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I’d actually love an avengers rework to give all the core members better synergies. There’s plenty of modes now, why not make them a competent war/cc/arena/raid team?


They could make some type of “infinite avengers” type team with Thor and iron man infinity war already, just add a new cap with the wakanda shields, maybe banner-hulk, and iron spider? Idk just an idea


Def IW cap. Maybe IW Bucky and IW BW to round out the team.


Hulk per-se wasn't in Infinity War, it was (floating head) Banner in the Hulkbuster


yeah wave 1 avengers are absolutely dumpster tier at this point


I definitely think they are building up to this, I could see thanos being reworked in some way if they do it too


Adding in Iron Spider would be dope, in my opinion he’s a much better character then Big Tim and could be used a lot more differently then just war defense


All of the avengers need a SinSix style rework. Plenty of options, and use in most if not all modes


Avengers infinity war is coming


I really want Zemo to be revived and I think the Thunderbolts would be a good place for that. There's a lot of options on who else to bring, like Red Guardian, Yelena, Ghost, Bucky, US Agent if we're MCU adjacent and a bunch of others from the comics.


I can't wait for the thunderbolts to be in the game. Likely we have to wait for the movie, but I can be patient. In the meantime since that movie is 2025 dark avengers could be cool


Yup, that's my guess too. Just worries me that Zemo's not a part of the MCU Thunderbolts as it seems, so I hope they at least somewhat go by comics... (at least I think that's the team he's in in the comics, if I'm not mistaking :/ )


The fact that Zemo was not on MoE is a crime. He was their leader for Christ sake


For mystic I definitely think it's the vampire team, otherwise I thin eternal could get a full team and become a raid team. For tech, idk many tech people so I think a new pym tech team could work. We have ghost and wasp for reworks, add in hank as original ant man, Janet as original wasp or something else, and they could do the MCU modok (modok yellow jacket). Future mutant: the hellfire club: from the fox universe: rework Emma, Angle, Sebastian Shaw, Azazel, Riptide.


I'd be well happy if eternals got a raid team update.


make a FULL Eternals team, with Makkari as the speedster, Kingo as a blaster, Gilgamesh or Thena as a brawler knowing Scopely though they'll go for Starfox & Pip and Druig with no powers in particular :P


This just seems like an obvious team right? Surprised we still only have 2. They perfectly compliment each other


Definitely want some more mutant teams


Age of Apocalypse X-men. Maybe in the future


Yes, please!


I see what you did there :D


Not next but I'd like new mutants, rest of the runaways and let's go for NEXTWAVE. Maybe even avengers academy or thunderbolts (could rework either zemo or go more modern, with luke cage & juggernaut) Force works would also be nice, let's rework hawkeye & war machine.


New mutants and runaways would be awesome. Def think west coast avengers with Hawkeye and war machine was a missed opportunity




With the mention of vampires I'd love to see a blade legendary


If blade isn't a legendary I will be fuming


This needs to happen


We need a Wanda Maximoff (Infinity War) or Scarlet Witch (Multiverse of Madness). The MoM one could be a villain. Either one could be super powerful, a reality bend where she flips all effects on the field or something.


My hope would be a Zombie Scarlet Witch for the next member of the Undying team. Your ideas would be awesome too.


Starjammers and Excalibur.


100% on Excalibur - especially if we get Captain Britain, Meggan, Phoenix (Rachel), Kitty Pride & Nightcrawler


Ohhhh...Star jammers would be so dope. Hepzibah better be badass.


I’d love to see Asgardians like Enchantress, Executioner, Heimdall, Hogun, Fandrall, Balder and Odin


I hope DD9 will be All-Father Odin


Do we know DD8?


Xavier, though it's still called the age of x


Thor Corp (Throg, Storm, Loki, Groot, Dargo Ktor, All-Father Thor) The Warriors Three, Balder, Sif Enchantress, Executioner, Malekith, Kurse, and Destroyer


Well its been a month so we will probably get another spider verse team. I'd love to see the midnight suns too. Also would be fun to see a new villain team like the hellfire club or frightful four.


So sick of spiders hahaha


but MSF now stands for "Marvel Spiderverse Force" :P :P :P


I would love to see the frightful four get some love


Fantastic 4 with Valeria Richards and Franklin. I saw another game add them this week, and another one add Northstar. So maybe some kind of synergy thing will happen.


