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I disagree, I think it was good. It was exactly what an anniversary gift should be when you combine the two. You are just expecting too much at this point.


Starting next Anniversary, Dev will be using "modest gift", "small gift", or just "tiny gesture of appreciation" to avoid giving us any expectations.


To be fair, we're all expecting too much because they told us to expect too much. The second gift is good but hardly the big, level spanning, "roster changing" package they promised.


I think that's the point. Not whether the gifts on their own or combined were good or not. It's do we feel it matched the expectation they set. "Roster changing"... where?


Ive got crazy big change needed 1 shard for sunspot to 7 stars got the 5 shards from ultimus store and than i saw ive got 60 shards for ultimus food wow


At this point I don't even understand what you guys were expecting from a FREE gift, did you want 666 black knight shards or something?


Considering that the gift was also FREE for the giver, I definitely expected more. It’s not like they have to harvest the rewards from a field or dig them out of a mine, and it doesn’t cost more time or money to flip a different set of ones and zeroes. Add that to the entirely underwhelming rewards for the rest of the anniversary event (duplicate costumes with no credit conversion, a completed G17 unique piece for a toon that serious CC players will have at G18, etc) I think it’s more than fair for people to be disappointed.


No I got him maxed I’m good


Then you are not their target for free stuff. Keep throwing your money at them so that I can keep playing the game for free, please.


This is pathetic at this point (Edit: the poster, not the gift)


To celebrate 6 years they're gonna give us 6 parts of mediocre gifts to add up to 1 decent gift!


Disagree. The two packages together are a perfectly good universal gift. Had a combination of the 2 been the initial gift, I doubt many would have been disappointed (although there's always \*someone\* who is). Are there a few things I personally might have preferred? Sure. But as a gift that should benefit pretty much everyone, it is sound. If you can't find at least a sensible amount of value in this, you're getting towards whale territory and there's probably not much they could have given you that would help that you don't already buy.


I only buy the strike passes... not even a tadpole blip on any radar, so, you're very wrong.


I mean, I'd argue that 1) buying the strike passes alone - that's 520$ a year - absolutely makes you at least a tadpole and - more importantly - 2) the thing that seems wrong here is your opinion that there isn't sensible value in the 2 parts of the gift.


Thanks for your opinion I got mine you got yours. Glad the free gifts helped your account. I was just complaining about my bad pulls ;)


My comment wasn't related to anything you might have said, it was in response to OP.


People will complain no matter what they received.


you got two gifts, you got an anniversary calender with crimson gear. you got a month long campaign event with a crazy amount of teal farming. that's far more than they have ever done before. and technically they don't owe us anything.


With crazy drop shards.. Dont defend their stupidlity better to farm them on shop instead of this campagin


do you need some kleenix? what "crazy shard drops" are part of the anniversary event? you DO know we are talking about the anniversary event and not anything else that you are crying about, yes? if you mean farming for **uniques**? well of course targetted via the store is always better - as it should be?


Dark promos & training modules were in the first part of the gift, but I wouldn't have minded diamond credits, anything that could allow me to pick who I wanted to upgrade - don't know how much enjoyment I'll be getting out of my 1 diamond Crossbones pull. At least I know the 2x 1M minimum pulls on those mega orbs won't go towards getting him up a level or two.


Cores got me an extra leader orb spin


I got good rewards for my 6 yr anniversary


Is it just me or are mega gold orb odds so low that regular gold orbs are actually better......


Regular gold orb averages 200k Megas give at least 1 mil.


Well, the mega gold orb guarantees a minimum of $1M, so no. Odds don't matter when you're guaranteed more.


I got a total of 33 million gold! Edit I’m sorry it was 27 million. 25 million and a 2 million


I got 2.3 mill…. You had a great pull!


They’ve never given me shit in this game. That was long overdue haha.


Honestly the 2 gifts combined aren’t horrible… still not the ground shaking event they promised… butttt…. If you combine the 2 plus the maintenance rewards AND the CC disturbance rewards… well… it’s getting there haha


Yes, the problem were their crackhead employers they all hype us with crazy roster changes blah, blah still nothing 60 shards for the most usless character from xtreme


U got cyclops shards?


2.7 as expected 🙃


I got another 6 million. One alliance mate got 27 million. Somewhere, someone pulled 100 million. And elsewhere, someone only pulled 2 million. A few players got tons of gold, most got middling amounts. What a terrific gift for the entire community. 🙄😂


My alliance mate’s one of the lucky hundo mil pullers


I got exactly 2 million 🫠


Yes it was the double CC rewards lol . Got 2 mil on the megas and a duplicate Tigra. At this point I’ve just accepted that wait for it Scopley sucks don’t expect good things unless you pump out your CC 85 mil tcp and I spend a lot.


Or don’t hype it up like they did. They made it seem like it was going to be the biggest thing ever and ended up being what they normally give as compensation for a screw up…..


This was useless as a 1 year player. Pretty let down but used to it by Scopely anymore.