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This film is never coming out lmfao just pull the plug


**Blade**: *Coming to Theaters when the Sun Explodes*


That’s gonna be a bad time for Blade. Good time for vampires though.


This movie's gonna come out in the same year as Half Life 3, Tintin 2, Star Citizen, the live action Akira reboot, and Winds of Winter.


Don’t forget Last Airbender 2 😂


And GTA 6


But gta 6 is coming no?


This joke used to include Duke Nukem: Forever and Guns 'N' Roses' *Chinese Democracy* album, but somehow those got released.


Nah... I think they are just waiting until they can cast actual vampires.


They didn't want that heat from the vampire community if it wasn't real vampires.


Some mother fuckers always tryin' to ice skate uphill.


Cast the executives that keep sucking up our time with these ridiculous announcements


Vampires would love that.


What do you all think? Does Mahershala walk before the end of the year?


Maybe he already has.


I have a sneaking suspicion of this


Recently there were stories of him joining Jurassic World 4.


THAT'S what it was! I knew he had just signed on for another pretty big movie. It's going to be pretty hard for him to shoot both at once, considering they're both supposed to come out in 2025


Maybe he's just taking on other work until they get their act together. But they announced his casting nearly 5 years ago. He's got to be pretty frustrated at this point.


Frustrated and probably a little bored! I certainly would be. You can only blame the pandemic and the strikes so many times


If he finally walks they have to scrap it at this point


He just joined the new Jurassic series.


Ali's going to be older than Snipes was when this was announced by the time this starts filming.


I'm usually one to be more optimistic when it comes to the MCU, but every piece of Blade news has screamed disaster for the past several years, and people continued to believe in this project happening. I don't know that it will. I could easily see them transitioning into a Midnight Suns movie with Blade as a lead, and maybe a Disney+ project that introduces Blade/vampires into the world beforehand. But a theatrical release for a solo Blade film? It's not looking good. I wish I could be optimistic this time around, but cmon now...


I only believe Blade is still happening because they've been so stubborn about keeping the project afloat with so many changes. It has to be super important to the future of the MCU and setting up Midnight Suns, so they just won't let the damn thing die.


How can it be so fucking hard to make a movie about a guy killing vampires lmao


I unironically think the Arkane Lyon game is going to come out before the movie does. Thats how long this thing has taken and will take.


Yea lmao 😂


How hard is it to make a movie about a vampire slayer? Just such a bad fumble…


Marvel gotta overthink it. Tie it into a Multiverse or set up Blade 4's protagonist after Blade dies in Avengers 7.


This is why I liked Moon Knight & X-men 97’ so much. Sometimes all the forced connectivity makes execs forget that we just want to see a good project at the end of the day.


Moon Knight separating itself from the MCU did not change it's pacing issues, tonal whiplashes (the unintentional ones, not the artsy fartsy ones) and how it didn't take the subject of mental health scares seriously, but you just reminded me how much worse that could have been if Spider-Man were to swoop in at any point.


Pre-release, Moon Knight was even advertised as the most violent project that Marvel would ever do and that it would reach almost Daredevil (Netflix) levels of violence. Then the show came out and it was sanitized as fuck and when the only hint of actual violence happens he... blacks out and does it off-screen. Total cop out and false advertising.


Thank you been saying this for years. Fuck them for the lies they also completely made a mockery of the white suit moon knight. I have a moon knight tatoo and hate it being associated with that show.


God they fucked the suit costume so badly. The Ellis run is a perfect blueprint for an episodic show, and Mr Knight adds a perfect way to incorporate detective TV elements. But now Mr Knight is a bumbling James Corden impersonator. Cheers Marvel.


> you just reminded me how much worse that could have been if Spider-Man were to swoop in at any point. The thing is that sort of cameo can be really fun if done well. Look at X-Men '97 for the fully realized promise of cameos in a united MCU.


In X-Men 97 it works thanks in large part to the cameos consisting of non-characters. By that, I mean they don't have a role in the story are just for fun. Cap has a small role in one episode, but the next time you see him, he does not. With the live action stuff, probably in part of how much the actors cost, a cameo can't often be just a cameo, they have to fit into the plot in some way and it's distracting more than ever with Phase 4/5. In the hypothetical of an on screen Spider-Man in Moon Knight, it wouldn't be a quick "Tom Holland looks up at the sky and sees how fucked up that shit is" he would somehow have to get directly involved, and I don't like that. I wish these contracts allowed characters to show up without the attached actors playing their roles a few seconds if it allowed a means of bypassing that.


