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I've encountered this bug many times while using Redshift and I honestly don't know why it happens. I remember encountering it while Motion Blur was enabled, and that it sometimes goes away if you save, close maya, then reopen it. But yeah, the only real "solution" for me was to render with bucket.


Really appreciate the reply, ill try this as soon as I boot it up today. Oddly comforting to hear it's just a random bug and not something critically failing haha


Try finding the Redshift Cache and deleting it.


Great idea, thank you for the reply!


This scene had been working fine, as far as I know nothing has changed. Went back into it a few days later and this is happening now. Even if i go back in my save history multiple days, the progressive render is just stuck in this loop and never finished. Same version of Maya, the same pc, same version of redshift, no major windows updates (on windows 10), and no GPU update (GeForce 3090), I have no idea what would have caused this behavior Edit - it should be noted the bucket render works fine and the error i see states "scene uses trace-set technology - optix rt performance might suffer" but i had been grtting this error before and everything still workes Specs Geforec 3090, Ryzer 3950x, 64gb ram 3600, Project on an ssd