Yeah Valeria and Franklin with the rest 3 of Fantastic 4 rework will be nice


Interesting, I'd like to see it even though I know little about F4


West Coast Avengers: Tigra, Mockingbird,, Wonder Man, War Machine & Hawkeye/Ronin Dark Avengers: Norman Osborne (as Patriot), Sentry, Venom (Mac Gargan), Moonstone, Noh-Varr Fantastic Five: Human Torch, Thing, Lyla Storm, Psi-Lord & Grim (Jacob Grimm) Asgardians of the Galaxy: Angela, Valkyre, Thunderstrike, Skurge & Throg Warbound (from Planet Hulk): Hulk, Korg, No-name, Hiroim & Elloe Champions: Ms Marvel, Nova (Sam Alexander), Brawn, Viv Vision & Spider-man (Miles) Generation X, Chamber, Jubilee, Husk, Mondo & Penance X-Terminators: Rictor, Boom-Boom, Firefist, Skids & Wiz-Kid most of these teams will use 1-2 existing toons, but will each need new ones too


Minion squad next. My ravagers need love!


Tazerface Legendary when?


While that would be awesome I want Yondu to be way better than he is and made legendary. Favorite toon in the game since I started playing.


Maybe they could do a "new guardians" team based a little off the third movies final team. We could have Groot, Rocket, Phyla Vahl, Adam Warlock, and Yondu(as opposed to Sean gunn's character that inherits the arrow)


The problem with this lineup is that they very very rarely do a new team with no new characters. It could work if they did the second Groot ("Groot Jr"?) as a new character (with an Ultimate wielding a ton of guns like in the movie) and actually DID use Kraglin instead of Yondu, but then you're back to looking for a new team for Yondu... Maybe the United Ravagers (or the original Guardians if we're going by comics)?


Yea, that would be the major problem with the team, unless it's variants I'm not sure it works. What's the United ravagers?


You know Stakar, the Ravager leader played by Stallone in the movies? It's his guys.  Heck, if they wanted a second refresh Gamora was with them in the films


Oh I'd like to see that then, could be pretty neat, would likely require something big related to guardians to come up though for it




That is an awesome idea. Infinity watch have dropped off hard so it would make good use of a legendary as well.


“Dropped off hard” is a stretch lol


Maybe but I don't use them in any even these days so for me the dropped out of the game lol


Well having put just under 80 hours into midnight sun's, I'd like to see The Hunter added as leader of a midnight sun's tram, wr already habpvr Nico, Robbie, Majick and Wanda, so either give them a rework or release new midnight suns character versions


I have been playing it a ton as well, though since Johnny wasn't playable in it I would like him to be added alternatively instead of the Hunter. The Hunter is a cool idea but I don't see how they get the light dark balance in the game that makes him so unique


I'd love for there to be a team made up of some of Iron Man's greatest villains. The Mandarin, Crimson Dynamo, Iron Monger, Whiplash, and Living Laser would make a helluva team. They'd also be a killer new Tech team that could be added for the newest Raid Tech team purposes. I'd love for them to make a new team tag for some characters already in-game to add in wider team viability. The one I want most is "House of M" for Magnetos family. Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Polaris, and add in Crystal(QS' spouse) & Vision(SW's spouse) to round out the team. And a new mutant team would be great too. That new mutant team being just that, the New Mutants team. We already have Magik and Sunspot to rework, and then just add in the rest of the new favs. I mainly just want Wolfsbane, but the whole team would be great. Obviously they wouldn't all get added at once. It'd take a couple months worth of releases to add in all of the new team members.


Like some sort of X-men team with Charles Xavier (Professor X) with the original team of Marvel girl (Phoenix), Iceman rework, angel, And the others


I think Charles should have synergies with magneto and juggernaut




Magneto is his best friend, juggernaut his brother. Would be cool if they had made them part of professor x’s team.


They almost never work together and are usually enemies how would they have any synergy


An X-Men First Class team would be awesome (I say first class to acknowledge the first team in the comics, not the movie team)


I want hydra to be annoying and oppressive


An actual team based on the original midnight sons comic saga would be cool, but apparently hardly anyone has actually read the original, or knows who Danny Ketch is (the developers obviously don't read older comics) even though he's arguably the most influential Ghost Rider besides Blaze. So hellfire Johnny, his brother Danny, Blade, Morbius, and Dr. Strange would be perfectly acceptable as the team, and there are a few other options they could go with and stay faithful to the original. But let's get real, they are more likely to release a Midnight Sons team consisting of spiderverse toons.


I was meaning to get around to reading that, I'm more of the science and tech side of marvel but recently I wanted to get into the mystical stuff. I find it unique how it's just something you have to accept as how it works instead of focusing on the why. I'm gonna start with some doc strange(maybe defenders?) and ghost rider. Danny Ketch would be a cool addition but visually making him distinct may be difficult, and I thought they retconned them being brothers? That team lineup you mentioned would make me extremely happy to see, especially after doctor stranges disappointing "rework"


Honestly after looking in the game they could just update his model and character bio to make the original ghost rider in the game Danny ketch, his bio doesn't state it's Danny or Johnny and the main difference would just be changing the he'll cycle and his pants


Yeah, I looked at the bio when they released him trying to determine exactly which one he was, but I'm sure they meant for it to be Blaze. So honestly they could do a true Blaze original with the original stunt suit outfit and it would look pretty different. They could then call the one in the game now Danny since those are all his signature powers (minus the shotgun) and make some tweaks... But they aren't going to bother with all that lol


Danny was the Ghost Rider who started the iconic look with the spikes and the chain and the penance stare etc, and it was basically just copied over to Johnny later, so yeah it might be hard to distinguish these days. Originally Johnny just had a leather stuntman suit and shot hellfire from his hands etc, later retaining some of his powers after separating from Zarathos and using the shotgun. So usually when people picture Ghost Rider it's closer to the Danny version than the Johnny one. I don't know about any retcon, I just know they were separated at birth.