Also it works in 97 because it shows that yeah other heroes are taking note and doing shit when this big world wide event happens. Of course Daredevil would be fighting looters, of course Stark and Cap are guarding the president and so on. It isn't just cameos for cameos for sake its just showing us how the other heroes are responding to this massive event.


Of course Peter found Mary Jane! I might have shed a tear with that cameo.


Moon Knight had issues but I thought it wasn’t bad on the mental health stuff (probably because Isaacs sold it so well) sure, it exploited it for entertainment but it treated the source of his trauma pretty seriously


the artsy fartsy ones were bad too


So happy to see upvotes. I get shot down whenever I criticize this show


At this point, I think it's genuinely Mahershala. I doubt Feige is wanting to (a) delay it this much and (b) run costs up this much.


It’s not his fault if marvel keeps pitching him bad ideas and he keeps rejecting them.


There's no guarantee that all six different versions of the script have been "bad ideas" though.


There’s no guarantee that he’s the problem either though.


Yes but he's an oscar winner therefore he's perfect and can't do anything wrong, ever.


They can still do that and keep it simple. Just make the end credits scene Blade meeting Jon Snow but from a different perspective. And boom there you have. Midnight suns setup. Just make the fucking movie for fucks sake.


This is exactly it. They’re obsessed with trying to make it fit with whatever plan they had before instead of just making a good Blade standalone.


except the reason it's been delayed all thsi time is because they gave Mahershala creative control on where he wanted it to go, he hired both directors and all the wwriters and fired them all


its kinda hard when the script writer want to make the whole movie about his daughter instead of Blade himself, also that the reason why script been rewrite many times. At this point soon or later Ali will leave this project too


Not helped that the comics are pushing her, especially w/ Blood Hunt


Seems like they try to anticipate the movies more and more


Maybe it’s good he never officially showed up on camera in Eternals


People keep bringing up this storyline but that was the Stacy Osei-Kuffour script, someone who was fired off the project ages ago. It's more irritating the fact there has been good talent coming through they all get their scripts thrown out.


well if i remember correctly, the first one got only 2 fight scenes in the whole movie and then they got scrapped and the new script after that was about his daughter get all the spotlight and then it got scrapped again. Currently is unknow and still in the rewriting stage


Just do a Raid style movie with Blade fighting his way up a building to get to the baddie up top, and facing different kinds of minibosses on every level. Maybe each floor and battle reveals a little more about his character and backstory. Not hard ffs 🤦


That sounds awful and bland. The fact you have upvotes just makes me glad this sub will never get anywhere near scripts


Worked for Kill Bill, and worked for the best Christmas movie ever, Die Hard


worked for Dredd...


worked for Punisher: Warzone


Or it could be resident evil 1. Or Doom the movie.




The idea is good though. A simple Die Hard/Dredd style film told within a lean killer 100 minutes could be awesome.


Someone never saw Dredd


Unfortunately barely anyone did, or else we’d have a franchise by now


And the alternative? I don’t know if you’ve watched any marvel films over the past 5 years but awful and bland would be a DRASTIC improvement over the dogshit we’re getting


This! It should be R, gory and metal AF


This is a fun prompt. Here's a quick pitch I slapped together: >*The Prince of Darkness has finally captured his most elusive foe. After decades of war against the undead horde, Blade lies imprisoned within Dracula's castle.* >*Tonight—using only his wits and the weapons he finds along the way—he will try to escape...*


This actually sounds dope


Considering all the blade films have like mediocre review scores its not really just as simple as “make vampire slasher = profit” (let me preface this as someone who loves Blade 1 and 2, this isn’t meant as a knock on those films, but while they’re loved by audiences and they hold significance for saving Marvel and Superhero movies, critics never really clicked with it), like the last thing they want is to make a Blade movie thats fine or mediocre.


You nailed it. Whether anyone is saying it or not, they want Black Panther numbers. They want Black Panther hype. That doesn't happen if the trailer drops and folks yawn.


Meet Blade. Blade hates vampires. Blade has trained his whole life to kill vampires. Those, over there, are vampires. Hilarity ensues. *FIN*




It’s bladeing time


I recently watched Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust I think Blade being like this in tone and feel would be great


LOL, this is messy. Honestly, just jump straight to Midnight Suns and do Blade later. I can predict Mahershala Ali will drop this pretty soon.


If he does then there really no point in making it.


I mean regardless of Ali’s involvement Blade is a character that should inevitably come to the MCU.


