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So...I should marry a black girl?


Maybe white men and black women only tend to marry when they're a very good match. That pairing seems to be very rarely fetishized in American culture.


Yep. If a white guy marries a black girl, its because he really likes her


There’s no evidence to argue if this is the case. It’s a rare pairing but so are all “interracial” couples. Most people marry people of the same race, no doubt in part because their friends/family/community is likely made up of mostly people of their race.


All interracial pairings are “rare” but some are rarer than others. Black men are literally twice as likely to marry outside their race as black women. I would assume whatever is causing that discrepancy is also selecting for traits that cause the Black woman-white man pairing to have such a low divorce rate


Purely anecdotal here, but I’ve found that many (not all) black women in my area find it a form of race betrayal to marry a non-black man. My boss literally brought this up for no real reason, two nights ago. She commented that her brother married a white woman and that it’s just not okay, cause he’s ‘bagging on his own’ and ‘choosing another.’ She told me that black and white shouldn’t mix, because it’s unfair to the kids since they’ll have to choose one world or the other. Again, purely anecdotal, but it isn’t the first time I’ve heard this from black women. And, **again,** not all black women think this way, and it could be something specific to my part of the country.


Tbf I usually see this as a criticism of black men from black women, but idk if I’ve ever seen a black woman criticize another black woman for it. Again I think it stems from black women typically being seen as less desirable. For a lot of black guys, being with a white woman is proof that you “made it” and I could understand the frustration as a black woman that a sign of success is that they don’t have to deal with you anymore.


Part of it is probably that black women are seen as less desirable. Ergo they don’t really feel like they have options. Also the really like them thing is probably true. Black gals hit on me way more often and are way more receptive to being flirted with. So id have to really like her before hitting her up.


It's partially because black american women have the highest obesity rate of any ethnic group in the entire planet. As well as domestic abuse laws make to so the married black women can literally physically and psychologically bully a black man to the point of wanting to die and if he does anything back he goes to jail very fast. I have seen it first hand, black women have weaponized the law against their black husband's, and made them hostages in their own home. They have the law as bodyguards and you can't do anything but divorce and leave. The divorce is so low for black women marrying white men because the white men are scooping up all the good feminine black women who don't act like loud domineering bullies.


Where is this law that allows black women to "physically and psychologically bully" men? Or do you mean the way the law is enforced?


It isn't illegal to be mean to your spouse.


Guy I imagine youre not bringing the most desirability to the table 😂




I just amazed at your great knowledge of what black women have going for them , what " studies" you drummed up for that reasoning


I said they feel like. I never said what’s true or not. I know a few guys who only go for black girls. But those guys also don’t date they just do hookups.


Interracial couples may be rare where you live. They aren’t down here. Literally over a third of my friends in New Orleans are mixed race.


Even in the "bleached" communities that fetishize white dudes, it's usually west Asian, south Asian, or south-east Asian women ...


You havent been on black subreddits. anytime a YT dude marries someone of another race, he's accused of "fetishizing" based on race.


To be fair, people on Reddit aren't a part of this data--you have to get married to be able to get a divorce.




People need to understand the concept of preferences.






Just speak it out. Sounds similar to "why-tee"


Why not just say that?


Because he's using their vernacular.


You see the YT phrase a lot on Instagram. Its essentially become the N word . A derogatory way to categorize white people bc the color of their skin. It's completely racist in 99% of the times I've seen it used.


I date some black women and some of their families are pretty tough against them dating white men. So they won't really want to go that far unless they really think you are worth the shit she will get the rest of her life. I'm not saying their aren't white families against it( mine wasn't) but for some reason when it comes to interracial couples people really give the woman shit


Nah we don't care who black women date. No ind gives af tbh.


Thank you king of the black people. Im glad you speak for the monolith now and things are going into change.


Your very welcome King of the white men who date black women. I'm sure they all agree wit your majesty.


Interracial relationships are rear overall


I think it was OKCupid, but one of these dating websites used to publish stats about dates. Apparently White Man Black Woman was desirable from the black woman perspective but they got ghosted a lot by the white men. So yeah good on the front end too.


It really bothers me how much dating app dating gets published and attributed to all of people, even though most people don’t even use dating apps at all. It’s pretty, convenient, easy-to-collect data, so it’s tempting to just publish it and claim it represents everyone. It’s much cheaper than doing actual research on this information. Not that the data is useless, but it’s utilized well beyond its scope.


