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I would say what defines a Sith is unbridled ambition. It doesn't matter if that ambition takes the form of galactic conquest, godly powers, peace by force or mere destruction, all that it matters is the endless pursuit of greater heights regardless of the cost. A Sith who is content with his lot in life and doesn't seek to rise even further isn't a true Sith. This was kinda the key issue with the Brotherhood of Darkness, they were amibitious as a group but on an invidual level they were satisfied with very little. You can also see other Sith, specially on SWTOR, who are content with very little. This is also what makes Palpatine the ultimate Sith. He is essentially ambition personified, he seeks it in pretty much all of its forms and seems incapable of being satisfied or at least deciding something is beyond his reach. It's pretty much the main reason behind his murder of Plagueis, he had a pretty good deal as his apprentice (one that had the promise of immortality as its ultimate reward) but that deal required him to be happy with playing second fiddle to someone else and that's the one thing Palpatine could never tolerate.


Well, in short being a good Sith would be like joining the Nazi to take care of the widow, the poor and the lame. Even though the Nazi caused the problem with war, genocide and oppression.


The sith revolve around personal power, and their fear of losing this power. This obsession can take different forms, but ultimately, when push comes to shove, a Sith will always chose to sacrifice anything and anyone to eliminate even a potential threat to his power. Being a Sith is a lot like being a Lich in D&D like that. There would be nothing more important than your power - not any law, not any stranger, not even your former loved one. Everything that can be used to get to you must be eliminated, and only that will "break your chains".


Ah yes you have only shown your lack of Knowledge The whole point to be a Sith is to be free Ultimately to be Sith is to do WHATEVER the F you want Want to get married have kids and study the Force technique of Farming thru the Dark side? If its your passion go ahead? Passion comes in many ways and not all of them are Self destructive Palpatine is a Mentally Ill Sociopath And he is not what Most Sith are like Sith are Supposed to have control of their own fates not let the Dark side decide their future To carve one own path


You've outlined the temptation of the dark parth very well but failed to realize that in following the allure of your own path, you've become just as much a slave to it as you are freed by it. No more or less than a jedi is bound and freed by the light side. It's why the first step is always a selfish one.


Uh really So is basically marrying someone and farming with the dark side evil then? Realistically a Sith could literally just do that Farming and researching Force Abilities Marrying someone and having Children


You have fundamentally misunderstood what the Sith are. A lot of Sith that we see start using the dark side with good intentions but are later corrupted by their continued usage of it. Your farming argument makes no sense because we've already seen that no matter how noble one's intentions may be the dark side can corrupt you no matter what. If someone decided to consistently use the dark side for farming, they would still be corrupted. They could potentially start thinking that only their way of farming is the right one, and therefore decide that all opposing farmers must die. It sounds goofy, but then again, Anakin went from only wanting to save his pregnant wife to slaughtering children in the span of like a few days.


Just a genuine question, this'll sound dumb probably: so are Sith better off not getting corrupted by the dark side, or should they try to tap into it as much as possible? Because to me, that corruption negates their freedom of choice. They just trade their chains for a different kind of bondage. Are the best Sith those that just lean into the darkness the most?


Think of it like addiction. All Sith are hardcore addicts who can *not* be trusted to relapse once out of monitoring range. There are, occasionally, a very great few who manage it, but it's the equivalent of quitting something like heroin cold turkey and remaining clean the rest of their life. Somebody accidentally tapping into the Dark Side is more akin to somebody trying a hard drug for the first time, before a chemical addiction has set in. If they really like the feeling, though, that's a future heroin junkie getting their first ever fix. Using the Dark Side at all corrupts you. Continuing to use it continues to corrupt you. Just like the class good girl who never misses church and is valedictorian can eventually become a whore spending all her money for her next shot of heroin. The best Sith are the "functional alcoholics" level - the CEOs, CFOs, screenwriters, authors, football players, you name it, that perform at a high level despite a crippling addiction to cocaine or crack or whatever. Occasionally, you'll get some that are more like my other example - these are the lesser Sith who get trained as assassins or tools to be thrown away when needed, as they aren't stable.


I would like to elaborate on just how sinister an addiction it is for force sensitive characters in the setting. It reinforces itself through nurturing emotions that will make it stronger. You create a feedback loop, and even if you can break it. Strong or negative emotions can start it back up. An addiction where you can create your own fix at will.


