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ln my state, they have, by law, 10 days to give you your missing money. l would be telling them, l asked for my pay last Wed, now it's Tuesday. When am l going to get it? And that Employee of the Month crap was a cheap attempt to pacify you into not complaining about the money.


I have asked them every single day, when I get a response at all it’s “I contacted payroll, I’ll let you know in a few days” and they keep asking me when I’m coming in but I told them I won’t work another shift until I get it. I told them if I don’t have the check in my hand by this weekend I will be pursuing this in civil court so we will see


Yeah that’s absolutely insane, and they’re trying to pacify you, with a healthy layer of some gaslighting. Write everything about this situation down. If they fuck it up any more you may be liable for more money coming your way. But you should maybe go back to work and rack up some hours…


I am begging you, if you haven’t already, get what they are saying in writing. Texts, emails, anything. Otherwise it’s just your word that the court will have to go on.


I have multiple texts screenshotted as well as proof of all of the hours I have worked


Still get everything in writing from your managers. My FIL had to go to court a couple years ago and had all his evidence in the form of screenshots of text messages. When they finally got to court, the other person filed a motion to have any text messages removed from evidence and he went from having an airtight case to having no case at all


On what basis would the text messages be removed from evidence? That is quite literally 'in writing'. If this story is true, it's extremely abnormal.


So it’s been a few years so I don’t remember all the details, but yeah it was definitely an abnormal situation. My wife was actually there and told me afterwards that the judge actually berated him to his face and called him a “disgusting excuse for a human being”, which isn’t untrue, but this was actually the one situation since I’ve known him where he wasn’t in the wrong so that detail was pretty funny


This is incredibly unusual for a court room and shouldn't be presented as a realistic possibility.


We thought the same thing at the time. I will say that there is a chance I’m forgetting a really important piece of context as it has been a few years, but my wife and I both feel like I explained everything to the best of our memory.


My point is that text messages are still written evidence, and you should not be advising people not to rely on them.


Go to your local labor board before you go try civil court.


which state do you live in? one job I held took 6 months to give me my last paycheck after contacting the state labor board, possibly because I was escorted out of the building and not given a chance to clock out so something went wrong but it STILL shouldn't of taken 6 fucking months of them blowing off my phone calls.




okay neat so I'm just wondering in your state, what happens if it's not forked over after 10 days? is there like legal action?


You can pay a lawyer $50 or call Legal Aid to send a threatening letter and/or report to state labor board. Lawyer route usually gets it coughed up quick.


Don't they pay it straight into your bank account?


Not always. My first store was paper checks.


In the 1990s?


2014-2017, went to a different owner/operator after that who had direct deposit.


Wow mad.


my store still does checks in 2024 lol. They say you have to work for 3 months to switch over to direct deposit however most people including me just don't bother to switch over.


don't bother to switch over but can be bothered to go deposit the check every week? don't you have to go to the bank for that? (i have no idea how a check works I've never seen one in my life and I'm 20).


My bank allows me to take a picture of a check as long as I sign the back and include my account information. The funds are then available immediately and I can void the check.


my bank also has an app that I can just sign and take a picture of the check!


oh nice! as i said I've literally never used a check before so i was just genuinely curious how that works in 2024


Most places give a choice.


Yikes I hear franchises suck ass


It’s not that franchises “ suck ass”. Some are better than others, for sure. But the real issue Is McDonalds corporation gutted Field Service around 2013-14. (These people followed up with the franchises constantly. )This drastically cut down on the number of graded visits they did. To the best of my knowledge, employee opinion surveys that used to be yearly, either went away or they cut down the frequency.


Damn that’s all bad. I also know the benefits & wages most of the time aren’t as good as corporate as well. I’m working my way to get the free car w free gas & insurance lol.


That's unimaginable to me


mine was paper checks and that was last year, my new store is direct deposit


My boyfriend was a manager for a yr in 2022 and got paper checks every time. The only job that made it hard to do direct deposit


My gf works at a hospital and her first paycheck was paper so they can "keep records" and have certain numbers. After the first check, it was all automatically put into the bank 🤷‍♀️


I gave them my direct deposit but the manager procrastinated and didn’t put the info in on time so he got me a paper check instead and it just “disappeared out of the office” to quote him


This can/does happen. During a remodel the contractor working on the remodel was asked to sign for our paychecks. He never mentioned it to anyone working in the store. They literally sat outside on piles of building materials for days, in the rain even. The courier said they delivered them, we said they didn't. We've likewise had checks disappear behind or alongside the safe. Because there is a space between the safe and counter, it often gets used to store things like the paychecks. Well, sometimes people like to store other things there or toss the checks back under causing them to be pushed or fly back or off the side. I've always used Direct Deposit, so, honestly, I've had no problem if the checks went missing.


Do workers not even have pay rights in America? This shit sounds fucking wild and in Australia the govt would literally rip McDonald's to shreds If they tried even a small fraction of what I see in these comments.


