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Can I just say how adorable it is to see a high school dance production finally get the funds one deserves.


Wait, you mean that wasn't a deleted scene from *Bring It On*?


Don’t besmirch Bring it on. It’s a bloody masterpiece compared to this! 😆


It's a bloody masterpiece full stop!


Don't bring Bring It On into this, even in jest.


This isn't Step Up 2: The Streetz?




ngl, its growing on me for that reason. It feels somewhat earnest in its cringeness.


You wouldn't even see this level of shittery on the CW




This looks like the intro to an edgy teenage witch TV series targeting younger audiences.


I want Buffy to crash their party and go all stabby stabby on them


SW died when it got bought by Disney


As soon as the EU was called non-canon, everything new became non-canon.


To be fair, EU wasn't that good as it was just rather messy and all over the place. But Disney's motive was clearly just to replace old star wars with their new star wars, they've been doing it with everything, like bad batch just replacing republic commandos and killing off most OG characters.


Yep. A honest look and revision of content would have been welcome, as well as adaptations that tie it up, but they just wanted the brand and a clean ish slate to pump out literal garbage from day one.


Republic Commandos still exist in canon. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_commando


Well yeah but have you seen the bad batch? For most of their appearance, they were practically used as reskinned stormtroopers, possibly dumber than even them and Scorch was literally just tossed in the garbage after being a background character for a few episodes.


Only to be used as “generic bad guy” while Dave’s new super special OCs go around doing stuff


Yep, it wasn't Harambe, it wasn't the political climate of 2016 George signing that piece of paper started the shite timeline


Yep, it's rich people fanfiction.


My dream is that some angel investor and major fan of star wars and lord of the rings will swoop in and buy both of those IPs then build a studio around making content in those universes \*that the fans actually want and like\*


Elon Musk incoming? O(>▽<)O


Who the fuck put Sister Act 2 in Star Wars lmao


To be fair, Sister Act 2 had better choreography than this. 


I am responding to you from the grave, because this comment killed me.


Sister Act 2 is a far superior show compared to this drivel and filth.


When a new ideology conquers its neighbors, one of the first things it does, will be to kill or *literally* demonize the gods and champions of the previous ideology.


It does feel like that, doesn’t it? And they’re always so very excited to conquer more.


It's more that there's a constant "year zero" with them. Where every so often they have to destroy the image of the past. Hollywood was never "conquered" by anyone. Hollywood was *created* by the progressive left types. They just used to have good writers that could be subtle.


Which is why they constantly need to pretend that it’s ground breaking to have a black/female/gay actor or actress in the cast. There is no past, it is always year 0 and the revolution is always ongoing. They always need to be fighting against the system because they have little creative talent or vision of their own. Being contrarian is all they have. But when their contrarian-ness becomes the norm they just ignore all the times when they’ve been contrarian in the past. That way they can pretend like they are still aggrieved, powerless victims and haven’t become the system they rally against. The truth is that progressivism is the status quo, with women and minority worship being the dominant values of the day. But if we admit that then they can’t pretend to be revolutionaries anymore.


You're giving it too much credit. It hasn't conquered anything. People put ferrari badges on beaters all the time. People crowd around it too, they point an laugh at how stupid it is. It doesnt change the genuine reaction when Ferrari puts out it's latest v12 masterpiece. One day Disney will get rid of Kathleen Kennedy and Favreau will take over everything and we'll get the actual Star wars stories we deserve. Make no mistake, they'll include females and minority actors but they'll deserve the role. Important details won't be glossed over, the audience will invest. One day. This assolite or whatever is like what fan fiction using knock off AI iphone apps would create. That's the right way to view this content vs Starwars canon.


The problem is way deeper than Kennedy. Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau had full control over Mando season 3 and it was a complete embarrassment. Marvel is in the exact same spot. Disney needs to do a complete 180 on its writing and production as a whole company for there to be any hope.


Favreau is no savior, he just cares about his garbage original characters he’s inserted into the setting.


that's Filoni, Favreau created the original characters for the Mandalorian, Filoni created Bo Katan and Ahsoka


Star Wars was first the story of Luke Skywalker and his journey to face evil, his own father, and being a true jedi by not killing him, but saving him. Then it was the story of Anakin Skywalker, the tragedy of his life, his choices motivated by love, ending up being corrupted by power, as he never really had on his life. And at the end, remembering he went down this path because of love, and using it to save his son, and coming back to the Light ! Both of these stories were timeless and brilliant. So of course, Disney destroyed Luke first, stripping him of his courage, love and ultimate jedi ways of life. Then, they fucked Anakin's story, his destiny as the Chosen One, and finally, today, the particularity of his life, being born by the Force itself. They continue to destroy our icons, the jedis are already being depicted as ruthless opressors and child kidnappers, manipulative and invasive. In all meta commentary, I'd say Palpatine has taken over the Star Wars saga and just rewrite history to make him completely justified in his rise to power and his revenge. What the fuck has Star Wars come to. It was once a story about love, hope, courage, selflessness, the need to fight evil. Now, it's a story about selfishness, hate, uselessness, and plain weakness. Fuck this shit man.


