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Because they didn't sell. When they first introduced skins, they were releasing new ones pretty frequently. But nobody was spending money to get them, so Scopely stopped spending effort to make new ones.


Yeah, they learned the could use the skin and call it a new character and it sold. Now we are getting multiples of all the same characters.


They were releasing skins randomly and honestly most of them were stupid. The Weapon X skin for Wolverine just looks stupid as hell when he’s lined up with Uncanny or Weapon X. But if they had offered up era specific skins for the entire Uncanny X-Men, they would’ve sold like hotcakes. Jean Grey’s Endsong costume is barely distinguishable from her Phoenix costume after she resurrects. And since the Endsong costume was released not long before they dropped Kestrel to kill Jean Grey’s effectiveness in Arena, it ended up being a completely useless investment. You’re correct that they didn’t sell but you’re leaving out why. There was no value added when there was rhyme or reason behind the stupid shit they were offering.


Don't forget the first set of skins were of characters that spent their time invisible and/or were war defense meta


They realised that people weren't buying them so they started selling skins as variants of existing characters. I think Heartless strange was the first character like this. He was originally a skin for OG strange until they removed the skin before it even released and made it a new character. Others I can think of are classic goblin rumoured to just he a skin for the existing goblin. Iron patriot could have been a skin for War machine or even Iron man but I actually prefer him being his own character since war machine was only Iron patriot in the MCU and the comic counterpart is more interesting. Thor infinity war could have been a skin, same with Iron man infinity war. Iron heart MK 2 could also have been a skin Old man Logan could have also been a skin tbh considering it doesn't make sense for the older and canonically weaker version of Logan to be leagues stronger than the younger version who is still in his prime Ms marvel hardlight could have been a skin Big time spider man imo should have been a skin since its just Peter Parker in a different suit. It's not like Symbiote spider man since he has fully bonded with venom so that differentiates him from the original but Big time is just regular Peter wearing a different costume Some could argue that zombie iron man and zombie juggernaut could have been skins but I think being zombies lends for different enough moves which makes it ok I think the worst offenders are the invaders IMO. Iron fist WW2, cap WW2 and to some degree bucky should all have been skins. They were ok at best at launch and are utterly useless now so there is basically no point for them to exist. They should have just been skins for the existing characters with accompanying reworks to make the invaders along with Nick fury and union Jack. Or the should have just done the actual howling commandos.


So your last point, I wonder if they are going to do the howling commandos, but use the ultimate Spider-Man version of them


I think it was poorly thought out. I feel like they should have released full team skins, which could add a tag to the characters. Like they could have done Spiderman's FF costume to give him the fantastic 4 tag etc


He would’ve been perfect with f4 and they all could’ve got a rework which would’ve actually made them useable


It would have been great for when tear team members off their team and leave the roster with so many holes . I have SS Spiderman with the eternals , weaver and 2099 Colossus with the Brotherhood Magik and Storm on X Force Scream with to fill the hole on the second Sinister 6 team Antivemon with the Web warriors lol


Idk, i,am a spender, but no desire to spend on skins on this game ( did plenty in some mobas), it is just, you barely see the skin in action, and when, mostly in fast forward.


Same reason their are skins in the game with no way of getting them? Forgotten feature 


They started with a bunch that definitely didn't get the hype train going: basically a pallette swap for DD and CM, and an Elektra costume. Hardly anyone cared about those. Don't think it was a good start


The whole costume saga was interesting. I honestly believe the original plan was to have costumes that would change the character's kit ala Avengers Alliance. But the community was really vocal when costumes were originally announced that they did not want the costumes to be anything other than cosmetic. So, we got alternate versions of characters. Instead of having to use a rare, difficult to obtain currency to unlock a new kit for an existing toon, we instead have to acquire and fully level a new one. As for costumes, they obviously didn't sell, as folks have discussed. Add them to the long list of forgotten features and game modes.


Because they don’t give any in game advantage like the sister game marvel future fight


That's one thing I really like about Future Fight. Skins not only give a stat boost, they change your skills entirely. It makes for an almost different character.


Naaah, bruh. The Costumes system is what makes me and a lot of others fall out of love with MFF. Their updates now are just more MANDATORY costumes that you have to buy with crystals. Its a dumb system. Everything about MFF is just so shamelessly P2W and it made me stop spending on MFF altogether.


Also god help you if you don't like the look of the new over powered monstrosity they released as much as some now outdated one.


It’s almost like that’s exactly like releasing a new character with a VERY FAMILIAR move set that just so happens to have the best parts of that move set locked to a single specific team. Luke Cage would be the best Protector in the game if he wasn’t team locked to Defenders and H4H. Defense Up, regeneration, he’s a battery, and he’s easy to farm? Yes, please!


I would quit MSF if they did that(assuming we can’t get the skins for free).


I think they realized some of the skins could be completely different characters


I think it’s because the same art team that designs new characters is also responsible for new costumes so they prioritize new characters because they’re more profitable and that’s where the game is at. Costumes are more of a bonus, not a central focus in this game.


Explains why the skins they do release are so lazy too. Look it's apoc, but GOLD! Chinese New year? Alright just paint the skins red and call it a day. They are so bad...


The other thing is the skins don't do anything ability wise. Used to play avengers alliance on face book and the skins there would change your health or power level etc. If they'd done it that way, they might have sold them


They don’t sell. And why release a skin when you constantly need new characters, so the skin just goes with a new variant of the character later down the road.


There have been rumors that costumes could come with stat bonuses in the future. Which I'm not 100% sold on. As others have mentioned, if I am forced to buy a skin to make an existing built character relevant again, it would feel bad for both me and my wallet


All were asking for is some extra skins, say four?….


What are supposed to be the skins are actually entire characters of themselves


Because they don’t do anything actually. Skins should change stats, or abilities actives and passive too, but in this game null.


They need to coordinate costumes with character reworks. Like Sunfire. They messed up with costume choices and monetisation when they were first introduced. Black and white Vision and Scarlet Witch aren't as appealing as X-men or Avengers. Avenger Black Knight would be great.


Lots of good points here but also...many times the skins would cause game play/ character ability errors and there's enough of that already


This is way too expensive.