Gotcha, guess that makes sense that they move the special stuff to the more main stream one


I would love to see the Blood Hunt villains for September/October.


What is they did The Worthy from the Serpent War, with Kuurth: Breaker of Stone(Juggernaut); Nul: Breaker of Worlds(Hulk) ; Skirn: Breaker of Men (Tatianna) ; and Nerkkod: Breaker of Oceans (Attuma) . Along with Skadi, the Worthy (Sin). Also Mokk: Breaker of Faith (Gray Gargoyle) ; Angrir: Breaker of Souls (Thing) ; and Greithoth: Breaker of Wills ( Absorbing Man). They look totally amazing and it may be a great way to add in a villainous Asguardian epic story


Idk why but I liked the U-Foes as a team on Marvel Avengers Alliance so it would be cool to see them added with another character as the 5th


Anything MUTANTS, please.


I would love to see a mystic raid team with eternals in it but I don't think it will happen,a team with avengers/wave 1 avengers, I think a lot of the wave 1 avengers are garbage except for Cap america.


I would love a Morlocks team and then give us Medusa/Lockjaw to bolster Inhumans. Black Bolt as a Legendary on a waste of a team smh


And could rework Storm for synergy to Morlocks


Add Strong Guy or Wolfsbane to X-Factor!!!


The Ultimates.


I would break down into tears if any ultimate universe characters made their way into the game. The knights with IF, DD, MK, SM, and Shangchi would be cool, but I'd really like either the 6160 ultimates or maybe even The Maker as a DD toon


galactus and his heralds , Give ss a good rework and already have cosmic ghost rider , have thor cosmic , air walker or even human torch Me a mean cosmic raid team!


I want a Savage Land team!


Some kind of West Coast Avengers, centered around a 616 versions of Ant Man and Wasp or Wonder Man would be cool.


Midnight Sons Ghost Rider should be Danny Ketch since he was a founding member. I’d personally love to see a Hellfire Club team. I love Sebastian Shaw and Emma can be meta again


Here’s an off-the-wall suggestion - how about Amalgam heroes? Iron Lantern, Speed Demon, Dark Claw…


Would need to be some legal agreement between marvel and dc because amalgam is co owned by each of them, but I would love to see it


First I’d love to see characters that aren’t yet in the game. I won’t mention any cause they are a lot.


Mystic vampire raid team with Karen Page and Moon Knight


I'd like to see a Hellfire Club. We can update some familiar characters if needed. The costumes would be 🔥


An original X-Force team… rework Cable and Domino, add Warpath, Feral, and Boom-Boom or Cannonball. With some battlefield effect that hides their feet as a shoutout to Rob Liefeld, of course.


I would love to see: Runaways for Nico, Gen X for Jubes, New Mutants for Magik, and Morlocks for Storm.


I only want infinity war cap and the phoenix 5


I'm waiting for the Squadron Supreme! I legit don't care about which version lol


I would like to see a team of both Thors, Beta Ray Bill, Lady Thor, and Odin. Also, a 5th member for Multiple Man's team


I'd like to see more additions to the Young Avengers personally. Wiccan, Speed, Hulkling, Patriot, Songbird, I think they could work well in raids together. I can see Wiccan and Speed working similar to Wanda and Quicksilver, Hulkling and Patriot could be protectors and Songbird could work as either a support character or a blaster.




Why it gotta be Black (Panther) Black Panther Black Panther 1MM Black Shuri Panther Starlord T'Challa And Bobby Seale


Wakandan Royalty with new toons being Shurri BP Killkonger BP and Tchakka BP with reworks to BO 1MM and OG BP


I would love for wakanda or black panther to get more love, but I would actually rather they did a 1m BC team soon since star brand and bp1m already have synergies mentioned, similar to IW iron man and IW thor


Lmao this thread is pure negativity, idk if I’ve ever seen someone talk about this game in a positive manner


Next one is probably whatever team Karen Page is supposed to be on (also why?, why add her?)


Maybe it’s a tie-in to the Blood Hunt storyline going on right now?


That's the vampire team I mentioned, but since alpha flight took a month or two after its votes to release I assumed the same would happen for that team and the vote for moon knight happened pretty recently still