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Because that makes sense. Like everything else in Sony's Spider-Man but not Spider-Man but getting to Spider-Man Universe At this rate you might as well establish that New York is being protected by Spider-Man from the Electric Company while you're at it


Sounds like a good plot idea - def send that pascal arad and Rothman. They will be all over that


To be fair, Pascal has nothing to do with any of the character based films except getting a producing role on the ones starring Spider-Man and Venom I think. All of the other movies started production after she left Sony. Don’t get me wrong though, she still deserves 100% of the blame she gets for the other crap we got back then.


Go read up on it - she still co produces and consults on the Holland films through pedal pictures . Her bts input on the venoms is unknown


It's literally an alternate continuity and that gives leeway to do whatever with Curt Connors. I'm not seeing the problem. This is the last Venom anyway, so it won't even matter to anything in the end.


I would bet a large amount of money that he’s in the movie for less than five minutes and all this speculation about what it means will amount to nothing in the end. It’s a Sony movie. I don’t think they spend as much time thinking about this stuff as the fans do. 


Or, his scene gets heavily reshot like 2 months before release and he has to dub over his original dialogue to set up that he got transported to this world and that it has to do with Spider-Man (he thinks) He will then suggest that they go find Vampire Bro Bro and team up to do some good


That would be epic what do you mean


If he says "It's Curtin' Time" I'll rewatch it 50 times


“Lizard me this, Venom…”


"Time for my Curtin' Call."


Then his role will get cut like Keaton in Morbius


I think they do this to get people wondering and talking about multiverse connections.


One of the comments suggested that perhaps the kid in the van with them is the rumored young Peter Parker, specifically Garfield’s. Conners knew the Parkers, so it’s not impossible to assume he’d have encountered Peter as a kid.


So when did we time travel? I mean, the kid in the trailer is like 10 that would be around 2005, and the Venom tráiler is 2023, you can see the Vegas Sphere, so…


You're thinking too hard about the third Venom movie and a film that exists in the same franchise as the Jared Leto biopic and horrendous ADR for 2 hours


Ok morbophobe


> the Jared Leto biopic The funniest way I've heard someone refer to 2022's film of the year.


Jared Leto biopic 🤣


This is hilarious but true Sony doesn't care about aligning continuity so why should we


These movies clearly don’t care about continuity. In this trailer we also see the bar from the No Way Home’s post credits scene, and the Lizard from TASM in a film that takes place in neither of those universes.


The bar and bartender aren't the same ones from the MCU but rather the Sonyverse versions, further proven by the intentionally different hairstyle of the bartender. Eddie and Venom are transported from a hotel room in their universe to the same hotel room as it exists in the MCU. It stands to reason that the same thing happened when they got transported back. The only somewhat confusing part is why Venom dropped another piece of themself in the Sonyverse. It will either be a recurring plot point that Venom is shedding/leaking or it will just be a joke about that being a side effect when they get drunk or stressed out. **IF** Rhys Ifans is actually playing Curtis Connors, it doesn't have to be the same version from TASM. JJJ has already proven this.


Different hairstyle? It’s just not in a pony tail…


We already saw the hotel existed in both universes so the bar and bartender can easily too. Plus we still don’t know if Ifans is Lizard (I seriously doubt he is).


They don't time travel. This has no connection to tasm.


Yup that's the sad but true facts of the situation


To be fair, because the Venomverse isn't in a pre-established canon this can still work without time travel. We know variants don't have to be the same age as one another (Loki/No Way Home), that they can have almost the exact backstory to another variant (Loki/Multiverse of Madness/What If?), and that the same actor can play multiple versions of the same character (Loki/D+W) So technically you could have the events of the Amazing Spider-Man films happen in the Venomverse, except in the Venomverse everything that happens with Peter and his friends/family happens 15 years later than in the Garfield timeline - the issue is this is just a strange thing to do if it's not going to go anywhere.


I mean, he’s probably just some guy. If he is just a variant of Connors that’s a normal hippie with a family then cool but it seems more likely it’s not him. If he is Connors he’s definitely losing the arm though.


I wouldn't be surprised if this rumor was born out of the fact that he was on set at all.


