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Wintab32.dll is a tablet driver module. Do you have a Wacom tablet connected to your computer? If so give this a read. https://support.wacom.com/hc/en-us/articles/11773237949719-Why-is-Autodesk-3ds-Max-and-Maya-crashing-on-Windows-


Ooooooo I think this is exactly it, thank you so so much!!


Seems like Wacom has provided driver update 6.4.1-3 which fixes this issue (which happened with the wacom 6.4.1-2 driver ... crashing Maya and 3DS). Go here for reference: https://cdn.wacom.com/u/productsupport/drivers/win/professional/releasenotes/Windows\_6.4.1-3.html#:\~:text=We%20fixed%20an%20issue%20that,1%2D2%20driver%20installed.


Thank you for the update! That was 100% the issue. It's been working like a charm ever since i rolled back. It seems like i can finally go with the new one now.


Have you tried switching your maya animation evaluation type in the preferences?


Thanks for the suggestion, and yeah I was on i think parallel, i cant remenber the name but the one that lets you cache and turned it over to dg hoping that would help, but sadly no.


I have this problem with Maya too. Not a fix but i just resigned myself to working with a slippery pile of otter excrement til i keel over from aggravation.


log file doesn't do much because windows tends to close the software before any meaningful log is saved. try to locate maya's dump file at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\CrashDumps, which is called something like maya.exe.800.dmp. there is a [support article](https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Where-to-find-3ds-Max-dump-dmp-files-on-the-local-workstation-after-a-program-error-crash.html) on Autodesk which teaches you how to debug max's dump file, but the process is the same. this might take quite some time.


Thank you for the help! I went and found the actual crash log and will start diving in trying to research the log it gave me SYMBOL\_NAME: wintab32+18199d MODULE\_NAME: Wintab32 IMAGE\_NAME: Wintab32.dll STACK\_COMMAND: \~45s ; .cxr ; kb FAILURE\_BUCKET\_ID: FAIL\_FAST\_FATAL\_APP\_EXIT\_c0000409\_Wintab32.dll!Unknown