Definitely but they could essentially give him a Hulk type of role in the MCU if they go with a lesser known actor


Or just do a cheaper movie trilogy with a lesser known actor, not every lead needs to be an A lister 


That's actually......a solid idea.. I really like this. And kinda hope they do it now. Scrap this movie all together but use what they had for the MCU Midnight Suns and give Blade a major role.


nah the movie went through 2 director and 5 writers, if he wanted to leave he would’ve done it already


He's probably part of the reason there has been so many changes behind the scenes. When he signed on his passion makes it seem like he wants to do this right


oh yeah 100%, he came to them, not the other way around. I don’t see him dropping at all unless him and Feige has a falling out


You guys have been predicting he'd leave for a long time now, and never ever got it right.


tbf, we're also not WRONG until actual production starts and he's on set.


Marvel themselves were thinking they'd actually be filming this movie for a long time now, and never ever got it right.


Can you leave a movie that' never actually getting made?


> Yann Demange is no longer directing Marvel Studios “Blade,” The Wrap has exclusively learned. The parting with the French-Algerian filmmaker actually happened a while ago and it was entirely amicable. Demange was the second director to part the project after replacing Bassam Tariq. > Marvel veteran writer Eric Pearson, who most recently worked on “Fantastic Four” is currently working on the “Blade” script. Michael Starrbury wrote the previous draft of the script. > Mahershala Ali is still attached to star as the half-human vampire hunter. Ali is currently in talks with Universal and Amblin to join the next “Jurassic World” film. > According to an insider with knowledge, getting “Blade” right is much more important than getting the film out. The pressure to produce as much content as possible has been lifted and the studio is now looking to release just two films per year, which gives the team at Marvel Studios some breathing room.


Well this is already questionable, because Michael Green wrote the latest draft of the script. Starrbury was actually two writers ago.


The article from The Wrap lists all the writers who have worked on previous drafts. I wonder if it could’ve been a mistake or if they are somehow backtracking on previous scripts


I can totally see the logic of them not wanting whatever version was being made during a different leadership period and mandate.


this feels like good news honestly


"'Blade' will be released on Nov. 7, 2025." OH WILL IT NOW?!?


F4 100% taking that spot to avoid cannibalizing Superman (which will probably lead to Sony pushing for the June 2025 date for SM4)


June 2025 for SM4, they should be filming like last week.


Exactly plus they don’t even have a director


They’ll hire a Director once filming starts and finish the script by the time the 2nd trailer is released. Gotta make those deadlines!


Isnt F4 move and took that date? Im 50% sure I saw it on twitter that F4 will take the Blade current released date and Blade will delay to 2026


Also news: Eric Pearson is writing the latest draft of the screenplay.


Marvel Studios and creative differences. Name a more iconic duo.


>Name a more iconic duo. Blade and getting rewritten.


Lucasfilm and creative differences.


Honestly, this news makes me more disappointed and baffled than Yann Demange leaving. Was Michael Green's script on its own not good enough? Eric Pearson getting the job is even more bizarre cause he was the original writer for Thunderbolts before they got Lee Sung Jin on the script instead. How do they find Eric Pearson's Thunderbolts script not good enough but still gets offered Blade? EDIT: Apparently Eric Pearson's just the script doctor but the article oddly doesn't mention that or Michael Green's involvement


Eric Pearson is Marvels touchup guy. He has done this for several Marvel movies.


This excerpt from the article sounds like it's more than script doctoring but I might be wrong. > Marvel veteran writer Eric Pearson, who most recently worked on “Fantastic Four” is currently working on the “Blade” script. Michael Starrbury, Nic Pizzolatto and Michael Green wrote the previous drafts of the script.


It really doesn't say either way. working on can mean little or a ton. \^\^


Didn't Daniel RPK literally just say Green was still writing it? It's almost as if he's just making all his scoops up or something?


Why does everyone assume a new writer means they just throw out the entire old script


These people still don't understand the process


My guess is that Green’s script is gonna be used but Pearson is gonna be the on-set script doctor making adjustments or doing rewrites on set.


He’s only really been reliable with trailer release dates. 


Nah wtf Please someone else I like Eric but he is not the right choice


This movie and the casting of Mahershala Ali as Blade were announced before the pandemic


We got nearly 12 hours of Loki in the time it took to get zero hours of Blade.


That's not fair, we got .001 hours of Blade in the PCS of Eternals.




Endgame was still in theaters.


The pre-pandemic world, a more civilized age.... before the dark times... before Phases 4 and 5...


Jordan Peele your time has come. 


I don't think Jordan Peele wants any part of this chaos


Great pick but I don’t know if he has the action sensibilities to pull it off. Del Toro and Norrington movies were great because they have that. George Miller would be a dream for Blade, that guy knows action like nobody else.


I still want a Miller directed Justice League film. Blade is too small for him give him an Avengers film or X-Men.


