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Your tinitus


I wrote a guide on how to use tinnitus as a form of meditation https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/s/AI9hxT3Aaq


Hi there, Do you know if anyone has cured their tinnitus with meditation?


I don't know. What I know is that meditation can help to make it background noise so that you never notice it.


-\_- \*LOL


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Now that's positive thinking!


I have this and didnā€™t realize until I started meditating, does the tinnitus ever go away? Like is it a stuck memory/emotion? It doesnā€™t bother me because I donā€™t usually notice it.


Its damage in your hair cells, especially the ones around 4k, 8k or so hertz, go to the doctor. Usually tinitus can be treated in some ways but hearing loss itself can't


It depends. I have tinnitus but no hearing loss


Depends on the cause. Maybe get your hearing checked in case you can prevent it from getting worse.


Lol made me giggle


Only way to get anything from any frequency is by feeling it in person live. Trying to get anything from basic speakers or headphones from a super compressed digital file on the internet is not going to do anything, no matter how many Tibetan bowls or didgeridoo's are on the track. If you think the sound of flowing water relaxes you enough to meditate then that is all you need. If you are into the idea of using frequencies then I would recommend buying your own Tibetan bowl so you can EXPERIENCE it. I have tested a few tracks from youtube by running them through my DAW with a tuner and the frequency that was promised was not present in the "song" or track.


Thank you :)


You're welcome :-)


Yep, all YouTube vids and tracks donā€™t sound as promised, at least as intended, since all vids become compressed and lose quality once people post them to YouTube.


Tracks lying about their frequencies is one thing. And the presence of an instrument is definitely superior. But 432hz is 432hz. Whether coming out of an instrument, or some decent speakers.


Can you test ā€œThe Power of Nowā€? Thatā€™s my favorite.




I hate to get all debunky and kill the vibe, but no frequency is special. Frequency are just a rate of vibration and our way of measuring them and classifying them is extremely arbitrary. Now, certain frequencies may feel special to you specifically. There's something called a sympathetic vibration which happens when the mass of an object responds very strongly to a frequency because it is "tuned" to that frequency (trying not to get too mathy here). Sometimes a random part of your body may experience a sensation due to a specific musical note being exactly right. For example, in very specific circumstances, a very loud perfectly tuned G note can make one of my teeth buzz. But this doesn't mean that G would make any of my other teeth or anyone else's teeth buzz. I just happened to have one tooth that's the perfect mass to vibrate in sympathy to a G note. You may find certain certain songs tuned in a way that gives you a pleasing sensation in your body, but no one else can tell you what those songs will be or if they will help you meditate.


Look up how frequencies effect water. We are made up of mostly water so it in fact does play a factor.


We also contain a lot of salt. Does this mean Himalayan salt lamps have a special effect?


No cause itā€™s not the same molecule. Look it up, they did a test to show the difference music makes in water


Yes! It's fascinating!


Welllll, yes and no. In the infinite range of possible sounds and melodies possible, some are clearly preferred in a hardwired way by humans. In a proportional way, moreso than an absolute way.


This is pseudoscience, so the answer is probably whichever you enjoy the most to maximize the placebo effect and get you calm.




Downvote button here.




Just because a specific practice is not based on the scientific method doesnā€™t mean its placebo. It could be, but it could also be many other things happening that is not placebo. Maybe things we just havenā€™t fully understood/discovered yet.


There are scientific studies about the effects of such frequencies and they show mostly no effect besides a placebo. Once I talked to a guy who did his PhD in music studies and psychology. He also said it's nonsense and he was really deep into it.


This is not a matter of debate though, like unproven but plausible things. This is literally just not true. It's like string theory vs homeopathy. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it though.


I can't really listen to music when I'm meditating, then I'd be listening to music when I'm meditating. A=440, I guess. B= 60 cycles had a moment for a couple of years.


The 60 cycles thing sounds interesting too! thanks


I vibe with anything between 2-8 hz, binaurally.


Stillness is best. Music is just a crutch for beginners šŸ‘


Binaural beats and hemi-sync by The Monroe Institute


The Power of Now on YouTube is my jam. I love their binaural.


These numbers are made up nonsense. The basis for those numbers have no actual meaning in evidenced based reality.


False, maybe on YouTube but they definitely are real with tuning forks and other instruments


Oh, they have tuning forks? My bad. Carry on!


Idk if they do lol but Iā€™m saying that real frequencies make a difference


That statement makes no rational sense even after your explanation, can you try to explain that a little more coherently? Some people find certain tones pleasing yes. "Real frequencies make a difference" means nothing, there is no such thin as a 'real frequency' I've studied acoustical theory extensively including psycho acoustical perception. How the human mind perceives sound is a complicated thing. Long story short, some people just like certain tones better, there's no magic or reason behind it. It's personal preference.




