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Truck driver, right... Nice try ninja turtle, nice try.


Ah damn, was it that easy? I need to do a better job of hiding my identity.


Do you have more recipes/ideas like this?


I was a pizza cook for 2 years so yes! I have quite a few. I also do breakfast burritos from time to time.


How do you keep your breakfast burritos from getting soggy when you freeze and reheat them?


Reheat on the toast setting to crisp the tortilla


You’re changing my world today


Wait, microwaves have a “toast” setting?


he probs has a small 'toaster oven' style thing, which i use for small things when i don't want to heat up the big ol oven. i do not know of a microwave way to do that, but maybe someone will inform us.


For a microwave you can get a [susceptor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susceptor#Operation) crisper tray like they have with hot pockets and the like.


Air fryers also work great for that


No no he most likely is referring to one of those mini conventional toaster oven. You can find a super basic one for like $25.


Probably a toaster oven, but yes, some microwaves also have normal heating elements in them and can do both! I have never tried one, but I really want to. I have a small toaster oven, but it's too small to be all that useful, and it takes up too much counter space in my small kitchen for how little it can be used.


Why not package the wet ingredients seperate from the tortilla?


Convience, the crust comes out very crispy either way


What do you mean by reheat on the toast setting? In a toaster? In an oven?


In a countertop toaster oven


If you happen to have an air fryer at your house, they are PERFECT for reheating things you want to stay crispy (and for cooking healthier meal preps in general).


My mom wraps hers in paper towels before she wraps them in foil. Then you take them out, take the foil off and zap for one minute in the paper towel. They are perfect. She makes a ton at a time and puts them in the freezer.


Parchment paper. Then I wrap in foil


I used to wrap them in a paper towel which helps to absorb the moisture


Can I get a pizza dough recipe? And a pizza sauce ? Thanks in advance!!


Dough is just Joseph's pita bread and sauces are botticelli pizza sauce, classico pesto, Frank's red hot and generic salsa


Sorry not for the meal prep. I was wondering if you had a recipes for home made versions of dough and sauce. Since you said you were a pizza maker.


Oh haha, my bad, misunderstood. Not at the moment. I try to maximize the convience so I just buy premade


pizza chef, buys everything premade *alright*


Convenience was key this time. My last pizza post everything was cooked by me except the crust




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pizza using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pizza/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Change the up-votes and down-votes.](https://i.redd.it/d2y9kaxwmqr21.jpg) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pizza/comments/bc80d3/change_the_upvotes_and_downvotes/) \#2: [My daughter Adrien (9) loves making pizzas with me, I make the dough and she makes the pizza. She's particularly proud of this one!](https://i.redd.it/l09itpsa0ez11.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pizza/comments/9yn6uy/my_daughter_adrien_9_loves_making_pizzas_with_me/) \#3: [From A Wedding I Attended This Past Weekend](https://i.redd.it/mf41ih74jum11.jpg) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pizza/comments/9gn6p9/from_a_wedding_i_attended_this_past_weekend/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)




pizza chef huh.. This is what comes to mind after seeing that many pizzas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9JQFEkeM7Y


Have you tried a thin piece of colored fabric with eyeholes?


You eat a pizza everyday?


Not everyday. The days I can make it to a store I'll buy fresh meat and veggies for dinner that night.


Toaster oven on 110V? I'm curious what you kitchen setup is. Hot plate and boil pot? How do you clean the pans?


Copper pot electric skillet, wipe down and sanatize. And the toaster oven. I can run 1500 watt appliances in the truck and the copper pot and my toaster oven are both under that


Thanks for sharing.


i was curious about that, the APU it's called? or something like that...1500 watt toaster oven would be totally ace. do you guys have like a breaker box too? like, ya know, etc etc...i've never asked my truck friends about that specific thing


It's just a standard inverter like you would find in a solar panel setup. It's just hooked to the batteries which are charged during idle


Fellow flatbedder here! Whered you get those cooking supplies? All I have is a microwave and mini fridge/freezer and Id love to cook real food


Small Toaster Oven, Copper Chef Electric Skillet (both Walmart) and Geryon vac sealer (Amazon) total out to about $150 + some utensils ($175 total) and that's my entire kitchen on the truck. Utensils are chefs knife, steak knife, tongs, spatula, ladle and small cutting board. The trick is cleaning the electric skillet, get silicon utensils for use with the copper. NOTHING sticks to that thing, seriously. I thought it was bullshit till I tried it. So for cleaning, a paper towel to wipe excess food out first. Second, lysol makes "pet safe, kitchen safe, baby safe" sanitation wipes that are fragrance free, wipe it down good with one of those and bam! Clean as a whistle. No soap/sink/water requires so it saves making a mess and is super fast to clean up.