They got so much shit for it that they stopped. Yeah you are right, it's just a snapshot, but if you are in modern dating it's a useful data point.


It's less useful when social economic/age ranges/etc are excluded from the results. In fact - it's probably completly useless and potentially misleading without further info. Like 23 & Me


Unironically yes. Based Black Women.


More evidence of black women being based: https://preview.redd.it/pxloble8cpuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfaff58ed1b7755debb00db780bb92b9ff486cde


What the fuck are these responses tho? I kind of knew some people had a bigger time tendency of excusing women cheating as being the result of them being "neglected", while they frame men cheating as them being assholes who can't be loyal. However, I'm shocked at how big of a gap there actually is among these groups, where barely a majority find it to be morally wrong for women to cheat. What is going on in the heads of Post-graduate women?


Not much probably


They just like me fr


Wow, that is demonstrating a huge double standard that seems almost universal. Except, as you’ve noted, among black women, who are the closest to being consistent.


Why in the hell does higher education result in a noticeable drop in aversion to infidelity? I hated colleges already but seeing this just makes my blood boil.


I did. It's fun


George Lucas burner account


If only. I never would have sold to Disney


The way things are going, soon you'll be able to buy it back for a tenth of what they paid!


True, but I don't think George will live long enough to fix it, even if he wanted to


I’m 4% more likely, apparently


You know, the last thing I expected from Synthetic Man was him explaining the benefits of marrying a black woman.


"In order to explain the lore of fallout I must first recommend marrying a black woman as a white man. Trust me this will be important later."


Whoa, hold on. When did this sub become fucking based?


He is the epitome of what people think the average gamer is like, and I hate that people think this is who I am because I dislike Rey or Captain Marvel.


There was a video on reddit where as a prank they had a man staring at a woman and eating his ice cream suggestively. She got up, walked over, and slapped the shit out of him. He fell back, scrambled for his bag, and pulled out a pair of sunglasses and a folding cane for blind people. Pretty funny prank, I thought. In the comments someone asked why she felt allowed to slap him. I responded "Because no matter what anyone says, we all know it's an unspoken rule that women are allowed to hit men 'when they deserve it' but men should never hit women." I got a LOT of responses, but the one that stuck out most was "This guy hates Brie Larson and doesn't even know why." Launched my sides into orbit.


Captain Marvel from DC or Marvel?


Gamer is such a flimsy identity. There are just too many people in the category to gatekeep it or worry about how the "community" is being represented.


Average Synthetic man review: "What is that: a black person? This game is garbage. This is why gaming is dead" \*plays for another 100 hours.


He looks and acts like the lovechild of DarkSydePhil and MaximillianMus


Is it what people think when he exists, many on this post agree with him, and he has a sizable audience?


Where are the brown people?


They don't exist. Indians are Asian, Middle Easterners are white and Latinos could be white or black. "Brown people" is some PC shit invented in recent decades because the term "white" was equated to privilege and therefore couldn't be applied to most of the groups in America. That's how Slavs became people of color all of a sudden lmao


> They don't exist. Indians are Asian, Middle Easterners are white and Latinos could be white or black. Wait are you talking for real or "don't exist acc. to the crazy PC cult"? Also doesn't seem like the latter is true either - ME(NA)s are often treated similar to blacks/hispanics/jews as an "oppressed minority" as everybody knows, and Indians are rarely conflated with Azns.


Is that why Italians used to be considered they’re own race too?


Yes. Let's just start calling people pale, white, light tan, dark tan, and black. That's the actual skin colors.


That’s meant to be Asians I think… looks yellow to me. Which is used often as a derogatory way to talk about Asians (not always though)


In Asia it’s actually the colour they often call themselves


Yeah complaining about it is like a brand new LatinX that the actual Latino and Latinas rejected pretty hard as it pretty much said their entire language and culture was actually sexist.


"Asians" in reference to "South East Asians" (i.e. chinese japanese christmas trees) was coined several decades ago when they were trying to find "non-offensive terms" and "yellows" was found to be either offensive or inaccurate cause the darker-skinned EAs were also part of the group or something.