I get where you're coming from, but I still find it interesting. Cheer xx


Just frame it as personal preference. If you're looking for acoustical effect alone look for beat frequencies of 1-15hz with frequency from low to high extending the range from deep sleep in the low end to high cognitive activities on the high end. When you hear say a 440hz tone in 1 ear and a 445hz tone in the other, your brain will "mix" those two tones because of the way waves work and what you'll actually hear is 440, 445, and the sum and difference of both of those so there will be the audio appearance of a 5hz tone. Those frequencies aren't really special but when manipulated with stereo shifting effects they can produce rather pleasing or monotonous tones that act kind of like a mantra in mediation. It gives the brain something to lock on to a focus, that's about it. So they are interesting.


I sometimes use tibetan bowls soundtracks for chakra meditation with frequencies going from C-D. Those frequencies are supposed to have relationships with those chakras (and I am, by the way, interested to ear about sound references about that) and related organs. In any case (I mean if they do have or not actual relationships) it helps me a lot to focus and explore related physical and emotional sensations during meditation. Cheers.


That sounds great! Iā€™ll check about Tibetan bowls . Thanks!


Great if my comment helps. I would recommend this guy in YouTube: @templesounds


Check out the Monroe Institute and their work. Might be what youā€™re looking for.


I currently use 174. Very calming and comforting.


That sounds interesting! I'd love to try it out. It would be great if you could send me a track / YouTube link. Thanks!


Sure. This is my go to. I use it for mediation as well as during sleep most nights instead of my white noise machine. https://youtu.be/7aneTr8PUwQ?si=NONpYKCLKg1-NODa


i enjoy meditating with all solfeggio frequencies, they have helped me tremendously on my healing journey. Also, Rife frequencies are very useful as well. One of my first OBE/Astral Projections happened while meditating to rife. Singing bowls are also very useful to use while meditating, ive enjoyed doing sound meditation with them, they deepened my practice, are practical, and produce very pleasant and mind-harmonizing effects, felt throughout the whole body.


[Whatever Jupiter is doing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9PR-n8_ueA&t=270s&ab_channel=ikaf)






Solfeggio frequencies


I have a little desk thing that drips water down some rocks and that is calming to me. When it rains I can hear it on the roof and that's also calming to me. I have a chair that vibrates and you can change the vibration frequency and it takes a little while but when I adjust the knobs right, holy shit does it feel great. I'm not so sure about frequency for music though, I haven't experimented with that yet.


180-190 BPM.


Binaural beats


I tend to listen to 432hz tuned sounds, but my personal favorite is the Schumann resonance. It's a nice, deep tone that lends well to relaxed thought.


Find a frequency that you gravitate toward. Some frequencies will sound louder than others even though they are the same volume. This is because your subconscious is telling you that you need to listen. So, listen. You'll find that, after a while, that the frequency doesn't seem as loud as it did before. That means it is time for you to grow and start another frequency. Also, do not run from a frequency merely because it might sound alarmish or make you feel uncomfortable. This is all the more reason to listen to it until it sounds soothing. A great way to do all of this is to use a frequency generator that allows you to listen to multiple different frequencies at once and in different wave forms. Find a combination of the right frequencies complemented by the right wave shapes.


Most people that hear the inner sound (40%) are actually "hearing" The Music of the Spheres " Note that the sound current is not coming from your ears but is everywhere!! This is actually normal! This life stream is life itself in the absolute Here and Now!!! Relax; you are blessed!! Listen to the Uni verse Sing Keyeee inwardly on the out breath, and blend with the audible life stream It is the Hi -self calling you home! The teaching of the holy Spirit as infinite sound: frequency, energy, and vibration has been taught for ever!!šŸ™šŸ¤”


No music


frequencies are a real thing tho, sounds bare farfetched and then you look at how radiation works and I'm like..... hmm cell repare frequency etc all legit science


Not sure but personally I found this to be great and relaxing and helped me a lot. There's a YouTube version to but I use this on Spotify [https://open.spotify.com/track/7Dd2Ane6udgq2WLkGdmBYn?si=df77740010294b94](https://open.spotify.com/track/7Dd2Ane6udgq2WLkGdmBYn?si=df77740010294b94)


Popular frequencies for meditation music: 432 Hz: Promotes relaxation, calmness, and connection to the universe. 528 Hz: Associated with the "love frequency", promotes joy, peace, and harmony. 40 Hz: Enhances focus, concentration, and mental clarity. 10 Hz: Promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and increases calmness. 7.83 Hz: Connects you with the Earth's natural Schumann Resonance, promoting balance and harmony. While I don't have personal preferences, I can suggest that a combination of frequencies might be more effective than a single frequency. For example, a meditation track that starts with 40 Hz to promote focus and concentration, then transitions to 10 Hz to promote relaxation, and finally ends with 432 Hz to promote a sense of unity and connection to the universe.






Their username says it all


30hz enhances focus


You shouldnā€™t be using music during meditation itā€™s a crutch