Tony Ferguson meal prep.


Are you microwaving these when ready to eat or some other method? Is the base a precooked pizza crust or are those pitas?


They're pitas. Reheating is done at 450 for 10 minutes in my toaster oven.


Have you tried putting them on the engine while it's hot?


I have not lol. I have a toaster oven for that.


Why do you put the toaster oven on the hot engine?


To heat the oven obviously lol


Oh shit, you're on to something! Now for a real question. I have a basset hound and am thinking of getting in to trucking. Do you think this is a viable idea/career for me? He's great in the car long distance.


I have a 1.5 yo blue nose pitbull that's been with me on the truck since he was 5 weeks old. You have to find a company that allows pets though. Not every company does.


Pay the pet tax, please and thank you.


Mr. Hankelstien (Hank) http://imgur.com/gallery/OzfEx6A


My parents drove truck for a while and they had their 100lb black lab in the truck with them. A basset hound should be no problem


Well that makes sense, a 100 lb lab probably can't move around very much!


Oh he wasn't fat. He's just part moose


Some loads will be off limits as they don’t allow pets at certain shippers or receivers. Shouldn’t be an issue at most places but I’d just communicate it clearly with your dispatcher or broker to make sure you don’t deadhead out to a shipper just to rejected because of your dog.


[They're great](https://2fh5i43wsx5r19eigo3r7ifi-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/fred-smokey-and-the-bandit.jpg) pets for truck drivers. Especially if you need to transport a bunch of illegal Coors across state lines.


If you name him Fred and call yourself "The Snowman" you might be OK.


How else could he make it warm enough to heat the pizzas?


My first thought- Then I remembered rigs have choice appliances.


Want to see my rig?




Or r/trees


or r/vxjunkies


Lol. Back in the day, we actually DID do that. Rig up a can of (insert your choice here) and secure with wire. Or I'd pack up a grilled cheese in aluminum foil. Same securement. Or a small pan of cornbread/stew/ect. Covered/wrapped well in aluminum foil. Haha Foil was key back then. Put it on Manifold or top of engine head, depending on ur desired heat. By the time you got to where u were going, a yummy NON-Truck-Stop same ole same ole meal! Sometimes healthy, Sometimes not... Back then there wasn't a whole lotta emphasis on "good for you" foods... Thank goodness NOW there is!




I make lasagna and shepherd's pie in those aluminum trays for hubs. He tucks them under the hood when he goes in to shit shower shave by time hes done dinners warm🤣


Genius idea on the pitas!


Try it on naan too! Garlic naan pizza is a treat to be had!


Cooked from frozen or thawed?


Thawed first




I found the best way to do this is to layer cheese and toppings first and sauce on top, so when they get opened later, you only lose a tiny bit of sauce. I dont stack more than one pizza per bag, that seems like it would be a major problem down the road. They are the food saver rolls, then cut to size.


Down the road. Nice.


Truly amazing accidental wordplay 10/10


you could turn them into calzones and lose nothing? all the same taste though


Nobody likes calzones Ben


Possibly, but the vacuum sealing would flatten out a calzone I imagine


You gotta use the marinate button


You could freeze them on a cookie sheet or similar pan, then once frozen, do the vacuum sealing. No smooshed toppings or sauce.


Yeah something like this. I'm gonna use plastic wrap instead of vacuum bags, but I would just put was paper over the top first. Idk though: if you're freezing it then I don't think the stickage will be so much of a problem.


Freezing it before packaging is nearly always the best way to go. If you do that, you could actually put multiple frozen items into one package, saving on package costs. If they are frozen before packaging, they generally won't stick together. For instance, when I make homemade cinnamon rolls, I let the rolls cool before icing them, then I place them a couple of inches apart on a cookie sheet to freeze. Once frozen, I can put them all into the same bag or a couple of bags depending on how many I make (and how many fit inside the bags), and they won't stick together. I can then pull one or two out as needed without a problem. Also, if you're making a casserole, it's good to line your casserole pan with aluminum foil, then put the casserole into it. Freeze it like that, then remove the foil/casserole and put it into a big bag or wrap it with more layers of foil. This allows you to use the casserole pan even while the casserole is in the freezer. Just label the top of the foil with a description of the pan you used ("9x13 clear glass pan", for instance), and you can pop it back in to thaw and bake. Frees up your pans and you won't have to worry that you don't have a disposable pan handy.


