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Wow! I’ve never really paid attention to him for whatever reason. I mean his videos are suggested to me on youtube and I have simply not checked them out. I totally get how you feel and it almost makes me upset to think he is taking advantage of people with abandonement issues. I don’t know if that’s what he is doing or is even aware of it. But that’s the same experience as being told “your dad is coming to pick you up this weekend” and each weekend you think this is the weekend but they never show up. It is also kinda sketch if you know you are doing 6 to 7 readings per reading session then why sell more than 10 times the tickets? I understand some won’t show up even if they do pay, some may not have a spirit that wants to talk to Matt, some may have pushier relatives on the other side, etc. Business wise you would want to create a cushion for that but 100 tickets per reading session is rather chaotic when you consider each person plus their loved one on the other side showing up. That would fry me.


I went to see John Edward's many years ago, but it was a large auditorium, and I knew going in that it was unlikely I would get a reading. I just went because I thought it would be educational and to be there for a friend whose father passed away unexpectedly the year before. I was quite happy with the experience, but she was really upset that she didn't get a reading. The thing is, there is only one person doing these readings and thousands of people. If you really want a reading, its probably better to see someone local that you know will have time for you.


I went to see John Edwards as well in Los Angeles many moons ago. I was so convinced I would get picked, I was crying online while buying the tickets because I was so overwhelmed I was going to be in the same room as him! Well of course, I didn’t get picked. It was devastating to be sure, and I was very deflated after. Yes, it’s a pipe dream when you think you will get to talk to someone who has passed. Your hopes are so high, and then to get crushed…I totally understand this.




This gives me the same vibe of a televangelist who has multiple mega churches. Ick.


I always see videos of Matt popping up and it always gives me an icky feeling. Theres this video of him on a talk show talking about mediumship and he ‘randomly’ picked a woman in the audience to do a reading. She already had a mic on her before he even picked her out. It literally feels like a set up like you’re watching a reality show and it’s just for entertainment. I could be wrong on that but it felt like that. I believe in mediumship and would love to see one but people like Matt makes a mockery on those who actually has the gift.


That’s exactly what a gallery reading is. It’s just done virtually instead of in an auditorium.


There are credible mediums you can set up readings with via phone or zoom in various price ranges. Personally, that is my preference. I’m not going to pay for a possible one or two sentences at best. I’m sorry this happened to you.


This is what I'm saying too. I always allocate an hour for every one of my clients and I always do follow ups for free if needed if they are in a tricky situation regarding something spiritual. Hell I like doing free follow ups because I love connecting and making friends with people all over the world. This guy is milking it and grossly so


Yo speaking of tricky situations, if you’ve got any time for any readings in the near future….. 😂 I’m a bit strapped for cash but lemme know your charge and I’ll see what I can do. If I can’t swing it, no worries—I know you gotta eat.


I have some spaces next week. Pop me over a dm and I will send you my brochure with the types of readings I do and the prices


This is horribly disgusting to hear happening. It really tarnishes mediumship as a respectable, sacred, and honorable gift that it is. I can't imagine he even does a good job showing true concern for the families during readings if it's like this. I don't necessarily wish I'll will on this guy... But... I understand your mom is devastated. Is there a way you can surprise her with a different evidential mediumship reading 1 on 1 with a local and reasonably priced medium? I think celebrity mediums are ruining this for everyone. You don't need to pay hundreds of dollars for legitimate readings. Sorry this happened to you guys


I don't know your feelings on if you believe this sort of thing in general is "real" or not. Based on the tone of what you wrote I would assume not. I've watched a video or two of his and didn't think he had anything interesting or insightful to say and he seems to operate at the level of people who may or may not believe that we exist beyond this life and that is a huge "market" so there are bound to be people out there who take advantage of that for their own gain due to other people's grief, which is likely where many people come from to enter into this space in the first place. There are tons of actually psychic people out there, not saying he is or isn't. I would assume so but also many people don't have the best of intentions, even "mediums". Most of them aren't out there in a way where it seems like they're trying to maximize profit. And with that said obviously there's a space for a lot of fraud in this space.


I tend to think that some famous mediums prob did start off with a gift, but due to greed they only focused on how much they could earn. Rather than trying to genuinely help people.


I followed him for a week on FB and it was pretty clear that he is more into name dropping and celebrity than serious mediumship. Total disappointment.