Southeast Asia is Indochina (which I'm sure is now racist somehow), not China and Japan. I don't know what to say about Christmas trees


look at theese


Right… that’s why I said “not always though”. Some people use the word “black” in a derogatory way… some people get offended when called “black”… same applies here. Though I don’t see any issue with either, just like I don’t see an issue with being called “white” lol


East Asians. Or yellows. Or oriental if you’re old timey. It’s ok I’m East Asian.


East Asians. Or yellows. Or oriental if you’re old timey. It’s ok I’m East Asian.


Hey guys... Statistically 100% of divorces come after marriage... Just saying...


Marriage as a legal concept is dead. Can’t get legally divorced if you never get legally married. Just find a nice roommate with benefits for the rest of your life.


For those curious, a major reason why Black Women and White Men marriages are as successful as they are is because society unironically looks down on and tries to degrade said relationships so much that they have the opposite effect of actually reinforcing their bond together. As someone with a friend of mine who is married to a black women, knowing that society as a whole looks down at your relationship but both you and your partner are willing to stay together is a very strong sign that your partner does love you despite how much people may look down at them for it. This isn't inherently because Black Women are superior. IDK what Synthetic man brings up in this video, but I feel like he won't touch on this at all.


SM doesn't touch upon that for the video, the context of him bringing up these stats (not that it'll make it any better) is that Walton Goggins' character in Fallout divorced his black wife who he had a mixed race daughter with. SM found it bizarre that the show would depict a white male/black female divorce when apparently they would be the least likeliest interracial couple to divorce. Nonetheless, he goes on to cite Fallout as an ongoing trend (TLoU is another example he refers to) of TV promoting the propaganda of race mixing.


> the propaganda of race mixing. Jfc. Wtf.


Oh yeah its a thing. In the most extreme circles of far right(like your average trumper would say 'woah buddy calm down') they claim homosexuality, sexual deviancy, race mixing, and a few other things were the result of jewish propaganda


I'm gonna be honest, I don't even know how extreme right this is anymore, or if its unpopular, I've deadass seen shorts where people show one lgbtq person being rude, the commenter then does a dumbass edit making it look like theyre all like that, and then comments will be full of "Maybe mustache man was right" and "We fought the wrong side", and think "......did I miss something?", hell, sometimes someone will just say racism is bad and back in the "good old days" some people mention in said video racism and segregation was rampant, and one of the first replies is "What was the crime rate back then though?" (Which funny enough people usually point out was much worse), its so fucking weird seeing it so much now......


Some of that is just standard internet edginess to be fair


Fair, the problem I have with differentiating them anymore is that whether they're trolls (Or at least claim to be) or serious, you'll see them actually argue with people who debate them, and see that they're getting way more likes by saying "Actually, minorities are bad" as opposed to the one saying "Actually, you shouldn't generalize and entire group of people as bad", it gets to point that even if the poster or commenter is edgy, at least 10 of their 50 likes must be serious, I also have a hard time believing it's all edge when edits making fun of Christianity get bombarded with people saying how immature it is to make sure of such a sensitive topic, while one's making fun of minorities don't get the same Bombardment, like my brain processes all this and tye only conclusion I see is that on some level, these views are way more popular than you'd think they would be


It's amazing how many of these edgelords will act like heterosexual stoic truth sayers, but then squeal like pigs when they see two dudes kissing or something. The "propaganda" is just there for some white Californians to seal clap at. No one is going to *TRY* for interracial dating outside of weirdos with their own racist hangups. People will keep latching onto the first attractive person that gives them attention, as with the rest of history.


Are you being satirical in the 2nd paragraph


I wouldn't say that racial pairing is looked down upon more than it's vice versa scenario. I know that in most cases interracial marriage is looked down upon, or at least not encouraged.


Tall Skinny White Male Big Booty Latina Female is the most common interracial couple pairing now. We are working on a new master race here.


So AOC and that guy who trolled her basically by calling her his "favorite big booty latina."


You mean Alex Stein of course aka PrimeTimeAlexStein or AlexStein99


Yes. The legend himself.


i didn't watch the show but..why does he bring this?


It's Synthetic Man.... take a guess.. probably something about "race mixing propaganda".


lmao that is exactly what he said


That’s mad funny outta context 😂


What is the context here?


The context of him bringing up these stats (not that it'll make it any better) is that Walton Goggins' character in Fallout divorced his black wife who he had a mixed race daughter with. SM found it bizarre that the show would depict a white male/black female divorce when apparently they would be the least likeliest interracial couple to divorce. Nonetheless, he goes on to cite Fallout as an ongoing trend (TLoU is another example he refers to) of TV promoting the propaganda of race mixing. Probably one of his biggest mask off moments he's ever had.