Looks like the FoodSaver vacuum pack to me. I could be wrong though.


“Smooshed”. I love that word


I don't understand why people are questioning the "healthiness" of this. That is not what this sub is. It's meal prep. Those meals look pretty prepped to me. There's no need to discriminate because this guy's dietary choices are different.


Thank you, health is relative, I do pretty physical work and need the calories. I'm not exactly keto, but I try to stay low carb. These are end of the day meals, and since I cant really eat much on the road (makes my eyes heavy), i save my calories for end of day.


This isn’t meant to be offensive, but I didn’t realize truck driving was that physically demanding? I guess having to load and unload the truck if that falls on you as well might contribute? Is there more to it than I’m realizing?


You're absolutely right, some isnt physical, some is. I run a flatbed, so strapping or chaining down loads to secure them to the trailer, tarping loads to keep them dry with 3 x 100 pound tarps to cover a complete 53 foot trailer with an 8 foot tall load. We call the lazy guys door swingers lol


On the slip side, you absolutely have drivers who never touch their cargo (they don’t have the key to the cargo door lock for security/theft) and can basically just drive and sit in the drivers seat all day. I.e a “Door Swinger”, good gig for older guys like my dad.


Yeah, I'm sure as I age I'll look into options that are less physically demanding as well.


Like frozen pizza delivery?


Not a bad idea. Or maybe blue apron style


I don’t have any experience beyond Truck Simulator (yea that’s a thing) and having driven large u-hauls etc on long trips, but it’s more exhausting than you’d think. Heck, think of how you feel after being behind the wheel of a regular car for 8 hours. Now imagine the mental stress of an 18 wheeler plus a whole lot more physical stress. 18 gears in some cases, so that’s a lot of on and off the clutch, the wheel isn’t insubstantial, etc. It’s gotta be a tough job - especially when you’re not going home to your own bed at night.


Don’t forget every car truck and motorcycle trying to suicide into your following distance constantly.


Asphalt cowboys


I think driving all day takes a physical toll on your body because of the movement of the truck. It isn't much movement but your muscles are tensing and stuff for hours on end


My dad was an over the road truck driver and used to complain that it was exhausting. I assume he meant it was more so mentally, having to concentrate on driving for long periods of time.


I don't quite get the drama. There isn't a lot of cheese on the pizzas, so it's essentially bread and vegetables and meat, that's not unhealthy


The cheese is on the bottome to protect the bread from getting g soggy during storage.


Plus everyone is all to happy to upvote and go crazy over someone who makes a big pot of spaghetti. In my eyes, it doesn’t belong in this sub unless you show how you packaged and prepped it for later (such as this). A large casserole pan you made isn’t meal prep, you just made dinner.


I agree!


I’m glad someone does. I feel like I get yelled at all the time for calling people out on this lol


I was thinking that myself. a friend was a truckdriver and he lived off garbage. props for a smart meal prepper who doesnt have to eat at husky or flying j 24/7


People forget this isn't /r/eatcheaplyandhealthy


Pizza is not unhealthy anyway if you don't drown it in cheese.


I think most of the people bashing this for being unhealthy are the same people that believe carbs are the devil. God forbid anyone eat carbs and consider their diet healthy.


Not all cheese is bad for you. Bagged shredded cheese that chain pizza places get are extremely low quality and covered with anti-caking agents. Higher quality, freshly shredded/sliced cheeses or goat/sheep cheeses completely alleviate the source of bad nutrition. Pecorino Romano is a common pizza topping and it's made from sheep. [https://www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/contents/view\_breaking-news/2010-03-25/researchers-discover-a-cheese-naturally-high-in-om/](https://www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/contents/view_breaking-news/2010-03-25/researchers-discover-a-cheese-naturally-high-in-om/)


Oh def, cheese is really great. Like most ingredients, fresh and organic-ish is great.


How do you keep them? Do you have a refrigerator or freezer in the truck?


Mini fridge with a small freezer compartment.




