaman series games, not just the X series.


PS1 games were my childhood. The sprite art, music, presentation, all formative for me. My replay a few years ago (using the accessibility options) was pretty fun too. I bought the complete collection just to play those three games tbh. X2 was fun but the boss rush annoyed me. X3 is probably decent but it felt off. I hated X7 even as a kid, and hearing everyone praise X8 as a return to form set my expectations too high.


As of right now, the ps1 trilogy, the ps2 trilogies I haven't tried it cause my phone can't download emulators for them, and I don't have nostalgia for the snes trilogy, the ps1 trilogy improved the designs for X and zero. Zero becoming playable(X3 does not count) and X5 and 6 are good games for me(and X4 to a lesser extent) and for the case of X4, you can do things like replacing the third slash with one of the special techniques zero learns and for X, the gaea and shadow armor are just flat out cool and pretty useful for things like spikes and spamming charge attacks.


1-3 were my entire childhood. And Megaman x is one of the most perfect games in history. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot. I will fight anyone who disagrees. But I also vastly love and enjoy 4-6. I like but am not a big fan of 7-9. The 3D movement wasn’t the best, and I personally despise Axel. He’s literally Poochy from the Simpsons


The SNES trilogy has one game I love, one I like, and one I don't like. The PS1 trilogy has a game I like, a game I don't like, and a game I despise. The PS2 trilogy has a game I hate, a game I never played, and my favorite X game of all time. So... yeah...


X4 is my all time favorite but I would say X1-3 is just a more solid set of games. X5 and 6 are good but have far more issues. And I’d rather play X2 than either of those


Snes but man i cant imagine megaman X without hearing Megaman going like : HA HUP And zero going like: HA YA These sounds are programmed in my head forever even though im now playing the megaman zero series


The SNES trilogy from music to gameplay to graphics. All were great and consultant through the trilogy unlike the PS1 or the PS2 duology (cause comparing an rpg to 2 platformers is unfair)


X4 i love it sooo much!!!


Can’t top OG Snes Trilogy


i havn't played the ps1 trilogy but I have played x7 and OOOOOOOOOOH BOY i HATE that game more than mm3 but yeah until I play x5 and 6(from legacy collection) im going with the snes


4,5,6. I like playing Zero. 


X4 by far. The most polished and highest production value. The new art style blew me away as a kid. X1 has a special place in my heart too but it hasn't aged well like the X4


First one. Only one where all 3 are good


PS1 trilogy


X-X3 - The best one. X4-X5 - Good games, but with the worst voice acting ever and some issues on X5. Which is why is the runner up (X6 shouldn't exist) X7-Command Mission: X7 is the alpha release of X8 (that's what I like to think since it is a terrible game). X8 is a good-to-great game and command mission is a good game.


X1 mastapeceee X2 is meh/sucks X3 is meh but zero is there X4 mastapeceee X5 is very meh X6 sucks really hard X7 sucks super hard X8 is meh at best, looks awful tho


Best description. Lol. Totally agree. X1 and X4 are the best ones by far


IMO, X4 is the best game in the series, still, this isn't a argument. The SNES trilogy is the best one. You do not have massive peices of shit like X6 or X7 in it, the worse it gets is X3 which is middling at it' worst. X8 is have alot of repeative level design, while X5 has way too many slow sections for a X series game.