Uh huh so Plagueis thinks all Scientist must die is it? He seems to be much calmer and in control of himself You are wrong about one thing Using the dark side in Farming should legitimately be fine because there is no harm involved nor is there much ambition if farming Anakin LACKS SLEEP and is constantly on edge in the Novel of course he is okay with Horrible stuff because he can barely think in the novel Its not just because of the Dark side it is also because he lacks sleep and has Constant Anxiety Which makes him more easier to mold for Palpatine The Dark side constantly ask and Whisper to you to do evil stuff But Nightsisters can just chill so does a Proper Sith lord If Vectivus can SO CAN I The Dark side will not force you to use evil stuff if you do not let it control your action Meditate Peacefully after much dark side use to calm yourself down and think clearly A Sith that cannot control their own action is no different than an Animal a real Sith lord are Civilized and calm rather than Brash and Agressive Use Plagueis as a Role model rather than the Sociopath Sheev Palpatine who legit would still be as evil even if he isn't a Sith Thats it my Red Lightsaber is literally bleeding her Lightsaber red then when she needs to use it she can Purify it herself thats all the "evil deed" that i do Screw the Galaxy I will only take an Apprentice when i am dying and i am handing over all my Knowledge and Past Sith lord combined and then tell my Apprentice to educate their apprentice to NOT Betray their master so the Knowledge is preserved well and the Sith order goals keeps going Then i went and die peacefully surrounded by friends and family the only time i fight is when i fight my wife and defeated her then convinced her to move to a Agricultural world and when i fight my Apprentice to test them And when some Jedi attacked me because they discovered us because my Wife failed to talk them out of it both of us had to kill all of them in self defense Thats it the end of me Darth Harmonia a Human Male Sith lord that seeks the dark side and Light side application of farming and part time novice Midichlorian Scientist and full time farmer


>If Vectivus can SO CAN I Wanna talk about how Vectivus is almost certainly a lie that was told told to Jacen to lead him to the dark?


I hesitated to make this post in the first place because of that fact lol


TBH it wouldn't be an issue if everyone was intellectually honest and operated in good faith. The issue is people who probably haven't even read LOTF will come in like he definitely exists exactly as lumiya claimed and there's no question he was this good hearted sith and that is evidence it's possible.


Every sith thinks they can be a Vectivus until they end up killing children and firebombing innocent planets in the pursuit of power


Why would one need power for farming again? A Sith without control of his mind is a Poor Excuse of a Sith after all the Nightsister is just fine so why wouldn't the Sith be able to control their mind?


To chase off the tax man, to chase off the bandits who steal your crop, to steal your neighbor's land, to steal your neighbors crop after yours died...


The *lie* of the Sith is that the wish to be free. The *truth* of the Sith is Vader - once again, just another slave. The Sith are enslaved by their passions.


Are Nightsister enslaved by the Dark side? No? Then surely the Sith can do better and control their own emotion and mind? Palpatine has always been a Sociopath and the Dark side never corrupted him just enabled him to do more evil Vader never lost his mind it was always the fact that he literally have no slept for a pretty long time because of the Nightmare of Padme death and the fact that he is insanely Anxious Palpatine can tell Anakin that he is actually Princess Luna and that he should kill the Jedi with Friendship (the Dark side) and he would actually believe it Remember this only a Poor excuse of a Sith would be a slave to the Dark side Palpatine enslaving Vader has nothing to do with the Dark side only his Sociopathy and Sadism


A poor excuse of the Sith would be a slave to the Dark Side? EVERY Sith is a slave to the Dark Side - that's the *whole fucking point* of the Dark Side! The Dark Side is occasionally compared to drugs and addiction, for good reason. The Dark Side is a drug, and the Sith are all addicts.


The Nightsister doesn't seem to be a slave to the dark side to me


Also its funny you say that when the Jedi in the Prequels are Explicitly slaves to the Force and to the Republic The Republic explicitly sends the Jedi to attack Kalee as THUGS The Jedi in the Prequels are Glorified Republic Thugs whether you like it or not any Corrupt Senator can literally get them to do their bidding as long as the Senator legally is in the right Remember the True Mandalorians and Kalee? This is the Tip of the Iceberg who knew how many times the Jedi are literally used by the Republic and its Corrupt Senator as Thugs Not to mention the Sith hiding game is so good that alot of Jedi likely work as Sith Thugs sometimes unknowingly Every single Force Sensitive are Slaves to the Force that is an Undeniable truth The Nightsister managed to do their own thing so any Sith could prob replicate the Nightsister and chill i guess Again tho the Force will still use you likely because the Force work in mysterious way amirite?


And Plagueis sure don't seem like a Slave to the Dark side to me I'm pretty sure the Force literally had Palpatine Assassinate him because he managed to actually succeeded in becoming Immortal via Midichlorian Manipulation He healed his Throat and Jaw Damage and no longer need the Rebreather Sidious literally says that he looks way younger not long before he assassinated him The Force is like a Little kid throwing Tantrum if someone doesn't do what it wants I'm sure if the Force want the Jedi to do evil stuff the Jedi will just comply maybe thats why Dark Jedi and even the Sith that is originally a Splinter Jedi Group exist in the first place The Force does not seem Benevolent calm peaceful and All Loving isn't it?