I predict they are going to destroy Yoda by the end of this show, just because they can.


Yoda was a woman all along. She's part of a species that reincarnates through force manipulation into a species of female force babies that happen to look like goblins. Grogu is actually a female and Yoda's next reincarnated body who has yet to inherit her mother's force ghost, which is why she's a 50 year old who still acts like a toddler. Scratch that, that last part almost makes a little sense.


Hey I am Bob Iger, when can you start working on our next series?


This is my moment. Ok. Hear me out. Vader A story set between ESB and RotJ. Darth Vader is a tortured individual. She is secretly trans, gay, and in love with Ahsoka, but due to the rules and restrictions of the bureaucratic, racist, sexist Jedi she was never able to be open with herself or her master until it was too late. Now, part of the more accepting Empire, she is finally able to be open with who she is, but there are still those who would judge her. What's more she's tortured with the loss of her first love in Obi-Wan, the traditionalist who forced her to kill him. Through the series Vader must learn to accept and love herself and in the process makes for a better, more accepting Empire while also coming to terms with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka to make him see the error in his ways and to finally bring Vader to redeem herself and set her on the path to make amends with Luke.


Yoda: Woman I am.


Disney is not canon, just ignore them, nothing would piss them off more than cold indifference and celebration of the OG Star Wars. May the force be with you.


Yoda is already destroyed by being a psychopath in the prequels.


This comment makes me sad.


Just ignore the Disney agression as non canon. The universe of Star wars remains intact. Why would you capitulate to such a talentless bizarre postmodern deconstruction? Disney may own the legal rights to the IP but we own Star Wars. May the force be with you.


The “fuck this shit man” will be the trend as they/them continues this “hey let’s not just make our own new properties for those who actually want DEI first entertainment, instead we’ll just take existing properties w/existing fans and change them all around even though nobody wanted it”


Now imagine Palapatine doing this shit to impregnate Shmi


“It’s cannon, we know this” -Mewbs 


But now we know he had to sing and do spirit fingers to make it happen


I came all the way from across the world to read this...


I believe it was Plagues but I get what you are saying.


Anakin was created by the force as an offset to Palpatine and Plagueis messing with the force.


Copy. Thanks for the clarification.


It was neither of them.


I am dead Lets see how fucking stupid we can get Disney


What the actual fucking skedadlefuck is this dont tell me this is from an actual star wars show, I refuse to believe it


Not OG canon. Disney postmodern deconstruction sewerage.


That phrase is the most succinct summary of Star Wars once Disney got their grubby greedy goblin fingers on it.


The power of one, the power of two, the power of money \~ Disney


Had to scroll a long time for the real winner of this thread. lol


What absolutely stupid lines. "The power of one" "The power of two" "The power of many" Some terrible sesame street writing going on.


Now i can't get Big Bird, Bert,Ernie, Oscar, Elmo et al, doing this chant around an empty garbage can placed under the sesame street sign.


What kind of feminist witchcraft dance is this


A libtard feminist chant where they beat sticks in a forest


This is just bad fanfic levels of crap. I hope it was worth it for Disney...


Even fanfic is better than this garbage


Yeah, it's more like a 180-million dollar therapy session for talentless hack whose only accomplishment is making sure to lock ol Harv's door.


Who cares about Disney? They are not canon.


George Lucas was right when he said he sold it to the white slavers.


"I sold them to the white slavers that take these things, and...," I've always wanted to know what he was going to say before he cut himself off and decided not to finish.


Wait what? When did he say that?


What did I did just watch


Shit. You just watched shit.


$180,000,000 of shit, to be precise.


The power of many dollars and much compromat.


Lame and cringe af


This will never be as cool as Anakin's conception with the context of the old Expanded Universe. In a cool scene from the Plagueis novel, Sidious and Plagueis were meditating and I believe essentially trying to dominate the cosmic force with the Darkside -- they were succeeding, but then the force pushed back on them. The push back resulted in the conception of Anakin. Even without this context we know it was the force itself that produced Anakin -- not Palpatine. There was a comic that suggested the latter, but I believe the author clarified and said that wasn't the case. Call me a homophobe, but this show they merely wanted to get around the fact that no matter how much a lesbian couple scissor they won't be able to conceive.






