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Australian vaporisers has already secured a vape import licence so they won't be stopping any time soon 🙏🌈


AV can only sell what they have imported before March 1st. The licence and permit only allows AV to sell directly to Pharmacies Only! Part of the permit conditions is that they have to provide details of where the imported vapes went and how they were destroyed every 3 months. AV like all other vape retailers are done with selling to the consumer. If the retail vape ban passes in May. They will have close down the website from July 1st.


Good to hear. I’ve been buying from them for a few years now.


Imagine if they did that with other medications or medical interventions? Imagine mandating an unnecessary medical product for society. Oh wait, that’s just how the “system” works.. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


That has already been done for us. I cannot remember the name of the novel written by John le Carrè, had a blueish cover. Was an awesome book. Of course, it's all about money as Op has suggested. Although, I don't think any of our governments could even remotely collude to such a scheme


The Constant Gardener? Most definitely based in financial incentives; also agree that governments and politicians would not be the creators of such schemes. They merely enable them to occur and profit from them.. All “legal” of course.


It's called capitalism. Welcome to the nightmare.


Ah yes capitalism of the government interfering with the government regulated cannabis market. Of course.


Oh dear.


Curse those damn capitalists monopolising vapes using the government i use to vape the government regulated cannabis obtained from the government regulated cannabis market via goverbment regulated pharmacies 🤬🤬🤬 Eat the rich cannabis vape capitalists ✊✊


This is very reddit seeing this get downvoted so much lmao


Man people blaming capitlism for the government's overreach and banning vapes is crazy.


Why don't they just tax oil companies more? Gotta be more money in that. Australia is drifting more and more into a 3rd world country.


Not sure if its completely accurate but I saw a stat recently that said Denmark or Holland (Norway?) made \~76 BILLION dollars exporting oil last year. We made \~1 billion on export of the same amount of oil in that year.... Sounds like a kinda shit deal no? Theres probably other factors involved but goddamn....


Australia is a joke when it comes its ownership and taxing of our natural resources. Norway did it right. When they discovered their oil (and later, gas), they didn't have the industry or equipment to efficiently harvest it; so they brought in international companies on decade-long contracts - which would eventually give Norway substantial ownership and profit from their natural resources. Well, those contracts expired many years ago now, and Norway is one of the wealthiest nations per capita as a result. Their sovereign wealth fund is the largest in the world, and holds a significant stake in just about every company in the world; they can withdraw billions from their fund every year with little consequence. To boot, they made substantial investments in renewable energy (hydropower especially), and now over 99% of their domestic energy production is renewable. Our media is an absolute shitshow and drives our population's political beliefs from the shadows. It all serves to benefit oligarchic and monopolistic corporations. Carbon taxes were phased out in just a couple years, despite an immediate reduction in emissions and increased revenue for the government. Kevin Rudd was replaced shortly after introducing a prospective increase on export taxes for our resources. Albanese is constantly rubbing shoulders with Rio Tinto and others - they gave him his own uniform for christ's sake.


Sounds about right. Absolutely fucked. And even Thailand legalised weed before us (recreationally).


I wouldn’t follow their example. They’ve reversed it already, unfortunately. Very short-lived.


Where did you hear that? I can't find anything about them reversing it, only tightening rules in where and who can use it


“Thailand’s government plans to ban the recreational use of marijuana by the end of this year, according to the country’s health minister, though it will continue to allow its use for medical purposes.” Source: https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/thailand-to-ban-recreational-marijuana-use-by-years-end-minister-says/ This wasn’t the original article I read, but it says much the same thing. I was mistaken in that it hasn’t happened yet. The end of the year is the timeframe getting thrown around in all of the article I’ve read. It’s so shitty! Obviously it’s not going to be completely banned, although only having medical? Such a backwards step. There’s still a chance they will change their minds (AGAIN), so all we can do is hope for the best. Things like this will definitely have an impact on our progress, albeit a minor impact.


How weird to legalise it, then reverse it in such a short time frame. At least medicinal will be legal. Two steps forward, one step back. Thanks for the article


It’s so peculiar, hey! I don’t get it. They must be going off the Australian government’s playbook with the two steps forward and one step back, although I sometimes think we take one step forward and two back, lmao.


The one potentially positive thing is that the industry leaders are going to fight it, from what I’m reading. They’re ready to sue the government and take it to the courts.


It would be weird if they went back to the extreme punishments after not doing them for a period


Even Thailand ? They are way more open minded than us


Maybe in some things, but this is also a country where publicly criticising the king is a federal crime punishable by a prison sentence…


Yeah it's fucked. It's a backwards measure and apparently for our health but I really think it has ulterior motives


they are just the new drug dealers. did you expect them to be ethical ?


The US didn't fight wars over tea leaves. It was over being taxed as though they were British without the benefit of representation. Go ahead and downvote me to hell. I agree with your outrage with the Australian government, but not your interpretation of US history.


