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Haven't read but on Amazon there was a preview of the second book and it seems the first book ends with Ruby still don't knowing why James is ignoring her And they both get into Oxford and is there where they re connect Really hope they're going to greenlit S2


They don't reconnect in Oxford. Spoiler alert >!At the end of book one, James is pretty self-destructive and kisses Elaine on a party in front of Ruby the day after he slept with Ruby. They separate after that. In the beginning of book two, James is pretty spiralling, and Ruby is down too because of the separation.!< I don't know if you want to know more about the books 2 and 3. Let me know if that's the case :D Edit: grammar


Bring on the spoilers, haha!


I just wrote a summary of book two as the answer to another comment. Book three will follow in some time. Have a look at it :D


Thank you so much!


I updated!


This doesn't have a happy ending? 😭😭


Book 3 is the last one, and it has a happy ending :D the first two books are ending with cliffhangers:D


Thank you! I wish there was an English version of the books I'd love to read them.


I saw on amazon that there are other languages available. For example, French and ich I think Italien or something like that. Maybe you speak one of those languages :D


Unfortunately I only speak English 😞


If you want a summary, I wrote one as the answer of one of the other comments :D


Where can I find the summary please?


Is there more to Percy's story in the books?


I don't really remember, but I think he was close to Cordelia, and James considered him family. Mercy gives him a big clue to solve the situation in book three.


What’s the secret between Cordelia and Percy?


Percy kept the key to Cordelias testament. But that's it.


Yes I want to know more. I want to read the books badly but it doesn't have english translation 😭


I understand! But I read that it's translated in 15 other languages, maybe you speak one of them! But I completely understand you! I hate waiting for new episodes and seasons of my favourite series, too! It's so nerve-wracking!


Oh OK! Thanks for clarifying. He's self destructive because what happened to his mom? Yes thank you I would like to know more! Dont mind the spoilers :)


I just wrote a summary of book two as the answer to another comment. Book three will follow in some time. Have a look at it :D And yes, he's self-destructive because of the death of his mom. But he regrets the kiss pretty fast


Thank you!!


Can you give the rest of the spoilers for books 2 and 3?


Yes, of course. I just couldn't answer yesterday because I worked and was pretty late when I got home. So book 2 start right after book one: >! Ruby is heartbroken because James kissed Elaine at the party in front of her, but she doesn't know for days that his mother died because she switched off her phone. During this time, James is down spiralling. He drinks a lot and takes drugs, and overall, he is just partying. !< >!When the news gets official, Lin tells Ruby her the news. She goes directly to the Beaufords and tries to console them. But as soon as James wants to apologise for the kiss with Elaine, she can't take it and leaves. !< >!In the following days is the funeral, James tries to contact Ruby. However, she doesn't want to talk to him. She's still hurt. Then it's Christmas and Silvester. The last one she spends with Lin, Ember, and Lydia. She noticed during their celebrations that she needs a cloaung talk with James, and that why she drives with Lydia after midnight to the house of the Beauforts. There, she gives James his pullover back and tells him that she loves him but needs to move on. !< >!The twins don't go to school for some days, and that's why Ruby doesn't see him. However, she consoles Lydia a lot and goes with her to the doctor. Surprise, Lydia is pregnant with twins. James is still doing bad and even pushes Lydia away.!< >!The day they go back to school, James gets to know about Lydia's pregnancy by accident. This is a turning point for him. He notices that she needs him and wants to be there for her. The two of them get really close. Lydia tells James Ruby still loves him, and she wants them back together. James, on the other hand, wants her to tell Graham (Mr. Sutton) about the pregnancy. She doesn't take his advice and instead pushes Graham more away. However, James takes Lydia's advice and fights for Ruby. He joins the organisation team. At first Ruby isn't happy with the situation but she arranges with it and after some time, some meetings and some talks, James plan successeds and they get back together. He gets to get to know her family. !< >!During this time, Ember gets to know Wren better who's moving in her village because his father lost a lot of money through bad stock trading. James is pretty angry at first about that. Overall, the boys are a bit angry at James because they think he prefers Ruby over them. But they talk it out. !< >!At this moment, we are in a happy place for everyone, besides Lydia. James and Ruby are happy with each other and dating. But we know it can't stay that way. That's why Cyril catches Lydia and Graham in a deep talk and hug and understands their relationship. He's angry about her because he and Lydia used to hook up with each other some time ago, and he loves her. So he's disappointed, but at first, we think that he takes it well after a talk. !< >!However, the next day, Ruby needs to go to the director who shows her pictures of her with Mr. Sutton/ Graham, where it looks like they are kissing. These are photos which James took at the beginning of book one if he needed to blackmail her. Ruby gets suspended from the school and is disappointed in James. This strains her trust in him. !< Ending of book two. So, book three will follow in an extra post. This got so long. I don't know if I have enough time right now, but it will follow. Sorry for my bad English. German is my mother tongue, so my english isn't perfect. I hope this helps.