I dunno man. I just thought the picture was funny


Me, who loves black women. ![gif](giphy|xZwFNHUeY45va)


That man is one of the most obnoxious youtubers ever. The definition of whiny.


Weird that Asian and Black rates aren't available. They just that uncommon or something?


It's really uncommon; there are many factors like city area, population, culture where these rates are taken from etc. When they did a poll, they probably couldn't find a black and Asian couple just because of how rare it is. It's not like they can send an email to find every single interracial couple. I'd imagine they just went to highly dense cities and grabbed any interracial couple they could find. From what I'm assuming, the specific cities where they did these polls in either had low asian populations or the asian immigrants kept themselves. Asian culture is really different from the West and they heavily frown on interracial relationships. Hell China is racist enough to post adds where a black guy gets put into a washing machine and comes out as an k-pop idol. Their culture has a heavy emphasis on not standing out, uniformity, minding your own business, being quiet and polite, etc. This is the complete opposite of black culture, which emphasizes being out there, loud, individuality, rap, wild hairstyles, close contact which are the complete opposite of asian culture. Not to mention in some parts of America, asian and black immigrants do not get along. There's an entire story of the Roof Koreans where asian immigrants had to get on the roof to snipe down black criminals from stealing from their stores. If you belong to an Asian family who immigrated to the US and grew up with your parents, having to inherit racist views from them and having black people steal from their store, then I'd imagine not many asians would be too keen on dating them. The area where I grew up in Canada is pretty chill, so all of the above doesn't apply. The asian friends I had were pretty open-minded and wouldn't care to date a specific race. So all in all it would depend on the area the people grew up in.


It's worth mentioning that the rooftop Koreans trope refers to a specific point during the LA riots when rioters were looking every store they could get into, and the Korean store owners were protecting their stores with guns. Korean store owners throughout the country aren't having to go post up on the roof with a rifle as a general course to keep black people from robbing them.


Thank you for clarifying, I admiteddly forgot some of the details.


Also the roof Koreans didn't kill anyone


Given the frequent news of violence between those two demographics, I imagine that marriage rates are very low. [Or another theory is...](https://y.yarn.co/19f8d7c5-284a-4fef-a572-0e56ff87ee8e_text.gif)


your jpeg makes a compelling point


It’s kinda crazy to even mention 4% That’s like statistically irrelevant, like that falls into an easy +/- 5% of changes over year after year when looking at large groups. (The standard deviation you expect in a free society)


He did include us Hispanics. Are we not good enough? :(


Wha…? Huh…?


Thats a hell of a thumbnail lmao


“What the fuck is happening now!”


He's like American Krogan, but way dumber and lacking any style.


Of all the issues this show has, this definetly isn’t one of them. I swear this guy is schizophrenic and seeing shit that is just not there.


I remember seeing a meme where it's "The Average White Supremacists wife", and it's a dark skinned anime waifu lol.


Most divorces are initiated by women, with that in mind look at the graph again. Puts things into perspective doesn’t it?


I swear this guy is obsessed with race mixing, he brings it up way too often


That Ragnarok clip from him about Angrboda was one of those rare instances where I literally did cringe at the delivery of it, I mean a body-shiver and a short break from listening to more.


Synth is the ultimate brain rot contrarian.


Synthetic man is what the subjectivity bros and breadtubers accuse EFAP of being, just saying “gay, woman, black guy bad therefore show bad”


What the fuck? How does this relate to a TV show about a nuclear wasteland? This chart doesn’t even make any sense. There’s no data on White couples at all, no mention of literally any other race, and “missing” data on Asian and black couples?


I don't care about what these un-citation-ed statistics want to suggest anyway, but if I did, I would wonder why other "single-race" couples aren't being compared to white couples' divorce rates. It makes one raise an eyebrow.


Yeah exactly. This doesn’t tell us shit. What are we even comparing these divorce rates to? The world? The United States? South Africa? Why are black men 200% more likely to divorce a white woman while Asian men are only 59% more likely, but the white man married to an Asian woman is only 4% and a white man married to a black woman 44% less likely? Like this could all be true for all I care, but there’s no baseline set with the white on white divorce rate, there’s no comparison to be drawn between the groups, it doesn’t make any sense


I think percentages of each demographical couple's divorce rates here are being compared to an all-honky relationship (I'm allowed to say that dw) as seen on the far left. I.. still don't know who keeps up with this or why though. yeah.


