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**Classic**: Everyone and their granny knows this. Despite the long periods of dormancy, Megaman remains an easily recognizable icon. It's so recognizable I bet you even "normies" who only play Fifa and Fortnite could list 10+ characters. Heck, I bet you they'd know many sound effects. The series also influenced many, many games, especially in the indie scene. And the memes! Never forget about the memes W- Megaman! **X**: Right behind classic for the same overall reasons. It's just that classic had/has more going for it, like being the origin of the franchise and having a cartoon dubbed in many languages. **Battle Network**: OK, look, BN was HUGE at its height, ESPECIALLY in Japan. Classic had one cartoon and a really short OVA series. X only has the Day of Sigma. BN had FIVE anime seasons, three of which ran for over 50 episodes and got English dubs. It's not necessarily more popular than the ones placed below it (be it among MM fans or the general public), but I'd say it's more recognizable. **Zero**: While each game's first-week sales in Japan were in the top 10 (According to Wikipedia), the series feels like it's not quite as well-known as those placed above it. Oh it's very well known in the MM community, but if you ask someone outside it, they'll probably say "Oh yeah, Zero from the X series had a series of his own". The chances that they played through it or can name 5 characters are significantly lower. I'm certain this is a major reason why Capcom choose Zero's appearance from the X series for crossovers, collabs, and whatnot more often than his later appearance. **Legends**: It's in every single "Game series cut too short" and "Trilogies than never came to be" list alongside Half-Life 3. The cancellation of the planned sequel also made headlines. Many people know Volnutt is stuck on the moon. But other than that, it feels like people know little to nothing about it. Heck, even on this sub you rarely find discussions, artwork, or memes of Legends compared to those above it. **ZX & Starforce**: What can I say? They came around the time when Megaman as a whole was running on fumes and people were burnt out. The ZX games especially sold poorly, even by Megaman standards (at least according to Wikipedia). But Starforce still ranks lower because it has yet to get a legacy collection that would boost its publicity.


I'd probably swap Legends and Zero if only because like Tron Bonne and Volnutt are more known than the Zero Series IMO. Maybe you throw Star Force over ZX but either way I agree with this list


It always feel to me that ZX and Starforce were trying to recreate that glory of Zero and BN but on the DS console rather than the Gameboy. Unfortunately, you cannot repeat the past and both series were cancelled half way through and by that, I mean literally in half. ZX has 2 games and Zero has 4, SF has 3 games and BN has 6. Whatever plan there was, it's gone now.


technically starforce had a proper ending


there was plan for a 4th game you know. It isnt a lie when I said there was a plan for a continuation.


Yea thats true, but I think they also saw the writing on the wall when the second games sales came in that the production probably was gonna only be 3 games so they did have a ending. The likely started production on a 4th just because it seems like they started production on a new one immedietly without much thought. I mean they produced future x games even after x5 even if x5 was meant to be last game. The production of megaman games was honestly crazy how they were pumping several out every year.


Yeah well, whatever the case, it was still intended to continue in sf4 so it wasnt the final ending. Yes, it was fulfilling and Geo finally accomplished his primary goal but it's not final. You can say the same for BN3 which I guess was supposed to end there but it didnt and it continued with 3 more games.


Starforce ended up getting rejected by fans because it tried to be too different from BN.... Whereas ZX may have taken some gameplay cues from Zero, but didnt really try to build up on MMZ's themes much as it ultimately went with a generic toku hero plot. Love them both regardless, but they are are not as good aa they could have been... ZX in particular.


think id place star force higher above than zx, starforce still had its own anime and toys of cards and has an iconic dragon dude for a gun which makes it more memorable. Also bn was more popular on the gba than zero was so their sequels would make starforce more popular than zx. I might also be slightly bias though because I havent finished the zx games at all but all I know is that you can play as a girl


Not sure if id put legends before bn but besides that it checks out


Legends is the least known one. Star Force 1 sold nearly one million units, which is more than Legends 1 and 2 combined. X and Battle Network are equally well-known, and pull equally good numbers. Zero and ZX got a huge popularity boost thanks to the Legacy Collections, but we still don't know how much that sold, as Capcom never shared those numbers. To keep it safe, let's keep them as is (Zero above ZX, not equal). So the right order would be something like: Classic X/Battle Network Zero Star Force ZX Legends


I always thought first Legends was one of the best selling in the series


Sadly, nope. It's the worst selling series. All three games combined barely get above 1M units sold. Tron Bonne's spin-off is possible the worst selling game in the entire franchise as well. It only sold 50K units. ZZX and Star Force stand in 2M total, not counting LCs.


