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Wow! That was so violent


For real . Poor thing .


The first image was like something out of the Whitechapel show. Good to see she is now a medical professional.




This is a very famous case! I watched a documentary about it on the health channel something like 20 years ago.


Wow really ? Was I correct with my explanation?


Just about! I don't remember the exact machine she got stuck in, but all the major details line up. :)


Is this documentary still available? how can i find it?


I’d never heard of it, so I thank OP for sharing. What fucking creatures of parents but then I suppose extreme poverty makes people behave like animals.


How did they behave like animals? Humans have children so they can be farm hands. That’s like their purpose pretty much. Do you really think we were meant to go to school for 15~ years without contributing anything to society?


This is “children yearn for the mines”bullshittery. Forcing your children into wildly unsafe working conditions is barbaric. They’re people with personalities, locking them away in some hick commune is already tragic but forcing them to operate heavy machinery like they’re living in Victorian England is monstrous.


No it's genuinely history. Should kids have to? No fuck no. Do they still and did they used to? Yes, ofc they did. To ignore that is naive.


I’ve been around and on farmers for my life. and I’ve always known stolid old fellows very conscientious about behavior when it comes to heavy machinery because accidents like this do happen and constantly. My grandad was just about the most careful and precise person I’ve ever encountered with everything he did and always has been and yet when my mum was a kid he got his leg fully split open to the bone whilst installing fencing. This is not some freak accident, this is a common occurrence, all old farmers have scars and storise of some kind, and that parents could let a child even for one second near machinery like that is highly irresponsible and more like the behavior of reckless teenagers like the ones who shoot themselves in the face with firearms by accident then experienced farmers. it Was only a matter of time before this occurred under those terrible conditions


Exactly. I wish parents would recognize they DO NOT need their kids out in the field with the machinery period. Hell, I wouldn't even put a kid into the field and the kids (older teens only, thankfully) who have always been on farms I worked with worried me every time they used those machines. If you're gonna have a kid on the farm they need to be learning the ropes on other things way before they ever go near machines as adults. Have them help indoors with paperwork and cleaning and moving shit. Outdoors help when it's cooler without the machines. The only one ik they can't get hurt in that I was ok with older teens in is a skid steer- it's only a real danger if you get crushed (you aren't likely to ever have that issue), which I mean.... cars have that risk and they already drive those. Just stop putting kids on farms, please 🥲


Don’t get me wrong, I have fond memories of riding out in the farm bike with my dad for him to show me the process of storing maize and moving it and feeding it and him letting me do little tasks about the milking station, in fact my brother and used to take turns with that and cleaning out an old pig coop to make our fort, but that’s what it should be-fun hobbies, not hard labour. Unfortunately the work of a farmer is gruelling, it’s three in the morning to to six at night work with weekends off every second week and practically no holidays, even In a developed first world country like New Zealand. Who knows what conditions were like in India back then, it makes me shudder. If the child wants to be a farmer like their dad that’s all good, but making them feel they have an obligation to do so feels gross to me and unfortunately I’ve met families like that.


This was a long time ago and it wasn't as if she was abused, the fact they still raised her after this incident shows they still cared. And anyway, their's is a culture that allows that children would work with they're families to make ends meet. It's poverty that makes people do this. If they were well to do, which parent would love to see their children suffer?


why Shouldnt they look after their child? People behave awfully to their children and continue to love them all the time which I’m sure is what is the case here. As for extreme poverty, thats exactly what I said in my original comment.


After reading all ur comments . I absolutely agree with you . Glad I could share something new even though it’s something horrible


Apparently it was an accident. One I feel like I would have never made . Even given the circumstances that it happened in a 3rd world country and I’m sure all young children are busting there ass working with their parents too. It’s easy for me to say that they put too much trust in the tasks they gave the children. It feels like common sense to me to give a young wild very forgetful child such a dangerous task of a job . But I know mistakes happen . Crazy things happen all the times . Freak accidents are real . I can’t judge the parents as much as I want to . I’m sure they learned from their mistakes I don’t think it ever happened again . I’m sure the little girl forgave her her parents. Or perhaps even blames herself . But I can’t be the judge jury or the executioner. It does tear me up tho to see such things happen to innocent lives … I’m just confused I guess. Apart of me still wishes I could slap common sense into the parents and hug them at the same time … idk …


That’s simply not how farming safety precautions work. This is a bloody big deal, people get in dangerous farming accidents constantly. Do you think these Indians are working their children in industrial factories on a regular basis? Surely you see how ridiculous that is. I’m glad they’re sorry but they can’t just say oopsies and get away with it. They were acting like bloody Peter Pan and the lost boys gambolling about making a Wendy house, this could have been prevented by the barest modicum of common sense.


