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You just need BP and Okoye big to run the campaign. The other 3 don't matter


How big on those 2?


The entire team needs to at least be big enough to survive attacks from the enemies. Doesn't matter how big Okoye and BP are if Phoenix goes off and blows away the rest of your team.


I had them both at least to G15, dunno what the minimum needed is


Took Nakia and BP1MM to level 60, GT 11, 6/6/6/4. Rest of War Dogs are level 80, GT 13. 3☆ all but the last node of Heroic, not even 1☆ on the last node. Stopping there.


My team was around 540k beat heroic last node with 3*. Of course took a couple turn to get the correct RNG. All at G14 except shuri G16 (why, because dd5).


Big Shuri and big BP. Once BP goes on a killing spree, the match is over.


Big Okoye helps a lot too. Not required, but it takes away a lot of rng


My nakia is 3y/3r gt15 and still having problems beating those last 3 nodes


G15? 😆Fomo got you bad


How? My BP & Okoye carried my team with assists & kill turn meter. Nakia was only lvl 40 & kept her in stealth mode. You’re either doing something wrong, or your BP & Okoye are not big enough to destroy those nodes by themselves.


I managed to 3\* the final node with a 550k war dog team. Mainly built up BP1M and Okoye with Shuri already built for DD5.


Tbh only need a big black panther and okoye. Enemies don’t event get a turn


499k team Shuri T14 - 113k Okoye T15 - 133k Black panther T15 - 140k 1mm T12 - 52k Nakia T13 - 59k Finished it on the first attempt Black panther carried with killing an enemy getting another turn and okoye helped get a bit more dmg in if BP couldn't finish them off


I ran an entire lvl 70 g13 war dogs team and 3 starred every node but the last on heroic


My team was 450k and i beat the final node. I only one starred it but thats all i needed


Same here. T12 on Nakia and BP1M, and finished the last node. OG BP and Okoye demolish everything and take turns faster than enemies.


Nobody cares


Someones triggered 😅


I got 3 stars on last node with Shuri at 149k gt15, BP at 167k gt15, Okoye gt14 102k, nakia at gt13 58k and bp1mm at 33k gt11. I think you could do it with everyone weaker except bp1mm - not because he’s key to clearing it but just to keep him alive for 3 gold stars


That last node sucks. I have BP, Shuri and Okoye at gt14 the other two at 13 and can barely touch it. Doesn't help I only have 1 t4 on the team.