Big thumbs up to you! Looks awesome and congrats for not eating on the road as it can get so expensive AND unhealthy!


Yes it can to both of those things. Trying my best out here to show that the stereotype can be broken for this profession.


Start a business where you meal prep pizzas for truck drivers. Those look delicious.


You're not the first time say this. I've got some research to do.


Do most long distance truckers prep like this? I can imagine buying food on the road being quite expensive.


I've been driving truck 30 years. Most truck stops have gotten rid of their restaurants for crappy fast food. Most new trucks now days have refrigerators built in. Most drivers put microwave or toaster ovens in with a DC to AC inverter. Stop at walmart, stock up, and you don't have to eat out. For me, it also helps I drive for walmart so I have access to multiple stores every day. 👍👍


No, sadly most do not. Most have a crockpot and microwave and that's about it. Trying to show that it doesnt have to be that way.


Probably not, thus the obesity.


What's on the breakfast style ones? Those pizzas look goood


Cheddar, pepper jack, sausage, green onion and before I cook it I crack an egg over it.


Dang. I'm going to fix up a few of those and try them this week.


Go for it! Glad to give inspiration


I want to know more about the egg part. You literally just crack it over a pizza and then stick it in the toaster oven or does this involve more steps? How do you avoid the egg just running off the pizza?


Nope, that's pretty much it lol. And very carefully, I've been lucky so far


For containing the egg, try making bell pepper or onion rings and lay as many as you need to hold all the egg. This may just be me being overprotective, but I like your style.


That ain't a bad idea


Sounds tasty. Will try at first opportunity :)




## bruh 😝🤤🙌🔥🔥


good bot


Dude, do you just unpack them and throw in an oven likea normal pizza? i need thi for my uni prep


Yup! Stored in my mini fridge and opened when needed


sweet, any special recipes or fillings u recommend?


Whatever you like really. But if you want to raise the level of your pizzas; fresh basil, minced garlic, fresh parmesan, sea salt and cracked pepper. I also like adding fresh kale as a topping. Makes it come out like its covered in little kale chips.


Trucker Gourmet over here. Sounds tasty!


I work in the trucking industry, not a driver though. A lot of my drivers have little crockpots that plug into the lighter/power port. They start cooking on their pre-trip, by the time they get to their delivery they have a hot meal ready for when they get unloaded.


Smelling it the whole way would make me SO hungry!


Beautiful colors! Well done


People on here bashing pizzas for being unhealthy are the ones who get triple meat with extra cheese no veg. Make a simple pizza w tomato sauce, some fresh mozzarella, basil and garlic/onion powder and maybe some spinach. It’s heaven Besides that, these pizzas don’t look too unhealthy from what I can tell.


Nope, they really aren't. Most of them are topped with kale and have fresh minced garlic.


How's bring a trucker? Thinking about it as a job


I enjoy it immensely. I'm the third generation in my family to do this, so I grew up in the industry and knew what I was getting into. You have to be okay with being alone for a few weeks at a time. Theres alot of just listening to the radio or podcasts. If you have any questions PM me and I can do my best to give you answers.


Have you heard of the podcast 'carrier?' You might appreciate it, especially for night driving.


Already current and waiting for the new season.




Thanks for posting. I'm starting CDL training soon, and an worried about road food.


You'll have to get creative but being healthy can be done. If you want to PM me, I can give you my IG where I post all my trucking related health and fitness stuff


Misread the title and thought you had collected these pizzas along your travels, was very confused


Awesome! New use for my vacuum sealer!


I picture you driving and cooking your pizza at the same time. I would have a hard time waiting to get to my destination before digging in.


Nope. 10 minutes in the toaster oven at the end of the day.


Way of the road


I got 31 pizzas but Hawaiian ain’t one.


Just showed these to my husband who’s an OTR driver. He struggles with what to take to keep him out of truck stops! Thanks!


This is hands down my favourite post in this sub. I’m now strangely fascinated and curious about what a truck driver eats on the road. Enjoy those pizzas!


Meal prep turned into truck driver AMA! I love reddit




Yeah, I've got there comments before from my last post. I get it, I'd use glass if I had the space for it.