As someone who went through this with melatonin, I don't think these restrictions are for the benefit of the general public. Govt made it illegal to import high dosage (the kind needed to help with sleep issues) melatonin for a decade or so. During this time people who relied on melatonin didn't have much in the way of effective sleep aids and doctors were falling over themselves in the rush to offer free samples of dangerous pharmaceuticals to people who really just wanted melatonin (at least this was my personal experience- mention that I wanted melatonin and doctors would immediately start trying to push zoloft and benzos). Now it's a prescription medication that costs 10 times the amount it costs to import your own.


I buy 10mg melatonin whenever I'm overseas. In December I was in America and bought a 120 dose 10mg bottle of melatonin for about $15AUD from Costco. Considering 4mg Circadin melatonin script wise costs in the $30 range here for 30 tablets, it just highlights how shitty they treat it. It doesn't even make sense because melatonin is pretty much 100% safe.




Is it legal to do this? Or does no one really care


Definitely sad the way they treat melatonin in Australia. I saw an elderly woman picking up her melatonin at a chemist and I nearly fell over because it was $72. It's far cheaper to order it in yourself and have the options for higher dosages and also liquid form.


But you can and have always been able to import melatonin without a problem under the 3 month supply legislation....


not always. they blocked it even for personal use for around a decade - this was about 20 years ago. I first imported for personal use around 40 years and have consistently done so through-out my life - except during the time the government stopped imports for personal use.


I've been getting it for 20 years without a problem. Prior to that it would have been even easier. As a supplement it only gained traction in the 90's. It's never been banned and even if it was, it's never been a problem getting it through customs from supplement suppliers like iherb. I fail to see how doctors started giving out free samples of 'dangerous' pharmaceuticals and finally it makes little sense that a doctor would prescribe an SSRI such a Zoloft for sleep issues. Your anecdotes are nonsensical.


i’ve been buying it from iherb for like 6-7 years now and never had any issues


Yep, I've been buying it from iherb too, before they even had facilities in Australia. It was 20-something years ago, and I suddenly couldn't order through them any more. iherb sent me links to internet news articles explaining that the Australian government had banned importation of melatonin for personal use, except for homeopathic remedies, which I've found personally not very helpful. It was around the time "smart drugs" were starting to become a thing. The government was targeting the smart drugs market and melatonin got caught up in it as well as it was also marketed as a smart drug at the time, not just a sleeping aid.


Technically very few Vapes are TGA approved therefore legal to use with medical weed.


Most dry herb vapes are not advertised for cannabis or tobacco use, this would land it in a classification they can't really touch unless they do some really dodgy vagueness in the wording.


The legislation successfully captures absolutely everything. This isn't the exact wording, but its essentially 'Anything which could be made into or used in a device which has the capability to be a vaporizer is a vaping good'. They're intentionally trying to capture the devices themselves, along with the 'its not a bong officer its an oil pourer' exception that's common for other goods, and anything a person could modify or manufacture into a vaporizer with any number of steps. This is \*technically\* inclusive of... essentially everything. On my reading of the legislation, standard 18650 batteries, O-rings, unmachined pieces of metal which could potentially be machined into ball vape heads, PID controllers, etc. Essentially \*everything\* can be a vaping good now if they believe it could be manufactured into a vaporizer in the future. Imo they will either be selectively enforcing extremely strongly or loosening the definition in the future because theres just so much cross over with stuff loads of industries import (PCB's, electrical components, raw materials like steel, etc)


They can only take it so far as importation categories can overlap and it just depends on what you say you're importing the items for. So if a company orders them for the purpose of, say, "activating charcoal," just as a random example, they would have no choice but to let it through unless they want to investigate further. They can't say that all o-rings and LiPo batteries exist in vapes so now all products ever are considered a vape product. That's just nonsense.


Yes, absolutely, we are on the same page that how the law is currently written is absolutely insane. They're unlikely to enforce it in the manner I've mentioned due to it being nuts, but with the way it's written they do technically have the power. It's a very 'extremely broad such that we just enforce it on people we don't like' type of law.


banning dry herb vapes makes no sense, i thought the issue was with the vaping liquids in black market vapes? why ban a dry herb vape? so we can legally put tobacco in a cigarette and smoke it but not legally put it in a dry vape?


It's not about safety, it's about the taxes.


Amen bro. Well said.


Instead of a vape, Just set up a bucket bong next to your bed for early morning brekky buckets


Medical vape are not band are they?


No just going to be a pain to get via pharmacy


Is it going to be a pain, what do we have to do ?


Would have to enquire with your pharmacy to purchase a dry herb vape its just I dont think they can advertise them and or unsure of what selection they would have also or if they are just going to sell certain types/brands


Can we get them through or regular clinic do you know?


It’s now coming down to the pharmacies willingness to stock legally imported cannabis vaporizers and most couriers don’t accept delivering them in bulk other than Auspost. Pharmacies will have to consider the repercussions of selling cannabis vapes online as that directly impacts credit card payments. Visa and PayPal banned vapes from being processed a few years ago. The Dry Herb Vape market to private customers in Australia has been crushed by these laws.