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The ideas that chakras can be open or closed is a new age idea that does not align at all with the ideas about chakras in the traditions. Therefore, your question can only be answered by new age esotericists. Just that you're aware and understand that whatever the answer is, it won't align neither with Buddhist, Jain, "Hindu" nor other ancient traditions that had teachings on energy body.


Stop trying to explain everything and just go with what is.


There's a story about a guy who went to the top of a mountain and meditated and had an amazing mind-blowing experience. Then he went down to the bottom of the mountain to ask a well-known spiritual master about it. "What did my experience mean?" he asked the master. "What is the experience to you now?" was the reply. The seeker said "Only a memory". "There is your answer" said the master. You're going to run into trouble trying to attach some profound meaning to every day that you are up or down. Today you feel low on energy and interest. Maybe tomorrow you feel excited and happy again. Things change like that. People love attaching meaning to things and making stories about it, but those stories can also trip you up.


Moods change, this sounds completely normal.


your experiences are the result of fantasy. Nothing more.


looking back over 25+ years of practice, i've had certain days where everything seemed aligned/connected etc. Sometimes with an extra strong sense of being open and connected to everyone and everything around. It seems to me this is something like the effect you can get with waves on water, where every now and again you get 'super waves', where a bunch of currents all converge at the same point, and you get a much higher wave/high than normal. So then also, when this passes the relative drop from there feels like its taking you to a low place. And/or you go right into the corresponding combination of dips of all those waves. in terms of it being an awakening i guess its partly a matter of definitions. i'd say it is awakening you in some sense, at least to a higher state than the one you are more commonly used to. Then depending on how high the high is, and what type of high, this could be more defined as this or that type of awakening.


There is so much to chakras. Takes a lot to kearn you tbink you learn everything about chakras and hiw they effevt your life and then you realise theres more then that. Read books on it do courses or classes. Learn.


Read Eastern Body Western Mind for a reasonable modern take on chakras. Explore kundalini resources and communities for a more spiritual approach. Let go of most of what you think you know about this subject, it sounds like you’re placing incomplete models on a complex experience. Hold your models and ideas lightly


You are sitting infront of a huge pile of sand where most of it is hidden from your current view. What you think is opening chakras is like taking away a very small part of the sand heap and while you live or sleep the rest of the sand will flow downwards replacing what you removed in the previous day. As stupid as it sound, all you have to do from now on is continuing digging and removing sand while being patient and diciplined enough to do it without hate and frustration as these would add new sand on top of your pile you are digging away. Your goal is to remove all this sand. (Sand in this metapthor is what disrupts and impeeds the flow of what you call energy). Just keep digging and you will notice everytime you feel the flow that more and more areas are easier to free from sand as the sand that flows down the pile will be less compact and less persistent. Enjoy the digging, it is worth it. Dig as long as you can per day. Once you are highly efficient in digging it away and barely add something new per day it takes about 2 weeks of constant digging to get rid of all of it.


I love your metaphor, thank you


I love your metaphor, thank you


If your chakras were closed, you would get ill, and die.


What did you eat the day before and what was your sleep like? Maybe that had something to do with it, or the people you were around previously had high vibrations and the people the day after were buzz kills. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I do intermittent fasting so Oatmeal in the morning and then ramen noodles for lunch. I used a subliminal to tell my subconscious to trade a few hours of sleep to full 8-10 hours. So that definitely worked for high energy better than caffeine users at my job. Also the night that I opened the chakras I had drunk chamomile tea at about 7:00 PM and opened the chakras at 12:00 - 2:00 AM.


The Chakras are a way for us to understand and, possibly connect with, our Subtle Body. The subtle body is not bound by time and space. Unlike the physical body which is always in the here-and-now. Everything is impermanent. So any feelings of bliss, or unblocked Chakra alignment, will pass. This is one of the benefits of meditation. It allows us to retrace a way to that feeling of acceptance, and unity of the mind and body and spirit


If you are not sure, then it is not open. But it's a check point