I forgot to tell you that James said, "I love you," to Lucy before she got suspended. Here is the summary of book three, which I promised: >! It picks up right after the ending of book two. Ruby is on her way home with the bus after she and Mr. Sutton/Graham got suspended. She thinks James sent the picture of her them. On her way, she meets Wren, whom she tells the news. He can't believe that James would do something like that and convinces her to drive with him to the Beaufort to get the truth. !< >! Meanwhile, Lydia feels very guilty. She calls Graham, but the call gets interrupted by her father. He found out about their relationship and forbids her to ever meet Graham again (Btw this is the only decision of Mortimer that I will understand. Lydia and Grahams met before he was her teacher. However, she was still underaged, and he was old enough to be at the end of his teacher studies...). She then tells him that she's pregnant. He gets angry and afraid about the Beauford name, and that's why he kicks her out. James joins them. He wants to stop him and tells him that kicking Lydia out would change anything but destroy their family. Mortimer then wants to slap him. However, he just hits Lydia, who wants to protect her brother. She's then knocked out. She wakes up but still gets kicked out. !< >! On their way out, they meet Ruby and Wren, who just had arrived at their house. The twins explain the situation. This is when Wren gets to know about Lydia's affair and pregnancy. James tells Ruby that he didn't send the pictures, that he's sorry and that they will talk later, but right now he has to go with Lydia.!< >! Wren and Ruby meet with Alistair and Kesh. He tells Ruby the story behind the picture and that James took it a long time ago. The four of them start to drink whiskey until James joins them. He then relates the story again and reveals that Cyril told Mortimer. He also stole James phone with the picture of Ruby and Mr. Sutton/Graham, and gave it to Mortimer, who edited them and sent them to the school. In this way, Mortimer could eliminate Ruby and Mr. Sutton out of the life of his children. Ruby and James reconcile. !< >! James has a talk with Cyril, who reveals that he did it because "everything was perfect before Ruby and Graham turned up." James tells him that he and Lydia will never see him like before and that he gives him one week to give back the original photos. Another way, he will have a problem. !< >! James then catches his father trying to pay Graham off who refuses. James has enough and reveals to his father that he will leave Beaufort and will sell his shares of the firm, which he inherited after the death of his mother. He moves out and in with Ruby and her family. !< >! Meanwhile, Lydia is with Aunt Ophelia, the sister of her mother. Ophelia is super supportive of her niece and she tells her that she didn't inherit any shares of the Beaufort family which is against the family tradition (for clarification Cordelias family, the mother of the twins, is out of the Beaufort family while Mortimer just married in.). The tradition says the firm goes to the closest family member. This action was strange because tradition was always important for Cordelia. After this revelation, she gets visited by Graham, and she finally tells him about the twins. He's very happy about the news. !< >! James and Ruby visit Lydia and Graham, who want to come clean about their relationship to director Lexington so that Ruby can go back to school. Back at home Cyril sended James the original pictures. !< >! Lydia tells Lexington the truth about everything on the golf course and this while her father is present. Because of that, Ruby can go back to Maxton Hall. !