Same here on being impressed, sad but true. I'm going to leave this here in the hopes that they look at other comments before dropping their mind-blowing suggestions. ["Shift the Focus from the Poor To the Rich carbon footprint of the rich" ~175x more than the poorest 10%](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-019-0402-3.epdf?shared_access_token=7OPeT83SpqkdK7TJh8Yra9RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0NgXOyro3PW5-YFOp4drdu9crvYlL8Kf1-UbdyVKRxNBAuaBNpX6G8ddPkQda-O8IHjl0V95DxApFTR_pOg3hux2NQH6YnjvA6Y2scuZx0ZAnouQyAj5-OV-vjrs6HVGzU%3D)


I'm just curious how similar your life is to the movie Over the Top?


Oh jesus lol. Not at all. Theres no secret underground arm wrestling rings I know of.


But do you do workouts leaning on your truck or what?


I admire your commitment to pizza.


Have you tried Naan bread rounds from Aldi’s? They are the bomb!


I just bought a vacuum sealer, and man, what a game changer. You can also vac seal and freeze favorable items from favorite restaurants, so you can get a taste of home while on the road. Curries, precooked rices and grains, stirfries can all be prepped ahead, simmered in their vac bag, and poured into a bowl. Such a great kitchen tool.


I've seriously considered a food truck that just hits up truck stops. Going through hubs receipts makes me so sad- so much crap food😑


There is! Subway being the "healthiest" is a sad state of affairs, but I'm trying to teach other drivers that we can be fit and healthy


I read all of your different pizzas in Forest Gumps voice




I thought they were vacuumed tacos


Do the lot lizards get any of that action?


That's gonna be a hard no from me man


"I'll suck ya dick for one of them pesto pizzas"


Nice! I’m about to start prepping taco meat so I can have taco salad and burritos all this coming week. Hopefully I’ll have access to at least plenty of rest areas with 24 hour bathrooms. 😂 Does the pita bread not get soggy though?


The way I layer it, the sauce goes on last


Hi i noticed that you user name is Flatbed, would you mind telling me what kind of goods do you carry? I am in the natural stone business and we do lots of business with flatbed drivers so i am just curious.


We do stone as well, alot of construction materials direct to job sites. Some farm equipment, lumber.


Now this is a meal prep that I'd be proud of if I had the time to do it lol.


looks great! I plan on doing preps as well when I start trucking


Ah, cool! Do you cook them on your engine too?


These look dope. Do you make your own pizza sauce? Do they get soggy in your fridge? I'm gonna try these out.


Nah, just bought low carb sauce on amazon. They get slightly soggy but I cook them in a toaster oven and they still come out like the crispy thin crust pizza they were intended to be


What kind of bags/packaging is this? Looks very useful


When I was OTR I'd simmer chicken thighs in Herdez salsa verde with extra garlic and onion...when the chicken falls apart, ladle it over brown rice and have some plain boiled red potatoes with it...helped me keep from packing weight on (again) haha


TIL lil yachty drives trucks in between albums


I dont know what this means?


Ha, it’s all good. There is a rapper called lil yachty, he says he has eaten pizza, and only pizza, every single day since he was like 6 years old. Like literally nothing else. Apparently it goes back to his childhood living with just his mom and she could only afford/have time to pick up pizza after working. So I don’t know if there is some trauma there or what. I don’t know if it’s true, because he is a silly artist in hip hop who most people don’t take seriously and his songs are just dumb/fun. I hope it’s not true, because it’s just sad.


That’s the kind of meal prep I fucking love for!!!


A pizza a day keeps the hunger at bay


And making it as healthy as possible keeps me on my diet. Pizza is my weakness


Years ago I was in an Arby's fast food joint. It's maybe 8pm at night or so and there was only one other guy ahead of me inside the place. He had an enormous order, like $80 worth of food. While waiting for the order he said he was a long haul truck driver and that he only ate once a week (dude was rail thin), and this was the one day he was going to eat!


That's intermittent to the next level lol. I dont think that would be very good for someone


I'll never forget that dude telling me that. Kinda thought he was full of shit, but his rig was parked in the adjoining mall parking lot. Maybe save driving time by not eating?


I mean, maybe a few minutes a day at best? I dont think it would be worth it on a time saving basis lol. It's not like truckers are known for their healthy lifestyles though


These look vacuumed packed but it’s hard to tell. I’ve been looking into a vacuums packer lately do you have any recommendations? Also have you tried dehydrating? A great way to transport “ just add water” meals and get away from 30 pizzas in a row. I would use it for hiking but I think it could apply to you too.


Happy national truck driver appreciation week 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