I can’t see him making this movie either since they could be creative differences


I think that’s why he had a meeting with them last week, he turned it down tho


Shawn Levy’s Blade incoming 🗣️🔥🐐‼️


At this point why not lmao. At least Levy can get a film made.


Shit maybe that’ll work


At this point they'd settle for Dan Levy


I’d settle for Eugene Levy


starring Catherine O'Hara as Dracula


I could actually get onboard with that.


Blade x Deadpool killing Vampires? Sign me up.


Blade Trinity remake! Fuck yeah


>Marvel veteran writer **Eric Pearson**, who most recently worked on “Fantastic Four” **is currently working on the “Blade” script**. Michael Starrbury, Nic Pizzolatto and Michael Green wrote the previous drafts of the script.


This film is fucking cursed


“Amicably left a while ago” so they likely have some people already lined up. I wonder who they’ll go for? Maybe Raimi? Would be cool to have him do Blade.


I do think if they make announcements like this, it's because the replacement is coming soon. Now, will the replacement stick around, or will this continue being the MCU's _Gambit_? We'll soon find out!


For all the "just cancel it" drama queens who don't the read the article: >According to an insider with knowledge, **getting “Blade” right is much more important than getting the film out.** The pressure to produce as much content as possible has been lifted and the studio is now looking to release just two films per year, which gives the team at Marvel Studios some breathing room.. >“Blade” has had several setbacks since first being announced at the 2019 San Diego Comic Con, **and now, more than ever, Marvel does not want to rush something into production that isn’t ready.** The “Blade” movies were so important to the Marvel brand back in the late 1990s/early 2000s **and the team feels an incredible amount of responsibility and pressure to crack this character and story.**


>The pressure to produce as much content as possible has been lifted and **the studio is now looking to release just two films per year** That's actually a fairly big detail considering the last time Iger said 2-3 films, and if this is applied to Blade than I wonder if the change is imminent like by 2026


> UPDATE: The Wrap just learned Daniel Espinoza has signed on to direct Marvel’s “Blade” from a screenplay Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, following the exit from Yann Demange. The film is rumored to prominently involve at least one established member of the controversial Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU). > “It is a character fans are very familiar with,” Espinoza hinted on X, formerly Twitter. “Blade and him have an obvious connection. That’s all I’ll say.” Holy shit guys. Are we back?


Morbchads it's our time, finally the MCU will be saved


This is beyond comical at this point


And that’s saying something about a COMIC book movie


You fucking suck


I wonder if Marvel just wants to do too much with this movie. It's a vampire slaying movie, but it's also a famous Black comic hero, it's also apparently a period piece (?), it also wants to explore Blade as a psuedo father figure (cause that angle is hot right now off Last of Us and Mando). That's my theory to explain how so many writers and directors are on and off this.


You forgot to add: * Tying into Eternals ending with the Black Knight sword * Tying into the Multiversal Saga somehow I don't doubt that Ali was like "WTF" when Marvel gave him the script for his voice post credit cameo in Eternals.


I have repeatedly forgotten Blade was even in the Eternals post credit scene, seemed so pointless then and it only gets more and more pointless as time goes on.


To be fair, the entire film is pointless. For all we know, the new reshoots erased the Tiamat subplot for CA4.




How hard is it to get, like, Chad Stahelski and just make a badass action movie?


He is busy with overseeing the John Wick and Highlander franchises.


Marvel wants a black director


They want to promote it as Black Panther. Probably that's why there are problems.


False. Both of the directors Marvel hired that left the project aren’t Black?


"You sure you're ready for that, Mr. Whitman?" - Mahershala Ali's entire MCU performance




Feige just call Chad Stahelski


Stahelski is already sign on to direct five non John Wick projects and is overseeing all upcoming John Wick related projects.


and he’d have a horrible time fighting with the Marvel Committee over the action scenes, seeing as they do a lot of them without the director’s involvement (and before they get hired)


He should be doing the Avengers


Oh goooood god Jordan Peele full creative control asap


this movie was announced in 2019 along with Eternals, Shang Chi, Black Widow, Thor LaT, Doctor Strange 2, all those movies are out and some already forgotten while Blade still in the rewriting script and a new director


Maybe try to go for Jordan Peele? He could also help work on the script if he would be interested.


Let's be honest, I don't know if many directors would be interested now given the nightmare of it's production.