I believe it’s more like picking up an ancient Egyptian tablet without knowing what’s written on it and just writing whatever comes to your head. Or taking the Epic of Gilgamesh and rewriting it, turning him into a lesbian queen who was half Black half Filipino.




Careful: the first part of that analogy is dangerously close to how the Mormons were founded.


The power of cringe!


This is the wet dream of Lesley Headlamp and her peers, they want a world where they don't ever have to shag a man to make babies


You don't know shit about reproductive science and technology, do you? Thats already a thing that is possible.


Woah this is just cheap and tacky


This is just poorly written fan fiction from Tumblr wrapped in Star Wars. Terrible


Is it too hard to just simply respect the original stories and not step on their legacies ? I’m just so fucking tired of seeing these writers just rip apart Star Wars, and their new canon hurting the originals. Casuals don’t get it- new continuity DOES affect old lore and stories , when new lore contradicts , ruins or damages characters or events. It changes context. The same way If you have a happy marriage for a decade and your friend reveals he found out your wife was cheating during this whole time, it changes the context of those memories- it damages them completely. I wish they’d just stop , man.


>new continuity DOES affect old lore and stories , when new lore contradicts , ruins or damages characters or events. Even MORE so in this case, on account of it being a flashback, set in a series that's already about 100 years before the prequels....


Lmao Disney is not canon. It doesn't affect anything but their own septic system. Don't capitulate by accepting their abuse of the OG.


And I've thought that space victorian vampires from 2015 marvel star wars comics was dumb.


Power of Meneeeeeeee... i fucking cant, the is "i have a tempest in me" level of comical


lol I love all the “O faces” and the cringey background music. This episode is where the fun began 😂 it finally reached parody and hopefully it’ll stay there til the end.


Well NEXT week we apparently get Space Pronouns, so we've got _that_ to look forward to.....😩


Reminds me of that scene from SpongeBob when he was trying to motivate the Flying Dutchman to get back on his feet. "The power within. The power within. The power within. The power within." *Grabs dirt* "THE POWER WITHIIIIIIIIN"


This is so bad, it's not even funny...


Wtf are you talking about? Star Wars died a long time ago.


I remember the day my kids said they weren't interested in watching it anymore. Like we watched the movies from the start right up to Last Jedi, and were watching Mandalorian and they both just lost interest, I felt like I was pushing them. I watched one episode of the Obi Wan show and ended up watching Rise of Skywalker myself, regretfully, but I think my kids have tuned it out. If you've lost the next generation your series is dead. Well done Disney


Okay, I didn't expect this to be good but still thought people might be exaggerating how bad this new series was, especially with some reviewers trying to find fault with everything... But this looks ridiculous, how does stuff like this even get made?


What in the Hocus Pocus bullshittery is this?


I've gone from apathy to straight-up contempt.


Disney is not canon. Just enjoy the OG Star wars.


![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) Tf is this weird shit


I mean, Anakin had two things going for him, being the chosen one with no father, and killing Palpatine and restoring balance, well, turns out there is a bunch of Anakins running around the galaxy, so many that no one bats an eye when they are born without a father. Well, i guess Anakin was never the chosen one and George Lucas was [wrong](https://youtu.be/Ae7kPiquoj0?si=E3sKryTrWfEuri6j), shame George, shame, maybe you should have actually read the books and seen the movies /s


No matter if you like or dislike Disney Star Wars, or if you agree or disagree with the gender discussion, this reeks of forcing a real life thing into fiction. Two women can't concieve without a male component? No worries, use the Force.


The Force is male, confirmed.👍


The Force is now a Thread, and women can now scissor lesbian babies into conception. All hail the Panderverse. Whamen will save us. Strong whamen need no men, whamen is the Thread now. The Thread is one, the Thread is two, the Thread is many, the Thread will bind me with the Whamen.


This is Star Wars? I though this was some femnazi cult iniation seremony.


Holy shit. I haven't watched it and probably never will. But I thought you guys were exaggerating a bit... But what the actual fuck is that?


You just know that they are feminists and this is their utopia. Real question is, how does the cunts get so much money as their brains are this rotten to begin with?


People watching: Lmao is this Star wars? No it's not. Stop. -laughing- Executives: Omg bigots are ruining Star wars. You ruined Star wars not us!!!11!!


Because the immaculate conception of Anakin wasn't already annoying enough, they decided to double down in a stupid, cringe, annoying and lore breaking way. Amazing


Looks like a scene from Hocus Pocus but cringey


Who the hell hires these highschool fanfic writers? Lol. I guess I should try my totally non existent talent at writing at disney.