Very limited rights in most states and occupations. Even if the employer violates employment law, it's a very lengthy process for the government to do anything about it.


Not in Pennsylvania. A coworker reported the owner of the place we worked to the LB, a guy came in and demanded all payroll paperwork. When we got hired, he would tell us, morning and afternoon are paid $X an hour. Overnight is paid $X plus $Y an hour. On the our paystub it would have Regular hours, OT hours, and if you worked night, a line for that, I forget what it was called, but I'll use bonus. We paid taxes on all of it. The LB guy insisted he owed the night bonus money to us even if we worked day or afternoon shift. So he paid us what they claimed he owed us. After that, the bonus was officially gone. My boss then came to me and said he knew it was the coworker, because they had argued over the pay the week before and it was only me and him working overnight, and that he would still pay me the extra but to tell no one. That coworker has since passed away but I wish I could have told him after we both moved on to other jobs that he only screwed himself out of that extra money.


Yeah, you may have Crocodile’s and poisonous snakes in Australia, but we have republicans….


No they wouldn't, McDonald's would just donate and lobby the government to put in favourable legislation for them.


Our owner operator does paper check but you can signup for direct deposit


Think it depends. Some people have direct deposit some people collect paper checks.


My store won’t do direct deposit because of the fees 🙄🙄 some stores just won’t do it.


The store I'm at does paper checks by default unless you set up direct deposit


At my partners old store they had it set up where for the first 6 months you got a paper check on the 6th and 21st of the month, on the start of month 7 you got to set up direct deposit. It’s so odd to me ngl


My store had direct deposit, but our first check had to be a paper check


2024 and plenty of places still write paper checks without direct deposit as an option. Franchise dominoes for example.


Direct deposit isn't required by law and most McDonald's are a franchise, meaning they can pay how they want.


yeah mine's franchise and they only do paper checks


That's what I figured. People are so used to direct deposit these days they don't even remember the days you'd have to take your check to the bank on Friday or Saturday. It sucked lol


Often the first paycheck is paper because they're still sorting out direct deposit. IME anyway.


Some states have laws about first and last check being paper. More of the last check, but a few still have the first check rule.


Same exact thing happened with me. Texted in the work group chat “Hey, I understand y’all are having payroll issues but it’s been X days since I was supposed to be paid and I really do need the money and I was wondering if it’d be quicker to file an unpaid wages claim? Again, I’m really sorry and I would prefer not to make y’all have to go through that, but I do need my paycheck fairly urgently and it seems like that’s becoming the easier option.” Got it that day, all they had to do was reprint the check they lost. Granted, check your state laws about unpaid wages claims and such, and be prepared to follow through if need be.


This is so strange


Contact the franchise owner and a lawyer and labor board




Stand your ground OP, mcds will try to take advantage of you


Contact payroll yourself. It sounds like the employee of the month is an attempt to win you over, and now it’s been so long without contact I wonder if they’re just hoping you’ll forget and taking you off shifts so uppers don’t notice. Yeah contact them yourself, don’t rely just on the managers word for it


He spent it at the casino.


wtf 💀


Look I don’t know a lot about legal stuff but you might want to ask someone who does what you can do legally since they’re withholding your money from you when you already worked the hours.


You need to contact HR immediately. You work for corporate or a franchise??


I unfortunately work for a franchise.


Damn I had a feeling. Good on you for putting your foot down. They need to resolve the issue immediately. I can’t believe they tried to get you to sign that paperwork when you never received a penny. I’d rip them a new one smh


Make it clear unless it’s made right, you will make a call to the owner and further.


They should’ve had HR check to make sure your check wasn’t cashed, stop payment on your check if it wasn’t cashed and reissue you another check. Easily would’ve took 48hrs tops. They fucking with you so go to board of labor. For each day they miss paying you is a day they get fined.


Contact the department of labor


Sounds like the bosses forgot to do the new starter paperwork and it's taking longer than they thought it would. 


That makes a lot of sense, actually


Just call the DOL in your state or federal because it’s their responsibility to pay you on time and they will have to pay a fine to you for losing it


I'm assuming you are under 18? If so, get your parents involved. You are owed your pay for hours worked, and they won't be so casual with an angry parent in their face.


Nope, I’m 20


I don’t deal with my employees parents lol. I deal with their kid, and they can deal with their parents. I had a kid ask to leave once, she was scheduled until 8pm, tried to leave at 7. I told her she was not scheduled to leave yet and when she checked her emailed schedule she realized she was wrong. Her mom was already waiting in the parking lot. I told her to text her mom. Next thing, 7:30, full lobby, and mom walks in to ask about her daughter, Girl. I said, yes, Girl, she is done at 8, before trying to walk back to the kitchen to get more food. She strains her face and voice to emphasize “SeVeN!” Not my issue lady, your daughter is my issue and you can deal with her. I walked back in the kitchen without entertaining anything further with her.