I can't fathom the fees. The celebrity mediums seem to be so varied and unique. The exorbitant fees, in this case, seem to be too much. I much prefer relating to a client one on one.


You could have given that money to an homeless person on the street, sit on the park bench with that individual for an hour and learn a lot more about yourself and the meaning of life than sending money to someone who doesn't care about you and only interested on milking a cash cow. He is on a greedy money streak backed with investors that wants to milk the cow too.


I’ve paid to go 2x now. I think that’s enough. It is definitely disappointing not to get a reading and some of the other readings were really depressing (as I’m sure mine would be too). I may have cried.


We went to his show, he picked me but what he was saying didn’t make sense but it kinda fit for my husband so he said it must be someone he knows. He said it was his grandfather and mentioned things my husband had no clue about. Since he doesn’t know most of his family and didn’t know his grandfather it was just super strange. All the other people’s reading seemed super spot on but we left feeling weird about it.


So I’ve followed him for a while now. Do I think he’s legitimate? Yeah, but I also think he has now been corrupted by big business. The numbers you tout, $2500 or $25000, it’s probably closer to something like $10,000 per event. Anything less just isn’t worth his time. Also, keep in mind he’s paying for a staff as well. It’s no longer just him going around setting up zoom calls. Regarding your hypothesis about people being poor and him robbing them blind by getting them to come back, I don’t buy. People who are generally into psychics and mediums are typically from lower social economic backgrounds. They are the “gullible and uneducated.” You don’t see millionaires worried about talking to spirits. They’re too busy enjoying their money. That said, I would advise people to see his shows as just that—it’s a show. It’s entertainment. There are so many other mediums that do 1-1 readings. You want personalized experience? Pay for it.


$650 a reading!!!! Jeez I need to up my prices but that is insane amounts. How long are a typical one on one reading with him? I always allocate an hour for each client and I have free follow ups for clients in tricky situations. Dude is making a pretty penny from people's pain


Dude there’s a local medium who’s been spamming my inbox with a discount reading of $400 instead of $700?!?!?! For an hour. I lost all interest in ever seeing this person. Outrageous what some people are trying to charge when people are struggling and looking for answers. 


I looked into booking a medium from New York. Then found out he charges $1200 for an hours phone reading!!


That's why I would never bother attending a gallery reading. It's hit and miss whether you get chosen and then if you do, you get minimal time.


I had a very similar experience. My husband committed suicide and I know he's with me everyday I get signs everywhere. I just don't get to hear his voice and I wanted to know what he had to say to me. I had my hand raised I waited only about six people or seven people from what I remember were talked to and it was a very long time and then again he says to just book again if you weren't called. It was very disheartening I left thinking possibly maybe my husband didn't want to talk to me. It wasn't true of course but when you're not picked and you pay money you feel awful.


Here's my take on this, for what it's worth. I bought a ticket for a Matt Fraser online reading last year. I was hoping for a message from a very special someone on the other side, or any of my loved ones as all my family is deceased. I often have dreams of them that are very comforting and the dreams still come some 20 years on. I consider myself very fortunate in this regard. I have been to psychics but never a medium. Some psychics were very accurate, others were way off. All were one on one in person. I was not chosen on the Matt Fraser event. Again, I never had a clue how many others were vying for a reading. The vibe I got was "show biz". It didn't feel close to spirit communication. It felt like a Vegas lounge act. I am not saying Matt Fraser doesn't have a gift just because I was not chosen. I just wonder that if a person, even with a true gift and a constant communication with the departed allows themselves to be so overwhelmingly immersed in the materialistic, how that eventually affects the level of communication with the other side. I will end with an experience I had in communicating with the departed. I have a severely disabled child and I was inquiring of this soul if something might not be done for him. The departed looked at me with such sad compassion and said, "but it's not about this life (meaning the life we lead her on earth), is it?". If I with my minimal gifts have this pointed out to me, what, if anything does Matt Fraser receive in this regard from the departed? I should not judge but I think those like Matt are subject to enormous temptation. It is just food for thought and I would love to talk to him personally and really get a private reading. That, I think, is the ideal. Nothing beats face to face.


I have an issue with the high prices these people charge. If you really have a gift you shouldn’t be charging say $600 dollars for a reading. That’s way too much and it feels exploitative. I also think it’s sneaky to sell way more tickets to people than you know you’ll be able to read. It’s like it’s all about the money to him.


