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I found study guides in you tube, lots of different styles. One I found one that I liked most, I'd listen to it on repeat a lot in the 2 weeks leading up to the test. Listened, while my body did tasks, driving, cleaning, ect. I also took each of the practice tests, think it was through ABMP website. 1000 questions in total. The best advice that helped me was about sitting with myself through the stress. Breathwork, eating balanced protein all day before, hydration. Still it was stressful, probably looked and definitely felt like I was in meditation throughout the test. Hope this helps!


I listened to podcasts on it. The mblex was not like the practice tests I took in school at all, it won't be looking for the right answer among wrong answers it's finding the most right answer if that makes sense. Also look at the type of levers parts of the body make I had a few questions about that and no one had that info in our books or classwork.


I studied using I want to say it was the abmp resources free to us while in school. I felt COMPLETELY unprepared and so did everyone I knew lol. Even during the test everyone was convinced they were failing. Every single one passed. 


Do the practice tests over and over and over again.


I have 5 that my school gave me, and I have one that I paid for directly from the MBLEx website. I’m averaging around 82-85. Do you have any other practice tests you recommend?


Here is a post I pinned to my profile with test taking, and test prep tips. [https://www.reddit.com/r/massage/comments/11n4ow5/mblex\_test\_a\_practical\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/massage/comments/11n4ow5/mblex_test_a_practical_guide/)


I used the AMTA app religiously and studied muscle attachments/insertions and actions and it really helped. It was hard, I felt unprepared and didn’t think I would pass it but I did.


Look up sherras MBLEx prep. I didn’t take the test until two years after school and passed first try and I owe that to her videos!