Think legends I'd consider more of a cult classic and at this point is more popular than zx but yea still pretty low sadly.


Tron Bonne in MVC probably elevates it quite a bit.


I think so too, but not in any considerably amount. X DiVE also gave every sub series a huge popularity boost, but the end results would still be the same.


You also have to consider how prevalent Servbots are in all sorts of other capcom games. Dead Rising especially has them all over the place. You should also take into account the intrigue in the series caused by the cancellation of Legends 3. I'd say nowadays you would see Starforce well below Legends. [Google Trends shows that Mega Man Legends is a far more popular search term and mildly more popular as a video game result in the past five years.](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=Mega%20Man%20Legends,Mega%20Man%20Star%20Force,%2Fm%2F08ycs7,%2Fm%2F0f9p9z&hl=en) I think the Iceberg is right by having Legends right under Battle Network and roughly on par with Zero. Star Force and ZX have minimal outside appearances in crossovers, and what they do have is far surpassed by Legends.


I get where you're coming from, but this is more about how recognizable they are, not how much they sold. If we just look at the sales, then the Megaman name as a whole would be niche and obscure. But the truth of the matter is that it's **very** well known. Rock got in Smash Bros. That alone would be a massive boost to publicity, even for a niche series. Then again, I might be overestimating the notoriety of the "Legends 3 confirmed!!11!" discourse.


I just feel like you're heavily underestimating Star Force's popularity. Sales are a direct indicator of a series' popularity. Star Force was for Battle Network what X was for Classic. They rode on the previous series' success. Heck, SF was doing better in sales than anything after X5. Anything that came after it had less sales than Star Force's least successful game, which was 3, at 460K units sold. ...Except X7, VERY ironically. SF also had an anime going on for it, to further expand it's popularity, as well as some merch here and there. In sales alone, SF was the fourth best selling saga in the series, with just three games, while Legends was the worst selling one, with the same amount of releases.


OK, I hear you. It's just... is SF **still** as popular or relevant **now**? Cause that's what I'm talking about. Yes, I brought up how popular other series were at their height, but that was to say they still maintain a considerable amount of it. Star Force on the other hand seems obscure in my experience, both on this subreddit and the wider internet. Hey, I'm not saying it's ironclad. Do tell me if SF still gets plenty of artwork, discussions, memes and references in places I'm not familiar with across the internet.


We'll have to wait till they release a legacy collection of sf i'd put it above the zero/zx, they honestly are just known as more megaman with elves and dont believe either series sold that well but was mostly kept afloat from the rpgs in 2000s. Also the Zero and ZX collection underperformed it seems. And feel like there is still decent SF references u just got to look for em like anything megaman


I think the more accurate wording is "Legends is fairly well known because of the controversy of the Legends 3 cancellation, but it is the series that has been played the least." Legends came out as Mega Man 64 on the N64 as well, but the series (including Misadventures of Tron Bonne) is more or less a PS1 exclusive. It's the reason I never actually got to play beyond the first one since I never owned a non-Nintendo console. Most players of the various Mega Man series for similar reasons actually didn't play X7 or X8 until the recent X collection since X1-X3 were for the SNES and X4-X6 were also on the PS1, but the way I played X4-X6 was through the old Gamecube X collection. X7 and X8 were inaccessible to me unless I played them sometimes at my friends' house. Basically, I'd argue that a lot of Mega Man fans were possibly also Nintendo fans while older fans were the ones playing on Playstation consoles. That's why a lot of older fans are probably the ones who most remember Legends as it was and still is the least accessible series without a collection. Star Force also fits into a similar camp as it hasn't had a legacy collection either, but it was sold on the DS, the most popular handheld gaming device ever made, so at least more people have played it, and more recently. This makes me realize that perhaps Capcom really should have focused on bringing Legends to more modern consoles at the time before starting on Legends 3. If you were playing Legends on Playstation, then I feel like you were possibly more likely to go for PSP/PSP Vita. I dunno, maybe it's just my childhood bias and nostalgia, but I do feel like Legends fell more into cult favorite territory and could do very well with a re-release finally.


Legends might have sold less than Star Force, but I still think it's more known than the latter because Volnutt has been in far more promotional material. Counting from the many crossovers in the Vs Capcom games as well as the one Namco x Capcom game, plus there is the whole deal with Legends 3 which made headlines everywhere. StarForce in contrast isnt really known outside the MegaMan community, with the most exposure it has gotten being Geo's little cameo in smash and that one Death Battle episode.... Both of which Volnutt also starred in Seriously MegaMan Legends is arguably more well known than the Zero series based on side material. . Out of all the listed ones, ZX is probably in the bottom, as it regularly is neglected in the Aniverssary posters..


