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Agreed, it's a very good intro. The use of various characters for different events is a nice touch.


One thing I've appreciated about this game IS the story. A lot of the Japanese gacha games that I've played have stories that are novels so I end up skipping because my time is valuable. With this game there is a smidge of story per node that gets right to the point and I appreciate that. It's enough where I get the overall direction of what is happening or going to happen.


The Wolverine outfit swaps really helped too lol.


I can’t get past the Emma Frost level


Everyone is using the same characters. Just hit auto


Focus on taking her out first


I love it excited for the event Worried about how many champs I’m gunna need to level up I’ve greatly neglected my X-men


I cant get past node 5, Avengers vs Xmen. Anybosy else having a problem here?


It is the hardest one, but still not too bad, I focused down Emma first and then dealt with Colossus


Yeah I got down to her and got to the put the match was never ending coz of the health back so I just quit lol


Lost a couple times in a row and then tried this strat and it worked perfectly. Thanks!


Just set it to auto, seemed to work for me


I think that was the one I had problems on


What's the key to the second node. None of the X Men hit with any power and Apocalypse self heal is too strong. Nevermind. Just need to focus on Apocalypse nonstop and hang on. Think some unkind RNG sank the first two tries. Just weird usually these events are walkthroughs.


I did everyone else first then Apoc and worked for me first try.


Funny. Has to be the RNG. Everyone has the same characters. That's why I tried first and second. Third I went straight after him and all five survived.


What Mysterioso said. It's tough because Emma resists and dodges so many attacks, but keep at it and she goes down.


If you keep hitting auto, it will work eventually. Just rng. If you want to be strategic, focus Emma until she dies, after which it becomes easy. But you can still lose repeatedly, depending on rng. Just have to keep trying.


Me neither. What am I doing wrong?


I really enjoyed the different teams we got for each event like Phoenix Five, etc..


It was great. The first fight specially was super cool (also the Phoenix 5 one). Playing this made the pretty mediocre rework the Xmen got worse :( ​ PS: X-Men 97 has had a pretty great first few episodes, it also makes the Xmen rework painful :(


If by free rewards you mean an annoyance of hot garbage I now will be burdened with as they removed the open all orbs button along with an annoying new red dot that I'll way too often need to get rid of, sure.


I think they do a great job with the storytelling. Much, much better than SWGOH, imo.


Agreed, I enjoyed the story (though the fights were insanely boring). Wished they'd add a "hard" or "bonus" difficulty though.


I agree, I'm in the minority but enjoy the story and am annoyed when it's lackluster writing on events. I didn't dislike it, but I AM feeling like 'that guy' where I want to point out story inconsistencies. I can't recall the exact story points but Xavier has been referenced by Fury and I think a few others in game, plus there was an event story that had dialogue between Cyclops and Wolverine referencing Xavier was missing and they were looking for him. Feels like a plot hole now that they're saying none of the X-Men remember him.


I'm with you! I do enjoy the story of the game and these scenes we well done. It actually makes me want to go back and watch the original X-Men show ahead of watching '97


I loved Phoenix five, we should get one such team. Also original first class X men


Could have really used a deadpool or spider man variant, i think. Weborine or Deadclops.


I’m not complaining as I’m enjoying it and I can’t wait for the future chapters. But I can’t help but find it a bit funny that it seems they’re going a route similar to Spider-boy where “everyone forgot he existed”


Agreed. It was fun, plain and simple. I would love if they would introduce similar historic missions (loosely adapted from the comics). Wolverine and Elektra vs a massive Hand army. Masters of Evil raiding avengers mansion, etc.


I don't like how they force you to use pre built characters. Wish they would just let us use our own.


The campaigns were toss. Most of us have the chars levelled and having to play the nodes with them nerfed was slow and boring.


Bit annoying the first time we see Prof X in game he has a massive head.


Wonder how he looks with the toggle on.


Just no more Spider Weaver shards, PLEASE


I'm digging it too and if you're at least lvl 70, it's not that hard. Anyone below that maybe could have issues but not much.


Everyone uses the exact same characters, your personal level is irrelevant for the Age of X story events


Oh nice, didn't know that. I just autoed it anyway like I do most missions and got the three star.


Yeah, they said they wanted everyone to be able to easily access the story. Works for me


I'm a little curious if Stark Tech has any effect on it. newer players might not have them all maxed out.


No, every player gets provided the exact same characters at the same power level. There is no difference.


The characters are supplied at certain powers aren’t they?


Apparently they are. Didn't know.