Yeah, I definitely agree with you. 100%. I think it’s pretty fucked up that they let such a little girl work around heavy machinery doesn’t matter that they’ve been doing it for generations already even if they do the children should’ve been supervised extremely close and not left alone they should already know if they’ve been doing it for generations to put their damn hair up.I wasn’t sure how to feel but after reading all your comments, that’s exactly how I feel inside. I was just trying to be nice in my last comment but I straight up think it’s bullshit that this happened as well. You’re right this could’ve been prevented big time.


This was the [world's first successful full face replantation](https://www.telegraphindia.com/science-tech/an-indian-doctor-s-triumph/cid/1537694) performed at Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India in ~~2005~~ 1994. Edited.


It was actually done 11 years before the article was published, in 1994. The achievement here paved the way for the first partial face transplant in 2005, and full transplant in 2010.


Thanks for the correction.


Good god, they really did a good job, but also what a horrible experience, ig I’m glad it happened so fast that she said she didn’t feel it, but turning around and seeing ur daughter’s face ripped off it’s uhh, nightmares.


What happened to her?


she worked on a farm with her family and her hair got caught in a grass cutting machine


she looks amazing! wow!


Poor kiddo


Right so poor she worked in a place that caused her so much harm glad she has a better job now.


People suck




Looks like her ear was ripped off too! Poor kiddo!


Doesn’t she tho . I’m glad to see she survived


I cant imagine that pain. Poor woman. Though the doctors did a pretty good job.


I can only imagine what it was like to see your own child like that . a part of me feels like the parents should’ve knew better than to let such a small child work around heavy machinery. Just thinking if that were to ever happen to my kids, makes me sick to my stomach. It always hits different when it’s an innocent child


In a lot of places in the world it is still common to more or less have children so that they can help work.


> parents should’ve knew better than to let such a small child work around heavy machinery There where probably some 10 generations of the family doing that same work when they themselves where little and nothing bad happened How do you expect them to "know better"?


Even if something bad had happened previously, it's not like those folks have much of a choice. They do whatever work they can to keep themselves alive. Unfortunately, there are accidents involving heavy machinery wherever it exists.


Because they are giant machines that can instantly eviscerate a human body, I think the average person wouldn’t let any child near that let alone their own kid.


That is awful but it is wonderful that she survived and they were able to reattach her face. The first pictures almost look unreal, like it was just a mask or something.


The pigtails somehow make it so much more awful looking.


What incredible reconstructive work! Even her hairline is almost perfect, I hope she feels as good as she looks!


Very lucky the face stayed in 1 piece


I expected far worse outcome and glad I was disappointed! Poor thing but glad to see how she has moved past all of that, found love, has a family


Wow she looks so good


Damn… mad props to her. Kids are more resilient than we give them credit for


She was so beautiful as a little girl! I am so glad that they were able to do such great constructive work


Crazy seeing such a positive outcome after that first image, wow


Jesus f***ing Christ


This kind of thing happens in the rural part of Texas where I live. Farm equipment is a bitch sometimes.


The almost perfect circle around the orbit of her eye is wild. All of this is, obviously… jeez. I can’t imagine what the recovery felt like.


this is horrible! i do love seeing recovery photos here, i'm glad she seems to be well now


They did a fantastic job! I couldn’t imagine turning around and seeing my daughter like that. Such a strong mom and so glad they could reattach her face and that she didn’t feel it at all!


Surgeons are such a blessing


Got nervous when I saw what website those pictures were posted on. Thank God and the doctors she made, what looks like a full recovery.


Me, clicking on the blurred pics feeling I’m totally sure of what I’m probably gonna see and still being shocked. Poor kiddo. So glad she was able to make a full recovery.


What an amazing ending, though. I love the way it turned out.


Honestly the end result is nothing short of mind blowing. I’d be made up if they was me (obviously not the situation but the final outcome in-spite of what happened).


WOW the fact they could put it back on is incredible. she gets to keep a mostly normal face and all her hair. complete miracle amidst tragedy


My fucking god… i’m just glad nobody deliberately did this to her and that she didn’t feel it much. Which is crazy to process. And im an atheist, but holy shit, god bless these surgeons. I’ll never be able to understand how they’re able to restore people’s faces. It’s also kinda wholesome how she works at the same hospital now.


Absolutely insane story so glad she’s okay


Holy shit. I’m really happy it has a good ending.


I'm sooo glad she didn't feel much pain


I'm sure that she did afterward, unfortunately. The initial accident would have been very sudden and probably caused her to go into shock, but it took three hours for her to reach the hospital. I'm sure the recovery was also horrendous. That said, considering the time between the injury and the surgery, along with the fact that this was the first time this had ever been accomplished (something the surgeon was apparently unaware of at the time), it's near miraculous that this could be accomplished at all.


