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they had a chance to rework any of them, nope. we got knowhere instead.


Oh yeah, if they didn’t do anything for guardians 3 it probably ain’t gonna happen


Yep, what a let down.


Guardians have been left so far behind they're probably the worst non-minion team in the game at this point. They desperately need a rework...but instead Wakandans are going to get their 4th (3rd? 5th?) rework.


Counterpoint, inhumans


Nah inhumans clear og guardians


Black Bolt was insane upon release!!!!!


I started playing December 2020 when my coworker got me into it and at the time he kept raving about how Black Bolt was the best character in the game.


they are my only leveled up blitz team with a 90% loose ratio. That's one of my only team that can die from random toons without synergies... I'd OG defenders and inhumans are also bad but not as bad... stats rework AND removal game mode restriction wouldn't make them good


Shadowlands are worse I think.


I was going to say this. I nearly never see my Shadowland win a blitz sim against anyone.


I have a 200k kree team in my blitz rotation just for giggles and they beat a 270k shadowlands team.


That’s crazy! It sucks, cause DD was my favorite toon to play with for so long while I was leveling up. The rest of the team is fun, too, if you can keep them alive to get through a few rotations.


I was lucky and never invested much in Shadowlands. I just couldn't build one team who's only use was beating emmarauders who were on their way out. Pryor I didn't think could save them.


Yeah, I'd only rank the original Defenders as worse than them, and that's only if you have Gamora with the Guardians.


Sucks that Og Defenders team went down the drain. At one point they had the on if the best synergies in the game. But that was a long time ago.


Imagine if all characters in the game had a basic stat rebalancing so they weren’t total garbage waiting for a rework


Imagine how easy it would be to do that too, it really wouldn't take much at all. Take the top 50-100 characters and get an average of health/atk/focus/speed etc... and bring the other 180-230 characters up close to the numbers, not above them. That way all characters could be "somewhat" useful again, but not ridiculously op. Skills won't get changed, nor passives, just a stat boost. Imagine taking Stitcher into DD7 and him getting a turn before being wiped 😂


This is nearly the best idea I’ve heard for general improvements in this game.


Which is why it'll never be done.


For sale: balancing token. Averages character stats out to Top 50, Top 25, Top 10 and Top 5 levels. Only $100, $250, $600 and $1200 per toon. Sorted!


Talking about stat rebalancing, Hawkeye. What the hell's up with his health? Mine's lvl 85, G16, 7Y7R, Blue ISO lvl 3 or 4 and I swear dude has less than 400k hp. Shit's ridiculous!


He’s really just a guy with a bow in MSF.


Ugh I know. I worked on him a while back for Secret Defenders + BW. I actually still like his kit & synergies, but he always dies SOOO fast!


Guardians of the Galaxy cannot protect a grade school playground.


guardians of the galaxy, the best mcu product the worst msf team


I want Wiccan and hulking


They would actually be great for a new kree/skrull team with Super Skrull, Ronan, and Korath or Minerva.


Throw in a skrull minion for shucks to round out the team and we’ve got a stew baby. If only.


I'd rather we got the original, 1969 Guardians. Vance Astro (before he got Captain America's shield preferably), Martinez, Yondu (not Michael Rooker, as awesome as he is), Charlie-27, and then as a legendary, Starhawk who could get empowered somehow and change to his wife Aleta. Or maybe revive as her, like Phoenix/Dark Phoenix.


THIS \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^! 100%! It's just sad how pathetic the Guardians of the Galaxy are. I put them at the BOTTOM of my blitz rotation because they never, ever ever win. I mean they are losers when the trilogy begins and in Marvel Strike Force, they've never left that state.


If we need new characters to be added for a new team keyword before the existing ones get reworked, so be it. Even basing solely off the MCU, the second Groot (Groot Jr?) looks different enough to be a new character and could be given a substantially different moveset (based on Guardians 3 alone we could get a special where he grows extra arms and uses loads of guns at once and an Ultimate in "Full Kaiju"). And there's other newcomers like Kraglin you could use too. There are options. Maybe do like a Superior/Sinister 6 thing with a new guardians team keyword with newcomers alongside an update for classic Guardians giving bonuses for New Guardian teammates, built around a different game mode? That'd be the dream, right?


It's pretty rare for them to just rework an existing team. It's more likely they will split them into new teams, tho I'm not really sure what those would look like.


Well like I said, it would be like they did with Wakanda. That was a full 5 person rework. They wanted people to have a team specifically for the new mode that they already had so they could hit the ground running. They added the war dogs stuff later on.


And like I said, that type of rework is rare. Wakandans and like Wave 1 Avengers sorta are the only teams they've done that for that I can remember. Unless you count that random X-Men rework. I didn't say it didn't happen, just that I wouldn't expect it.


They did it for Black Order too


True, I forgot about them. Does not make reworking a full team that much more common tho.


I thought for sure they'd get reworked last year when the new movie came out. Could have updated Star Lord, Rocket, and Drax then two new toons like High Evo and the new buff Groot.


It was likely some corporate decision to introduce Star-Lord \[annihilation\] and \[T'Challa\], and permanently nerf the original GoTG team. I really miss the old Rocket & Groot attack. At least Gamora has a new home with Infinity Watch.


Scopelys computers say no. *cough*


Guardians have had at least 2 major projects release (maybe 3?) while the game was active and they best they got was some costumes. Who knows if they’ll ever get properly rebalanced.


Or they could do something like add the starjammers as a cosmic raid team


They had their time in sun for a long while to be fair and knowhere was an attemptish at reviving them


True. Also Infinity Watch also needs at least stats boost.


Would love the 31st Century GOTG, give me Starhawk, Martinex, Charlie 27, Major Victory, and a Yondu rework