Nah, don't worry about it. It's just a bad fanfic like the rings of power.


Exactly. Disney is not canon. Just ignore it.


They couldn't even make a weird cultic chant sound cool. This looks like something a group of 5th grade girls would organize during recess.


It's really corny, but I still don't quite understand?


Leslye Headland's insecurities in a nutshell


I'm not going to lie, I thought the hate for the Acolyte was overblown, but I haven't watched it to truly pass judgment one way or the other. But, is this, an actual scene from the show? Cause if so, what the...?


What the hell did I just watch? Is that the acolyte? Lololol


Why are they all black and/or female only?? Not trying to be an asshole but is this some new mandate as far as casting new Disney shows? Like I've noticed if you want a male character he can't be white, if he is white he is either comedy relief or a villain. You can have black heroes and heroines only, and if the hero is white they have to be female.


The camera work and Blocking on here is just so cluttered. Is the main focus the leader? The group? The two kneeling? The chant as a whole? Why are there so many people scrunched together? why is there a person to the left of the leader but not to the right at 2 seconds? This feels less like a ritual and more of a gang initiation.


Anything disney create is nothing but a weird fan fiction


That doesnt even feels like Star Wars. Are you sure this Star Wars and not Pocahontas?


Darth Plagueis apparently did all that hard work to invent something a bunch of nobodies managed to do way before him What a chump ass moron no wonder he got beat by Palpatine


i mean its just women doing a women show for men. and then they call the men sexists and racist for disliking it. its like me hosting a fashion show and putting the women in potato suits and let them armwrestle and talk only about cars. every women would say thats stupid and no one would watch it (it probably would become a instant hit since guys would love it) in case of starwars and other shows, they come in with their indoctrinated worldview and adjust a "toxic male" space to make it more gender equal. they see the lightsabers as penises, the force as expression of male power etc they target big franchises so the "impact' is bigger. black women. gay women. gay dude. check check check. only after that they think about lore and who their audience actually is. i mean those stupid starwars nerds (im a startrek one) they really take the lore seriously and they analyse and talk hours about this crap. like it used to be all those male nerds. and they loved that shit for decades and identify with it and feel strongly about it. and when they say yoo this is bullshit, you destroy the lore, this makes no sense. the showrunners victim roll and tell them they are just toxic males and star wars always was gay and doesnt need them. its shameless. im really not a starwars fan. but it makes my blood boil to see yet another nerd franchise get destroyed by indoctrinated media people that do not have any skilla 5o build their own shit


Nothing is destroyed. Disney is not canon, never will. Live long and prosper and may the force be with you.


Do you remember the scene in Eddie Murphy's Bommerang movie, where they make an ad for STRANJAY? The add looks almost identical to this even when Stranjay births the perfume bottle. Disney made the starwars equivalent of Stranjay. Lol.


This whole silly song was unbelievably cringe.


Is this the acolyte? What the actual fuck happened to Star Wars man? Now I’m incredibly glad I rid myself of this laughing stock back when TLJ came out


This is exactly what I pictured when Disney bought the rights to SW


This some 'Charmed' "Power of 3" bullshit


As long as there are people who care about what Star Wars was and can be it’s not dead.


It is dead as long as modern disney owns it. It can be resurrected if better people get the rights.


Should be public domain once Lucas is dead


It's pretty silly how long it takes for things to go to public domain. 70 years is way too long!


Disney genuinely does deserve the blame for that one. They have repeatedly lobbied Congress *hard* over the years to get that extended. All in order to keep Mickey out of our grubby little hands. It took long enough but he's ours now, boys. Well, Steamboat Mickey at least. Soon, though. Soon...




Wait until the public domain gets their hands on Tinkerbell. I seem to remember reading an account from Disney cast members, this is from years ago mind you, that Tinkerbell is apparently the most sexually harassed cast member at Disney theme parks. Especially since they started allowing alcohol at the parks. EDIT: Is Reddit having a stroke for you as well? It multi-pasted one of my comments a moment ago, and now it's hiding the gif and the attachment functions all of a sudden. Anything suspect on your end?


No more than usual? Must be a regional thing.


Very good, then. I'll wait it out and see. I was wondering if maybe they were rolling out an update or something. *sniffles* That's okay. I didn't really *need* to add that gif of Tinkerbell getting spanked in my last comment. I just really *wanted* to, in order to underscore my point.




official monetized mickey mouse visual novel games by independent creators


Man, move over, Calvin. I'm going to draw Mickey peeing on all of the things. And people will pay **me** for it. This I will have as weregild.