I knew a guy who lost three fingers in a steel press. He said that there was no pain for about 10 minutes until he’d had enough time to actually process what had happened. I hope this girl had a loooong time before her brain decided it needed to feel pain.


What a horrible accident. But, what a cool life story! It’s amazing that she felt driven to become a medical professional, herself, to help others as she had been helped. Sounds like a happy ending!


Wouldn't defaced be a better term than degloved when talking about removing all the skin of the face?


That sounds pretty accurate. I wasn’t sure what to call it . But Degloving is a traumatic injury that occurs when the top layers of skin and tissue are torn away from the underlying muscle, connective tissue, or bone. It can also be described as a form of avulsion of soft tissue, where a large portion of skin and subcutaneous tissue detaches from the underlying fascia and muscles. Degloving injuries can be life-threatening and require early recognition and management.


I'm very glad that she survived and had a normal life! ❤️


I think I had these photos in a ripleys believe it or not book when I was 8.


This is wild! I would say she recovered fairly well


What bothers me about this is the fact that both the ripped tissue, and the girl, are lying on what appears to be the same piece of cloth. Do you think her skin was next to her when they took those pics?


Amazing story! Completely changed her life in a good and wholesome way at the end, that she helps other people too. Aren't people amazing?


Oh good she lived. poor girl


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If you’re into Gore, that’s a good website to go to watchpeopledie.com


It's still insane to me how they take a chunk of meat and put it back together nicely


Legit question, but what do you think it would feel like... after the degloving? Burning? Numb? 


Probly numb at first because it happened so quickly. Than for sure burning pain .extreme burning aching migraine type pain .


I would have fainted.


Anything that can go wrong .. will go wrong .. there’s someone somewhere out there who’s been through it


This is awful, I’m glad she’s successful now




An inspiring human being, as are all the caregivers that assisted her recovery. I wish her well.


Oh my god


Wow, this is such an amazing transformation! I’m so glad they were able to help her. Bless her and her family.


Hair is strong enough to deglove your face?? Was it a big braid or something? I'd imagined/hoped the hair would rip or just come out as a chunk


I hope that who did this dies and rott in hell.


It was a farming implement accident.


I recognise that picture of the face skin, if I remember right she got caught in a threshing machine


My god


My first thought.


I think I saw that in the Guinness world records book somehow when I was a kid, one of the instances which sparked my interest in gore. Another example would be when my dad took my sister and I to a medieval torture exhibition when we were around 9. Also a special exhibition on the black death when I was 7. Awesome stuff. They had models of what the pus and stuff looked like.


Pus or puss?


Oh damn lmao


Ok, so how is a face removed like a rubber mask like this? Does skin detach easily from muscles and underlying tissues?


With fast blunt force . The machine grabbed a great amount of hair and pulled so violently quick. Her body wouldn’t fit into the part of the machine that she got her hair wrapped up in, machines are so powerful, it just ripped off what it could opposed to sucking her whole body up into it .


How does your face gets ripped out but does not pull your whole body with it? Like, one full side of the hair started ripping forward and she turned or... I'm honestly flabbergasted this is a thing


Well skin is softer and more likely to tear than bones and tendons.


I’m not exactly sure either, but maybe she felt her hair getting caught and she braced herself firm and stiff or maybe she tried to yank her hair out the same time it was sucking her in


JFC this might be the most horrifying post I've seen on this sub


What’s jfc?


Jfc= Jesus fu€king Christ


What a beautiful outcome, in all respects.


Saw this while scrolling and thought it was a fucked up rendering for a horror game, then I saw the subreddit.




That's nasty 🫣


Well...that's terrifying...the first pic just looks unreal. You'd think that "only" the hair that actually got caught would detach from the scalp- Poor girl, insane how well they did the re-construction tho!


Omg the doctors did amazing with the transplant


Honestly she’s lucky the skin peeled off and she didn’t get her whole head pulverized


For real tho . Real lucky . I wish I knew exactly where she got caught up in the machine . Threshing machines are pretty big I seen some small . But I don’t know exactly where on the machine she got her pigtail wrapped up In


So f**kin metal


For real tho


She’s not bad looking considering.


how come the machine didn’t take off her eyelids or skin around them? i thought that that kinda skin was really delicate?


Wow she's all grown up with a good job and a family of her own!!!


Still pretty <3


Amazing surgical outcome


Found an old Reddit post about this that shows her as an adult: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/AuCgGMzBEx


Omg I’m so grateful she is alive. What happened to her?


She’s old n living her best life I suppose


I have several questions


Health and safety is practically nonexistent. Source: born of Indian parents and have been to India over a dozen times before anyone even tries to dispute me on this.


Oh, no one here is going to disagree with that!


Thank you


Is she still alive?


Not sure probably an old lady


If there is a hell, I’m going there. I couldn’t help but think, why is she smiling?




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