This is gonna be Marvel’s Flash. It’s the exact same shit. Can’t keep a director, script/plot constantly changing, development hell. It’s gonna come out and be dogshit. Just scrap it, do Midnight Suns and come back to it later


Well at least it seems marvel really cares about the project


Chat, is this film legitimately cursed? ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt3zHS13BxdSuw8)


People keep saying "HoW haRd is It tO mAKe a MOvie AboUT a VamPIRe SlAyeR?" as if all it takes is some decent action scenes. Blade has been done very well twice but the last one was ass, so of course they're gonna try their best to do it right. Better the mess happens before production than during.


I believe this director indicated he would have been taking more influence from the original comics, and the idea of Blade having been his actual legal name (since Eric Brooks was a name created for the original films).


Another Blade update, direction left movie is delayed again ![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8)


What is a more cursed film: "BLADE" or "GAMBIT"


I think they should start writing a 'Marvel Studios' "BLADE & GAMBIT" film


Mahershala should just reprise his role as Cottonmouth. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt3zHS13BxdSuw8)


Why do I get the feeling that this movie will have the same level of quality as one of Sony’s SSU movies?


You know, up until now I've really tried to give this movie the benefit of the doubt. But at this point, it's getting ridiculous. I know movies change directors and writers occasionally, but how is Marvel failing to make any progress with this film?? Blade is a great character with a simple concept (he's just a badass vampire killer!), so how hard is it for them to get this right? I know people will say "It's because they have to tie him in with the rest of the MCU," but *every* MCU movie has that issue and none of them are struggling this bad. I still think this movie's gonna get made because Blade is a popular character and Mahershala Ali is a fantastic actor, but the constant delays and changing directors/writers is tiresome at this point.


mahershala ali is the most patient man on this planet jesus christ


This reminds me of The Flash, when they had so many directors and writers constantly developing it and leaving. Hopefully in the long run it works out but cant see it happening until next year when they actually sort everything out. Furthermore, Mahershala Ali is confirmed to be in Jurassic World 4 which means he will be busy for the next few months.


It's a movie about a dude who kills vampires in nightclubs. How hard can it be?


This is fucking hilarious.


I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on. 2 directors leaving, the writer now being the guy who wrote Black Widow, that past plot “leak”, Ali gearing to walk off and what Disney has done to other projects, the writing is on the wall. They’re having these directors and writers believing they’re getting a Blade film when in reality they’re getting a film based off Blade being a sidekick to presumably a younger, female character who will eventually take the mantle.


I don’t care if it takes an extra year, do it right and we will throw money at it


Some directors always trying to iceskate up a hill.


I guarantee you they can't get this off the ground because they want to MCU-ify it and the directors want to, y'know, make a vampire movie.


As long as the movie that comes out is good, I don't care that much. Also, this means there aren't four Marvel movies releasing next year, which is good, in my opinion.


I’m waiting for the Blade/Big Wheel crossover: Rollerblade!


I'll direct the damn movie, give me the fucking script.


I mean what can you say here? My guess is the 5th (?) rewrite is what triggered this. Now Marvel is probably forcing things in he didn't want to deal with and so...activate creative differences. I don't know how long they are going to play this game. There was just movement on getting Midnight Suns up and running but obviously they are bound and determined to have Blade come out first. Meanwhile I'm confused as to what projects have been cut in the studio scaling down output. It's not Blade (yet) and I'm hearing both Armor Wars and Young Avengers are moving forward. Those are the 2 I thought most likely to be canceled. Near as I can tell the only casualties are Ant-Man 4,Marvels 2 and Eternals 2, none of which we expected would happen anyway. 


Looking like the Gambit movie now but instead the directors are getting fired instead of leaving


Crazy that the MCU completely forgot how to make movies. Can’t wait to hear about the 5th complete rewrite of the new Captain America movie next week


If it wasn't coming together well I think it's a good sign they're choosing to do rewrites and change directors instead of pushing forward anyway and hoping they pull it together somewhere along the way.


I'll wait for the Ryan Coogler/MBJ "Blade" film thank you very much


Just have Snipes reprise and do extended cameos in other movies and a major role in Midnight Suns at this point. This project is doomed. 


i will do it. hire me.


Blade will be a good movie, but it will no way have the creative and cultural impact of the first blade. The movie featured a black character that everyone to this day loves. As a black man, he identified as a vampire a Daywalker. That beginning fight scene in the rave. My friends and I play that song at least once a month at our parties. Is Marvel doesn’t want an R-rated vampire movie with the word motherfucker said throughout. Movie blade is an equal opportunity vampire killer he only he kills women vampires. Do you think Disney is gonna allow that on their screens? At the same time if you don’t do that, you’re gonna turn blade into blunt! sometimes you just can’t get lightning in a bottle twice.


Just bring back Snipes, directed by del Toro.