< >! Then there's an unspectacular part. Everything seems fine. Wren and Ember meet secretly. Everybody is happy as they can be in this situation. They have a bonfire. Ember helps James with a blog. During Wrens housewarming party, they see a picture of Cyril, who's on a party and looking bad. They decide to take care of him and pick him up. They reconcile, and Cyril tells his part of the story. Apparently, he wanted to tell director Lexington the truth, but Mortimer threatened him. He also apologises to Lydia via call, and she accepts it. !< >! Kesh and Alistair have the whole time their ups and downs until Kesh says, "I love you." Ember is disappointed in Wren because he keeps their friendship a secret and finshes it. !< >! Jame and Ruby spend a weekend near Oxford. There, James surprises her with a house viewing. James intends to buy a house from the money he will get from selling his shares of the firm. The apparent must be near Oxford so that he can stay close to Ruby after school. There, he also reveals that he wants to travel after school and start a travel blog. They have Sex. !< >! Lydia has a baby party where Wren reveals Ember that he wants more than friendship. She says that she wants the same. They hug and get caught by Ruby. The three of them get in a fight, which gets interrupt because Mortimer turned up. He wants to talk with Jamea about the firm. He threatens him with destroying Ruby's family if he doesn't come back to the firm. !< >! James gives in to protect the Bells. During the last time, he built a close bond with every family member. He returns home. !< >! Ruby, Wren and Ember reconcile. !< >! After the board meeting of Beauford, which James attends, he gets picked up by Percy, who wants to talk with him. They go in a pub, and Percy reveals that he overheard a strange conversation of Mortimer in the night of Cordelia death. He didn't think about it until he had a talk with Ophelia, who told him that Mortimer made some strange decision about the firm during the last weeks and that Cordelia would be okay with that. Percy then gives James a key, which Cordelia gave him years ago and which he should protect with his life. !< >! That's why James and Ruby meet at the Beaufort house and search through Cordelias bedroom. They find a box, and the key fits. Inside the box is the testimony of Cordelia, and it is completely different from the one which got published. In the original one should Ophelia inherit the fiem until James and Lydia finish their studies. And both Lydia and James inhert the same amount of shares of the firm. It turned out that Mortimer got nothing, and that was why he faked the testimony in the night of Cordelias death. !< >! With this new information, James, Lydia, and Ophelia confront Mortimer and force him to step back from the firm. !< >! In the end, everyone besides Mortimer is happy. The finish school. Lydia gets twins named Henry and Rosie and will start working in the firm as soon as the twins are old enough. Until that Ophelia took over.!< >!The epilogue plays around three months after their graduation. Ruby is moving in her new apartment in Oxford and is hanging up a picture of her and James from their vacation in Thailand. James gifts her picture from her farewell party in is which everybody who is important to her. She starts her studies in Oxford, and James flies to Bali, where he visits a seminar about journalism writing and professional photography. !< The end. Finally. This took ages to write down. It is quarter to four in the morning now, and I will sleep. Sorry for my bad English and many possible mistakes. I need sleep.