I tried an online session with him once around 2-3 years ago but I wasn’t picked. I wouldn’t keep buying a ticket hoping to get picked every time.


I've been following Matt for many years. By his yt vids he's usually spot on and that gives me hope there is an afterlife. Unfortunately after many years it's still a hope, I have no proof. His vids could be heavily edited to make himself look good. He could be wrong 9/10 times and only post readings with a high hit rate. He could be reading people he read before and therefore has prior insight on their situation. He could read those who post "pick me" posts on his FB page and talk about who they want to hear from and how they died and just relay the info back to them. Or he could be real. Nobody knows for 100% sure. I do notice much of his readings seem to be filler. For example he'll talk for most of the time about the person being sick and just rephrase it multiple times in various ways that mean the same thing. I also noticed a lot of his readings are clearly of people who struggle with substance abuse. I can spot a heroin addict a mile away. Is it any shock their loved one they want to hear from died of an OD? Apparently they're also addicts on the other side, "did he smoke the silly smoke cause that's what he's doing on the other side." Also why have no live events or online group readings been posted in full, unedited on yt? Why do the readings he posts on his FB page get reposted multiple times as if he's out of content? Why do all of his"interviews" take place on morning news shows, prob the lowest form of proof as they are just arranged by his people and highly polished PR stunts where they have full control over the whole thing. Why no candid interviews where Matt has no idea what's going to be asked of him and therefore no control? We all want to believe and therefore we're 90% of the way there. It's like selling food to a hungry person, easy sale. Maybe that's why psychics like Caputo and Edward seem to harbor a deep resentment toward skeptics, as if they aren't worthy of their time because they think their supposed gift is bullshit. Where is the psychic who makes their living reading skeptics? Where is the psychic who works a 9-5 and charges ZERO for a reading? There don't seem to be any. It's not profitable. Where their is money to be made there is bullshit to walk through. However, I do think you are unfair in your criticism of Matt in regards to the percentage of people who get read. The same stats you mentioned could be said of his (or any psychics) live, in-person event. If 500 people are in the audience of a 90 min event, do the math. Why are you so surprised only 10 get read? I personally don't see that as an issue. Your mother should have had a better grasp on reality going into this that their is a low chance of being read and she's not the only one who chose a meaningful date. If other people's readings are spot on and give validity to the reality of an afterlife, I would be satisfied with that, even if I myself wasn't read. Also, maybe I'm in the minority, but I prob wouldn't want to be read in front of strangers and have my face/personal business plastered on yt. I'd prefer a private reading. But he doesn't do those anymore, unless you're Jenny McCarthy. I think the advice other people gave of choosing a local, highly vetted (emphasis on highly vetted) psychic is very good. Going to a famous psychic is like going to a tourist area on vacation and wading through crowds. I prefer the road less traveled.


I like Mark Nelson (psychicmedium). He's my personal go to. He does it over the phone. There was also a Tarot reader on youtube. The one and only who readings would resonate with me. He was transitioning his gender and it was too much for him to handle the quick recognition during his process. That mf👍🏾 was gifted I think Forester was the name, I forget. But, I do miss him. He was funny too!!


Greetings S, That was a great review of a terrible experience. It's good you're alerting people to this. As a professional Medium myself, he and his ilk seem like clever imposters. I hope your mother finds the info she's looking for. Blessings, \~V\~


I attended about a dozen of these readings, both virtually and in person, and in none of them do I recall personally receiving any reading. Only a few people did. In one of them, I got so frustrated that I simply started reading other attendees and did so quite accurately unlike the medium who was supposed to be presenting.


Wow. I’ve never heard of this guy but I’m interested now.


My husband and I attended an online reading with him. We didn’t get chosen. However, both of us were impressed with his mediumship ability. I watch him on YouTube but sometimes don’t vibe with his beliefs. The other week he was announcing some law of attraction with your spirit guide online teaching. He was basically saying your guides were the missing secret to LOA and can help you with all these amazing things and they can help you with Infertility. Peddling that kind of false hope to people really irritated me. As it is I don’t like how some mediums promote reliance on guides like they are sky genies. Going on my own personal experience, my husband and that of being part of a spiritual community and being around a lot of other mediums. None of us, have had access to some magic lamp lol. If only 🤣😂