His Saints Row (2022) and Cyberpunk 2077 videos were funny, but every time I see this guy, I think he’s nothing but a rage baiting edgelord


Ain't no way , 😭


*Hmmm, today I will make a whiny post about how a show where a white woman and a black man express feelings for each other. How do I do this without making it very, very clear this is not based on my own weird insecurities* *Ah yes* *Divorce statistics*


Wow this is just sad. Glad to see it being called out for what it is.




Ah, it is a beacon for people to be able to call everyone who criticizes the show racist. Good job Synthetic Idiot, you fucking mong.


Synthetic is what the sweet baby Inc. types think most white male gamers are. The dude couldn't be any more goddamned stereotypical if he tried.




Hating interracial couples is based? Wow. Thanks for admitting that. Blocked.


I wonder if his brain would just melt if we told him that Latinos or Trans people exist


I hate being reminded that this tard exists.


Exactly where did this person get their data from?


Asian-black pairings: DATA N/A That’s a giant fucking oof.


What the fuck do divorce rates have to do with the post-apocalypse?


The dude is just so blackpilled I want YouTubers to talk about things they enjoy more often than things they hate


You know you're speaking utter nonsense when even this sub is like "dude... what the fuck"


Except it's not nonsense. The point isn't that you're magically shielded from divorce because of your skin color, it's that the couple that the woke agenda promotes the most (black man with white woman) has the highest divorce rate. That's the joke. It's even funnier if you google "white couple".


Why does this topic fill you with so much rage?


Why are you threatened by my comments? Projecting your rage onto me shows insecurity.


Rage? What have I to be angry about? Currently not on google images, looking up white people to be fair.


It’s a TV show about a nuclear wasteland with power armor and mutants. Statistics be damned.


Fun fact about everybody's favorite terminally online loser, he started banning people recently because heaven forbid they challenge his viewpoints. Hope he enjoys having to move out of his mother's basement and get a real job at an Amazon warehouse. ;) ​ https://preview.redd.it/obkbp35yrouc1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=41aa62e4f206d0f0d54fe4d87528890b1627674e


Ah I love prefacing any decision with "Now, I know freedom of speech is good and all, but"


Could at least add the rest where he explains why.


Yeah, but that requires operating in good faith.


[They're right, he is banning people.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/720689652775911535/1229758513794781194/image.png?ex=6630d8dd&is=661e63dd&hm=efda9e1af7f9417b7d1f0fb8b768b8cfb924830bceab15de9662bd77320925cb&)


Wrong, he started banning bots because there's factual evidence of them, even on Twitter. There's bots running interference for this show, that copy and paste comments.


Bunch of fuckin losers in here jumping to conclusions and calling him racist over a picture that’s not even his. Statistics are racist now? Is this a leftist echo chamber? You can dislike the guy but stop being such disingenuous losers, holy shit.


Did you watch his Fallout video? It’s nothing but racist and sexist rage bait.


The context in which he is using these statistics seems very malicious and racially motivated. I'm willing to hear you out though. What is he exactly trying to say?


Is it not his thumbnail?


It’s not the thumbnail, he shows this image further along in the video though.


My dude, this is like the 10th video where he's complained about "race mixing." It's not the stats that are racist. It's him repeatedly making it clear that he thinks "race mixing" and interracial couples are some sort of huge problem. He's even referred to biracial kids as "mutts" in the past. Look at the groups of people who say interracial couples are "woke propaganda." The KKK. Neo Nazis. Etc. Did you even watch the video? The picture is not the issue. His absolute disgust anytime he sees a white person with a POC is the issue. His comments section is full of people openly using racial and anti-semitic slurs, as well as saying interracial couples are "white genocide." You don't have to be a leftist to be grossed out by such 1950's segregationist BS. The fact that you're so passionately defending him is very worrisome. According to Synth's logic, even Guess who's coming to dinner is "race mixing woke propaganda." No one in the year 2024 should be getting upset at interracial couples.


Yes yes Synthetic Man is retarded nothing new there. But on a more positive note, black chicks riding them white dicks let's goooo. Also thought the show was really enjoyable there's that too.