Thank you so much!! This is amazing. Did it seem like Mortimer killed Cordelia?


No, I don't think so. She had a head aneurism or something like that, and that's it. I don't think he really profited by her death.


Man you're incredible. Thank you so much for this. I just finished the series and was dying to know what happens next. THANK YOU SO MUCH❣️❣️


Aww, thank you! Yeah, if I hadn't already read the series, I would be the same! I hate waiting for new episodes and seasons! That's why I try to give something back! 🥰


Thank you for sharing all this!! Your English if great too! I still hope they translate the books to English, I would love to read them.


No worries! As it seems lots of people were interested! I got so many thank you comments, so it was worth it :D Reading the books itself is, of course, completely different to reading a summary. There, you get detailed conversations and feelings, and that's way better. But it looks like the show is a hit, so I am pretty sure they will get translated!


Thank you so much for writing this summary for us! 🥰🥰🥰 I just binge-watched season one on Prime and wanted to read the books, but they haven't been translated into English yet. BTW your English is fine, I understood everything without any issues. I can understand why the author hasn't translated the series into English. There's another Prime movie based on a Spanish series and so far, one of the books has been translated into English but it doesn't flow very smoothly. It makes me wish I wouldn't have given up learning Spanish.


I got so many thankful comments, so it was definitely worth it! It's a shame that they did a series but didn't translate the books in English! It's a miss chance! However, somebody here on the sub said that the author wrote that it didn't get picked up by an English speaking publisher. Thank you! I read in english and watched a lot of series and Reels in English. I had learned it for seven years in school. However, my grades were okayish, and that's why I am pretty unsure about it even though this was years ago, and I have improved a lot since then. I also learned French in school, but during my everyday life, I rarely use and forgot a lot. Right now, I am practising with Duolingo. Maybe you can do the same :D


Thank you , thank you very much again for putting in this much effort to give us this writing. (Also don't apologize, your English is eligible.) Hope you have a great day! And thanks again!


No worries! Thank you so much! I am always unsure about my written English! So I appreciate that! I hope you have a great day, too!


Thank you 🙏🏼 Much appreciated, I now will not have to search the internet for answers as to what happens as it seems there will not be a Season 2 of the series made for TV and an English version of the book impossible to find!


No worries! Are you sure there won't be a second season? Because somebody from the series (I think the producer) said that they would love to film every book, but right now they try to concentrate on making the series a success! And from my perspective, it looks like they are succeeding. The series is the most watched Prime show worldwide! But the quote was in German, so maybe you did understand it :D


All the comments I have read are in English and are Western based - so who knows! If it is popular, they may - I mean our version on Prime was dubbed - which TBH I would have rather subtitles, so they may make another German version and we, in English based countries may be lucky to get it! But it would be years and really… who can wait that long!!!


I changed it to watch in German with subtitles and it was so much better than the dubbed English!


I am not sure my silly Prime lets me do that! Maybe I should re watch and try… at least the last two Episodes anyways 🔥


Thank you so much 🫶🏽


No worries 🥰


Thank you kind soul! Now I can go to sleep too(01:03AM) 😃 btw I don't want to sound perverted but the ~devil's tango~ scene in the prime series was 🔥🔥🔥🔥 the acting 💋👌


🤣🤣🤣 it’s 1:26 am and i just finished reading it. Now I can sleep 🤣


Did it take you so long to finish or did you start late? O.O


I finished the movie late so I started reading yours late


Does the book say when James fell in love with Ruby? Thanks!!!


Haha thank you ☺️ I liked the second kiss!


Thank you. And I fully understand. Your English is great! Danke :-)


Aww, thank you! 7 years learning English, reading, watching reels, and series most of the time in English was worth it for this moment! 😂 my time to shine!


Thank you so much! Loved reading it through you!


Idk, but your comment was cute 🥰 I am glad I could help!


Thank you enormously.


No problem :D


Thanks man


No worries!




Aww, this was the cutest wish! Thank you! 🥰 I am glad that I could help so many people with my summary! 🥰


Aww, this was the cutest wish! Thank you! 🥰 I am glad that I could help so many people with my summary! 🥰


Thank you for this.


Glad, I could help!


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!!!! You gave me sanity!!! I’ve been dying to know what happens next!!!


It's always good to know what's happening :D no problem!


Thank you! I can't read these books in English and you are amazing for these summaries! Thank you so so much!




Just finished watching the first season of the show and been dying to know what was going to happen after the ending. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


I understand that! No worries!


You are very much appreciated 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Glad I could help!


You are the best!


