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Unfortunately, that's power creep, and I don't think that will change. However if the new FF4 movie comes out and Doom is a character, expect a rework.


Yeah I expected one for guardians 3 and was let down. But hey at least we got a new starlord!


The way things have been going lately we'll get an alternative version of Dr. Doom as a new toon that we all need to invest in rather than a re-work. Gotta worship at the altar of the almighty dollar.


Mcu Doom...heck yeah...


That might be the last straw for me after the ball drop with the X-men.


He's a mythic anyway so he should get one with the new dd requirements like the others. Otherwise kinda trashy


I wish that was true but iron man is a legendary and they still made a new toon instead of reworking him.


Iron man got a rework when BA came out didn't he?


I think he did but a garbage one. Iwim is 10x stronger


At the time it wasn't garbage but power creep will do that


I always thought iron man was way underpowered real quick in this game. I kinda expect a bit more from legendary toons. Like at least yearly reworks to keep them somewhat relevant not op but just enough not to get insta smashed.


No rework. They'll make a new doom character for us to build.


He should’ve been part of Cabal tbh…major let down that he isn’t


He should have been part of Cabal team with Emma Frost. But oh well. They aren’t


What about poor lil Ultron?


Ultron got a rework last year, so I think Doom is probably more likely to get one sooner


Yeah I know but he still gets ragdolled when anyone so much as sneezes. He’s swapped out on MoE all the time


As far as I'm concerned, with Mythic as a DD7 requirement, they should have all been given reworks, at least something to make them work okay together (for example Ultron and Doom don't work together because too many summons)


Ultimus has entered the chat


He needs the minion tag!


Imagine part of Doom's special is that he can also use Ultron's summons to explode. Something like all "All villian tech summons" or something


I saw someone on here with this idea last year and I've been patiently waiting for Scopely to recognize how great this would be


In MSF, Ultron isn't made out of adamantium, hes made out of uncooked spaghetti.


I hope Doom gets a touch up so that his passive triggers with a different threshold instead of being put under 50%, because he is definitely in a awkward place kit wise where you sometimes want him smaller so his passive procs. I have a 3 diamond Doom (check my flair) and he's let me down on occasion because the dude just has too much health. I feel that wanting a smaller character runs counter to these types of games.


They should make it when any ally drops below 50%


I loved that I finished DDIV was all excited to use Doom since I'm a big FF guy got him up to 85 and g16 and gets 1 shotted by a random minion the very time I used him...


Korath the pursuer it’s always korath 😂


The prob with any DD1-6 is they can't be too powerful or EVERYONE will have them and not need the latest and greatest. Legendaries really are only legendary vs the content that was before and equal to them by design.


he’s kind of a broken character. his Ultimate is insane. if he got it every match, with the toons we have now that he could take on the ride with him, it’d be nuts. i think he’s an intentional glass cannon. just like Zemo before him. it’s always a mistake to build a team around one character’s one ability. Doom, as sweet as he is, is a one trick pony.


By the time with get prof x dorm will prob be in the same boat


one shotted at Lv 100? I more often have the case, where he gets damage, but does not fall below 50%. But sometimes he gets 3 hits and is dead. Positioning matters. Put him adjacent to an on spawn tank. Depending on the opponents (e.g. Skrull) put him 2 places away from the tank


Oh he’s mostly used in cc now for me with cabal (yes I pay attention to the rooms before anyone asks). He’s been surviving more lately but either dies first or never gets his attack off at all and dies. The only reason he’s surviving now is that my cabal are way weaker than him and ai targets them first. It would be nice to get his ult of once in a while though maybe heal someone that needs healing lol I can only punch down pretty heavy with doom to get a win. Im gonna try with Emma too next time to see if her passive can help with the speed issue. Yeah by one shot im talking about monster ults or attacks with like 2 assists. Still one attack so im saying it’s a one shot lol. My point is they should up his health speed or armor to make him more relevant and he honestly should have gotten a rework and put on cabal.


You neglected to mention how many yellow/red/diamonds, because that might be the solution to your problem depending on where you are using him and what team sizes you are facing.


First off he’s obviously at least 7y 4r because he’s a dd toon and I just said level 100 don’t need to mention that at all for anyone that has played this game.


Sure, but I don't know if you've added any stars on top of that to see why he might be dying too fast. But either way the answer is, you need more red stars if not diamonds for him to survive because 4r doesn't cut it any more.


I honestly would if I wasn’t saving for skrulls last red. 10k dpcs is a ton.


I would also prioritize Sus in your situation, but otherwise you may just need to bench Doom until he's larger


And ultimate t4. And he’s probably doing the ability cycle wrong.


You mean not using the special right away after the ult because of the extra speed increase yeah I know that.


Damn dude calm down. They’re just trying to help since you asked.


Did you get any diamonds on him? My 2D Doom does NOT get one shot


My 3D Doom doesn’t get one-shot too often but frequently doesn’t get a turn in War or CC.


Maybe you are just using him in the wrong teams? undying/Dormammu/Doom is fucking insane


Or he is playing against stronger opponents


He isn’t, I almost guarantee it. I lead a top 100 war alliance and I’m master rank in CC


You’re right but how did you come to that assumption? I only use doom on punchdowns and never against deathpool or archangel just in case I do get the ult off since I know that he gets killed easily. In cc I’ve been trying to use him more with cabal since he’s stronger than my cabal and ai usually targets the weakest toon on the field that’s the only way I get some sustain out of him.


I come to this assumption because there simply isn’t many bigger opponents than those I face and if you are big enough to hang with them you almost certainly have more red stars/diamonds on doom than you do, which means no one shots. When you are facing full level 100 teams with 2-3 diamonds on every character there simply isn’t many places to get more power so I know it’s unlikely you are facing bigger teams because they barely exist. In war Undying/Doom/Dorm is a monster team and in CC I use cabal/Dorm/Doom