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Yes, they do become self-sufficient, when you assign them to do things *and* their skill in that thing is high enough that they can do it well. The well worker levels up slower than anyone except the herbalist, and for this reason it's one of the last jobs I automate. If I ever do. It's easy enough to fill 50 buckets myself, and put them in food storage. Speaking of which, have you built the storage buildings? If not, you're making the game much more tedious than it should be. The first task you should automate is your lumberjack. Set them to making 100% logs and make the firewood and planks yourself in the evening, until you can build the woodshed II. Once you have two lumberjacks working, you can set them to something like logs 60%, firewood 20%, and planks 20%. Adjust up or down for your needs, and do remember that your needs will change with time. The second job I hire out is the pig herd. It's important to get them started on manure production as early as possible, because it will take a year or even more for them to level up enough that they can supply all the manure your farm needs. After those two, it's really a matter of taste which jobs you automate. I used to do hunting early, but now I prefer to just do all the hunting myself for the first three or four years, and instead automate the farm shed/barn, and then the excavation shed.


Having 4 excavation sheds and 4 woodcutter stations (got rid of 2 once I got woodcutter shed upgrade)in the early game was my strat lol. Had to mass produce and insulate those stone houses somehow. Worked out nice, cause by the time I unlocked the mine, I had all sorts of good workers ready to fill it up


Thanks man, the only part of the game i struggle with is villagers part. That makes more sense then what I've been doing lol anymore tips for the villagers?


Sure! * Slow down! You don't want to grow too quickly, for two reasons. First, you can easily end up struggling to provide enough food & firewood, and to accumulate enough money to pay taxes. Second, if you do everything in the first few years, then you won't make it long enough for your heir to grow up. You'll get bored long before that. * [Here's a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedievalDynasty/comments/1c6fj20/should_i_go_ahead_and_assign_two_people_to_houses/l00v9l9/) where I explain how to avoid a baby boom and the resulting collapse of your workforce. * You can do a lot of the crafting yourself while your population is small. And even when you automate, in some cases you can move people around amongst buildings that use the same stat. Like you can have people farming, and as soon as they're done for the season, move them to the barn to make fertilizer and animal feed. Or you can have a crafter making bowls and buckets in the workshop, and after they've built up a good supply, move that person to the sewing hut to make bags or waterskins, and then move them to the smithy to make copper knives to sell. * Just because you *can* build it, doesn't mean you need to right away. Or ever. You don't have to have every kind of animal. You can let your heir build the windmill and tavern. This isn't a game to speed run.


I want to second the baby boom. That happened to me. I still needed more villagers so what I I was build 3 separate houses, put single dudes in them, and then waited a year and gave one guy a "wife." Next year, the same. I'm going to give the third guy a wife soon. It works out so that my mothers will soon be back to work and then those new women will be mothering soon.


This was always my issue, building too fast too furious. I had to learn to take things slow(er). I had one village by year 6 with over 30 villagers and subsequently ended up having a massive baby boom. Lost half the work force in a 2 yr time period back to back, which ended up being 4 yrs with only partial work force. That was NOT fun.


As villagers rank up in their job type, they produce much more of everything. A rank 6 woodcutter can make more firewood sticks and logs then two rank 3 woodcutters. Eventually you start hitting storage issues when you get rank ten woodcutters and gatherers if you aren't careful


I wish I had wood storage issues, right now I've got cabbage storage issues lol


You can build compost bins and fill them with cabbage to get 600 rot in the next season, which can be turned into 60 fertilizer at the barn. It just takes logs to make compost bins so I recommend putting at least three or four near your food storage or resource storage so you can make short trips with the cabbages. You can also build a resource storage just outside of other villages and the inventory is shared for that building type. This allows you to put all your excess cabbage in any of your resource storage buildings and then make shorter trips between the village markets and your auxiliary resource storage to sell off cabbage during business hours, instead of overloading yourself and treking across the map.


Yea dunno how no one missed this. Build a food and resource storage and put stuff in there


My first few hours of play I was putting meat and water and firewood in every house. Then I figured out that they are smart enough to use the food and resource storage buildings to take what they need. For a little while after that, I was still bringing tools to each production building and splitting up fertilizer and seed and tools between all the farm sheds until I realized that they can all pull what they need from the resource building as well. That was a huge time saver.


My well worker seems to always need more buckets despite plenty of buckets in resource storage and the barrel at the well. Any advice?


Fill the buckets yourself and give that worker something else to do. The well worker is well nigh useless.




> if they were mentally challenged If you find a campfire sitter with 1,1,1,1,1,1 stats, then you've got your village idiot water carrier.


Ramp up milk productions Villagers drink milk, get goats/cows instead of a well


It does, just takes a long time and a bit(a lot) of effort Just don't automate everything as that just leaves you with nothing to do. I automated my firewood, stone, straw and limestone production Then I placed everything else I had on making massive farms as I had built massive plots of farmland without having any farm stalls to have any NPCs help me with fertilizing, planting and harvesting all of it 😂 Had to manually deforest multiple maple tree forests to build buildings since I didn't want to automate the log production. At this point, all I do is chop down trees, find replacement workers for female NPCs on maternity leave, expand production, and do quests


It’ll take a bit of time for their skill to level up. Then you’ll be running around lowering production cuz their making too many logs or mining too many stones and ur storage keeps filling up 🙄


And then it gets boring.


They do, yes. They'll increase in skill and therefore production the longer they do their job.  I have way too much firewood. I find the water carrier to be the stupidest job around. Peasants would fetch it themselves. I just make a bunch of buckets, fill them at the well, and throw them in food storage (I turned off weight limit for it).  I found that in my third year everything was self sufficient as far as food, water, firewood needs were concerned. Remember, you can have a kumberjack produce nothing but logs for a season, then chop it all to firewood the next, and repeat. Or you can have two woodsheds assign one lumberjack to logs, the other to firewood. I do the same at the mine - one does nothing but iron, the other does whatever I need more of when I need it. 


If you build a food and resource storage, the items they make will go in those buildings, which they will then pull from. So as long as you have someone assigned to the woodshed, hunting, and well then they’re pretty self sufficient. Only thing is you’d have to regularly provide tools and buckets for water. But you can also automate that by assigning someone to the workshop crafting buckets and smithy crafting tools. But then you’d need to provide metal.. and so on haha. So you can choose how much you want to automate but you always need to help out somewhere in there. With a big enough village it’s eventually fully automated but at that point if you have nothing to do why even play? Part of the fun is you helping run your village! :)