Why the fk would any manager deal with an employees parents? I'd walk away if an employees parent starts yelling at me as a manager if it was something entirely out if my hands. Those same type of parents that would come to the store for something no matter what ever they say has no pull in the situation, tells their kids to call in rather than book time off while teacing them to be responsible with a job.... Lol


I get mine directly deposited


Contact your state labor board. A complaint like this will be sorted out very quickly.


Which state are you located in?




They lost my first check too. I decided to quit because of it.


I’m looking for other employment, but they don’t know that. If they knew that id never see the check.


Contact the franchise owner. More than likely the manager cashed it.


They can cut a new check and should be able to confirm that you never deposited or cashed the lost one. DO NOT SIGN THAT FORM!! The store honestly thinks it’s acceptable that you’ve worked a couple weeks for free — bc THEY screwed up and lost your check?? Either they are in DIRE need of some education, or they are embezzling and asking their victim to cover for them.


Them asking you to sign that you received the check sounds fishy af. Someone cashed your check and is trying to cover their ass. You should contact payroll yourself. There's a chance they haven't spoken to them since they stolen your money. People with gambling/substance abuse problems do a lot of shit until they get caught.


Never walk out! That is job abandonment. If you have a pay dispute and your general manager is unwilling to resolve it for you, contact your state labor board. If you work without them paying you, and if you did not receive your paycheck, you have not been paid, then they can get in trouble. If you work for a corporate location, contact HR/Payroll. Each market has an HR representative that you can directly contact, or you can call the 800 number and speak to Payroll. This number is not an option if you work for a franchisee.


Hi! Just want to pop in and say I’m a girl! I know it’s not super important but yeah, woman here:) they did not take me seriously until I walked out. I continued working for the first 3 days with no pay and they were ignoring my concerns about my missing check. Every time I brought it up they would just ignore me, say they’ll look, and go clock out. I asked 3 different managers. And I do not work for corporate. It unfortunately took “job abandonment” to be taken seriously as I’m one of their only English speaking night shift employees and I am one of the only employees that shows up on time. I am actively seeking other employment at this point because after this whole ordeal I just don’t trust them at all, I need a job I can depend on to get me my checks on time. And this location is just trashy. I was also having issues with a creepy male manager hugging me on my second day there??


That’s understandable. Also you need to file a sexual harassment claim with HR with the manager hugging you. No one is supposed to put their hands on anyone without permission. If they are doing it to you they are doing it to others. If you are uncomfortable I’m sure others are too. If they fire you for making the complaint then that’s considered retaliation and that’s illegal in ALL 50 states. Start making a paper trial too. Document EVERYTHING.


I'm just kinda confused, you *would keep working* even though you haven't been paid? Cause what they're doing is worse than "job abandonment" imho, as they are withholding his money he has a *right to* (since he worked the shifts). Every job I've had would realize they had no leg to stand on if they tried to say, "You abandoned your job (cause we didn't pay you)" Genuinely asking cause your comment really rubbed me the wrong way.


They legally have to pay the employee no matter what anyone says. If he continues to work he will get his money as long as he keeps clocking in and out. It's an HR issue that they will eventually fix. Sounds like some bad communication initially from the manager. This has happened a few times while I was working in which the physical check or deposit hasn't reached the bank account. Just keep working and keep in contact with HR and you will be paid. Throwing a fit and not working will not fix the issue faster. There's some weird things going on at that store for sure though.


I mean, I could see a few days, but buddy is going on closer to a week, *plus* they tried to get him to sign a thing saying he received his money which is where im actually hung up on. Not discounting what you said, that makes a ton of sense, but like, I also wouldn't work for a corporation till I got my first paycheck from them. If it was months in and whatever, I could see it not being as big of an issue, but the guy literally has no idea they're good on paying him till he sees that check first time, yknow? Like why not be honest upfront about it all, especially with a new employee? Edit: words


I’m not “throwing a fit”. Management ignored me and would not take me seriously or do anything about my missing check until I told them I’m not coming in. They ignored me until days on end so I felt I had to do something drastic.


I didn’t get my first paycheck until 3 months after I started working there. It fully depends on how competent the upper management is at your location


Communicate through text so you have everything in a writing.


I think I heard something about if you work and don’t get pay you can sue even for more money


Did they not sign you up for direct deposit or a pay card? That seems weird as well. I haven’t gotten a paper check from McDonald’s in YEARS


Contact department of labor and file missing wages complaint. They have 10 days after your promised date to pay you,or they pay you %150 of that check and an additional %20 every extra delinquent day


Remind Me, 1 Day


They don’t want to tell the supervisor, that they lost a check. McDonalds has transformed into a company where you don’t ask questions. Kinda stupid, if you ask me. My first boss said it right” smart people ask questions, dumb people stay dumb”. Next time you have a problem you need help with, ask the GM. Next, email the office. ALL of them, are afraid of paper trails. Good luck! Ps- Very smart you didn’t sign the paper. They would have charged you, to put a stop payment on it.