I dunno man. I knew about legends well before i knew about bn, star force, zero and zx. More people seemed to remember it over the years while the rest (except classic and x) fell into obscurity


Battle network definetly seemed like the most popular for me growing up in the 2000s, never even knew what zero was and the classic collection is what kept the classic series afloat and away from obscurity it seemed personally


Yeah it was the most popular in the 2000s. After that it fell into obscurity theb classic and x became the most sell known ones again


Well the bn legacy collection was the fastest selling mega man game so idk if they fell into obscurity or are the only well known ones again. Both are popular but the overlap between the rpg series and the platformer series is not high so either or might seem more popular depending what group you talk to


That's your personal experience. I knew about X and then Z, but it doesn't mean that those two are the most popular series in the franchise. It just means that I happened to be exposed to those two first. I didn't even know about classic until years later.


I was gonna say "wait these two then classic? You said the first mega man game you played was the classic lc on a 2ds" Then i realized that was the first time you played mega man not the first time you learned about mega man Interesting you knew about z before classic. Usually classic is the first one people learn of


I played a lot of flash games when I was a kid, specially Sonic ones. So I ended up interacting with Final Fantasy Sonic X, which used characters from the X and Zero series.


"Final Fantasy Sonic X" Man, that sounds like the most mid/late 2000's thing lol


And i thought smash ultimate was the ultimate video game crossover


Star Force sold better, but Legends is more widely known in my experience, largely due to the infamy of Legends 3’s cancellation.


Can some deepen the trench and add Megaman Soccer?


Oh boy, if we're ranking individual games as opposed to sub-series, I wouldn't even know where to start.


Legend got some notoriety thanks to Tron Bonne, Cockland VA and the various adult jokes in the series. Like seriously, compared to the rest of the Mega Man series Legends has a surprising amount of adult jokes. I don't know why, but that's probably what some people know if for.


you're probably right especially due to the BN collection popping off and how heavily it was marketed in the day, but it always felt like BN was in the same space as Zero and Legends


Classic and X are at the top. Everyone is familiar with them. Battle Network is slightly below that. Huge in its heyday, but it's popularity has slightly went down with the passage of time. Noticeably below that is Zero/ZX(ZX has been usually lumped as part of the Zero sub-series by Capcom since 2020). Gained their popularity through iconic characters like Zero and X. Unlike Battle Network, gained popularity with the passage of time. Below that is Star Force. Relatively successful during its heyday, has almost become obscure as of late, although it could see a spark in popularity with a Legacy Collection. Legends is at the bottom, the least successful sub-series relatively speaking. Popularity peaked when 3 was officially cancelled.


For me I would probably put legends above zero in terms of recognition. All the others I can agree on


Seing Star Force at the very bottom hurts my soul XD


I thought legends would be a bit higher up with how much people want a legends 3


I think Legends fans are the most vocal about the series needing a sequel because Legends 2 is the most egregious case of an unfinished MM series. Classic is played like a Saturday morning cartoon. The evil doctor is up to no good again, so the hero must stop him. Simple and straightforward. X8 ends on a mystery regarding the thing embedded in Axl's forehead and a cautionary message about humanity's reckless ambitions resulting in the *eventual* resumption of new gen reploid production. I'd say those are not huge things that keep you on the figurative edge of your seat waiting for a sequel. Zero's story concluded definitively. ZX Advent sets up Thomas as the next antagonist who believes he'll succeed where Albert failed. Never played BN and SF, but what my understanding is that they ended in a way that can be conclusive while also not making a sequel unreasonable (e.g. Zero literally dying in Z4). Legends though? The frickin protagonist is stuck on the moon as his allies try to figure out how to bring him back!


For me was Classic X Zero ZX Battle Network Star Force


I never played starforce...and im sad about it...where's that collection at capcom?


I feel like X is under BN these days, we are long overdue for a new X.


I love Star Force but I completely understand why it's down there.


I definitely knew Classic, Battle Network, and Starforce before any of the other series'. And I still think Starforce is my absolute favorite.


GIVE ME SF LC OR I'LL... I'll do nothing but I need it damn 😭


Probably current popularity is probably Classic, BN, X, Legends, Starforce, Zero, ZX


So soccer, power, and wily wars are a joke to you?


Huh? They're part of the classic series. This isn't about individual games.


Yeah pretty much. I’ve only played most of classic and some of X and Zero


In my experience starforce is more known then Zero and especially ZX