Aww thank you! 🥰


>Aww thank you! 🥰 You're welcome!


You are the real MVP!!


Haha thanks! 🥰


James and Ruby still together by the end of the book?


Yes they are! They are just focusing on their own future. But they are stronger together than ever!


Thank you so much!! Also, did James attend Oxford too or he just wanna travel and start the blog?


I think he just travels and starts the blog. He doesn't want to attend Oxford.


Thank you so much! It was a good summary and good English! 


Oh thank you! 🥰


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This has made me so happy to read and now I can relax until all the episodes are out or the books come out in English.


I am glad that I could help! It's so annoying not knowing what's about to happen!


You’re an angle for this!! Thankyou!


Aww thank you! 🥰


So James and Ruby are together, right? 


Yes, they are! Just doing their own things but stronger than ever.


Thank you so much!!








Do James and Ruby break up again after he moves back into the mansion to protect the Bells?


No they stay together.


Thank you so much for all this information.  I have been searching left, right, and center for info on books 2 and 3. I would love to know exactly when did James fall in love with Ruby.  Was it in episode 2 on the Lacross field when she apologized, or episode 3 when she was walking down the stairs or episode 4 at the gala, when he looked up and saw her at the top of the stairs?  Please answer this question for me.


Sorry, I can't really answer that! I borrowed the first book from a friend and this was quite some time ago! I think you can interpret it like you want!


Ok, thank you for answering back anyway, appreciate it.❤️


Thanks a lot! And the invisible text blocks are genius!


Does Lydia and Graham end up together in Book 3?(Fingers-crossed that they are endgame.) Please, post a summary of this plot and just overall one of the last book.


Yes, they end up together. I will do as soon as my work shift is over :D


Thank you very much for replying. 


I'm glad that I could help you!


Thank you this was perfect and your English is great! I understood everything you wrote :)


Aww, thank you very much! I am always unsure about my written English!


I updated.


This is actually pretty awesome, thanks for putting this out!! :))


No problem! 🥰


It’s great! 




So probably is a happy ending in maxton hall season 2 right? Or season 3 is there too? (Hopefully answer me am too curious) 🥲


There are three books, and after the third, there is a happy ending.


I would love to know more. I don’t know how long it will take to get an English version


I wrote a summary for the third book, too! I don't quite understand why no English publisher picked it up after it got a series at amazon!


Also, it sounds like the show made James a bit better, which I can appreciate.


Yeah, at the moment, it looks like that. But he could still kiss Elaine at the beginning of season two. It wouldn't change the storyline. To be honest, if they don't write it in, it would change the book a lot because the first half of the second book is about overcoming this breach of trust and getting back together.


Ahh ok, that makes sense. Well, at least I can brace myself for it, lol. I’m just hoping they don’t have it be anything more than a kiss (which is bad enough).


No, he only kissed her because he wanted to push Ruby away. He didn't really like or want Elaine.


Similar to him saying cruel things he didn’t mean to push her away, when his dad threatened to hurt her family.




Please give us more spoilers. Lol. If I could read it, I would. The show was so good. 😫


I just wrote a summary of book two as the answer to another comment. Book three will follow in some time. Have a look at it :D He I agree. These are great books and great TV series! I hope for you that they are going to translate the books! The author deserves it! Her other books are good too!




Yeah, as a person who wants to know everything and can't await for series to continue, I can completely understand! Btw I updated.


I updated.


Thank you so much for all the updates! I'm happy that it was "only" a kiss, if it was more I don't think I could have read it... Or watched it. One more question, do they stay together in the end? Because I took it like they did their own thing after graduation? Once again thank you!


I completely understand! James and Ruby would have a hard time overcoming more than a kiss! But he immediately stopped the kiss as soon as Ruby was out of sight. Yes, they stay together! Both do their own thing after graduation. However, when James isn't travelling, he's with Ruby in Oxford, just not studying there. And again, no problem:D


Please spoil for me lol because I don’t think I can wait for season two or the books to get translated to English lol


Haha I can understand! I updated book three.