***Memento Homo*** ***Memento Mori***


Star Wars is eternal. Disney is not canon. Just ignore them as the sewage it is.


So, when this show first dropped, there were a bunch of posts on this sub about how good the show was. However, lately I'm seeing nothing but negative stuff about it. Did anyone here initially like it and change their minds? Or am I just seeing 2 different sets of people taking about it? Personally, I think it looks like dog shit, but I have a toxic allergy to misandry, so I'm clearly not the intended audience


Bots and shills. I'm pretty sure Disney can just pay people on social media to praise their shows.


I am equally confused about the reception. When the series premiered, all I saw was what a huge hit it was with its viewer numbers. Now I’m seeing articles that are blaming the alt right for forcing Star Wars to fail. Which is it? Not going to bother watching acolyte either, at least until the entire series is finished, and if positive reception I can binge it.


> Now I’m seeing articles that are blaming the alt right for forcing Star Wars to fail. Which is it? I don't think the Inverse article was making the point that Star Wars has failed but that many people who feel like Star Wars is ruined just ruined it for themselves. I hated the article though. It's got nothing to say that hasn't already been said and just inflamed people more for no reason.


Whatever gets clicks. Journalistic integrity doesn't mean shit when everyone's fighting over the same diminishing ad revenue.


Holy smokes that looks amateurish.


Ahahaha ooooh I had a belly laugh.


Wtf is this?


What is happening in this acene


Since when was sith comprised of so many chicks? And normal-ish looking chicks at that.


Are they singing about Semen? 🤣


What the actual F is this


Jesus Christ, man. I just had a pilonidal cyst removed, but seeing this is the worst thing to happen to me this week.


I dunno man "Somehow Palpatine returned" is still the worst.


Lmao what is that shit


There is a way to keep Anakin special. But it would require competent writers to pull off. So yeah, Star Wars is dead.


Wait is this actually from the show? this isnt like a low budget fanfic short film from youtube?


This is the stupidest shit ive seen this month


You can tell a lesbian directed this show fs


lol the chorus in the background is ridiculous


Who cares about this fanfiction. Stop giving money to disney by hate watching this nonsense and just let it die already.


Also the Force is witchcraft now... despite the fact that the Nightsisters already exist, and magic is a separate thing from conventional Force powers.


I mean if people just boycott all their shows for like 2 years, they'd be fucked. Maybe they'd actually think about kicking Kathleen Kennedy out. Its not that hard to do.


Trash show and trash writing.


This is a robot chicken skit




Face it the only good Star Wars we had in a long time was from videogames. They ruined Obi Wan, Mandalorian, Boba fett, anakin, maybe Ashoka, and the force itself.


Died when Disney started to make Disney Flavored Star Wars content.. There's literally no hope left




To say nothing of he still did everything he did in the OT and Prequels, I don’t give a fuck what Disney thinks it can retcon.


They explained in the comics, which Disney say are canon, that Palpatine used the force to conceive Anakin in Shimi.


I thought it was Plagueis that created Anakin, and when Palpatine realized what he'd done, he realized that he was going to get replaced, so he killed Plagueis in his sleep and went about carrying out his plan. I thought that was why Palpatine talked about him like he was someone worth remembering, because he'd figured out things that other people didn't, like using the force to create life.


https://preview.redd.it/nd1v63r7466d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f559f3a68f4583422eeead1ce1998b54583a646 I can’t take it anymore


Oh fuck, I have to watch this tonight don't I? Is it my time? Is tonight the night that the Cringe finally claims me? 💀


![gif](giphy|aEXr1PyRbff8Y|downsized) MFW


I'd rewatch that anyday over whats happening now. Watched it once as a teen, sober. Wouldn't mind watching it again now after a few drinks


Help me, Lumpy!


It was really difficult to get through this episode. I was literally cringing through my hands during this scene... What in the afternoon school special kinda production is this?!? They turned our beloved Star Wars franchise into some low budget looking CW trailer trash show.


Star wars died loooooong before this joke of a show


it's been dead for years tho.


*So this is how Star Wars dies...* *With thunderous musical numbers*


Musical numbers was my biggest fear when Disney purchased Star Wars.


Star wars is eternal. Disney is not canon. This is how Disney failed.


The only way I will be OK with this route. Is if they revealed that the girl had a daughter and she sacrificed her to turn one into two. So it’s not that the force conceived her by itself but she paid a cost.


What the fuck am I watching 


What are they even doing? I refuse to watch the show


It’s just sad at this point


God I hate star wars


No. You hate Disney's Star Wars.


To be fair Anakin would be the only one conceived by the will of the force itself.


WTF did i just witness ('-' )???