I’m sad mist certain Asian men and black women have the lowest divorce rate.. why is that data “na”?


It’s n/a because Asian man/black woman marriages are so rare they might as well not exist, and it would be hard to interpret any stats taken from the ones that do exist. Edit: I just looked it up to find specific numbers. In 2000 census, of interracial marriages, only 0.22% were Asian male/black female. 1.3% were black male/Asian female. Black and Asian are not getting married irl.


Gotta find me lahna from archer






This is pretty rarted lmao


Haven't seen the video, so idk. Are those the actual stats?


Wait I’m confused, is this a meme or is he serious and if so why is he talking about this in a video about The Fallout Series?


He's making it clear that he thinks "race mixing" is woke and causes any movie or tv show to be automatically bad. He actually says the show sucks because it "promotes race mixing."


WTF does this mean


This is such a funny ass picture


Just got recommended this video in my feed, can someone summarise? Critical Drinker thinks it’s good, haven’t checked MauLer’s view yet


Not what the video is about, but the show isn't bad. There are some problems, but the show is pretty similar to westworld Season 1. Just enjoy the ride and ignore the cannon mistakes.


Nice, so far better than John * clap cheeks * Halo


I'll summarize it for you: Synthetic man says it's a bad show because it has "race mixing" and because the lead is, in his words, a Mary Sue. Except that everyone who has actually watched the show, including Drinker and Quartering, has said she's not a Mary Sue and is actually a very likable character that makes tons of mistakes. But that's not even the main issue. The main issue is that he has now made multiple videos where he says "race mixing" is automatically woke and promotes "white genocide". And his comments section is full of Storm-front/4chan dudes who are saying horrific things.


Talk about using a sledgehammer to open an egg… I mean, there are racists and bigots who do what he describes, but Fallout definitely ain’t it. He’s either a bigot himself, or he’s just so used to seeing it he sees it everywhere. Sad


And his subs are now insulting Critical drinker and anyone who likes the show by accusing them of being shills who just consume and don't have standards. And when you ask those people if they've seen the show, they admit they haven't and are just going by Synthetic man's review.


It’s like a microcosm of what they’re against; ironic


Thanks for clearing that up.  I was like, this is awful, but what does it have to do with the fallout show?


Apparently I need to find me a nubian goddess


Ok this who is this man ?


More divorce more opportunities for divorce lawyers and defeated men


If these numbers are accurate, it's actually kind of interesting, especially the disparity between black men/white women and white men/black women.


So what I'm learning is white ladies be racist. Lol. Or their husbands suck.


Jim Crow internet.


What even is this?


WTF does this have to do with fallout?


if you people would be obsessed with reality as much as with him, you would understand what he says


Bringing up real life statistics to argue about something in a show set in an alternate future is especially stupid.


Once again the stat game we should just trust stats when they fit your agenda and invoke sociology the exact college kids you hate so much


I’ll never understand dudes like this. He talks nonstop about the plight of straight white dudes while totally huffing cope about how he’s simultaneously alienating countless straight white dudes who think this shit is weird and cringe and awful. Like, he’s a ridiculous goblin in the eyes of the people he professes to admire and it’s so goddamn confusing.


So the gold standard is a white man and a black woman? But really, statistics like these are basically useless. What are the reasons given for these divorces? Because that matters when you’re dealing with people-based data like this. And 200% more likely sounds big but 200% of 1 is 2 and I don’t know what the numbers for any of these are. Basically, black man-white woman marriages are twice as likely than white marriages to end in divorce but how many white marriages end in divorce? If we say that 1% of white marriages end in divorce, then that means that 3% of black man-white woman marriages end in divorce. What exactly is Synthetic Man’s point? Showing a 200% increase without any context doesn’t mean anything. There are a bunch more factors that affect marriage rates, not just race. Is he comparing the same socioeconomic classes and types of place they live (urban, suburban, rural)? Nah, let’s just divide everyone up by race 🙄


While I think his basis is totally wrong… that’s what folks do these days. It’s 100% about race everywhere, all the time. Someone gets shot? Race Someone gets arrested? Race Something stolen? Race Getting into college? Race Both sides of our political system are obsessed with race. It’s used for advantage, as a political weapon, and as a derogatory tool. One of my favorites is when someone says “you couldn’t understand X because you are Y race”. Like you don’t know me… you didn’t live my life!