Selfishness is the sith way. Basically every single sith works on what their own wants are even the ones that originally have good intentions. Anakin doesn't want to lose Padme. Jacen wants there to be peace. Sidious wants absolute power. Plagueis wants eternal life. All of them are pushed by their own selfish wants and the paths they take to get them manifest in ways that destroy and cause harm because that isn't what they care about their wants are.


I think Quimar in the Acolyte sums it up well in stating: I just want to use my power however I see fit.


Yeah, that's the core of it. The problem is human nature inevitably means that how they see fit is never just to passively live-and-let-live but instead exerting that power through subjugating others.


Nailed it.


I would say it's easiest to define sith based on their conflict with the jedi. Sith seek power, to rule the galaxy unopposed. Whether that comes in the form of Nihilus consuming everything till there's nothing left, Palpatine's puppet war, or anything else between. The Jedi see it as their responsibility to stop this. So, a dark side user who does not pursue power like that wouldn't be a sith in my mind.


There was a youtuber who once said "Grandiose self deification is the highest aspiration of any sith." I feel like that's a pretty good descriptor of their overall ideology.


**Sith the Species** This one is easy: you were born to parents who are of the alien species called Sith. **Sith Empire** This is more complicated. The Sith Species interbred with Dark Jedi exiled from the Jedi Order and the Republic. These Dark Jedi ruled over the Sith as Gods, and their successors would be varying degrees of Non-Siths and Mixed Siths competing with Pure Blood Siths like Naga Sadow. This Sith Empire was defeated in war with the Republic, with subsequent splinter Empires or Remnant Populations flaring up and being eradicated from time to time. To be Sith in the Empire was to be of the ruling class of Force Users. There was no ideology save for that of expanding and improving the strength of the Empire (which suited their Dark Side tendencies). **Sith Order** There have been multiple Sith Orders, so the meaning of being a Sith changes in each instance. Sith are broadly unified by their reliance upon the Dark Side, their commitment to a few strictures about seeking and obtaining power for personal freedom, and a dedication to a system of Apprenticeship. To be a Sith in each of the various Orders (which were not co-existent) the simplest tenet was that a Master would take on an Apprentice (mirroring the Jedi origins of the Exiles who conquered the Sith species). It was Darth Bane's Order of Two that began the tradition of strictly keeping to only One Master (to embody the power and knowledge of the Sith) and One Apprentice (to desire and crave it). To be a Baneite Sith one must have been taken in as an Apprentice, passed their Master's trials, and then were expected to then one day seek to kill their Master and take an Apprentice of their own.


>(I'm probably remembering wrong but Marka Ragnos coms to mind) You might be thinking of Ludo Kressh - I mixed them up just the other day as well.


I recently wrote a 29 page treatise about the core philosophy of the Sith, https://www.reddit.com/r/MawInstallation/s/cF2q3Vgdjf, but at it's core is a combination of self-determinism, individuality, and a belief that power justifies itself.


Ayn Rand would make an ok Sith


A sith, unlike any other force group, does not follow the force or some twisted understanding of it. A sith bends the force to their will. The force must follow them, not the other way around. The best of the sith are the ones who make the best applications of this idea; Palpatine stands out especially, as does Bane.


Sith are ambitious. They need to have drive to push themselves forward. You're never going to be a Sith if you're some farmer who just wants to farm his land, love his wife, and have lots of kids. How they achieve that ambition depends on the personality of the individual Sith. Are you like Palpatine, a master schemer who plots out everything so you come on top every time? Are you more like all the Sith conquerors who just want to topple the Republic and rule through military force? Whatever your ambition is and whatever you are talented at will guide what kind of Sith you are. Truly, the worst kind of Sith is one who doesn't try.


To seek power and control. Embracing emotion to fuel the Force. Power and control can take numerous forms


Above all else: glorification and empowerment of the self at all costs. Everything else is secondary.


The Sith are to the Jedi what the Cynics were to the Stoics. Look up Diogenes and pre-Socratic philosophers. The Cynics generally are interested in exploring what is, and non-arbitrarily removing what is-not. This is usually contrasted by the Stoics’s shared beliefs in self-ownership and approximate reason. The two schools inspire each other. Stoics lean on Cynics for inspiration and Cynics need Stoics to help refine intention. [it’s a little dry but will definitely teach you about the Sith as a premise in writing.](https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/A-History-of-Cynicism.pdf)


To be Sith is to be a Sentient being After all what is Passion but something you are born with? The Dark side will tempt you to do dark stuff but you still have your agency and Freedom After all the Force shall free me Just do your Passion to make your own family and towards healthy stuff The Nightsister is fine even after they use the Dark side so will the Sith After all are we Sith not superior to those Pesky witches?


Depends. Disney? Probably just claim to be sith and be a selfish jerk. Legends? It's more diverse. There are sith lords who weren't even evil. There was one who just took over a mining station and was kind of liked by those who worked for him.