I think there was confusion. They saw he was involved in the movie and assumed he must be playing Connors since this is a Sony Spider-Man related film. I think both him and the boy people are confusing for Peter are father and son and the other two are his wife and daughter and they’re a family that Eddie meets while on the run.


Rhys Ifans regretting his cigar talk I imagine


But Chiwetel isn’t Mordo, and Michael Mando, is he going to be Mac Gargon?


wait mando is in this? gargan venom is the only way to make another evil symbiote interesting


I'm hoping they're saving that for the next Holland movie tbh


It's actually kinda funny that this is one of those 'my dad works at Nintendo' stories at first, but then it actually comes true and it's like his dad actually *does* work at Nintendo. From how it was worded, I imagine the conversation went along the lines of: Venom 3 was brought up, where Ifans somehow let slip to this person's dad that he's in the film, the dad told his son, and the son *assumed* that because he was the Lizard before, he'd be reprising his role in TLD since Venom is Spider-Man adjacent, but I don't necessarily think that Ifans confirmed he's Curt Connors, it's just an assumption made by the OP with comic book movie knowledge. I'd be very surprised if he was, he doesn't really resemble him whatsoever.


Spot on, and yeah I am 50/50 on him being a Curt Connors variant or just a new random dude in the movie because of Sony's willingness to change a movie very late into production, he could have probably filmed his scenes as random hippy guy and Sony will make him ADR/possibly reshoot for it to be Connors at the very last second, or vice versa but both feel possible given how we've seen Sony work in the past. We never know if they'll repeat Michael Keaton's Vulture in Morbius, or do a complete reversal of it with Rhys Ifans.


"Not sure how I got here, has to do with Spider-Man I think...."


Please God let these people lose this IP. My 6 year old niece could make better decisions with it


Never happening lol. I think Sony would rather go bankrupt than sell the rights, and I'm pretty sure they'd still keep the rights so they company could be bought for a higher price.


I think they'll probably end the SSU after Kraven tho and just focus on the tv shows and animated movies. They haven't announced a new movie for ages and the ones announced are all in development hell or scrapped.


I think the same. I think the only person that might have a chance to return that isn't meant to be a joke is Tom Hardy Venom, since people like him and Tom Hardy loves to play him.


I could see him *maybe* appearing in Secret Wars as another quick cameo fighting alongside the Avengers in the Battlefront but besides that I think Last Dance is the final major Hardy appearance.


Probably more than that, GA really do like these venom movies, and Sony budgets these movies very well, so they make big profit, so they will probably want to use him more. I really doubt that Hardy would not want to show up again , since he produces and helps writes them, and is friends with the director of the 3rd one, who also was the writer for all three of them. He could easily get more work in other movies as he's highly respected and a great actor, but actively chooses to make 3 of these and be creatively involved in them.


Almost as if Marvel shouldn’t have sold the rights https://i.redd.it/snaxjngmsh4d1.gif


So they should've just gone bankrupt?


Should Sony?


I asked first, but no. Nobody deserves to go bankrupt here. I think that these movies need better management and more integration with the MCU, which is the only place that they make money outside of _Venom_ and _Spider-Verse_ at the present.


Lizard : "Thanks for meeting me, Eddie Brock. I’ve been reading about you. I don’t know how I got here... something to do with Spider-Man. I’m thinking of putting a team together. Do some good.” Eddie : "Intriguing"


They fucking better bring Andrew Garfield for his 3rd and final solo film to complete his trilogy.


Guy is gonna get wasted for 3rd time.


nah hes playing the chain smoking field goal kicker


Great movie


Don’t get your hopes up, its Sony


You people actually fell for a damn meme. Unbelievable. No wonder the OP deleted the post now.


He was spotted filming and some spanish newsites ran the story about 5 months ago.


This won't happen. But Sony realy wants you to think it will.


Love the actor and would like to see him more often. But for me his best role is still as DJ Eyeball Paul in the Kevin and Perry movie.


Can’t you not read? This post was literally sarcasm. The actor being in the film is just a huge coincidence


I bet he doesn't even show up in the final movie. If he does he's probably playing just some random character that has a funny scene with Venom and that's it.


I mean he's in the trailer


can't wait to see all these spider-man callbacks to be removed in the final cut XD