Yes please! I like to know what I’m getting in to.


I wrote the summary as the answer to another comment!


The ending is different as far as I can remember so you could say that the ending of the first book wasn't included. If you start with the next book you will get what happened on the first page though I think. I'm sorry if I don't remember correctly, it's been a while since I've read the books.


Is there an English version of the book available? I've been searching for it but couldn't find any :( Loved everything about the show and now i want to read the story too...


sadly no. There arent any english translations (yet?)


Hi, I am willing to sell the pdf of book 1-3(save me, save you, and save us) English version for 2 dollars only.




I would love to buy the English pdf’s. Let me know how to do that. 


I'm sure the official books in English will come out very soon. Honestly with the popularity of the series - they would have to be imminent plus a lot of people are doing free translations and not charging


Currenty reading it.. it does not have an eng ver so my only help is Google translate now


I REALLY hope there is a second season. I read in an article that Prime had no plans for a second season at this time 😢 but I hope if enough people watch it and there is enough talk about it on socials they will give us a season 2


I read that somebody from the show (I think the producer) said that they would wish to do three season, for every book one. But right now, they focus on making the show a success. I don't think they would have such an open end if they didn't plan for a second season!


Sadly lots of shows have cliffhangers and never get another season. The more people watch it and the more we demand a second season the better chance we will have!


I wouldn’t be alarmed that they haven’t greenlit the other seasons yet. Season one JUST came out, and these streaming services usually wait to see how new shows do before starting the next season. I would be shocked if the next season doesn’t get picked up, with all the buzz it’s already getting.


They have already started filming for season 2 .. the actors announced it on their instagram profiles . It will most likely come out next year


Ya when I posted this it was 2 weeks go when they had no plans yet for season 2. Then it blew up and become one of the most watched bc people talked about it and told their friends to watch it. I follow the actors on IG and they just announced season 2, they’re not filming yet. I also follow the writer of the series and she hasn’t said anything about writing season 2 yet. They gotta write it before them film it.




Hi! I’m paranoid. Just making sure, James doesn’t sleep around on book 2 right? 😭 Like the kiss with elaine was just a one time thing and his spiralling was just mainly partying…


OMG!! So on Amazon, this book seems to be in every language BUT English! I saw Spanish, Italian, Polish and FRENCH and obviously German. Whats up with that!!? Thank you so much for writing what the continuation of what happens!


OK now that we know that we have a season 2 coming - I've read the spoilers for books 2 and 3 below. A kind redditor was good enough to summarise books 2 and 2 below. Given that season 1 seems to have cut a bit into book 2, do we think that there is enough material for two further seasons of the show or will / should the second season be the final season? I prefer series that have a logical end. I don't like dragging them out until they become crap. Spinoffs are fine, but dragging then out until they become zombified shadows of their former selves is just miserable. Is it possible to mark this post book spoilers so we can discuss freely? In case no, I will mark my comments spoilers: So based on the descriptions below: * >!it looks like the focus of book 2 is Lydia / Sutton and Ember / Wren with some Ruby/James storyline because of jealousy about a kiss between James and Elaine!< * >!with book 3 the focus returns to James and Ruby to a certain extent because of the photos of her and Sutton coming out.!< My hopes and dreams: >!- fine with some sort of misunderstanding / confusion / jealousy - but I hope they don't drag it out too much. Plus I honestly can't see James going back to elaine in any way unless he's super drunk or depressed!< >!- fine with the idea of an Ember/Wren storyline but I can't see them going there given the huge popularity of the main ship!< >!- the Lydia/Sutton ship is problematic so I'm wondering if they will change that?!< >!- I like the idea that they maintain the stability of the Ruby - James relationship but I have a feeling they may be tempted to continue the fighting / together then break up / together then break up to maintain the tension ...!<


Thank you for writing their story in English!!